View Full Version : Recoveries

02-21-2017, 06:41 PM
Seeing as when most guys recover, the last thing they want to do is stick around and dwell on the horrible experiences they had to go through, many of them disappear to go enjoy their lives and are never heard from again. This is completely understandable.

Even when I recovered, I didn't go back to Propecia help for almost a year. The last thing I wanted to do was go back to that place.

I'm hoping because this site is very different, that the guys that have found so much help and benefit from the information shared here will give back to the forum by sharing their recoveries so that new guys that arrive here will be emboldened and even more motivated to stick to the protocol and see it through until the end.

For all you guys that are recovered, or are close to recovered (85% and more) Please feel free to share your experiences in this thread.

It will be a life saver to the guys that are just starting their journeys.

Thank you in advance!

02-22-2017, 05:32 AM
CD e mailed me and specifically asked me to post as i don't visit forums anymore, so please don't waste time asking me questions etc. But i hope this helps some...

I used propecia for about 6 months about 4 years back, i got bad symptoms that worsened after coming off and reading propecia help for many hours at a time. I didn't realise then the effect the mind has on the body - if you want to know how bad i was, well, i was pretty fucking bad, pretty much as bad as it gets, and i read all the stories on p.help.
I created a protocol that was right for me, based on the common denominators of 20 or 30 recovery stories. Looking back the best thing about this was that i believed in it 100%, and the consistency of my approach and the constant reinforcement of only surrounding myself with recovery stories and positive people like CD and others like him created a belief in recovery that was stronger than my belief in the bullshit narrative the idiots had created on P. help. This mystical condition is not specific to "pfs", it is simply the result of intense and long lasting stress added of course to a chemically altered hormonal balance. This has been confirmed by the many tens of guys who have followed a similar protocol and recovered 80 to 100% very quickly (ie within 18 months or so)
It took me around 18 months to recover all physical and sexual capabilities to the point that i was before, and then some. I still (obviously) have some mental issues with this very frightening period of my life, but i view it as a positive thing in general and it was in many ways the best challenge of my life so far, simply because i found it difficult.
The protocol was very close indeed to CD's. I didn't fast for more than 5 days at a time, and i didn't do pro-hormones. I found some anti estrogen drugs helpful in very small quantities for a period, otherwise it was all healthy stuff, focusing on mind, diet, body. I've written tons of stuff on it all so you can find it on here, but to be honest you may as well just go to CD's website. You will recover for sure - if - you relax your mind more and more over time, whilst eating very healthy and living healthy. You don't need anything special, you just need to relax, start enjoying life again more and more each day, and get away from all the worrying talk, all of it.

This stuff takes time to dismantle your worrying mind, it takes a great deal of daily positive reinforcement to turn the tide and you must stop making such a big fucking deal out of it all, which is what created and worsened many of your symptoms in the first place. I know this stuff for sure because i'm back in peak condition, but you will question it, that my friend is the issue you need to reverse and then you will see the "condition" start to disappear.

02-24-2017, 02:14 PM
Here's my story...

I'm a 31 year old from the United Kingdom. In my youth I was a pro soccer player and did it well into my mid 20's so have always been relatively fit. I started taking finasteride at the age of 20, and ceased in December 2012 when sexual side effects started to occur. Things then went from bad to worse in February 2013 when other symptoms showed up and I became a shell of myself overnight. I had very bad ED, lack of libido, lack of excitement... my zest for life went and all emotions were replaced with tension, anxiety and fear... my anxiety was absolutely terrible. I would wake up with terrors at 3am in the morning and exhaust myself thinking about how I was fucked for life from dawn to dusk. Felt robbed, cheated, suicidal, my life turned upside down. I had very supportive parents who supported me and kept me sane whereas if I hadn't had that support I may not be here now.

The first year I was so anxious that I had to get things fixed immediately, desperate to find that silver bullet. I saw endocrinologist professors from the UK, including one of the top guys here on Harley Street, and found my testosterone level was now at 7 (on a range of 7 - 31). I even travelled to the United States to be under the care of Dr Crisler, self claimed messiah of 'All Things Male.' I was put on all manner of pharmaceuticals in a variety of doses and combinations... Clomid, AI's, Dostinex. The more I loaded on pharmaceuticals to alter the blood labs i was relying on being the answer, the worse I felt, particularly emotionally. I would give a particular word of caution to taking Clomid, that stuff was horrific and made me a panicked mess when as people suffering with things post-fin we are already predisposed to such things.

I was determined to throw all my money at this to find the magical cure, but anyway it became clear in a matter within a matter of months that Dr Crisler had no clue what the fuck he was doing and I was a total guinea pig. So at the end of my year of hell, I was feeling dreadful loaded up on pharmaceuticals to fix a pharmaceutical problem, and at my lowest ebb with nowhere to turn, and thats when I came across CD's thread on that cess pit Propecia Help in December 2013.

I admit, it wasn't easy to change my mindset and it took some adjusting, and I have an analytical mind so I wanted to ask a million questions. And it was horrible coming off all the pharma I was on which put me in a massive state of hormonal, emotional and sexual flux. But, I decided to jump in fully... what did I have to lose?! I have always been into the gym and tried to keep that going as a release as much as possible but I hit it with all i had, I totally re-vamped my diet which has never been great and went full paleo, as organic as possible (its difficult in the UK) and applied the principles of carb backloading.

I then booked into a clinic in California recommended by CD an undertook a two week medically supervised waterfast and re-feed. It was so hard for me mentally and like nothing I have ever experienced, but I saw it as necessary and got it done. I found it really difficult I will not lie, and I don't think I was mentally prepared for how hard it would be, but it was good to be in an environment where you are supported and people are going through the same thing. If you guys are concerned about losing weight at a water fast and that you wont recover... I went down to 140lbs in my water fast, and the avatar was taken only about 3 months later... when you are cleansed and primed, your body really rewards you for giving it the good stuff.

After I returned I jumped fully into the regime (herbs, meditation, diet, rest, pumping, cold showers, etc) and the benefits started to flood through. I am now at the point where I have recovered all but sexually... I have made good improvements in this field but libido still fluctuates from time to time, but I am really happy with where I am at in life and have a pretty normal sex life too. And if I am being totally honest, I think I have been a little bit of a difficult case... I have responded fantastically well to the regime, but most people seem to gain the benefits far quicker than myself. I am at a stage where the end is in sight and I will get there sooner rather than later.

The main thing I would impart on you guys is similar to what English said... a lot of this is mental... in that we have been through a great degree of mental trauma with this and it has affected us on a physical level. Dig deep and show the grit you've got and you'll find yourselves stronger than you thought possible... this shit is nothing but character building.

The main thing I would say pushed on my recovery was the realisation that instead of spending every minute of every day thinking about PFS, no matter how fucked you are, life goes on and can still be enjoyed... you can still do cool and fun things, you can still have goals, you can still achieve things. In my time with PFS I have met a woman, fell in love and married her, got a house, a dog, began to play in a rock band again, continued to set goals in the gym, watched my local soccer team, and have made some great memories with friends... you have bad times and it isn't easy, but you dont have to let life pass you by.

I took part in the PFS study in Baylor, Texas shortly after my wedding in March 2015 and whilst studies to further understand PFS are important, particularly to get Fin off the market, it is obvious in my mind that the only way to heal from this is holistically by putting your body in prefect position to naturally heal itself. Your body is far more effective than any drug or scientist.

I am in a happier place than I ever thought possible after all that I have been through, and its due to sticking at the regime that has been laid out for you CONSISTENTLY over TIME.

I dont spend a great deal of time on the board, but I'm more than happy to help any of you guys with anything. As CD has said though, its all there written down for you, just get to doing it!

02-24-2017, 03:05 PM
I'll go ahead and post my story as well.

I'm 27 years old, from the United States. I'm a former member of the United States Marine Corps who now works as a contractor for the government, after graduating from college with an Engineering degree in honors, in a very demanding job role that requires you to be on your game technologically and intellectually at the same time. I took Saw Palmetto extract, 320mg daily, for the better part of almost two months before noticing that things just weren't the same anymore. I no longer had the mental sharpness that had allowed me to excel in my field from the get go, nor did I have the lust for life and excitement for life that I had before. Believe me, if you can be excited to wake up everyday when you're in exotic locales like Afghanistan and Iraq, then you should be excited to wake up in your brand new house on a daily basis. I no longer saw any gains or reason to go to the gym, nor did I care to ever have sex. This was the biggest clue to me that something was wrong....I normally pestered my girlfriend (and soon to be wife) for sex about daily.....sometimes twice a day haha. Given that I took Saw Palmetto for symptoms of acute prostatitis because I didn't want to go the VA for a checkup and get antibiotics (and later learning that Saw Palmetto doesnt help prostatitis at all, go me), I wasn't even aware of finasteride or the Post-Finasteride Syndrome because I wasn't a sufferer of MPB and had no reason to take the drug or consider it. So, I went online and Google'd "Saw Palmetto brain fog", because in all honesty, when you can't think clearly or react to anything with intelligence very quickly, that's the most concerning symptom of all. Low and behold, I found r/Tressless on reddit, and it was a post where someone was clearly experiencing the same thing I was. One of the commenters said "Sounds like you could have PFS. Check www.propeciahelp.com".......and so began the worst two weeks of my life after reading that stuff. I was praying, hoping that I would be one of the guys who returned to normal within "14 days" as stated on the website and by Merck (for finasteride). Of course, me taking Saw Palmetto and seeing that two of the longest sufferers of PFS took Saw Palmetto, and that one of the worst cases on the website (who ended up taking his life) also took SP, I was pretty sure that my life was gone. That I would lose everything, my woman, my friends, my career......as a highly motivated, competitive, and driven individual, that wasn't something I could take.

Two weeks went by, leading to a month with little to no improvement. I couldn't sleep, had night terrors, my dick was twisting and curving as well to go along with not working at all.....suicide was within reach. I suffer from PTSD as well, and combine the two and I was a living hell for a long time. I stumbled upon CDs post on Propecia Help, but wasn't read to buy in at first due to people there claiming it was "BS, not true, he can't drink, blah blah blah", until finally I said, I have absolutely nothing to fucking lose at this point, lets see what I can do.

I bought into the regimen 100%, and have followed it for near 10 months now I believe? May will be around a year, and I'm sitting pretty at near 85-90%, with just a few things left to go. Eye floaters, libido, and dick curvature being the only remaining symptoms. Keep in mind, I had the following: brain fog, ED, dick twist/curve, muscle wastage, eye floaters, blurry/unfocused vision (THE WORST), dry skin, eye bags and hollowing eyes, bone pain, no drive or aggression, shrunken genitals......the damn list goes on but you guys get the point. If I can recover, ANYONE can recover. I've also recieved a promotion at my job, gained a very in-demand and difficult tech certification, got engaged, continued to plug away at my Master's degree, and am in the, no doubt, best shape of my life.

Life is what you make it, PFS or not. You're the only one who can continue to make your life great, or a living hell. The choice is yours.

02-24-2017, 07:30 PM

I've never heard either of your stories before. You guys are both kicking ass, and it's paying off. Thanks for sharing that.

Just imagine how you'll feel in another couple of months?

We're going to get this section FILLED with recoveries. I think this is the first time that there has been such a large group attempting this all at once. You guys are lucky in that regards. You have plenty of people to lean on and discuss your experiences with.

Keep it up guys.

03-22-2017, 05:51 PM
Entropy recovered on the protocol too going by his posts (after I sieved through all the fuck offs he gave out after he started to feel better lol).

03-22-2017, 05:54 PM
There are plenty of others that have recovered ( pre swole source ) as well but once they reach a certain point and Recover to say, 85 to 90% they know what they have to do to get the last bit and they don't have a need to hang around forums anymore. It's just the natural progression of things.

After spending years reading forums and worrying and suffering I don't blame them one bit.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

03-22-2017, 05:57 PM
All the more why we need to thank you for hanging around to guide us all after you dealt with this years ago.

03-22-2017, 05:58 PM
Not to mention, the two forums set up for this syndrome prior to it being allowed here are cesspools of negativity.

Why would anyone want to post a recovery there when it's going to be denied, critiqued, called "it was only because of time", or even better be personally attacked for just saying that you've seen the other side, just trying to give guys hope and help....Or my personal favorite, you didn't have TRUE PFS, or EXTREME PFS....

Jealousy, and weakness, are two cruel, cruel beasts.

Master Mal
03-22-2017, 06:53 PM
I personally want to thank everyone who's stayed here to help everyone just arriving. I read these recovery stories often. They give me a lot of encouragement. I hope to see many more on here and eventually add one myself.

03-22-2017, 07:28 PM
Not to mention, the two forums set up for this syndrome prior to it being allowed here are cesspools of negativity.

Why would anyone want to post a recovery there when it's going to be denied, critiqued, called "it was only because of time", or even better be personally attacked for just saying that you've seen the other side, just trying to give guys hope and help....Or my personal favorite, you didn't have TRUE PFS, or EXTREME PFS....

Jealousy, and weakness, are two cruel, cruel beasts.
"only because of time." Lol

If it was only that easy to just sit back and wait.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

03-22-2017, 07:40 PM
"only because of time." Lol

If it was only that easy to just sit back and wait.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
Honestly man, it's the worst accusation of em all lol. If it was just because of time I guess I can kick back, eat pizza and kill a case of beer every night for two years straight.....And voila!

03-26-2017, 11:48 AM
Recovered as in ? Back to previous finasteride state. Full recovery no food or alcohol sensitivities. Discontinuation of supplements, rigorous dieting with no crashing or set backs for an extended period of time or up until this time. All mental, physical, sexual sides eliminated with no maintenance from any form of a regime. Restful sleep has returned. Is this the recovery that is possible from Cds protocal?

03-26-2017, 03:46 PM
Recovered as in ? Back to previous finasteride state. Full recovery no food or alcohol sensitivities. Discontinuation of supplements, rigorous dieting with no crashing or set backs for an extended period of time or up until this time. All mental, physical, sexual sides eliminated with no maintenance from any form of a regime. Restful sleep has returned. Is this the recovery that is possible from Cds protocal?

My man, not trying to be a dick but this question has been answered a thousand times over. There's literally a sticky on this question on this forum.

Master Mal
03-28-2017, 07:09 PM
Chi also has a recovery post at solve PFS. I can copy and paste it here if anyone wants.

03-28-2017, 08:00 PM
Please do! I'd like to see it. I'm still 100% on CDs protocol, as it makes the most sense to me, but id be interested in seeing what worked for this Chi person.

Master Mal
03-28-2017, 08:03 PM
Chi's Recovery

Here's the original post: SolvePFS Login (http://solvepfs.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1041)


I will follow this up with several sets of bloods from Bouloux’s lab in 2011 and then recent ones from 2016 shortly, then add the same post to PH. I will also add some photos from when I suffered and today.


PFS is essentially severe CFS with the root cause lying in the gut. For one reason or another finasteride disrupts the micro biotic balance in the gut and damages the gut lining. This results in malabsorption of nutrients and a prevalence of pathogens (not parasites). Pathogens are essentially disease causing bacteria (whereas parasites are organisms which can live off the body but be completely harmless).

The downstream impact of problems in the gut is on the whole endocrine. For example Serotonin, a neurotransmitter and hormone found almost predominantly in the gut, is completely suppressed. Adequate serotonin is required for deep sleep, calming anxiety and relieving depression. It also assists in memory, regulates appetite, cell growth, wound healing, sexual desire and mood. On the contrary low serotonin causes anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and a host of other awful symptoms. This is just one hormonal impact of a dysfunctional gut, but there are others.

Why us?

The reason only a sub-set of finasteride users get affected is because this sub-set of people have a weaker than optimal gut, diet and immune system before the occurrence. Note it is also possible to feel completely normal, yet have a weaker than optimal gut and immune system before the finasteride related issues, at least if that is the way you have felt your entire life or the process of decline was so gradual as to be undiscernible.

Our weaker than optimal gut and immune systems was susceptible to decline and deteriorating health conditions anyway, however that doesn’t mean we would have suffered discernible or deteriorating health in our lifetime. It took the introduction of a potent chemical to completely throw a delicate balance out of whack – for many the crunch point was cessation of the drug – which in itself would have constituted a change in chemical balance. Others suffer at different times dependent on lifestyle, diet and existing health factors.

My symptom List (no particular order)

Shrunken balls
Insomnia / poor unrefreshing sleep
Low or no libido
Poor or no erections
Penis curvature to left
Muscle wasting (particularly back of shoulders, upper/lower arms, wrists and fingers)
Mild gynecomastia
Pain/flare ups in gyno lumps
Cuticle recession
Low tolerance to stress
Long refractory period
Low tolerance to light
Poor memory
Poor focus
Hair thinning (particularly pubic and lower legs)
Slow wound healing
Skin ageing (wrinkles forming under eyes)
Sunken eyes
Blurring vision / focus
Bloodshot eyes
General weakness
Facial changes, more feminine at times
Increased susceptibility to colds and sneezing
Lowered body temperature


Today I do not suffer from any of these symptoms and in fact I am healthier than I ever have been. The only thing I have is some lines under eyes, but then I am nearly 30 now (I became ill at 24) and I don’t deem mine to be any worse than friends my age, in fact better because I don't really drink alcohol.


Nutritionist & Tests

Gillian Hamer - London
Comprehensive Parasitology (checks Pathogens)


Bionutri Ecobalance (inner 2 at breakfast, outer 2 at lunch)
Bionutri Tyro-plus
Bionutri Tara-cyn
Biocare Liquid Vitamin C
Biocare Liquid Trace Minerals
Biocare Liquid Multivitamin
Spatone Iron sachet
Ionic Zinc
Viridian Digestive Aid
VSL3 probiotic or Primal Nutrition Probiotics (spore forming)
Lugol’s Iodine (occasionally)

Herbal Tinctures

Swedish Bitters


Breakfast = Steamed Vegetables (preferably fresh/home-grown/cruciferous)
Lunch = Salad + Meat/Fish
Dinner = Meat/Fish + vegetables
Intermittent fasting 1 day p.w.
Cook with coconut oil if required
Buy high quality pasture/grass-fed and wild fish only
No fruit (only small handful of berries every few days)
No nuts
No nightshade fruits and vegetables (e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergine)
No sauces
No oils – high quality extra virgin olive oil OK occasionally on salads, but don’t overdo
No dairy
No carbohydrate foods (e.g. pasta, rice, potato, bread)
No sugar
No alcohol
Only drink spring water
Herbal Teas: Pau D'Arco, Nettle Leaf
Treat: Avocado, Kale, Lemon and Spring Water smoothie
Treat: Hot Water, Lemon, Celtic Sea Salt


Run 5k x 3 per week
Hills sprints x 1 per week
Gym x 1-3 times per week, big movements only (e.g. squats, chest press, overhead press, dips, pull ups, deadlifts, clean, snatch)
Yoga daily
Some meditation

Other lifestyle

Use perfume and paraben free body and hair wash
Use fluoride free toothpaste
Do not use deodorant or spray chemicals on body
Wake up between 5:30-6am every day - boosts cortisol/adrenal function
Attach a shower filter to remove chlorine
Take freezing cold showers only, morning and night (easier after exercise)
Do not lie down during the day to rest/sleep
Aim to be asleep by 10:30
Do not use electronic devices after 8pm (including TV, mobile, laptop)
Grow your own organic vegetables – to maximise nutrition and remove risk of chemicals
Spend time outside in the natural light
Walk in forests and near rivers
Go swimming in lakes
Read books about health and nutrition
Remain positive
Don’t give up
Try to see friends as much as possible
Remove stressors
Do not visit the internet researching your condition
Avoid mirrors
Cut out people that cause you stress

Final note

I just want to add that all this stuff wasn’t some wild punt in the dark and wasn’t introduced overnight. It was a 3.5year process of research, listening to my body and learning. However, I firmly believe that full recovery can happen to anyone, irrespective of the severity of symptoms and time suffered, within a few months (possibly weeks) if you can get the balance of things mentioned right. To add weight to this, 6 months before full recovery I was still having massive set-backs and terrible episodes of awfulness. However when you’ve cracked the code it doesn’t matter – everything is in your favour to recover.

Today, 5 years post crashing I feel brilliant. I can eat carbs and sugar as and when I want, but I try to limit it. I (nobody) feels good eating these shit foods. I ate plenty of cake this Christmas though and that feels good, just it’s not something I want to make a habit of knowing how bad this stuff is. It’s difficult though in our modern society – sugar and carb is prevalent – which is a great threat to health and longevity. Today I try to live a paleo lifestyle, which is in essence what the above recovery list is but with additional things thrown in. It is not so complicated, but you need to believe and stick to it. And by the way the Bionutri supplements are absolutely critical to this – I recall when I ran out on several occasions, my world started to implode again.

I really hope this helps.


03-28-2017, 08:17 PM
Nice. good for him. Some of it does make sense. Parts of it are mentioned in CDs protocol too. Well im still sticking to what im doing, but im happy as hell for him!

03-28-2017, 10:58 PM
Anyone know a way to get those BioNutri supplements in the US? Or, if anyone here is from the UK, possibly we could work something out? They look extremely legit.

03-30-2017, 01:19 PM
This is absolutely amazing stuff here. I need to be in an environment that promotes healing and not despair. Every time someone post a treatment that works on other forums, someone shoots it down. Hope and support is what those guys need. This recovery plan takes a lot of heart. It's not for everyone and so is full recovery. I'm sure this is the hardest situation any of us had to endure. I wish I would of found this site first and not the countless of horror stories on line. I have to recondition my mind and only focus on the positive. People in both camps recover. Most recoveries are off line and move on with their lives. The one's that recover believe they will, the victims stay in that mind frame and the stress actually keeps their body from healing. It makes sense, you have to believe in the process of recovery and trust. I don't care about exactly how these conditions work to a T, I just want to heal. You guys got it figured out.

Master Mal
03-30-2017, 01:31 PM
This is absolutely amazing stuff here. I need to be in an environment that promotes healing and not despair. Every time someone post a treatment that works on other forums, someone shoots it down. Hope and support is what those guys need. This recovery plan takes a lot of heart. It's not for everyone and so is full recovery. I'm sure this is the hardest situation any of us had to endure. I wish I would of found this site first and not the countless of horror stories on line. I have to recondition my mind and only focus on the positive. People in both camps recover. Most recoveries are off line and move on with their lives. The one's that recover believe they will, the victims stay in that mind frame and the stress actually keeps their body from healing. It makes sense, you have to believe in the process of recovery and trust. I don't care about exactly how these conditions work to a T, I just want to heal. You guys got it figured out.

Stick to the plan, my friend. And all will be as it should be. You just have to put the work and commitment in.

03-30-2017, 04:57 PM
Let's try and keep this thread for recoveries only guys.

07-18-2017, 12:06 PM
Orginally posted by Champster:

I don't think I can edit the title but obviously I mean boost your LOW T (*SoCal Edited This For you)

I say that I'm a 'lurker' but I actually didn't know that this forum existed until only a few days ago. But I would refer to the cdnuts recovery thread on propeciahelp while I was struggling with my health. Here's my story:

2012-2013: using finasteride
January 2014: quit finasteride because of lowered libido, had extremely high libido for a few weeks, then I crashed

PFS symptoms: zero libido (none at all), numb genitals, shrunken genitals, depression

2014: trudging along in life with all these pfs problems, really had no idea what was going on
2015-2016: started the cdnuts/boost your lot T protocol.

First did a four week juice feast and then started on a paleo diet with the supplements. Then I added in T boosting herbs, usually 10-12 of them which I rotated daily. I started carb backloading at the same time I started the T boosters. Then I started doing DHT prohormone cycles followed by PCT. In the middle of 2016 I started adding coffee in to my routine and my recovery really started ramping up. My depression that I had some days basically disappeared instantly at this time! I was feeling happier, more motivated, more social. I was doing better at work and in my personal relationships. I was so excited that the protocol was starting to work for me. I still had zero libido and numb genitals but I kept on the protocol because I new it could take time to heal.

At the end of 2016 I started researching around and I found that many PSSD sufferers had the exact same specific symptoms as me: zero libido and numb genitals. And I found that many PSSD sufferers recovered using a natural herb, licorice root. I knew I had PFS and not PSSD since I had never taken SSRI's but the symptoms these guys were describing were very similar to mine. I did a lot of research on the safety profile of the herb and then finally decided to add it to the cdnuts/boost your low T protocol. I started out just trying it on the weekends to see how I would react. I tried it one Saturday and felt kind of bad and I stopped taking it the next day. On Tuesday of that week I had what seemed like a miracle to me. The numbness down there went away for like 10-12 hours. I was shocked as I hadn't felt that in years! The next weekend I took the herb on Saturday and Sunday. Sure enough on Wednesday of that week the numbness started to go away and this time I could feel an actual libido! Once again I hadn't felt something like that in years! It was like something had switched on in my brain and it lasted about 36 hours.

So I continued playing around with this on the weekend and after a few weeks the numbness was pretty much gone and stopped coming back. I worked up to taking 1/4 teaspoon of 4:1 licorice root extract powder dissolved in a mug of hot water three times a day on Saturday and Sunday. I kept taking my T boosters and kept on my paleo diet with carb backloading. Kept working out and focusing on maintaining a positive mindset. And every time in the middle of the week I would get a raging libido again like I was a teenager! Once I had worked up to this dosage, my libido started to stay at a higher level each week. It would increase in the middle of the week, then it would fall down a bit but it stopped falling back down to how I felt during my pfs years. I started feeling like a normal human being for once! Things stopped swinging between superhuman sex starved teenager libido and complete eunuch zero libido. It just stayed at a consistent level through the week and It actually stopped mattering when I took the herb. I wouldn't feel any change.

One weekend arrived and I just never took the licorice root extract again and I've been living life ever since then. I stick to my diet and workout routine during the week but I'm back to beer and pizza with the guys on the weekend :).

I'm so happy to say that the cdnuts protocol really works. It took me over two years and there wasn't a lot of progress in the beginning. But I hit a major upswing in the middle where my depression really seemed to get better. And then right around 2-2.5 years I finally got my libido back.

I think keeping faith in God really helped me along the way too.

It's really true that once you start making progress with sexual sides, it's like you make a big improvement, then you have a set back, then more improvement, and so on, until everything levels out.

Best of luck everyone!!!

08-23-2017, 01:57 AM
Just a question, when this guy says "Then I started doing DHT prohormone cycles followed by PCT"....what does it mean he used as PCT? herbs cycling or something different?

09-05-2017, 09:15 AM
Chi's Recovery

Here's the original post: SolvePFS Login (http://solvepfs.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1041)


I will follow this up with several sets of bloods from Bouloux’s lab in 2011 and then recent ones from 2016 shortly, then add the same post to PH. I will also add some photos from when I suffered and today.


PFS is essentially severe CFS with the root cause lying in the gut. For one reason or another finasteride disrupts the micro biotic balance in the gut and damages the gut lining. This results in malabsorption of nutrients and a prevalence of pathogens (not parasites). Pathogens are essentially disease causing bacteria (whereas parasites are organisms which can live off the body but be completely harmless).

The downstream impact of problems in the gut is on the whole endocrine. For example Serotonin, a neurotransmitter and hormone found almost predominantly in the gut, is completely suppressed. Adequate serotonin is required for deep sleep, calming anxiety and relieving depression. It also assists in memory, regulates appetite, cell growth, wound healing, sexual desire and mood. On the contrary low serotonin causes anxiety, fatigue, insomnia and a host of other awful symptoms. This is just one hormonal impact of a dysfunctional gut, but there are others.

Why us?

The reason only a sub-set of finasteride users get affected is because this sub-set of people have a weaker than optimal gut, diet and immune system before the occurrence. Note it is also possible to feel completely normal, yet have a weaker than optimal gut and immune system before the finasteride related issues, at least if that is the way you have felt your entire life or the process of decline was so gradual as to be undiscernible.

Our weaker than optimal gut and immune systems was susceptible to decline and deteriorating health conditions anyway, however that doesn’t mean we would have suffered discernible or deteriorating health in our lifetime. It took the introduction of a potent chemical to completely throw a delicate balance out of whack – for many the crunch point was cessation of the drug – which in itself would have constituted a change in chemical balance. Others suffer at different times dependent on lifestyle, diet and existing health factors.

My symptom List (no particular order)

Shrunken balls
Insomnia / poor unrefreshing sleep
Low or no libido
Poor or no erections
Penis curvature to left
Muscle wasting (particularly back of shoulders, upper/lower arms, wrists and fingers)
Mild gynecomastia
Pain/flare ups in gyno lumps
Cuticle recession
Low tolerance to stress
Long refractory period
Low tolerance to light
Poor memory
Poor focus
Hair thinning (particularly pubic and lower legs)
Slow wound healing
Skin ageing (wrinkles forming under eyes)
Sunken eyes
Blurring vision / focus
Bloodshot eyes
General weakness
Facial changes, more feminine at times
Increased susceptibility to colds and sneezing
Lowered body temperature


Today I do not suffer from any of these symptoms and in fact I am healthier than I ever have been. The only thing I have is some lines under eyes, but then I am nearly 30 now (I became ill at 24) and I don’t deem mine to be any worse than friends my age, in fact better because I don't really drink alcohol.


Nutritionist & Tests

Gillian Hamer - London
Comprehensive Parasitology (checks Pathogens)


Bionutri Ecobalance (inner 2 at breakfast, outer 2 at lunch)
Bionutri Tyro-plus
Bionutri Tara-cyn
Biocare Liquid Vitamin C
Biocare Liquid Trace Minerals
Biocare Liquid Multivitamin
Spatone Iron sachet
Ionic Zinc
Viridian Digestive Aid
VSL3 probiotic or Primal Nutrition Probiotics (spore forming)
Lugol’s Iodine (occasionally)

Herbal Tinctures

Swedish Bitters


Breakfast = Steamed Vegetables (preferably fresh/home-grown/cruciferous)
Lunch = Salad + Meat/Fish
Dinner = Meat/Fish + vegetables
Intermittent fasting 1 day p.w.
Cook with coconut oil if required
Buy high quality pasture/grass-fed and wild fish only
No fruit (only small handful of berries every few days)
No nuts
No nightshade fruits and vegetables (e.g. tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, aubergine)
No sauces
No oils – high quality extra virgin olive oil OK occasionally on salads, but don’t overdo
No dairy
No carbohydrate foods (e.g. pasta, rice, potato, bread)
No sugar
No alcohol
Only drink spring water
Herbal Teas: Pau D'Arco, Nettle Leaf
Treat: Avocado, Kale, Lemon and Spring Water smoothie
Treat: Hot Water, Lemon, Celtic Sea Salt


Run 5k x 3 per week
Hills sprints x 1 per week
Gym x 1-3 times per week, big movements only (e.g. squats, chest press, overhead press, dips, pull ups, deadlifts, clean, snatch)
Yoga daily
Some meditation

Other lifestyle

Use perfume and paraben free body and hair wash
Use fluoride free toothpaste
Do not use deodorant or spray chemicals on body
Wake up between 5:30-6am every day - boosts cortisol/adrenal function
Attach a shower filter to remove chlorine
Take freezing cold showers only, morning and night (easier after exercise)
Do not lie down during the day to rest/sleep
Aim to be asleep by 10:30
Do not use electronic devices after 8pm (including TV, mobile, laptop)
Grow your own organic vegetables – to maximise nutrition and remove risk of chemicals
Spend time outside in the natural light
Walk in forests and near rivers
Go swimming in lakes
Read books about health and nutrition
Remain positive
Don’t give up
Try to see friends as much as possible
Remove stressors
Do not visit the internet researching your condition
Avoid mirrors
Cut out people that cause you stress

Final note

I just want to add that all this stuff wasn’t some wild punt in the dark and wasn’t introduced overnight. It was a 3.5year process of research, listening to my body and learning. However, I firmly believe that full recovery can happen to anyone, irrespective of the severity of symptoms and time suffered, within a few months (possibly weeks) if you can get the balance of things mentioned right. To add weight to this, 6 months before full recovery I was still having massive set-backs and terrible episodes of awfulness. However when you’ve cracked the code it doesn’t matter – everything is in your favour to recover.

Today, 5 years post crashing I feel brilliant. I can eat carbs and sugar as and when I want, but I try to limit it. I (nobody) feels good eating these shit foods. I ate plenty of cake this Christmas though and that feels good, just it’s not something I want to make a habit of knowing how bad this stuff is. It’s difficult though in our modern society – sugar and carb is prevalent – which is a great threat to health and longevity. Today I try to live a paleo lifestyle, which is in essence what the above recovery list is but with additional things thrown in. It is not so complicated, but you need to believe and stick to it. And by the way the Bionutri supplements are absolutely critical to this – I recall when I ran out on several occasions, my world started to implode again.

I really hope this helps.


Does anyone know how long did he take to recover using this regimen?

09-05-2017, 03:32 PM
Does anyone know how long did he take to recover using this regimen?

Just an fyi, he's recommending a ketogenic diet, but he doesn't explicitly spell that out. Imo keto is not the way to go for this ride. I felt horrible for weeks trying to do this as my first protocol.

Everything else he recommends is pretty solid!

10-09-2017, 05:12 AM
Just wanted to post this, guys called norbert with regards to recovery...

The healing phases of PFS - post-finasteride-recoveries (http://www.postfinasteriderecoveries.com/2015/06/24/the-healing-phases-of-pfs/)

12-13-2017, 05:01 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.

12-13-2017, 08:33 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.

Great news. How long were you on the pine pollen every day for before you felt you were nearly better? I believe it has been instrumental in getting me to within a whisker of a full recovery.

12-13-2017, 08:44 PM
We are talking about the powder here right? Not the tincture?

12-13-2017, 09:13 PM
Great news. How long were you on the pine pollen every day for before you felt you were nearly better? I believe it has been instrumental in getting me to within a whisker of a full recovery.

I noticed a major gain a month into taking it everyday, but I had been on the way regimen for a while beforehand. It’s been about 8 months since I started taking it everyday.

- - - Updated - - -

We are talking about the powder here right? Not the tincture?

Yes, the Powder

12-13-2017, 11:28 PM
I noticed a major gain a month into taking it everyday, but I had been on the way regimen for a while beforehand. It’s been about 8 months since I started taking it everyday.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, the Powder

It was the 6 month mark for me where I really felt the switch had occurred. I used the tincture too. Did you use that at all?

12-14-2017, 04:02 AM
Nice one mate, so whats left for you to reach 100%?

12-14-2017, 10:39 AM
It was the 6 month mark for me where I really felt the switch had occurred. I used the tincture too. Did you use that at all?

Yes, it’s in my herb rotation, but I don’t take it everyday

12-14-2017, 10:45 AM
Nice one mate, so whats left for you to reach 100%?

I’d say I need to think a little more quickly at times and get my raging libido back that I had before the crash.

Fausto Soares
12-15-2017, 02:46 AM
I noticed a major gain a month into taking it everyday, but I had been on the way regimen for a while beforehand. It’s been about 8 months since I started taking it everyday.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, the Powder

How many gr have you been taking bro?

12-15-2017, 08:51 AM
Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.

Thank you. Your post is going to help alot of guys keep going when they feel like they're about to give up. It's always darkest before the dawn.

12-15-2017, 10:32 AM
How many gr have you been taking bro?

Only 2-3 teaspoons a day

Fausto Soares
12-15-2017, 10:40 AM
Only 2-3 teaspoons a day

Good, i thought it was tablespoons!

03-01-2018, 07:49 AM
(Crash date: 26th January 2017)

Here I finally stand.

It's been a while since I posted any kind of meaningful update on my progress and there was a reason for that. I think that everyone throughout their PFS recovery will at some time or another need to take time away from thinking about it. I can now see what English and some of the older crowd meant when they talked about leaving the forums and why they did it; the PFS mentality is really fucking hard to get over. The checking of symptoms, the reading about others progress and looking for another silver bullet that will finally kick-start or speed up your recovery (they never come btw). I needed to just forget about PFS for a while and if symptoms came I just tried my best to ignore them and get the fuck on with living, which is what I did. I did however tell myself that when I was completely free from symptoms that I would post here and I've been waiting to do this for a looong time, I said I would get here and I did. So I'm at once immensely proud of myself and grateful to CD and everyone else here for all the advise and support that may have literally saved a life.

There's no point in me going into what I did each and every day because other than a few experiments that I tried for various symptoms you know what to do; the protocol. Just do it, stop asking the questions, learn it, absorb it and do it. When you are starting out you want to know what each and every symptom means or is caused by, you want to know what each supplement has made people feel like and whether you're better off with one over the other. I get it but honestly; I couldn't really tell you the difference between Butea Superba and Tongkat Ali if someone gave me them blind. I couldn't tell you if skin brushing is more beneficial that not applying xenoestrogens. But why does it matter if you are doing all of it? Some things I notice the benefit of in a short time frame, others I don't really. PFS is such an extreme and profound assault on our bodies and our sense that it is easy to become totally obsessed with every little change in our subjective experience day-to-day "Is this a good day?" , "Is my libido coming back again? Should I try getting hard to find out?", "I'm tired today, I must be crashing again!"... This all does you no good whatsoever. Did you think like this before you crashed? No, of course not. So the aim should be not to think like this, to stop constantly worrying about WHY you feel like something. Because until you can do that you will never be free of PFS, even after you have recovered. I'll say that again; you will never be free of PFS until you can let go of worrying about PFS. That should be your number one aim. Can't get hard today? So what? There are plenty of happy old men who can't. Tired today? You think every new mother with a baby who cries through the night is unhappy or totally unproductive? Of course not. People get shit done through all kinds of malady's and experiences. People can be happy in all kinds of states, from the massively disabled to the terminally ill. So your worry about your dick not being hard as it was yesterday is in the grand scheme of things nothing. It's not a thing.
That said I get it, PFS fucks not only with the endocrine system but with the neurochemistry of the brain. It can at times literally be impossible to feel happy or motivated or not to worry and feel anxious. Everything from dopamine to allopregnenolone and GABA is affected. I remember I read a study over on the Ray Peats site that showed PFS suffers have a similar brain chemistry to those with PTSD or traumatic brain injury. So; I'm not downplaying how negatively PFS can affect your day to day subjective experience. You feel like absolute shit, suicidal in my case, particularly early on. But that is where the protocol comes in. It doesn't matter how bad you may feel; you follow that template and even on your worst days you are edging towards where you want to be. Even on your worst days all you need is a little trust in what you've already committed to and just take that little bit of effort to do it. Let's face it, once you know the protocol it's really not rocket science; you either do it or you don't. All the protocol asks of you is to have a little fight in yourself. It's OK to skip the gym if you're really not feeling it. Hell it's OK to not shower at all that day if your feeling particularly bad and just want to stay in bed but what's not OK is not doing the things that you are able for. Know how you felt before all this shit and fight for that back because it won't just come (go look at PropeciaHelp for proof). And on top of that you'll be a better man for having had to fight for it because you've earned it and you'll know what fight is.

So let me reiterate if there's any confusion. The protocol works, it gives your body and mind what it needs in order to get better but you need to do it and you need to supplement it with the kind of thinking that doesn't lead to obsessive or anxious thoughts and negative mind frames; otherwise you will never get better. That is why the meditation and breathing aspect of this is SO IMPORTANT, maybe the most important. You won't get better unless you move out of your bodies way and let it do the healing that it needs and that you give it the tools for in terms of nutrition, supplements and herbs.

That all said I know there will be people really interested to hear a more detailed account of my symptoms and journey so I'd recommend looking up my thread for more info but I'll lay it out here a little too;
Symptoms included everything; no libido, no erections, massive brain fog, no sleep, soul crushing fatigue, anxiety, massive depression and suicidal thoughts, muscle wastage, large blue veins and spider veins appearing on my genitals and elsewhere, cold and rubbery dick, eye floaters, tinnitus, visual snow, blue flashing light in my eyes, the list goes on....

First month after quitting
All of the symptoms just kept getting worse, anxiety and depression overtook me as I all I could find online was horror stories. I went to see one of the leading researchers into PFS in Europe and even he told me that I basically out on my own. Said I might get better, I might not. I was broken. I was a 30 year old man and I begged my mum to move in with me. The way I saw it my life was over and I nearly dropped out of college, I did fail some assignments over this time.

Second month
I somehow found this site, much of it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, I've a history of fitness and gym work but this level of supplementation was new to me. Regardless I jumped in, I had nothing left to loose. I did the juice feast and bought the herbs and just started. I didn't find any noticeable improvements over this time other than more energy during the feast once I got used to it. With pfs you always have ups and downs but looking back and reading my posts any upswing was a small one. My mind was shook by what had happened to me.

Month 3 -6
Again looking back I was nowhere near well, I don't know how I managed to scrape through uni but I did. My mum still lived with me for most of this time, cooking and doing my laundry for me- you know the kind of stuff that mums love to do! Anyway that help gave me a foundation to focus on recovery. I began to realise that I needed to look past PFS if I was to ever be free of it. I already had a trip to South America planned for august and I told myself that I was going to enjoy the summer PFS or not. I made plans for concerts to go to and trips to see friends I hadn't seen in a while. I did these things and they helped massively but to say I was OK during all this time would be a lie. Libido and sensation wasn't there most of this time, brain fog had a habit of kicking in at the worst times and my moods were dramatically swinging. Sleep however did slowly improve and this helped with energy levels also.

Month 7 - South America
I already wrote about this in a post so I won't bore people here but needless to say it was the time of my life and helped me divorce my feelings of well being from those of my symptoms. I went with two friends and I told them flat out what was up. My symptom profile was much the same as the previous couple of months though energy levels were definitely getting better. A few days in my libido wasn't the best but I kissed a girl and felt movement and knew that I'd be OK in that department if I needed it. That gave me the confidence to enjoy myself, I talked to girls, I hiked for days in mountains, I zip-lined across massive canyons, I drank a bit, I took some drugs, I hooked up with a few lovely girls whom I still friends and chat to every now and then, I went to three of the worlds world wonders, I was happy. Read that again; I had symptoms and I was happy. I was doing things I loved with people I loved, I enjoyed who I was for the first time in a long time. I realised that I could socialise, I could entertain and I could make people happy to be around me all the while. That ability was still within me and so I knew that with a little fight I was gonna be OK. The last couple of days in South America my two friends left two days before so I was by myself in Buenos Aires just enjoying my own company and chatting to people who I had met along my journey over text. I went to art galleries and museums and parks and coffee shops and just basked in the sunshine. My last year of uni was coming and I decided that I was gonna put all my effort into it regardless of how I felt.

Month 8 -13
After a month out of most aspects of the protocol during SA I jumped straight back on. Since then it's really been nothing but improvement coming in waves. I did my first R-Andro run just before SA and did another mid November through to early January. Most of my symptoms have improved drastically. I did find that I had a downturn of libido around Christmas that lasted until around mid January. Brain fog stopped being a weeks long issue and would come for a few hours at a time. It was also very manageable as I realised that people couldn't really tell when I had it and meditation has helped me just to get on with it if it ever did crop up. My mood swings became a better also and much less frequent. I have to say that switching to proper paleo nutrition with no grains or sugar and very little dairy helped me feel much sharper and present. I now only eat any grains if I really feel like it like a bowl of oats in the morning. I always avoid gluten as I find that it reliably has a detrimental affect on energy as well as brain fog and anxiousness. I rarely suffer from any kind of anxiety now however and these past few months I feel as mentally robust as I ever have in my life. This fight has changed me forever and I'm glad I went through it. I also met a girl whom I went out with for about four months of this time and she really helped me realise that much of this internal struggle that we are going through is just that; internal and it doesn't need to have a broad impact on every aspect of your life. We enjoyed doing everything couples do and despite my libido wavering near the start of our relationship she was understanding and that created an environment of ease and less pressure which in turn increased my libido when with her because I wasn't worrying about whether I would be in the mood or not; I just was or wasn't. Unfortunately we had to break up for circumstantial reasons but I'll always be thankful to her for how she helped me get out of my own head and helped me fully realise what I began to in South America ; that people like being around me and I like being around them -PFS or not.

Symptom wise I am pretty much symptom free other than slight bouts of not feeling with it but I'm pretty sure that's just part and parcel of being alive; some days good and some days bad. My libido is fine and my ED is non existent. I get going by just thinking about sex and I the thought of sleeping with people excites me. I have no complaints. Nothing else really to report other than I still have tinnitus, visual snow and I'm a bit more veiny (some girls love this though) but I've learned to live with them as they are the kind of thing that once you get them they never fully go; so why fucking bother worrying about them? They're there now and they're scars to show what I've been through. I still do the protocol along with taking a few other supplements and I feel great 90% of the time. Energy is really good and very rarely do I even think about symptoms in any kind of ongoing way. My hair started to shed again after my second R-Andro run and has continued to do so, I'll likely have to shave it in a year or so but you can't even really tell right now. Again, who cares? There's plenty of happy and fulfilled bald people, why would I not be one of them?

Daily Supplement Stack
I know there's gonna be really interested in what I take outside of the protocol so I'll list anything I do or have taken here:

Protocol Herb
Pine Pollen (3 teaspoons)
Vitamin D
Ginkgo Biloba
Vitamin K (2 drops Kuinone sublingually)
Pansterone (2 drops applied to testes)
Piracetam 5g
Creatine 5g
1g Vit C
15mg Zinc
Alphas-Liopoic Acid
L carnitine
13mg Methylene Blue

Protocol herb

15G BCAA's

I also have a couple cups of coffee a day generally and usually either chamomile or green tea.

That's it really, I'm fine and can't really complain about any aspect of my life now. All the problems I have now are normal person issues, I'm free from PFS and the worry it creates. I'm now grateful to have gone through it and it's impossible not to feel some kind of contentment when you encourage yourself to feel gratefulness for aspects of your life. You may not feel 100% some days but we're not living in war torn nations or on the streets, we aren't terminal and we still have things to look forward to. When you actually internalise those thoughts recovery comes faster and colour bleeds into the world again. One thing that I think everyone should do throughout this journey is actively seek out someone going through the same issue and help them, it will help both of you I promise. The misinformation and panic that surrounds PFS has literally taken lives through suicide, every one of those ended lives is an unnecessary tragedy that could have been prevented and if no one else can help then it's up to each and everyone of us to pass on the help and support that we were lucky enough to receive. On top of that, the feeling of purpose that helping and caring for your fellow person causes is one of the best ways that I have found to help you lift your thought processes above the PFS cloud, there is a reason that those who live in commune with one another report higher levels of happiness as well as longer life spans. So don't lock yourself into your own struggle, help lift the burden of others in the same way CD has and you'll find your own easing along with it. I have been in communication with multiple people now regarding PFS as I left a paper trail across various hairloss and health forums and the only thing I ask of them is that they fight for themselves and when they are ready - they do the same, they go and help someone else dealing with this and point them towards this forum. All roads should lead here instead of to places like propeciahelp, PFS shouldn't take any more lives. So if the only thing you do when you are better is leave one little comment somewhere on some random forum that mentions this forum or that tells people there is help then do it, because you never know who's Google search that shows up in during their lowest moment and you might drastically improve or even save someones life.

Anyway that's it, if anyone has any questions I'm happy to answer. I intend to be more active here as I want to help as much as possible and using the forum no longer takes the toll on me that it used to before I was better. Thanks again to CD, I seriously owe you, Tubzy and others a drink. Here's to the next adventure!:cool:

03-01-2018, 04:36 PM
Stop postponing your fucking trip right now. Take the protocol with you to somewhere beautiful and secluded, visit a few temples, maybe hit up some monks if its that part of Asia.

Just being in a completely different climate amongst a different culture, amongst nature too if you can will put you out of your normal comfort zone and that = more dopamine and more androgens.

03-04-2018, 03:15 AM
Semen Back to normal in quantity and quality
Hi Guys ,

Rahaysa here , wanted to post a good update .

My semen (ejaculate ) has returned to normal quantity and quality . I ejaculate every two or three days and able to get at least a spoonful of thick white fluid. when I first crashed in 2013 Jan I used to get a drop or two of clear water like fluid .. it has gradually changed to the current state over a period of 3 years + and in the current state it has been consistent for the last six months or so.

I am thinking of taking a fertility test , but haven’t got the guts yet to do it since I don’t want to hear anything negative ... I will keep pushing on the right things and get a test soon and post the results .


The above was the message I wrote on this forum on 08-29-2017 (6 months ago) and few days back I woke up to a beautiful smile from my wife telling me that she is pregnant and the ultrasound confirmed the same... 8 weeks and 2 days PREGNANT...
Little did I know all my fears of being infertile and unable to father a kid would be washed out just 6 months after I wrote the above message ..

to reiterate the fact ... I was complete infertile when I crashed in Jan 2013 ... I would get a couple drops of pure liquid like semen (I doubt it was indeed semen) .. but 5 years down the lane to impregnate my wife is a huge relief and the most happiest news of my life .

As I had mentioned in several of my posts recently my life has gotten better and better by every day.. it has got to a point where I dint feel bad most of the days , I could have normal sex without PDE5 Inhibitors and cum properly... most of all other sides which I had have almost disappeared over time with doing the protocol... only sides which remain today are a bit of stuttering, and confusion of choice of words (very manageable).

what I want to assert is the fact that as soon as I got to know that my wife is pregnant some sort of weight got of my head ... I felt as if a huge boulder was just removed from my head ... and after that every day now I feel the libido surges and urge to have sex ... the fact that PFS is as much a mental illness as a physical one is so true ... I hope ENGLISH see this and feels happy that someone is realizing his prophecy... I was in fact bogged down extremely due to the physical sides of the PFS , but I underestimated till very recently the Mental effects PFS has ... the pressure to perform in bed ... the pressure to assure yourself and the world that you still are a man .. takes a huge toll on your mental health ...

Having said all that .. I am quite confident and happy to say I HAVE RECOVERED from the HELL the PFS is .. this has been a long and torturous journey both physical and mental , but to most extent (90%) its over and I will further work towards becoming better and better .. I am even thinking of doing couple rounds of prohormones ...

I have my detailed story on Solvepfs and few posts on SWolesource as well. but just to reiterate it for the benefit of people who see this post following is my timeline of events with PFS...

Started fin April 2010
stopped fin august 2011 (no crash, only strong sides )
started saw palmetto Jan 2012
stopped saw palmetto Dec 2012
Crashed hard Jan 2013 while on business trip to USA
saw CDnuts post on propecia help during June 2014 ..
started Protocol vaguely march 2015
Started the actual protocol the main parts like juice feast, herb rotation, HIIT( I never did pumping, prohormones or heavy weightlifting ) June 2016
started noticing benefits from Around December 2016..
Huge differences started coming during second half of 2017..
started feeling confident in sex and did it enjoying without PDE5 inhibitors from June 2017...
started feeling very comfortable and normal from seep 2017..
as of today I feel 90% (after the load of impregnating my wife got of my mind)..

Only other thing I used apart from herbs is pramipexole and it did help me (JQD advice)

there is nothing that I can answer that the LEGEND CD as already not answered. so if you have any questions just go to his site, everything most of us found out by scrolling through his posts is all ot one place now ...

I want to reiterate the fact that if not for that post (I Am CURED) from CDNUTS I would have been dead 3 years ago... I just can’t THANK you enough CD.. you are the MAN ...the True MAN...

testimonial to your site from my end is coming soon it has been long DUE...I wish that you continue to stay here help more and more people and also in the process make money ( I will buy any new herbs I need through your site )

I will stay here for Couple more weeks , just to answer any questions (there are none) any new bee might have regarding recovery

for all the Help I received from this site and other two sites , I am really grateful, all this mess has made me a better human being ...

03-04-2018, 06:37 AM
Hi folks,

So here goes, I took 1.25 of finasteride daily for less than a week in October 2016 then woke up with genital numbness, basically felt like my dick was gone and like it had been injected with an anesthetic, that’s the best way I can describe it. Immediately quit but things didn’t improve and what followed was the most crushing depression and anxiety I had ever experienced, it floored me, I rapidly lost weight and bulk and my personality was gone, felt like the living dead and like my soul was removed. My sleep had gone, days and days without sleep, pacing my apartment etc, my record was 5/6 days of no sleep.I began having suicidal thoughts, this was a progression over oct/nov/dec leading to me researching ways to commit suicide and planning it out. I didn’t particularly want to die but I wanted the horror I was living with to stop (it’s near impossible for me now to comprehend how bad I felt)

Visited many doctors, some good, some bad, one endo was good, his approach was similar to cds in that there’s no magic fix with this but with enhancing ones health you will eventually pull through, that gave me slight bit of hope but that hope was crushed when I signed up to prop help, The countless negative horror stories fed my fear and the thought of this is over ive blown my life im going to be like these guys living like this for years on years etc took a firm hold. I said no way am I going on like this, it was then I really considered ending my life, began ringing suicide hotlines, tried to get myself sectioned to a psych ward but doctor gave me anti depressants instead, I didn’t take them, I’d read enough shit about them too. After one nights researching on prop help I decided to say fuck it, brought a bottle of vodka and some painkillers, walked to a local river bank in the rain, knocked them back and passed out, woke up hours later, had thrown up in my sleep so thankfully not enough pills to finish me. I don’t know subconsciously if I knew I didn’t take enough pills to finish me, possibly some incling of a survival instinct keeping me hanging on.

I was at rock fucking bottom, i had lost approx 4 stone, grown a beard and also my numbness was there along with cock now curving badly to left and a loss in size and girth. I had a long term partner at that stage, sex was completely gone, there was nothing getting me turned on and my tool was not standing to attention so sex life and interest in it had evaporated, if salma hayek walked into my room in a bikini it wouldn’t have made a difference, libido, urge had vanished.

All of the above led me to almost losing my job, that was really difficult, I had gone from a very popular chatty guy with my colleagues to being completely withdrawn and silent, with people talking about me that he aint right anymore he’s lost his mind etc how could they possibly understand what was happening to me, how could I tell them that a fucking tiny hair loss drug had totally destroyed my mind and body, Hell I didn’t blame people for thinking I had gone insane, one cannot possibly understand pfs until you live it. I was hauled up to my boss basically with get your shit together or your gone, the only thing that kept my job was that I had a huge amount of good karma in the bank with my employer as before this I was an excellent worker, hadn’t recorded a sick day In years, good to colleagues and staff i managed, that was why they couldn’t get their head around the 180 I had done.

During this period I had came across cds posts over at ph but they weren’t sinking in, I was still far too cut off to let any light in, after my failed suicide attempt I guess a survival instinct told me you have to get fucking out of this, you can’t go on this way.

Signed up here I think at approx Christmas 2016, my initial posts are not a good reflection of how severely fucked up I was, it’s a personality trait i have to always put the good side out when I’m talking to people, but honestly internally I felt at deaths door.

Over the following months I introduced pieces of the protocol, it was a very slow and sloppy transition but there were signs that my depression and anxiety was slightly fading, I enjoyed the positivity of the forum and never felt like shit after reading the posts, in the midst of this I was still using alcohol to control my anxiety, this was probably the worst move i made during all of above, alcohol magnified my physical and mental symptoms, the anesthetic feeling felt stronger in my junk after consuming alcohol etc so that was a problem.

Over the coming months I get better at applying what’s laid out here, the best thing I did was hitting gym in mornings before work, something I’m still doing and found my mood etc really improved from the morning workouts.

It was May 2017 that I fully embraced the protocol, did a second juice feast and completely removed the alcohol, daily herb rotation, daily pine pollen, breathing exercises in evening before bed, eating clean, removal of gluten. I consistently chipped away from that point, I was going to use prohormones but maybe I was too much of a pussy there and over cautious lol but anyway I decided against using them.

So over the coming months my mood improved, sleep returned, libido improved, feeling in penis improved, but it was really in last two months things really have ramped up, the only thing I added in was zinc and copper day on and day off that was approx 6/8 weeks ago and definitely had a positive impact on my libido/urge for a lady.

Today as I type I put myself at 90%, the biggest indicator of my recovery has been the return of my creativity, I am also a musician and before this I was a prolific songwriter wrote an album etc then came pfs and it was gone, over the past year there have been flickers of it returning but not like now, I also teach guitar and started teaching as a small business during pfs as a distraction to obsessing about the condition, id recommend that to guys during this, whatever it is give yourself a focus away from pfs, it’s not easy as it still sits at the back of your mind and will for some time but that’s ok you will slowly push it away with introducing other hobbies. But teaching an instrument and songwriting are two very different disciplines, the teaching was a distraction but i still wasn’t fully right and I couldn’t write or find the inspiration to write. Again, the upswing ive experienced in the past two months libido wise has coincided with me writing again daily, recording demos, the creative process, like a switch has been turned back on and colour has returned to my life.

In conclusion below is my position now

Numbness - completely gone
Depression - gone
Sleep - 8 hours average
Weight - healthy and stable
Libido - back with a vengeance, i recently split with my long term partner (not pfs related) so im not having regular sex but I want it and during last few encounters with ex feeling was back and all was good and working in the junk department. I’m kind of a shy dude with ladies but my confidence is back and that’s the key, an interesting point to mention on this is that during my pfs I worked with a girl and still do who is good looking but never anything between us, since my upswing and return of confidence I’ve been told by someone else that she has a crush on me, that gave me a boost, I wasn’t directly flirting with her but I guess I was exuding confidence again and that’s what it’s all about with attracting the ladies.

So that’s really it fellas, my only remaining symptoms are slight fluctuating curve and girth reduction from pre pfs days.

To all the new guys starting the journey you will make it through, stay the course here, don’t give in no matter how bad you feel, don’t subscribe to people e saying you won’t get better, you have it within you to beat this, don’t over complicate with introducing different supplements etc, keep it simple and relax, the only way is up.

To cd I plan to subscribe to your website going forward and continue your methods for improving general health and thank you man from almost losing my life to where I am now I have no doubt that’s down to what you’ve created here, you gave me hope in a world of darkness.

God bless


03-04-2018, 09:22 AM
Beautiful guys....both of them. Remember....KEEP GOING. You'll be surprised at just how great you can feel everyday.

03-05-2018, 03:11 PM
(Crash date: 26th January 2017)

Here I finally stand.

It's been a while since I posted any kind of meaningful update on my progress and there was a reason for that. I think that everyone throughout their PFS recovery will at some time or another need to take time away from thinking about it. I can now see what English and some of the older crowd meant when they talked about leaving the forums and why they did it; the PFS mentality is really fucking hard to get over. The checking of symptoms, the reading about others progress and looking for another silver bullet that will finally kick-start or speed up your recovery (they never come btw). I needed to just forget about PFS for a while and if symptoms came I just tried my best to ignore them and get the fuck on with living, which is what I did. I did however tell myself that when I was completely free from symptoms that I would post here and I've been waiting to do this for a looong time, I said I would get here and I did. So I'm at once immensely proud of myself and grateful to CD and everyone else here for all the advise and support that may have literally saved a life.

There's no point in me going into what I did each and every day because other than a few experiments that I tried for various symptoms you know what to do; the protocol. Just do it, stop asking the questions, learn it, absorb it and do it. When you are starting out you want to know what each and every symptom means or is caused by, you want to know what each supplement has made people feel like and whether you're better off with one over the other. I get it but honestly; I couldn't really tell you the difference between Butea Superba and Tongkat Ali if someone gave me them blind. I couldn't tell you if skin brushing is more beneficial that not applying xenoestrogens. But why does it matter if you are doing all of it? Some things I notice the benefit of in a short time frame, others I don't really. PFS is such an extreme and profound assault on our bodies and our sense that it is easy to become totally obsessed with every little change in our subjective experience day-to-day "Is this a good day?" , "Is my libido coming back again? Should I try getting hard to find out?", "I'm tired today, I must be crashing again!"... This all does you no good whatsoever. Did you think like this before you crashed? No, of course not. So the aim should be not to think like this, to stop constantly worrying about WHY you feel like something. Because until you can do that you will never be free of PFS, even after you have recovered. I'll say that again; you will never be free of PFS until you can let go of worrying about PFS. That should be your number one aim. Can't get hard today? So what? There are plenty of happy old men who can't. Tired today? You think every new mother with a baby who cries through the night is unhappy or totally unproductive? Of course not. People get shit done through all kinds of malady's and experiences. People can be happy in all kinds of states, from the massively disabled to the terminally ill. So your worry about your dick not being hard as it was yesterday is in the grand scheme of things nothing. It's not a thing.
That said I get it, PFS fucks not only with the endocrine system but with the neurochemistry of the brain. It can at times literally be impossible to feel happy or motivated or not to worry and feel anxious. Everything from dopamine to allopregnenolone and GABA is affected. I remember I read a study over on the Ray Peats site that showed PFS suffers have a similar brain chemistry to those with PTSD or traumatic brain injury. So; I'm not downplaying how negatively PFS can affect your day to day subjective experience. You feel like absolute shit, suicidal in my case, particularly early on. But that is where the protocol comes in. It doesn't matter how bad you may feel; you follow that template and even on your worst days you are edging towards where you want to be. Even on your worst days all you need is a little trust in what you've already committed to and just take that little bit of effort to do it. Let's face it, once you know the protocol it's really not rocket science; you either do it or you don't. All the protocol asks of you is to have a little fight in yourself. It's OK to skip the gym if you're really not feeling it. Hell it's OK to not shower at all that day if your feeling particularly bad and just want to stay in bed but what's not OK is not doing the things that you are able for. Know how you felt before all this shit and fight for that back because it won't just come (go look at PropeciaHelp for proof). And on top of that you'll be a better man for having had to fight for it because you've earned it and you'll know what fight is.

So let me reiterate if there's any confusion. The protocol works, it gives your body and mind what it needs in order to get better but you need to do it and you need to supplement it with the kind of thinking that doesn't lead to obsessive or anxious thoughts and negative mind frames; otherwise you will never get better. That is why the meditation and breathing aspect of this is SO IMPORTANT, maybe the most important. You won't get better unless you move out of your bodies way and let it do the healing that it needs and that you give it the tools for in terms of nutrition, supplements and herbs.

That all said I know there will be people really interested to hear a more detailed account of my symptoms and journey so I'd recommend looking up my thread for more info but I'll lay it out here a little too;
Symptoms included everything; no libido, no erections, massive brain fog, no sleep, soul crushing fatigue, anxiety, massive depression and suicidal thoughts, muscle wastage, large blue veins and spider veins appearing on my genitals and elsewhere, cold and rubbery dick, eye floaters, tinnitus, visual snow, blue flashing light in my eyes, the list goes on....

First month after quitting
All of the symptoms just kept getting worse, anxiety and depression overtook me as I all I could find online was horror stories. I went to see one of the leading researchers into PFS in Europe and even he told me that I basically out on my own. Said I might get better, I might not. I was broken. I was a 30 year old man and I begged my mum to move in with me. The way I saw it my life was over and I nearly dropped out of college, I did fail some assignments over this time.

Second month
I somehow found this site, much of it didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, I've a history of fitness and gym work but this level of supplementation was new to me. Regardless I jumped in, I had nothing left to loose. I did the juice feast and bought the herbs and just started. I didn't find any noticeable improvements over this time other than more energy during the feast once I got used to it. With pfs you always have ups and downs but looking back and reading my posts any upswing was a small one. My mind was shook by what had happened to me.

Month 3 -6
Again looking back I was nowhere near well, I don't know how I managed to scrape through uni but I did. My mum still lived with me for most of this time, cooking and doing my laundry for me- you know the kind of stuff that mums love to do! Anyway that help gave me a foundation to focus on recovery. I began to realise that I needed to look past PFS if I was to ever be free of it. I already had a trip to South America planned for august and I told myself that I was going to enjoy the summer PFS or not. I made plans for concerts to go to and trips to see friends I hadn't seen in a while. I did these things and they helped massively but to say I was OK during all this time would be a lie. Libido and sensation wasn't there most of this time, brain fog had a habit of kicking in at the worst times and my moods were dramatically swinging. Sleep however did slowly improve and this helped with energy levels also.

Month 7 - South America
I already wrote about this in a post so I won't bore people here but needless to say it was the time of my life and helped me divorce my feelings of well being from those of my symptoms. I went with two friends and I told them flat out what was up. My symptom profile was much the same as the previous couple of months though energy levels were definitely getting better. A few days in my libido wasn't the best but I kissed a girl and felt movement and knew that I'd be OK in that department if I needed it. That gave me the confidence to enjoy myself, I talked to girls, I hiked for days in mountains, I zip-lined across massive canyons, I drank a bit, I took some drugs, I hooked up with a few lovely girls whom I still friends and chat to every now and then, I went to three of the worlds world wonders, I was happy. Read that again; I had symptoms and I was happy. I was doing things I loved with people I loved, I enjoyed who I was for the first time in a long time. I realised that I could socialise, I could entertain and I could make people happy to be around me all the while. That ability was still within me and so I knew that with a little fight I was gonna be OK. The last couple of days in South America my two friends left two days before so I was by myself in Buenos Aires just enjoying my own company and chatting to people who I had met along my journey over text. I went to art galleries and museums and parks and coffee shops and just basked in the sunshine. My last year of uni was coming and I decided that I was gonna put all my effort into it regardless of how I felt.

Month 8 -13
After a month out of most aspects of the protocol during SA I jumped straight back on. Since then it's really been nothing but improvement coming in waves. I did my first R-Andro run just before SA and did another mid November through to early January. Most of my symptoms have improved drastically. I did find that I had a downturn of libido around Christmas that lasted until around mid January. Brain fog stopped being a weeks long issue and would come for a few hours at a time. It was also very manageable as I realised that people couldn't really tell when I had it and meditation has helped me just to get on with it if it ever did crop up. My mood swings became a better also and much less frequent. I have to say that switching to proper paleo nutrition with no grains or sugar and very little dairy helped me feel much sharper and present. I now only eat any grains if I really feel like it like a bowl of oats in the morning. I always avoid gluten as I find that it reliably has a detrimental affect on energy as well as brain fog and anxiousness. I rarely suffer from any kind of anxiety now however and these past few months I feel as mentally robust as I ever have in my life. This fight has changed me forever and I'm glad I went through it. I also met a girl whom I went out with for about four months of this time and she really helped me realise that much of this internal struggle that we are going through is just that; internal and it doesn't need to have a broad impact on every aspect of your life. We enjoyed doing everything couples do and despite my libido wavering near the start of our relationship she was understanding and that created an environment of ease and less pressure which in turn increased my libido when with her because I wasn't worrying about whether I would be in the mood or not; I just was or wasn't. Unfortunately we had to break up for circumstantial reasons but I'll always be thankful to her for how she helped me get out of my own head and helped me fully realise what I began to in South America ; that people like being around me and I like being around them -PFS or not.

Symptom wise I am pretty much symptom free other than slight bouts of not feeling with it but I'm pretty sure that's just part and parcel of being alive; some days good and some days bad. My libido is fine and my ED is non existent. I get going by just thinking about sex and I the thought of sleeping with people excites me. I have no complaints. Nothing else really to report other than I still have tinnitus, visual snow and I'm a bit more veiny (some girls love this though) but I've learned to live with them as they are the kind of thing that once you get them they never fully go; so why fucking bother worrying about them? They're there now and they're scars to show what I've been through. I still do the protocol along with taking a few other supplements and I feel great 90% of the time. Energy is really good and very rarely do I even think about symptoms in any kind of ongoing way. My hair started to shed again after my second R-Andro run and has continued to do so, I'll likely have to shave it in a year or so but you can't even really tell right now. Again, who cares? There's plenty of happy and fulfilled bald people, why would I not be one of them?

Daily Supplement Stack
I know there's gonna be really interested in what I take outside of the protocol so I'll list anything I do or have taken here:

Protocol Herb
Pine Pollen (3 teaspoons)
Vitamin D
Ginkgo Biloba
Vitamin K (2 drops Kuinone sublingually)
Pansterone (2 drops applied to testes)
Piracetam 5g
Creatine 5g
1g Vit C
15mg Zinc
Alphas-Liopoic Acid
L carnitine
13mg Methylene Blue

Protocol herb

15G BCAA's

I also have a couple cups of coffee a day generally and usually either chamomile or green tea.

That's it really, I'm fine and can't really complain about any aspect of my life now. All the problems I have now are normal person issues, I'm free from PFS and the worry it creates. I'm now grateful to have gone through it and it's impossible not to feel some kind of contentment when you encourage yourself to feel gratefulness for aspects of your life. You may not feel 100% some days but we're not living in war torn nations or on the streets, we aren't terminal and we still have things to look forward to. When you actually internalise those thoughts recovery comes faster and colour bleeds into the world again. One thing that I think everyone should do throughout this journey is actively seek out someone going through the same issue and help them, it will help both of you I promise. The misinformation and panic that surrounds PFS has literally taken lives through suicide, every one of those ended lives is an unnecessary tragedy that could have been prevented and if no one else can help then it's up to each and everyone of us to pass on the help and support that we were lucky enough to receive. On top of that, the feeling of purpose that helping and caring for your fellow person causes is one of the best ways that I have found to help you lift your thought processes above the PFS cloud, there is a reason that those who live in commune with one another report higher levels of happiness as well as longer life spans. So don't lock yourself into your own struggle, help lift the burden of others in the same way CD has and you'll find your own easing along with it. I have been in communication with multiple people now regarding PFS as I left a paper trail across various hairloss and health forums and the only thing I ask of them is that they fight for themselves and when they are ready - they do the same, they go and help someone else dealing with this and point them towards this forum. All roads should lead here instead of to places like propeciahelp, PFS shouldn't take any more lives. So if the only thing you do when you are better is leave one little comment somewhere on some random forum that mentions this forum or that tells people there is help then do it, because you never know who's Google search that shows up in during their lowest moment and you might drastically improve or even save someones life.

Anyway that's it, if anyone has any questions I'm happy to answer. I intend to be more active here as I want to help as much as possible and using the forum no longer takes the toll on me that it used to before I was better. Thanks again to CD, I seriously owe you, Tubzy and others a drink. Here's to the next adventure!:cool:

This was a beautiful read Coppersocks. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for the kind words. It's posts like this that I live for!

03-05-2018, 05:40 PM
congrats guys, I've seen all of your stories in the past and there aren't many words more beautiful than "cured" or "full recovery" in the world to PFS sufferers. Keep fighting everyone, my story will be here soon enough, along with many others.

03-10-2018, 04:24 PM
A lot of recovery stories are worthless to be honest.
I don't care for them at all, they're mostly rubbish from dubious sources but here goes.

I took finasteride for seven years. From seventeen years old. Coming off and going on everytime I cared about my (still lustrous) hair.

Back in August 2014 I developed full blown pfs to the pint my partner left me.

For the first month I didn't sleep more than an hour a night, even with benzos or ambien. I discovered that forum and a few people stood out. CD, English, chi, mitch, cap who hasn't recovered but I bet he has now.

I took the Cdsnuts protocol and modified it to suit my body, I took seven herbs at the time, went full keto and loaded post workout.

I know there's going to be questions here and I encourage them. It took me eight months to get functional. And a further year or so to say I'm recovered. I still have a few residual symptoms too but I actually find them to be nice reminders.

03-10-2018, 07:19 PM
A lot of recovery stories are worthless to be honest.
I don't care for them at all, they're mostly rubbish from dubious sources but here goes.

I took finasteride for seven years. From seventeen years old. Coming off and going on everytime I cared about my (still lustrous) hair.

Back in August 2014 I developed full blown pfs to the pint my partner left me.

For the first month I didn't sleep more than an hour a night, even with benzos or ambien. I discovered that forum and a few people stood out. CD, English, chi, mitch, cap who hasn't recovered but I bet he has now.

I took the Cdsnuts protocol and modified it to suit my body, I took seven herbs at the time, went full keto and loaded post workout.

I know there's going to be questions here and I encourage them. It took me eight months to get functional. And a further year or so to say I'm recovered. I still have a few residual symptoms too but I actually find them to be nice reminders.

what are your residual symptoms? what helped the most for your sleep?

03-11-2018, 04:29 AM
what are your residual symptoms? what helped the most for your sleep?
Mostly magnesium actually but it took a few months from the crash to get any kinda restful sleep.

Residual symptoms are quiet tinnitus in my left ear, rare morning wood (but I get nocturnal so I think it's rem sleep issues) and for some reason I have more hair than pre fin? Weird stuff.

03-11-2018, 07:06 AM
A lot of recovery stories are worthless to be honest.
I don't care for them at all, they're mostly rubbish from dubious sources but here goes.

I took finasteride for seven years. From seventeen years old. Coming off and going on everytime I cared about my (still lustrous) hair.

Back in August 2014 I developed full blown pfs to the pint my partner left me.

For the first month I didn't sleep more than an hour a night, even with benzos or ambien. I discovered that forum and a few people stood out. CD, English, chi, mitch, cap who hasn't recovered but I bet he has now.

I took the Cdsnuts protocol and modified it to suit my body, I took seven herbs at the time, went full keto and loaded post workout.

I know there's going to be questions here and I encourage them. It took me eight months to get functional. And a further year or so to say I'm recovered. I still have a few residual symptoms too but I actually find them to be nice reminders.

Thanks my man.

Except the recoveries on this site. They are not rubbish nor are they from dubious sources......lol.

06-29-2018, 12:55 PM
I see zinc here used here and there in these recovery stories but im so weary of it obviously with it having 5ar inhibiting properties

07-24-2018, 02:54 PM
I commend him on his preserverance.

But damn he made it way too complicated.

Makes me even more grateful that I just hopped on here immedeately. Literally days after crashing. It’s all here!

07-25-2018, 05:40 PM
Has anyone seen this guy's recovery page? It's pretty great (don't agree with all of it but still). Took him 8 years before he even know what was wrong with him, and an additional 8 to recover from it. You have to translate it from French

Welcome - A-LIFE-AFTER-PROPECIA - PFS Recovery Story (http://a-life-after-propecia.com/)

yeah I emailed him actually told him about here too. Last time I checked he wasnt fully recovered tho like 70-90% tho i think

found him when I first crashed.

11-07-2018, 01:58 PM
My story was quoted in this thread. I want to give an update that I am still doing well. I also want to give a warning. Don't ever take licorice root. I overemphasized the effect licorice root had when I got similar pronounced fluctuations at other times in my journey. I think I recovered mainly from living healthily and fluctuations in androgenic activity that eventually made me get better. Licorice root can raise your blood pressure a lot and I think there are many dangers to it. Just focus on the healthy lifestyle and protocol. Hang in there.

11-07-2018, 02:17 PM
My story was quoted in this thread. I want to give an update that I am still doing well. I also want to give a warning. Don't ever take licorice root. I overemphasized the effect licorice root had when I got similar pronounced fluctuations at other times in my journey. I think I recovered mainly from living healthily and fluctuations in androgenic activity that eventually made me get better. Licorice root can raise your blood pressure a lot and I think there are many dangers to it. Just focus on the healthy lifestyle and protocol. Hang in there.

thanks for coming back and sharing. great to hear you're still doing well.

02-06-2019, 09:19 AM
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Kevin wordpress@totalmaleoptimization.com via ascender.websitewelcome.com
Mon, Jan 28, 4:28 PM (9 days ago)
to me

From: Kevin <kevin@xxxxxxx.com>
Subject: You are amazing!!

Message Body:
Hey mate,

I've been living a total nightmare since 3 years because of Propecia and PFS. I almost lost everything (my own biz, my longtime girlfriend, and my life) but I fought super hard and worked on myself a lot, trying everything : Yoga, lots of meditation, lots of gym (which I've always been doing), lots of acupuncture, reiki, sleeping enough, eating good food, hypnosis, and it all helped but too slowly and it didnt stop my crazy creepling anxiety and depression that started when I PFS-crashed (fainting followed by panick attacks every 2 days, massive depression, brain fog, total cognitive impairement, sleeping 16 hours a day, a freakin nightmare that evenmade me become suicidal for a week at 26 years old). I litterally went from a super successful young guy, ultra confident (an real alpha male), running my own successful business to a 150 years old totally brain and body fucked person, scared to even go to restaurant because of an internal, unexplainable feeling of total terror, 24/7/365 during more than 2 years. I discovered your program a few months ago and applied it right away. It is doing miracles and I feel I'll soon be MUCH stronger than ever before. It is wroking super well on me and very quickly because I was already applying lots of your tips before, but the T supplements and the brain ones are doing miracles. I wanted to thank you for putting all this together for free and tell you that you inspired me to build a similar website with my own tips. If it happens to get some traffic and I can generate some money, I'll give all of it to the PFS foundation.

THANK YOU SO MUCH and god bless you, you saved my life (I am dead serious). I am about to start another business beside the one that I almost had to sell (because I couldnt work anymore because of PFS), and I got my long term girl friend back and we are planning on the next, more serious steps. and this is thanks to you.

Take care


02-06-2019, 10:03 AM
Right, I'm not going to call you an idiot, mate. But you have just posted this pretty complacent and self indulgent monologue about how you're scared you can't recover and you've ruined your life in the fucking RECOVERIES section. Which is kind of selfish and more than a little stupid. Could you be a lad and delete it? We have an introductions thread literally right beneath this one.

Thank you Z. I've already deleted the post. The number one thing about being successful in this endevour is being able to follow directions.

02-17-2019, 08:10 AM
Fellow PFS sufferers and soon defeaters,

Today is the day I want to share my big achievement with you.

I know some of you quite well but you don’t me at all so I would like to write a little introduction about myself. I am 34 years old German dude based in Berlin. I stopped taking Finasterid in 2017 a second time when the trouble began. Today, almost two years afterwards I started crying in my kitchen after realizing one of my biggest triumphs in life. All the pressure and miserable being, all the dedication and work I put in were released and I had goosebumps all over my body. I knew the moment has come to post my recovery story for the men who accompanied me on the worst rollercoaster ride of my life.

You know that shit too well so I only lay out the two main symptoms of my PFS: Depression, erectile dysfunction. Luckily I found cd’s story and this forum quite fast and tried to create an introduction post but it somehow didn’t work out. So I took that as a sign and to be honest I was kind of all over the place so that I couldn’t take the energy to write it again. What followed were obsessive information seeking, getting anxious about all the coming changes in my life, bitter moments in an young adults life. Even without having PFS I would have been in one of the worst periods of my life (splitting up with ex girlfriend, partying too much as a touring DJ, job I didn’t like). I couldn’t stand the whole situation anymore in autumn 2017. At this moment I was maybe to 70 percent on cd’s protocoll but I haven’t felt any improvement. I decided to quit my job, pause my music career to go to Costa Rica. Not sure if that was the best decision in my situation but after having a miserable month there full of depression and being lost I found surfing as one of the foundations of my recovery. What did it do what I missed in my first months of getting on the regimen. It fucking focussed my mind while being in the water - on the next wave and how I was going to chase it. If you have ever surfed you know what I mean. And this is essential stuff here. Surfing kind of got me out of my thinking spirale direction hell of having PFS and all the other negative thoughts. It gave my mind some air to breath. After 4 more months of surfing, being on the protocoll to 90 percent, reconsidering my situation I decided to go back to Germany in march 2018. Until then depression improved, erectile dysfunction didn’t. I was ready to give it all for a full recovery. Being back in Germany I started my juice feast for 14 days and got a membership in a close gym. 98 % protocol from this moment on until today. Depression got better and better. Starting my new job was another milestone and things started to improved faster. This again is essential. Through this job I found my training buddies and started to work out four times a week during lunch break, it gave me a stable social environment and structure, room to develope my professional skills and it kept me superbusy. I had to organize my day to 100% - I started to just function. Coming back late in the evening I just was dead from all the work and sticking to the routine so that I felt asleep in seconds. Until today I am in this mode but getting stronger and more capable of achieving stuff everyday. Depression disapeared completely during my first and only circle of R-Andro in autumn 2018 (another milestone), erectyle dysfunction disapeared end of 2018. Oh god, some of you know that feeling already when you hold your blood full, hard dick in your hands for the first time after this shit happenend. Priceless.

Through this journey I became an even more driven man, I learned to listen to my body and my mind. I realised that my life is my responsibility and only mine. I can achieve everything if I just dedicate myself to the right things. And I am very thankful for that because I know that this is a blessing not everyone has in their life. How couldn’t I see it before...

Before I come to the details of my regimen I want to thank especially the man who layed out the way in the first place. CDnuts. I’ve learned that sharing knowledge is one of the most fulfilling things. You must be very proud of yourself reading success stories like this. Well earned my man. I can easily write that you gave me hope in my darkest moment and that you are one of the main reasons for my recovery. Thank you so much. I would love to come to the US one day to just shake your hand and have a coffee with you. Great man.

Cleaning up the mess you’ ve made – Juice feasting
I juice feasted 14 days. I didn’t notice the withdrawal phase because I had a superclean diet for one year already. The biggest impact I notice was the sharpness of my mind after 3 days until the end. Depression lifted to 100 % and I felt like a genius – very focused and smart. Being a lightweight the weight drop was a bit threating for me to be honest but one year later I weight 10 kg more (never weighted more in my life). I had three juice recipe which worked very well. I started to experiment after 10 days because I was not being able to stand them anymore. This was a mistake and it led to gastritis. I recommend you to create a plan for everyday of your juice feast.

Diet was one of the hardest parts of the protocol. I had to learn a lot about foods and how I prepare them to eat clean. Today my routine is based on cooking PALEO meals for the day in morning while eating breakfast. I re-introduced clean grains and I feel well eating them. Sometimes I eat in restaurants with friends but the selection is limited.
Carb backloading didn’t work so well for me. Eating a lot of carbs in the evening caused bad sleep for me. One of the dealbreakers for sleep was having the last food intake 3 hours before going to sleep.
For me coffee was a bit strange. It made me feel better but when the effect disapeared I felt worse. And it’s not good for my digestion so I cut it from the list. I am only on cold showers nowadays. haha

Daily supplements
As layed out until today.

I started with HIIT bodyweight (freeletics). Now I lift heavy. I don’t split anymore, I do a full body work out three to four times a week to gain weight faster. I feel fucking amazing through exercising. I will lift until I die.

Testosteron boosting supplements
As layed out until today. One of the dealbreakers was finding a way to order from lost empire herbs being based in Germany. German customs is a bitch – I can tell you that.

Cold water therapy
Everyday, amazing.

Calming the mind
Every evening half hour of meditation. Wim hof breathing caused me anxiety back in the days. Not sure why. Maybe I’ll give it a shot again.

Optimizing the brain
L-theanin works greats. Didn’t try the rest.

I feel that this is one of the most important areas of my recovery. When I sleep well I am fucking boss, when I sleep bad I am a shadow of myself. I tried everything to improve my sleep. Today I wear Bluelight blocker glasses in the evening . I don’t touch any eletronic device with displays 2 hours before I go to sleep. I eat at least 3 hours before I go to sleep. I meditate for 30 min in the evening to calm my mind. I listen to Holosync if I am not able to feel asleep. Sometimes I wear earplugs when my neighbour is too loud. Supplements didn’t help much.

Pumping for penile health
I have done it and improved my size.

Sun your boys
Whenever I could in Germany, in Costa Rica this was an easy one.

Sun your body
Read above

I rarely masturbate. When I masturbate I give myself a least 60 minutes to consciously enjoy the ritual. Haha, what a freak I am. Longest time I didn’t masturbate = 21 day. No porn.

Skin Brushing
Have done it for 1 ½ years. Felt good. Have to reintroduce it.

What else?
- Sauna helped to relax and sleep well.
- I tried a couple of other supplements but wasn’t consistent with them.
- For sex I used penis rings. If your penis is a grower they work perfectly to get him harder.
- Back in the days I couldn’t hang out with some of my friends anymore due to my lifestyle changes. This is a hard one. My whole social environment got erupted and I felt very lonely. Be patient. New friends will come. Nowadays I am into meeting new people and building new relationships with people who are as ambitious as me and who live healthy without booze for that reason. And I am able to hang out with my old friends again without problems. Observing them getting high doesn’t do anything to me.
- Sometimes I couldn’t follow the regimen to 100 % because of situations I didn’t see coming. For me it seems impossible to always be 100 % on the protocoll. I had to learn not to punish myself. Very important for not freaking out.

Left symptoms
I get kind of a strange feeling in my testicles after ejaculation for a couple of hours. Not sure if I had this before PFS already. It’s not bothering me and it’s far from being painful. Besides that I am in the best shape of my life and it’s getting better everyday.

I hope this post gives some of you the courage to continue the journey. You will get through it if you stay consistent. I will check in a week again but forgive me if I don’t answer a lot of questions. I am very busy and every information you need is layed out already more than once. Keep it up. Philipp.

02-17-2019, 11:22 AM
Fellow PFS sufferers and soon defeaters,

Today is the day I want to share my big achievement with you.

I know some of you quite well but you don’t me at all so I would like to write a little introduction about myself. I am 34 years old German dude based in Berlin. I stopped taking Finasterid in 2017 a second time when the trouble began. Today, almost two years afterwards I started crying in my kitchen after realizing one of my biggest triumphs in life. All the pressure and miserable being, all the dedication and work I put in were released and I had goosebumps all over my body. I knew the moment has come to post my recovery story for the men who accompanied me on the worst rollercoaster ride of my life.

You know that shit too well so I only lay out the two main symptoms of my PFS: Depression, erectile dysfunction. Luckily I found cd’s story and this forum quite fast and tried to create an introduction post but it somehow didn’t work out. So I took that as a sign and to be honest I was kind of all over the place so that I couldn’t take the energy to write it again. What followed were obsessive information seeking, getting anxious about all the coming changes in my life, bitter moments in an young adults life. Even without having PFS I would have been in one of the worst periods of my life (splitting up with ex girlfriend, partying too much as a touring DJ, job I didn’t like). I couldn’t stand the whole situation anymore in autumn 2017. At this moment I was maybe to 70 percent on cd’s protocoll but I haven’t felt any improvement. I decided to quit my job, pause my music career to go to Costa Rica. Not sure if that was the best decision in my situation but after having a miserable month there full of depression and being lost I found surfing as one of the foundations of my recovery. What did it do what I missed in my first months of getting on the regimen. It fucking focussed my mind while being in the water - on the next wave and how I was going to chase it. If you have ever surfed you know what I mean. And this is essential stuff here. Surfing kind of got me out of my thinking spirale direction hell of having PFS and all the other negative thoughts. It gave my mind some air to breath. After 4 more months of surfing, being on the protocoll to 90 percent, reconsidering my situation I decided to go back to Germany in march 2018. Until then depression improved, erectile dysfunction didn’t. I was ready to give it all for a full recovery. Being back in Germany I started my juice feast for 14 days and got a membership in a close gym. 98 % protocol from this moment on until today. Depression got better and better. Starting my new job was another milestone and things started to improved faster. This again is essential. Through this job I found my training buddies and started to work out four times a week during lunch break, it gave me a stable social environment and structure, room to develope my professional skills and it kept me superbusy. I had to organize my day to 100% - I started to just function. Coming back late in the evening I just was dead from all the work and sticking to the routine so that I felt asleep in seconds. Until today I am in this mode but getting stronger and more capable of achieving stuff everyday. Depression disapeared completely during my first and only circle of R-Andro in autumn 2018 (another milestone), erectyle dysfunction disapeared end of 2018. Oh god, some of you know that feeling already when you hold your blood full, hard dick in your hands for the first time after this shit happenend. Priceless.

Through this journey I became an even more driven man, I learned to listen to my body and my mind. I realised that my life is my responsibility and only mine. I can achieve everything if I just dedicate myself to the right things. And I am very thankful for that because I know that this is a blessing not everyone has in their life. How couldn’t I see it before...

Before I come to the details of my regimen I want to thank especially the man who layed out the way in the first place. CDnuts. I’ve learned that sharing knowledge is one of the most fulfilling things. You must be very proud of yourself reading success stories like this. Well earned my man. I can easily write that you gave me hope in my darkest moment and that you are one of the main reasons for my recovery. Thank you so much. I would love to come to the US one day to just shake your hand and have a coffee with you. Great man.

Cleaning up the mess you’ ve made – Juice feasting
I juice feasted 14 days. I didn’t notice the withdrawal phase because I had a superclean diet for one year already. The biggest impact I notice was the sharpness of my mind after 3 days until the end. Depression lifted to 100 % and I felt like a genius – very focused and smart. Being a lightweight the weight drop was a bit threating for me to be honest but one year later I weight 10 kg more (never weighted more in my life). I had three juice recipe which worked very well. I started to experiment after 10 days because I was not being able to stand them anymore. This was a mistake and it led to gastritis. I recommend you to create a plan for everyday of your juice feast.

Diet was one of the hardest parts of the protocol. I had to learn a lot about foods and how I prepare them to eat clean. Today my routine is based on cooking PALEO meals for the day in morning while eating breakfast. I re-introduced clean grains and I feel well eating them. Sometimes I eat in restaurants with friends but the selection is limited.
Carb backloading didn’t work so well for me. Eating a lot of carbs in the evening caused bad sleep for me. One of the dealbreakers for sleep was having the last food intake 3 hours before going to sleep.
For me coffee was a bit strange. It made me feel better but when the effect disapeared I felt worse. And it’s not good for my digestion so I cut it from the list. I am only on cold showers nowadays. haha

Daily supplements
As layed out until today.

I started with HIIT bodyweight (freeletics). Now I lift heavy. I don’t split anymore, I do a full body work out three to four times a week to gain weight faster. I feel fucking amazing through exercising. I will lift until I die.

Testosteron boosting supplements
As layed out until today. One of the dealbreakers was finding a way to order from lost empire herbs being based in Germany. German customs is a bitch – I can tell you that.

Cold water therapy
Everyday, amazing.

Calming the mind
Every evening half hour of meditation. Wim hof breathing caused me anxiety back in the days. Not sure why. Maybe I’ll give it a shot again.

Optimizing the brain
L-theanin works greats. Didn’t try the rest.

I feel that this is one of the most important areas of my recovery. When I sleep well I am fucking boss, when I sleep bad I am a shadow of myself. I tried everything to improve my sleep. Today I wear Bluelight blocker glasses in the evening . I don’t touch any eletronic device with displays 2 hours before I go to sleep. I eat at least 3 hours before I go to sleep. I meditate for 30 min in the evening to calm my mind. I listen to Holosync if I am not able to feel asleep. Sometimes I wear earplugs when my neighbour is too loud. Supplements didn’t help much.

Pumping for penile health
I have done it and improved my size.

Sun your boys
Whenever I could in Germany, in Costa Rica this was an easy one.

Sun your body
Read above

I rarely masturbate. When I masturbate I give myself a least 60 minutes to consciously enjoy the ritual. Haha, what a freak I am. Longest time I didn’t masturbate = 21 day. No porn.

Skin Brushing
Have done it for 1 ½ years. Felt good. Have to reintroduce it.

What else?
- Sauna helped to relax and sleep well.
- I tried a couple of other supplements but wasn’t consistent with them.
- For sex I used penis rings. If your penis is a grower they work perfectly to get him harder.
- Back in the days I couldn’t hang out with some of my friends anymore due to my lifestyle changes. This is a hard one. My whole social environment got erupted and I felt very lonely. Be patient. New friends will come. Nowadays I am into meeting new people and building new relationships with people who are as ambitious as me and who live healthy without booze for that reason. And I am able to hang out with my old friends again without problems. Observing them getting high doesn’t do anything to me.
- Sometimes I couldn’t follow the regimen to 100 % because of situations I didn’t see coming. For me it seems impossible to always be 100 % on the protocoll. I had to learn not to punish myself. Very important for not freaking out.

Left symptoms
I get kind of a strange feeling in my testicles after ejaculation for a couple of hours. Not sure if I had this before PFS already. It’s not bothering me and it’s far from being painful. Besides that I am in the best shape of my life and it’s getting better everyday.

I hope this post gives some of you the courage to continue the journey. You will get through it if you stay consistent. I will check in a week again but forgive me if I don’t answer a lot of questions. I am very busy and every information you need is layed out already more than once. Keep it up. Philipp.

Thank you Philipp.

Yes, sharing information is very fulfilling, but sharing information that can change someones life, is in itself, life changing.

If you're ever in the U.S., let me know. I'll take you up on that handshake.

All the best my man.

"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." -Albert Pike.

03-28-2019, 04:50 PM
Around 3 weeks into recovery program.
Hit the juice feast first and my god that was hard.
Headaches and fatigue kicked in which brought me to the brink of quitting a few times. I get the point of it is to clear your body out and cleanse the system. And after day 3, it got better, I felt better too.
Cold water therapy every day since decided to give the whole TMO a go, and I actually look forward to it now!
After a week on the juice, cutting all the things i like such as sugar, milk and bread, its got to the point where I started not to miss them.
Once back on solids, diet was high in vegetables and fruit. My beloved Vimto has been confined to the cupbaord and drinking a .ot of water with meals etc now instead.
Ive started to feel good and havent been near any scare stories online.
Two weeks into recovery and Ive had 4 early morning boners in a row. Been using bathmate daily and found last couple of days have been able to get somewhere near hard pre pump.
First sex experience, I felt massive pressure to perform as before. Almost to prove to myself more than anything else, which rsulted in a fade away and not being able to finish off.
Hey Im around three weeks in here. A month ago I had a limp lifeless member which had zero movement so I'm on the right road and totally happy with progress!
This is a mental thing as much as anything now, and it was just a little reminder to keep on with with good stuff I've been doing so far.
Id say am around 80-85% so far and feel lucky that Ive found TMO and cdnuts protocol, which has given me a rope ladder out of a very dark place.
This thing IS working for me. Not quite there yet but huge progress in a short space of time.

Thanks for your feedback but this is the Recovery section. Feel free to come back and post here when you're out of the woods. Congrats on your progress so far.

03-29-2019, 12:45 AM
Thanks for your feedback but this is the Recovery section. Feel free to come back and post here when you're out of the woods. Congrats on your progress so far.
Shit! Sorry man! Am new to this sort of thing in every way🙄.
Thanks for the heads up👍

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for your feedback but this is the Recovery section. Feel free to come back and post here when you're out of the woods. Congrats on your progress so far.
Out of interest, where should it go?
I feel quite positive, and feel the more positivity out there the better

03-29-2019, 11:19 AM
Shit! Sorry man! Am new to this sort of thing in every way��.
Thanks for the heads up��

- - - Updated - - -

Out of interest, where should it go?
I feel quite positive, and feel the more positivity out there the better

Post Finasteride Syndrome (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=47)

06-06-2019, 08:52 AM
It’s done. Over nine months completely symptom free. A healthier, happier, stronger, calmer, more disciplined, more caring and overall better version of myself than I was on 7/16/16 (day before I took that first fucking pill). Won’t get into the details as they are all in my "Damn…Getting Close" thread (introduction dated 3/21/18 and overview of program I followed dated 5/20/18). Much appreciation to CD, the purveyors of SS and all the others who generously offered ideas, advice and encouragement. Guys, if I could recover, anyone can. Don't let yourself be a victim. Man up, believe you can do it and just fucking do it…no excuses.

06-06-2019, 11:48 AM
It’s done. Over nine months completely symptom free. A healthier, happier, stronger, calmer, more confident, more caring and generally better version of myself than I was on 7/16/16. Won’t get into the details as they are all in my Damn…Getting Close thread (introduction on 3/21/18 and overview of program I followed on 5/20/18). Much appreciation to CD, the purveyors of SS and many of the regulars who have generously offered ideas, advice and encouragement. Guys, if I could do it, anyone can. Man up, take responsibility for yourself, believe you can do it and just fucking do it…no excuses.


Enjoy your new found vitality.

Thanks for coming back and updating us.

06-06-2019, 12:28 PM
It’s done. Over nine months completely symptom free. A healthier, happier, stronger, calmer, more confident, more caring and generally better version of myself than I was on 7/16/16. Won’t get into the details as they are all in my Damn…Getting Close thread (introduction on 3/21/18 and overview of program I followed on 5/20/18). Much appreciation to CD, the purveyors of SS and many of the regulars who have generously offered ideas, advice and encouragement. Guys, if I could do it, anyone can. Man up, take responsibility for yourself, believe you can do it and just fucking do it…no excuses.

Congratulations man, you deserve it! Enjoy life.

06-07-2019, 03:44 PM
Of course CD...keep spread'n the love :D

Thanks Max...as fucked up as things got, I never stopped enjoying life.

06-07-2019, 05:15 PM
congrats brother, happy for your new life and body

07-27-2019, 05:04 PM
hey swolesource family

So I've been well over 85%+ for 6 months + I'd say between 90-110%?

I kept procrastinating writing the post because I wanted it to be indepth but I guess I can just rewrite and add more if need be.

I followed 90% of the protocol immediatly after crashing (found cdsnuts recovery post). I knew the value of mentors so having someone who troubleshooted it before me I think was the fastest way to get better. I crashed from using ru58841 just once (a strong topical research chemical anti-androgen). I got side effects 4 hours later and then had 6 weeks up and down. 2 weeks bad sides, 2 weeks bounce back where I was even better then before and then 2 weeks back and forth. I crashed June 2 2017 and did the actual water fast September 15 2017. My first RU dose was April 24 2017. I remember these dates quite well.

My main 4 side effects where

physical = puffy face, became skinny fat, lost muscle mass
sexual = impotence, loss of libido, erectile disfunction
mental = panic attacks, anhedonia, depression
sleep = frequent wakes, insomnia (at it's worst could only sleep 2 hours a night)

NOW after following cdnuts protocol to the letter for 18 months

Sleep = pretty much back to normal sleep 9 hours (I'll wake up once after 6 hours and then back to sleep after 30 minutes) so 90%?
Sex = I have sex about 4+ times a week (sometimes my boners are not as strong as I remember but I also suffered a penis injury, I'm usually the horniest guy at most parties though and I go to swingers clubs) so 85%+?
Physical = pretty much back to normal and in ways i'm hotter then before because I learned more about health + fashion during this 110%?
Mental = Pretty much back to normal here? 110%?

So overall I'd say I'm like 90-110% recovered? I have some weird lingering issues leftover but I'm pretty much back to normal. Maxout, Tubzy, Gbolduev, Cdsnuts, Entropy, English were all people who I read ever single post and tried to follow overlapping principles instilled in this journy.

More details you can just look at my thread etc. From back then when I crashed. I crashed when I was 26 almost turning 27 and now I'm 28.

I started partying and using drugs again in April 2019 (2 years after my first ru58841. I still follow most of the protocol but I'll have a cheat meal once in a while and I'll party :P Used drugs to party here and there but I'd advise to avoid it and know your limits when you start getting sloppy *** (edit)

I maintain a rotation of 3+ girls who are 18-24 and are really hot (I was heavy into and still am into pickup arts). I fucked over 100+ girls while in PFS.

I was pretty much one of the worst cases of PFS I had pretty much every symptom that everyone talked about and yeah I'm good now. I'm gunna stick around because I love the guys in this community and I learned so much cool stuff. I was always a health nut and biohacker before despite my party ways.

Probably missed a lot of stuff that I'll think about after I post this but I'm a perfectionist and finally got around to typing this. I'm going out now to an orgy with one of my friends with benefits haha CHEERS SEXY BITCHES :D

Me and two of my best friends since we were 13 went out already for celebration beers of my recovery in May :P

07-29-2019, 04:35 PM
hey swolesource family

So I've been well over 85%+ for 6 months + I'd say between 90-110%?

I kept procrastinating writing the post because I wanted it to be indepth but I guess I can just rewrite and add more if need be.

I followed 90% of the protocol immediatly after crashing (found cdsnuts recovery post). I knew the value of mentors so having someone who troubleshooted it before me I think was the fastest way to get better. I crashed from using ru58841 just once (a strong topical research chemical anti-androgen). I got side effects 4 hours later and then had 6 weeks up and down. 2 weeks bad sides, 2 weeks bounce back where I was even better then before and then 2 weeks back and forth. I crashed June 2 2017 and did the actual water fast September 15 2017. My first RU dose was April 24 2017. I remember these dates quite well.

My main 4 side effects where

physical = puffy face, became skinny fat, lost muscle mass
sexual = impotence, loss of libido, erectile disfunction
mental = panic attacks, anhedonia, depression
sleep = frequent wakes, insomnia (at it's worst could only sleep 2 hours a night)

NOW after following cdnuts protocol to the letter for 18 months

Sleep = pretty much back to normal sleep 9 hours (I'll wake up once after 6 hours and then back to sleep after 30 minutes) so 90%?
Sex = I have sex about 4+ times a week (sometimes my boners are not as strong as I remember but I also suffered a penis injury, I'm usually the horniest guy at most parties though and I go to swingers clubs) so 85%+?
Physical = pretty much back to normal and in ways i'm hotter then before because I learned more about health + fashion during this 110%?
Mental = Pretty much back to normal here? 110%?

So overall I'd say I'm like 90-110% recovered? I have some weird lingering issues leftover but I'm pretty much back to normal. Maxout, Tubzy, Gbolduev, Cdsnuts, Entropy, English were all people who I read ever single post and tried to follow overlapping principles instilled in this journy.

More details you can just look at my thread etc. From back then when I crashed. I crashed when I was 26 almost turning 27 and now I'm 28.

I started partying and using drugs again in April 2019 (2 years after my first ru58841. I still follow most of the protocol but I'll have a cheat meal once in a while and I'll party :P Used drugs responsibly since then including LSD, GHB, Alcohol, Vyvanse, Adderal, Modafinil, Cocaine, Oxycodone and no I didn't crash again.

I maintain a rotation of 3+ girls who are 18-24 and are really hot (I was heavy into and still am into pickup arts). I fucked over 100+ girls while in PFS.

I was pretty much one of the worst cases of PFS I had pretty much every symptom that everyone talked about and yeah I'm good now. I'm gunna stick around because I love the guys in this community and I learned so much cool stuff. I was always a health nut and biohacker before despite my party ways.

Probably missed a lot of stuff that I'll think about after I post this but I'm a perfectionist and finally got around to typing this. I'm going out now to an orgy with one of my friends with benefits haha CHEERS SEXY BITCHES :D

Me and two of my best friends since we were 13 went out already for celebration beers of my recovery in May :P


Been waiting for this one! It's emotional.....you leaving now......lol.

All the best to you my man. You were a great student. Now you're reaping the rewards. LIVE THAT SHIT!!!!!

Master Mal
08-21-2019, 08:31 PM
Hey guys,

I’ve been holding steady at 90%-100% for a few months now and it hasn’t shown any signs of going away, so I think it’s time to make this post.

You can read most of the details of my story here (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3218).

In a nutshell: I took Propecia from 2007 to 2016. Up until 2015, I was absolutely fine. No side effects at all. But I gradually became really sick. Bleeding gums, horrific depression, lack of libido, no morning wood, etc. When I realized what was happening, I got completely freaked out.

I tapered off the drug over the course of a month and a half, but unfortunately I still crashed. When I received my bloodwork back, I discovered my testosterone was in the 100s – so basically I had the hormones of a 90 year old man. I got every symptom you can think of (with the exception of penis curvature, I think. My little buddy stayed straight) and I can’t tell you how close I was to jumping in front of a train every day.

I joined an online support PFS support group and within a month two of the members had committed suicide. The others were close to giving up.

It was a dark fucking time.

Somehow, I was too stubborn to throw in the towel, so with the support of my girlfriend at the time I pressed on and tried to get better.

I decided to do my research and found the other PFS sites, which weren’t much help in terms of boosting my morale. Hearing about people who had my symptoms for years on end really made things even worse. I don’t know how I found this site and CDNuts, but thank God I did.

I thrive on planning out courses of action, so the minute I discovered his protocol I went to work. Just knowing I was taking positive action and not stuck in a slog did wonders for me. I did the following:

Herb rotation
R-Andro Cycles
Cut down on masturbation
Got sun
Cold showers
Some breathing exercises

Little by little, things came back on line. It’s totally true that you take two steps forward and then one step back. For two and a half years, it was a constant trudge of some progress, then relapsing a bit. But forward progress was indeed made. The first and last R-Andro cycles were definitely big milestones for me and pushed me forward quite a bit.

You can read about my first cycle here (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3453).

Right now, I can say my symptoms are gone. Libido is back, mind is totally clear, depression is gone, and I’m getting nothing but complements about my performance in the bedroom. I rarely if ever think about PFS, because it simply isn’t impacting my life anymore.

That said, I still rotate herbs, pump, and lift regularly. I don’t do the R-Andro cycles anymore, both because I don’t like how itchy they make me but also because I don’t have that kind of money.

I don’t take my health for granted and just happy to be back to being myself.

When I was at my worst, I would look to these recovery posts for hope. If you’re in that position, I can tell you the following things:

There is absolutely hope.

You WILL recover if you put in the work.

Just be diligent and mindful. You won’t get better overnight, but if you’re consistent before you know it those dark times you so desperately want to escape will be a memory.

If you have any questions that aren’t answered here or in any of my threads, please feel free to drop me a line. I still check this forum from time to time and I’m more than happy to help.

Be smart.

Be mindful.

Follow the protocol.

You WILL recover.

I promise.

09-20-2019, 11:09 AM
Mutiple fake accounts and the biggest scam artist of the year award goes to....you guessed CTsnuts can't wait to expose the real person in a class action lawsuit.

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

10-07-2019, 07:19 AM
or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

It really is sad. He's been banned.

11-10-2019, 09:04 AM
Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

11-10-2019, 10:03 AM
Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!


Guaranteed there will be some guys who read this and scoff at the five year time period as if it took too long. Of course this is looking at it the wrong way. This is a perfect example of sticking to the regimen until your desired outcome is achieved. If you continue on with it, you will continue to feel better and better.

Thanks for coming back and updating us. These posts go very far and are very helpful to the guys just starting their journey.

Here's to your continued healing!

11-10-2019, 10:18 AM
Congrats bizzbee, you deserve it man.

01-06-2020, 09:42 AM
One year Check back from former sufferer, Damn:

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Hey guys. Thought I would drop by for a check-in. It’s fucking awesome to see some new recoveries on the scoreboard since I last visited! The rest of you can do it too. Just live a clean life and, most importantly, get the fuck out of your own heads. You will get there. I’ve not only been symptom free for over a year now, but life is honestly loads better than it was before Fin. Keep the faith brothers. Enjoy the holidays with your friends and families.
Never lose your sense of humor

01-06-2020, 02:52 PM
Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

congrats bro! recovered as well. What were big things that helped you further? For you you think it was mostly gut related? for me it felt more liike endocrine crash so things that boosted hormones is what helped the most. Given that state it's a miracle i'm back to normal crazy difference coming from that low lol. body is so resilient.

07-15-2020, 03:14 AM
Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

08-14-2020, 10:53 AM
Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

Thank you for sharing.

01-18-2021, 03:23 AM
checking in just to say that im fuckin good. if you take charge and do what you’re supposed to do, you will also be good. you guys got this shit. try not to get bogged down in the details.

01-20-2021, 12:19 PM
go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

01-20-2021, 02:03 PM
go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?


03-18-2021, 05:47 PM
Hey all.

I used to use this forum a lot during my darker days, just checking in to say I've got my life back.

I took Fin for around 4 fucking years and crashed after a solid week of binge drinking and smoking massive amounts of weed.

I'm not even sure its worth listing symptoms because I had so damn many, but a few gems include:

Giant veins
Dick changes
Loss of body hair
Muscle thinning
Moon face
Low volume jizz
Voice changes
And a million other damn things. Go read the threads if you like.

I'm a little veiner now and my dick looks thinner when flaccid (its fine when hard). Other than those two nothing problems, I'm cured.

I'm happy with my life. I'm in a long term relationship with a girl I met AFTER I crashed, I beat my fin induced anxiety and make good money now, I can laugh and cry again, and I can fuck without worrying about going soft or not being able to nut.

Full disclosure: Back in 2019 I did a week of soundwave therapy (which did nothing) and a few months of daily cilias alongside the herbs (which I think actually helped a little). I don't say this as a reccomendation I'm just being honest. I also don't drink or smoke anymore just because I associate it with trauma. I haven't checked in here for a while so I don't know the consensus on weed but I would HIGHLY advise against it. I truly believe it was the catalyst for my crash. If you don't think that qualifies as fully cured well I don't give a fuck. I don't miss them, I don't want them, and my life is better without them.

I take no cillas now. I rarely even take the herbs anymore for no other reason than I don't need to and I just tend to forget to. Over lockdown I ate tons of junk food and haven't exercised at all and I'm STILL fine. My body found its new equilibrium. Years of grind earned me the right to spoil myself a bit, I'll jump back on fitness when the gyms open again.

Aside from the above mentioned all I did was follow the protocol and 1 round of R Andro. Thats it. The only silver bullet I can give you is to STOP obsessing over this. Stop measuring your dick and checking your physique or voice or whatever horrible shit is trying to bring you down. You CAN get better but obsession will ruin you. Leave social media, stop comparing your life to others, don't obsess on your past, and just get on with your life. When you find your momentum you'll come here less and less and you'll think about PFS less and less.

Anyway, this will be my last post. I have no secret knowledge to give you guys CD has spelled it out for you a million times. I associate this place with a lot of sadness and I'm just done with that stage of my life now and have already moved on.

CD, you're a good man and what you do for these guys is important. Honestly thanks for giving me guidance when I was lost.

Thanks and good luck guys


03-19-2021, 06:12 AM
Hey all.

I used to use this forum a lot during my darker days, just checking in to say I've got my life back.

I took Fin for around 4 fucking years and crashed after a solid week of binge drinking and smoking massive amounts of weed.

I'm not even sure its worth listing symptoms because I had so damn many, but a few gems include:

Giant veins
Dick changes
Loss of body hair
Muscle thinning
Moon face
Low volume jizz
Voice changes
And a million other damn things. Go read the threads if you like.

I'm a little veiner now and my dick looks thinner when flaccid (its fine when hard). Other than those two nothing problems, I'm cured.

I'm happy with my life. I'm in a long term relationship with a girl I met AFTER I crashed, I beat my fin induced anxiety and make good money now, I can laugh and cry again, and I can fuck without worrying about going soft or not being able to nut.

Full disclosure: Back in 2019 I did a week of soundwave therapy (which did nothing) and a few months of daily cilias alongside the herbs (which I think actually helped a little). I don't say this as a reccomendation I'm just being honest. I also don't drink or smoke anymore just because I associate it with trauma. I haven't checked in here for a while so I don't know the consensus on weed but I would HIGHLY advise against it. I truly believe it was the catalyst for my crash. If you don't think that qualifies as fully cured well I don't give a fuck. I don't miss them, I don't want them, and my life is better without them.

I take no cillas now. I rarely even take the herbs anymore for no other reason than I don't need to and I just tend to forget to. Over lockdown I ate tons of junk food and haven't exercised at all and I'm STILL fine. My body found its new equilibrium. Years of grind earned me the right to spoil myself a bit, I'll jump back on fitness when the gyms open again.

Aside from the above mentioned all I did was follow the protocol and 1 round of R Andro. Thats it. The only silver bullet I can give you is to STOP obsessing over this. Stop measuring your dick and checking your physique or voice or whatever horrible shit is trying to bring you down. You CAN get better but obsession will ruin you. Leave social media, stop comparing your life to others, don't obsess on your past, and just get on with your life. When you find your momentum you'll come here less and less and you'll think about PFS less and less.

Anyway, this will be my last post. I have no secret knowledge to give you guys CD has spelled it out for you a million times. I associate this place with a lot of sadness and I'm just done with that stage of my life now and have already moved on.

CD, you're a good man and what you do for these guys is important. Honestly thanks for giving me guidance when I was lost.

Thanks and good luck guys


Congrats to you, and I don't blame you making this your last post. Go out on a high note my friend. All the best.....and thank you.

09-21-2021, 02:32 PM
Hey guys,

I hope CD doesn't mind but I was combing through my thread and remembered this encouraging message I received from a recovered member especially at a time when I wasn't in a good place. Thought it might be a good idea to pop it in here. His username was Jimmyjonas and his recovery post is somewhere in this thread. Below is what he had to say a few years after his recovery post

Hello Comewhatmay I got a notification that I got tagged in a post, it’s been a while since I’ve been here, maybe a year since I last logged in, I won’t stay long but just to say I am still recovered, an awful lot has happened in my life and have since had a healthy baby daughter, the whole pfs nightmare is a distant memory now thankfully, I just want to say to everyone and you who are suffering, I was there, in hell for a long time, I wanted to die but I got better, my side effects are gone. The key is keep it simple, stick to what’s laid out and you WILL get over this, nowadays I don’t work out like i did during recovery, I don’t go to gym anymore but I do walk a lot, so nothing too strenuous but I’m fine, I have no sexual side effects anymore, from going from feeling like i had no penis i can gladly say all is good in that department now. I’ve lost some people close to me and have gone through ups and downs since but it’s normal life stuff not the pfs black hole shit that dominated my life for a long time, thank god. Keep pushing through lads and avoid negativity, don’t go down the rabbit hole of living on forums, the plan is laid out here by cd to get better, get on it and stay off the sites as much as possible, a lot of bad shit online that will f your head up, get the permanent label out of your head (that really fucked me up mentally as in people saying it’s impossible to recover from) you can get past it. One good thing that’s come from this dark chapter is that now when i face more real world challenges I say to myself if you can beat pfs you can beat anything. Best of luck lads

09-21-2021, 05:29 PM
Quite the contrary! Thank you for sharing....it's been a minute since we had a post here, even if it is a recovered member reinforcing what he did.

Good looking man.

10-04-2021, 11:57 AM
Hi lads, me again.

I am now at least 95% recovered to how I was before. It's difficult to say exactly, as I dealt with many things before this ordeal (major stress, leading to some anxiety, mental health issues, and possibly even some depression) but the onset of issues that I did have from the PFS are all gone or at least vastly diminished.
What had really fucked me up at the beginning was the fact that I used 3 times the amount of saw palmetto that was recommended by the manufacturer, and I thought this put me in a unique position. I was wrong of course. The onset of symptoms has nothing to do with the dosage. Human trials have used dutasteride (a 5ari inhibitor with a half life of 4 weeks) at 20 times the dosage, on humans with no ill effects. The fact of the matter is that these persistent adverse reactions are more to do with your personal genetic background. You can take a miniscule amount for a day and be screwed or you can take a month's worth of fin in one day(dosages have gone up to 80mg for 3 months on people with no ill effects) and be fine. Once I realised that taking 3 times the necessary dose wasn't the be all and end all for my condition, I already started feeling better.

It did take a while longer to feel as before, but what greatly helped me was exercise and weight lifting, which allowed me to feel relaxed. I feel that exercise is the most important aspect in recovery owing to the multitude of benefits it offers, physically but most importantly, mentally. My ED and libido are back to how they were before the crash, and I no longer have brain fog or fatigue / memory issues anymore. The only times memory issues resurface are when I have taken too many stimulants, mainly caffeine, but that is also something I experienced before the crash. The only thing I can think of that I still have is a bit of numbness in the penis, but that's it.

I feel fine now, and over the summer I was really eager to start my life again. I took a long month holiday where I travelled and took in the sun, and I felt relaxed and happy. I celebrated my birthday with friends, and went a little overboard with the drink and for about three months, I completely forgot about the condition. I think that's the most important part. Keeping busy enough that eventually, alongside the necessary steps to improve, the condition fades to the background, and eventually you heal completely. I went from manically scrolling through different forums in October of last year, to now taking on various opportunities as they come to me. Wish you all well. Message me your emails or whatsapps if you wish to connect privately. I'll be on here too at times if you need me.

Take care boys

10-05-2021, 02:28 PM
Hi lads, me again.

I am now at least 95% recovered to how I was before. It's difficult to say exactly, as I dealt with many things before this ordeal (major stress, leading to some anxiety, mental health issues, and possibly even some depression) but the onset of issues that I did have from the PFS are all gone or at least vastly diminished.
What had really fucked me up at the beginning was the fact that I used 3 times the amount of saw palmetto that was recommended by the manufacturer, and I thought this put me in a unique position. I was wrong of course. The onset of symptoms has nothing to do with the dosage. Human trials have used dutasteride (a 5ari inhibitor with a half life of 4 weeks) at 20 times the dosage, on humans with no ill effects. The fact of the matter is that these persistent adverse reactions are more to do with your personal genetic background. You can take a miniscule amount for a day and be screwed or you can take a month's worth of fin in one day(dosages have gone up to 80mg for 3 months on people with no ill effects) and be fine. Once I realised that taking 3 times the necessary dose wasn't the be all and end all for my condition, I already started feeling better.

It did take a while longer to feel as before, but what greatly helped me was exercise and weight lifting, which allowed me to feel relaxed. I feel that exercise is the most important aspect in recovery owing to the multitude of benefits it offers, physically but most importantly, mentally. My ED and libido are back to how they were before the crash, and I no longer have brain fog or fatigue / memory issues anymore. The only times memory issues resurface are when I have taken too many stimulants, mainly caffeine, but that is also something I experienced before the crash. The only thing I can think of that I still have is a bit of numbness in the penis, but that's it.

I feel fine now, and over the summer I was really eager to start my life again. I took a long month holiday where I travelled and took in the sun, and I felt relaxed and happy. I celebrated my birthday with friends, and went a little overboard with the drink and for about three months, I completely forgot about the condition. I think that's the most important part. Keeping busy enough that eventually, alongside the necessary steps to improve, the condition fades to the background, and eventually you heal completely. I went from manically scrolling through different forums in October of last year, to now taking on various opportunities as they come to me. Wish you all well. Message me your emails or whatsapps if you wish to connect privately. I'll be on here too at times if you need me.

Take care boys

Congratulations my friend. Remember....keep the protocol going for at least three more months, full throttle, or at what ever pace you were doing it at.

10-06-2021, 03:11 AM
Congratulations my friend. Remember....keep the protocol going for at least three more months, full throttle, or at what ever pace you were doing it at.

I'll keep it going for a while, I boozed up over my birthday but otherwise kept it quite clean. Thanks again man!

11-08-2021, 03:39 PM
I'll keep it going for a while, I boozed up over my birthday but otherwise kept it quite clean. Thanks again man!

Looking forward to that recovery post!!

12-25-2021, 07:29 PM
Looking forward to that recovery post!!

Just writing to confirm that everything has stabilised for me. I'm very active now, and keep myself very busy throughout the days. As long as you don't get yourselves bogged down in all of this, and find ways to keep your mind off it, you would be surprised at how much you can progress in a short space of time.

All the best, and DMs are always open.

12-26-2021, 04:41 PM
Hey all,

Just wanted to say that I am indeed 100% recovered from PFS and have been so for about eight months now. I was a severe case and it took me about two years of protocol to recover completely.

I could write a longer story but honestly I just want to forget about PFS for a while as it was such a huge part or my life for so long.

Best advice I can give people is to just do the protocol 100% and you’ll be there before you know it. At some point (depending on your symptom severity) your life will become livable and after that it’s smooth sailing.

Thanks everyone, CD especially, and good luck!

01-17-2022, 12:39 PM
Hey all,

Just wanted to say that I am indeed 100% recovered from PFS and have been so for about eight months now. I was a severe case and it took me about two years of protocol to recover completely.

I could write a longer story but honestly I just want to forget about PFS for a while as it was such a huge part or my life for so long.

Best advice I can give people is to just do the protocol 100% and you’ll be there before you know it. At some point (depending on your symptom severity) your life will become livable and after that it’s smooth sailing.

Thanks everyone, CD especially, and good luck!

CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve it my man. You never wavered in the face of adversity and you stuck to the plan. Thanks for coming back and posting!

04-27-2022, 11:40 AM
Hi everyone,

I was going to wait until I made a full recovery to post, but I think it's better that I post now to help some of those who are going through the thick of it.

I took Saw Palmetto (SP), Fin, and Dut, and crashed on August 25th, 2021. I was taking SP for a couple months with no symptoms. I transitioned to Fin for 3 days and began to see symptoms (light sleep, no morning wood, lack of sensitivity down under), so I stopped both SP and Fin for a month. It only took a week or 2 for all the symptoms to completely disappear, so I felt safe to give 5ar Inhibitors a longer try. After that month break, I took 1 pill of Dut followed by 4 days of Fin (genius, right..). After that 4th day of Fin, I was having serious trouble sleeping. I remember waking up feeling anxious, like I was late for some important event. I ceased taking the Fin, Dut and SP, but the symptoms continued to progress. This was my crash.

Here were my initial symptoms:
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Anxiety (especially at night)
- Loose, stretchy skin
- Change in muscles (not as dense)
- Moderate lack of sensitivity on penis
- Major lack of sensitivity on the boys down under
- Cracking ankles
- Sore feet (my feet would get wider as I walked compared to pre pfs, something to do with the change in muscle)
- Difficult to get or stay hard
- No morning wood
- Acid reflux
- Heart pain (like my heart was being pinched)
- Nipple sensitivity
- Discomfort in right shoulder/bicep
- Rapid eardrum fluttering

I was lucky enough to find this site almost immediately after crashing. In the early days of this journey, reading through CD's (and other recovered members) posts helped me stay sane. I hopped on the protocol instantly. Since I was very thin at the time, I opted for a week long juice feast instead of a longer water-fast. After the cleanse, I hopped on the supps, herb rotation, breathing exercises, cold showers, and the rest of the protocol.

I want to point out that insomnia was by far my worst symptom. In the first month, I was only sleeping about 2 hours a night. There was even a 5 day stretch where I didn't sleep at all. Needless to say, it was a very difficult time. Positive affirmations helped a lot.

Over the course of the following months, my sleep slowly but surely improved. 6 months after crashing and I was able to get about 6 hours of sleep a night (pre pfs I would usually get 7-9 hours). It is now 8 months post crash and my sleep is truly about 85-90% back to what it used to be. This in itself is a massive success for me, even if I am not yet 100% recovered.

In hindsight, I think it was the meditation, diet, proper sunlight, daily exercise, nightly walks, and magnesium + glycine (Sleep brand for magnesium and the Now Brand for glycine) that helped most with restoring sleep. I also tried Ziziphus and Albizia powder from LEH. They were somewhat helpful, but I stopped using them as they weren't making much of a difference for me.

After 8 months of protocol, here are the symptoms I am left with:

- Loose, stretchy skin
- Change in muscles (not as dense)
- Moderate lack of sensitivity on penis
- Major lack of sensitivity on the boys down under
- Cracking ankles
- Sore feet (my feet would get wider as I walked compared to pre pfs, something to do with the change in muscle)
- Testicle pain (right side only)

Pain in my right ball is a new symptom that developed in Jan, 2022. After it developed, I stopped the herb rotation for a month and got bloods done. I wanted to see if there was something specific causing the ball pain. Most of my bloodwork came back fine, but my estrogen levels came back very high, outside the normal range. I don't think this imbalance is due to the herb rotation but rather due to a lack of 5ar from SP, Fin, and Dut that never recovered. I'm back on the herb cycle again, and soon will move forward with a pro-hormone cycle. What do you think is the best pro-hormone to take in my case?

Apart from the ball pain, the other symptoms are totally manageable and not even that big of issues. Of course I'd like them to resolve, but they are not substantially hindering my quality of life. In addition, my life is in many ways better than pre-pfs. I just moved to Austin Texas with a college friend, I'm lifting, going out to bars (sober), creating relationships with beautiful woman, sleeping well, and am in the final stages of landing a job as software engineer. Before PFS, I was day-dreaming my life away - truly letting the potential of my life slip through my fingers. PFS gave me a somewhat necessary smack in the face, and through the protocol I began to realize limitations I had unknowingly placed upon myself. This last 8 month period has been a metamorphosis of sorts for me, and I like who I am becoming.

As a last note: Thank you CD and the rest of the community who selflessly come here to help those of us who are in recovery. I don't know if I'd be alive today if it wasn't for you guys..

- Gravity

05-06-2022, 11:19 AM
Alright fellas, gonna make a longer post this time now that I have more time.

I took 1.25mg of finasteride for three days in August 2018 and stopped after sexual side effects started to occur. For the next two months or so, I had horrible depression, numb genitals, crying spells, couldn’t sleep, hot flashes. I had heard of someone mentioning PFS before, but of course, I didn’t expect it to happen to me. Like an idiot I took the drug anyway due to vanity. I didn’t understand PFS meant much more than just long-term sexual dysfunction.

I didn’t completely crash until November 5th 2018. All of a sudden I could no longer sleep longer than an hour a night. I had brain fog to the point I couldn’t understand conversations, would slur my speech, couldn’t look anyone in the eye, couldn’t even have a conversation with my friends or family without going into constant panic. I had terrible vertigo, when I would lay in bed and close my eyes I felt like I was falling through the bed or like my body was spinning in circles. I had constant burning in my legs and genital area. Couldn’t look at screens without intense head pressure. Couldn’t cross a street or even go into places like public stores without panic attacks. Stress intolerance. Short term memory loss, no motivation in life at all, depression, dick and balls shrunk, no libido, ed, watery sperm, lost 10kg, dry skin, sunken eyes, rubbery skin, weird textured dry hair, no morning wood, prostate pain, you name it. I was so fucked up I don’t even remember all my symptoms. I could barely leave the house, and couldn’t work at all for the first 10 months post-crash.

I started CD’s protocol in February 2019. I did a one week juice feast and applied 100% of the regimen. Little by little my health would come back. It took about a year until I could sleep more than six hours again. At that point my healing accelerated and life became livable again. By March 2021 I was mostly recovered and started eating cheat meals every once in a while. But during my recovery I never cheated once. By May 2021 I was fully recovered. I waited about six months after recovering to introduce alcohol again, and have had zero issues with that either.

It’s now May 2022 and not only are all of my PFS symptoms gone, but I’m actually in better health than before finasteride. I’m in better shape, look much better, more confident, and generally feel amazing everyday. I also did a 14-day water fast at home due to toxic mold exposure in September 2021 and felt even better after. I’m turning 22 in a few more months and feel like I’ve went through something very, very few if anyone my age has went through.

In 2018 I thought my life was over due to a stupid mistake I made, now in 2022 I realize PFS was the biggest blessing of my life and I actually had the best years of my life so far during recovery. Learnt so much about myself, about health and overall had great times during my recovery (after the first year of hell, after that it was livable).

I was a bad case of PFS, and I recovered. I did it, you can too.

05-10-2022, 07:40 AM
Alright fellas, gonna make a longer post this time now that I have more time.

I took 1.25mg of finasteride for three days in August 2018 and stopped after sexual side effects started to occur. For the next two months or so, I had horrible depression, numb genitals, crying spells, couldn’t sleep, hot flashes. I had heard of someone mentioning PFS before, but of course, I didn’t expect it to happen to me. Like an idiot I took the drug anyway due to vanity. I didn’t understand PFS meant much more than just long-term sexual dysfunction.

I didn’t completely crash until November 5th 2018. All of a sudden I could no longer sleep longer than an hour a night. I had brain fog to the point I couldn’t understand conversations, would slur my speech, couldn’t look anyone in the eye, couldn’t even have a conversation with my friends or family without going into constant panic. I had terrible vertigo, when I would lay in bed and close my eyes I felt like I was falling through the bed or like my body was spinning in circles. I had constant burning in my legs and genital area. Couldn’t look at screens without intense head pressure. Couldn’t cross a street or even go into places like public stores without panic attacks. Stress intolerance. Short term memory loss, no motivation in life at all, depression, dick and balls shrunk, no libido, ed, watery sperm, lost 10kg, dry skin, sunken eyes, rubbery skin, weird textured dry hair, no morning wood, prostate pain, you name it. I was so fucked up I don’t even remember all my symptoms. I could barely leave the house, and couldn’t work at all for the first 10 months post-crash.

I started CD’s protocol in February 2019. I did a one week juice feast and applied 100% of the regimen. Little by little my health would come back. It took about a year until I could sleep more than six hours again. At that point my healing accelerated and life became livable again. By March 2021 I was mostly recovered and started eating cheat meals every once in a while. But during my recovery I never cheated once. By May 2021 I was fully recovered.

It’s now May 2022 and not only are all of my PFS symptoms gone, but I’m actually in better health than before finasteride. I’m in better shape, look much better, more confident, and generally feel amazing everyday. I also did a 14-day water fast at home due to mold exposure in September 2021 and felt even better after. I’m turning 22 in a couple months and feel like I’ve went through something very, very few if anyone my age has went through.

In 2018 I thought my life was over due to a stupid mistake I made, now in 2022 I realize PFS was the biggest blessing of my life and I actually had the best years of my life so far during recovery. Learnt so much about myself.

I was a bad case of PFS, and I recovered. I did it, you can too.

Thank you my friend. You were a model student to say the least.

Here is where things get exciting. Keep going, and you'll continue to feel better then you ever thought was possible.

Thanks for sticking around.

05-13-2022, 03:37 AM
Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

05-13-2022, 07:46 AM
Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Thank you for that. It means everything.

07-12-2022, 11:00 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to check in real quick and add another recovery to this thread.

Long story short, I got PFS when I upgraded from finasteride to dutasteride back in 2019. I had pretty bad symptoms to the point where I wasn't able to sleep for several days straight and my mind was all kinds of fucked up.

Upon researching my condition I stumbled upon the infamous Propeciahelp forum. After reading through a dozen threads on there I thought I was actually permanently fucked.

I was desperately looking for a way out before I accepted my fate and lo and behold, CDNuts pointed me to this forum.

It is still so crazy that CD was just a dude who had recovered from PFS and genuinely wanted to help people recover too.

Your act of kindness has literally turned around my entire life.

It's been almost 3 years now since contracting PFS.

I'm fully recovered now and have learned a ton of things about health that I otherwise never would have.

I've been Paleo ever since starting your protocol and have never felt better.

It feels great knowing the objective truth to the age-old question of what is the optimal human diet.

Not to get all religious in here but I'm also starting to believe in God again after being Agnostic for so many years.

I just can't wrap my head around me being saved from the permanent hell that is PFS.

I was literally praying for a solution and the universe gave me one in the form of CD's protocol. Like holy shit that's so crazy to me.

Anyways, it's weird to say but I'm actually so grateful to have had PFS.

Before, I was a prisoner to my own vanity about my hair. Now, I am free.

I mean, my hair is still there - not as good as when I was on Fin, but I realized that there's so much more to life than our appearances.

It's almost like the universe has called each of us to learn that lesson the hard way. But in the end it's so worth it.

Sorry for going on a rant, I meant to make this short but there's so much to say about this haha.

To the guys who are still struggling with PFS, don't give up! This procotol works 100%!

I was super skeptical at the beginning, I was like "there's no way recovering from PFS can be as simple as eating Paleo and exercising and sunning your balls" etc.

Especially when you see forums like Ray Peat and PH where guys are trying to concoct different potions to alter their hormones to fix this shit lmao.

But yea follow the protocol and stick to it and you won't just be cured - you will be a massively improved version of your previous self!

Almost like Gandalf in LOTR fought the Balrog and almost died but eventually emerged as Gandalf the White.

To CDNuts - thank you. You're an actual hero bro, no joke.

Still amazes me that there are people like that out there. I will strive to pay it forward and help advance humanity when my time comes as well.

I don't come on here very often anymore, but if anyone has any questions on the protocol or symptoms or anything, feel free to hit me up.

Anyways, thanks guys and good luck!


07-14-2022, 10:32 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to check in real quick and add another recovery to this thread.

Long story short, I got PFS when I upgraded from finasteride to dutasteride back in 2019. I had pretty bad symptoms to the point where I wasn't able to sleep for several days straight and my mind was all kinds of fucked up.

Upon researching my condition I stumbled upon the infamous Propeciahelp forum. After reading through a dozen threads on there I thought I was actually permanently fucked.

I was desperately looking for a way out before I accepted my fate and lo and behold, CDNuts pointed me to this forum.

It is still so crazy that CD was just a dude who had recovered from PFS and genuinely wanted to help people recover too.

Your act of kindness has literally turned around my entire life.

It's been almost 3 years now since contracting PFS.

I'm fully recovered now and have learned a ton of things about health that I otherwise never would have.

I've been Paleo ever since starting your protocol and have never felt better.

It feels great knowing the objective truth to the age-old question of what is the optimal human diet.

Not to get all religious in here but I'm also starting to believe in God again after being Agnostic for so many years.

I just can't wrap my head around me being saved from the permanent hell that is PFS.

I was literally praying for a solution and the universe gave me one in the form of CD's protocol. Like holy shit that's so crazy to me.

Anyways, it's weird to say but I'm actually so grateful to have had PFS.

Before, I was a prisoner to my own vanity about my hair. Now, I am free.

I mean, my hair is still there - not as good as when I was on Fin, but I realized that there's so much more to life than our appearances.

It's almost like the universe has called each of us to learn that lesson the hard way. But in the end it's so worth it.

Sorry for going on a rant, I meant to make this short but there's so much to say about this haha.

To the guys who are still struggling with PFS, don't give up! This procotol works 100%!

I was super skeptical at the beginning, I was like "there's no way recovering from PFS can be as simple as eating Paleo and exercising and sunning your balls" etc.

Especially when you see forums like Ray Peat and PH where guys are trying to concoct different potions to alter their hormones to fix this shit lmao.

But yea follow the protocol and stick to it and you won't just be cured - you will be a massively improved version of your previous self!

Almost like Gandalf in LOTR fought the Balrog and almost died but eventually emerged as Gandalf the White.

To CDNuts - thank you. You're an actual hero bro, no joke.

Still amazes me that there are people like that out there. I will strive to pay it forward and help advance humanity when my time comes as well.

I don't come on here very often anymore, but if anyone has any questions on the protocol or symptoms or anything, feel free to hit me up.

Anyways, thanks guys and good luck!

Congratulations on your recovery. I read through your thread and dont think I saw specific mention of these things, so for the sake of clarity on the recovery thread, would you mind telling us a little info about your regimen over the course of your healing? Primarily, did you ever use pro hormones? If so, how many runs, and what kind? Also, what was your herb rotation like? Did you ever get to where you were rotating more than 7? What was your exercise routine like? Just some points I'm always curious about, if you dont mind filling in the blanks...

07-15-2022, 01:34 AM
Congratulations on your recovery. I read through your thread and dont think I saw specific mention of these things, so for the sake of clarity on the recovery thread, would you mind telling us a little info about your regimen over the course of your healing? Primarily, did you ever use pro hormones? If so, how many runs, and what kind? Also, what was your herb rotation like? Did you ever get to where you were rotating more than 7? What was your exercise routine like? Just some points I'm always curious about, if you dont mind filling in the blanks...

Hey lastnoirking, yea no problem.

I didn’t use any pro hormones.

I primarily focused on the diet and exercise parts of the protocol. Those are the 2 factors that I attribute most of my recovery to.

I bought a bunch of the herbs and got to a point where I was cycling one per day of the week, but that was only for a couple of months.

It got to a point where I was getting too horny where nofap was becoming a challenge, so I stopped most of the herbs and took only the PPP for about a year.

Now I’m taking no herbs but they work 100% from my experience.

Exercise routine was heavy lifting 3x per week and 1 HIIT session on the stationary bike. No longer do the HIIT anymore cuz I got lazy haha but still lifting every week.

I got into the wim hof breathing way later on so it didn’t directly impact my recovery but I highly recommend it for regulating negative emotions.

Overall I knew if I tried doing all of it at once that I would inevitably fall off track, so what I did was just focus on a couple components on the protocol that I knew I could stick to.

That ended up being the paleo diet + herbs as I was already lifting regularly.

Recovery was very slow for the first few months from what I remember.

At my worst I was unable to sleep, digestive system was fucked up (infrequent bowel movements and most of those were diarrheas), low appetite, no motivation, high negative emotionality, libido nonexistent.

First symptoms to go away was the mental stuff. Digestive system took about a year to get back to normal.

Sleep was the last symptom to get back to normal, took about 2 years total.

So overall it was a 2 year process as CD said it would be.

Hope that is helpful!

07-15-2022, 02:14 AM
Hey lastnoirking, yea no problem.

I didn’t use any pro hormones.

I primarily focused on the diet and exercise parts of the protocol. Those are the 2 factors that I attribute most of my recovery to.

I bought a bunch of the herbs and got to a point where I was cycling one per day of the week, but that was only for a couple of months.

It got to a point where I was getting too horny where nofap was becoming a challenge, so I stopped most of the herbs and took only the PPP for about a year.

Now I’m taking no herbs but they work 100% from my experience.

Exercise routine was heavy lifting 3x per week and 1 HIIT session on the stationary bike. No longer do the HIIT anymore cuz I got lazy haha but still lifting every week.

I got into the wim hof breathing way later on so it didn’t directly impact my recovery but I highly recommend it for regulating negative emotions.

Overall I knew if I tried doing all of it at once that I would inevitably fall off track, so what I did was just focus on a couple components on the protocol that I knew I could stick to.

That ended up being the paleo diet + herbs as I was already lifting regularly.

Recovery was very slow for the first few months from what I remember.

At my worst I was unable to sleep, digestive system was fucked up (infrequent bowel movements and most of those were diarrheas), low appetite, no motivation, high negative emotionality, libido nonexistent.

First symptoms to go away was the mental stuff. Digestive system took about a year to get back to normal.

Sleep was the last symptom to get back to normal, took about 2 years total.

So overall it was a 2 year process as CD said it would be.

Hope that is helpful!

Thanks bud, appreciate the info...enjoy your new lease on life!

07-22-2022, 08:20 PM
covfefe42 congratulations man. Just one question, did you take protein powder? If so, which one? Also did you ever cheat on your diet?

08-27-2022, 01:33 AM
Hey guys, just wanted to check in real quick and add another recovery to this thread.

Long story short, I got PFS when I upgraded from finasteride to dutasteride back in 2019. I had pretty bad symptoms to the point where I wasn't able to sleep for several days straight and my mind was all kinds of fucked up.

Upon researching my condition I stumbled upon the infamous Propeciahelp forum. After reading through a dozen threads on there I thought I was actually permanently fucked.

I was desperately looking for a way out before I accepted my fate and lo and behold, CDNuts pointed me to this forum.

It is still so crazy that CD was just a dude who had recovered from PFS and genuinely wanted to help people recover too.

Your act of kindness has literally turned around my entire life.

It's been almost 3 years now since contracting PFS.

I'm fully recovered now and have learned a ton of things about health that I otherwise never would have.

I've been Paleo ever since starting your protocol and have never felt better.

It feels great knowing the objective truth to the age-old question of what is the optimal human diet.

Not to get all religious in here but I'm also starting to believe in God again after being Agnostic for so many years.

I just can't wrap my head around me being saved from the permanent hell that is PFS.

I was literally praying for a solution and the universe gave me one in the form of CD's protocol. Like holy shit that's so crazy to me.

Anyways, it's weird to say but I'm actually so grateful to have had PFS.

Before, I was a prisoner to my own vanity about my hair. Now, I am free.

I mean, my hair is still there - not as good as when I was on Fin, but I realized that there's so much more to life than our appearances.

It's almost like the universe has called each of us to learn that lesson the hard way. But in the end it's so worth it.

Sorry for going on a rant, I meant to make this short but there's so much to say about this haha.

To the guys who are still struggling with PFS, don't give up! This procotol works 100%!

I was super skeptical at the beginning, I was like "there's no way recovering from PFS can be as simple as eating Paleo and exercising and sunning your balls" etc.

Especially when you see forums like Ray Peat and PH where guys are trying to concoct different potions to alter their hormones to fix this shit lmao.

But yea follow the protocol and stick to it and you won't just be cured - you will be a massively improved version of your previous self!

Almost like Gandalf in LOTR fought the Balrog and almost died but eventually emerged as Gandalf the White.

To CDNuts - thank you. You're an actual hero bro, no joke.

Still amazes me that there are people like that out there. I will strive to pay it forward and help advance humanity when my time comes as well.

I don't come on here very often anymore, but if anyone has any questions on the protocol or symptoms or anything, feel free to hit me up.

Anyways, thanks guys and good luck!


Thank you for the kind words and great post. It makes me feel indescribable to be able to watch you guys come from complete and utter suffering to a better version of yourselves. Just keep at it and believe it or not, you'll get even BETTER.

Great news.

04-06-2023, 11:46 AM
Hey guys. I don’t visit this page anymore but felt it my duty to come back and share that I have recovered totally from PFS. I can safely say I suffered the worst brain/psychological side effects one can from taking this “medication”. Not to say other guys didn’t have as bad as I did but I can’t imagine anything worse. I can’t thank CD enough for having this forum and sharing his protocol with me to enable me to have a daily routine that I could focus on. Also by policing this forum and keeping all the negative vibes away which is absolutely fundamentally essential when in recovery from a chronic condition like this. CD you truly are the GOAT and I can’t even being to describe my appreciation for you!
The ups and downs and ebs and flows seemed never ending. I would feel nearly recovered sometimes for 3 or 4 weeks before having downswings that would feel almost as bad as the beginning (although in reality they probably weren’t even close to as bad). My last downswing was nearly 8 months ago. It was a descent downswing that lasted 10 days or so. I came out of it on an upswing and haven’t looked back. It was like one final punch and then bam it was gone. I literally don’t even think about PFS anymore which is kind of absurd considering how much it overwhelmed my life for such a long time.
The main thing I will say is to implement CDs program into your life to the point that you don’t even think about it anymore. It’s a constant just like brushing your teeth. Keep making plans and having fun in life. I isolated myself for the first 6 months or so and it was the worst part of the experience. I never regretted it when I made it to a friends house or to an event. Even though I would sometimes dread the thought of it beforehand. And keep a journal of your daily routine and symptoms to keep you honest. It helps when you can look back and see that you actually felt great a few days ago or whatever when you are in the midst of a downswing.
Finally, I used to read these recovery posts and they gave me lots of relief. Even though my symptoms didn’t match up completely with any single person. You will absolutely recover. Time+protocol=healing. God bless

04-06-2023, 09:12 PM
Hey guys. I don’t visit this page anymore but felt it my duty to come back and share that I have recovered totally from PFS. I can safely say I suffered the worst brain/psychological side effects one can from taking this “medication”. Not to say other guys didn’t have as bad as I did but I can’t imagine anything worse....

So happy for you dude. Thanks for coming back and sharing, makes a big difference for those of us still in the trenches like myself right now.

Read through your recovery thread too, inspirational and amazing to see your journey and perseverance throughout all the ups and downs.

Wishing you all the best in your path ahead. Go get it man. Much peace.

04-10-2023, 11:40 AM
Hey guys. I don’t visit this page anymore but felt it my duty to come back and share that I have recovered totally from PFS. I can safely say I suffered the worst brain/psychological side effects one can from taking this “medication”. Not to say other guys didn’t have as bad as I did but I can’t imagine anything worse. I can’t thank CD enough for having this forum and sharing his protocol with me to enable me to have a daily routine that I could focus on. Also by policing this forum and keeping all the negative vibes away which is absolutely fundamentally essential when in recovery from a chronic condition like this. CD you truly are the GOAT and I can’t even being to describe my appreciation for you!
The ups and downs and ebs and flows seemed never ending. I would feel nearly recovered sometimes for 3 or 4 weeks before having downswings that would feel almost as bad as the beginning (although in reality they probably weren’t even close to as bad). My last downswing was nearly 8 months ago. It was a descent downswing that lasted 10 days or so. I came out of it on an upswing and haven’t looked back. It was like one final punch and then bam it was gone. I literally don’t even think about PFS anymore which is kind of absurd considering how much it overwhelmed my life for such a long time.
The main thing I will say is to implement CDs program into your life to the point that you don’t even think about it anymore. It’s a constant just like brushing your teeth. Keep making plans and having fun in life. I isolated myself for the first 6 months or so and it was the worst part of the experience. I never regretted it when I made it to a friends house or to an event. Even though I would sometimes dread the thought of it beforehand. And keep a journal of your daily routine and symptoms to keep you honest. It helps when you can look back and see that you actually felt great a few days ago or whatever when you are in the midst of a downswing.
Finally, I used to read these recovery posts and they gave me lots of relief. Even though my symptoms didn’t match up completely with any single person. You will absolutely recover. Time+protocol=healing. God bless

Thanks for coming back to share, it means alot to myself and the new guys coming in. Congrats on your new lease on life!

05-03-2023, 07:39 AM
Hey guys. I was never much of a poster or contributor here so most of you don't know me but I just wanted to say that I am fully recovered. Mirroring what alphacfi said, I don't even think about PFS anymore in my day to day life. I wake up most days with a raging hard on and have 0 mental issues anymore. I will say recovery took me much longer than most. I battled this thing for about 10 years and in the beginning had all of the symptoms bad. After a couple of years, the mental issues mostly disappeared and only the sexual symptoms remained. To be honest I was stubborn, not fully buying into the protocol until 7-8 years in. When I did, was when I started to forget about the issues at hand and things just started to get better. Going gluten free was big. If you're hesitating, just do it... For me it was probably the piece holding me back (My love for pizza was difficult to get past) Also, the only fasting I did was 16:8 intermittent fasting for decent portions of time on and off. I also joined a gym and did HIIT classes 2-3 times a week which got me into shape and helped build my resilience to stress. Like I said, I'm good now. I wake up horny everyday, go out spit game and fuck chicks.
The protocol is the standard. Get it done and stick to it. Get away from negative websites and go live life. Accept what happened and focus on being healthy. Things will slowly start to get better, I promise.
I'll list a couple other things that helped me. By no means are any of these things necessary to recover but I believe they help.
-I built a cold plunge and use it every other day. (Cold Showers work fine, the cold plunge is just a little more hardcore imo. Especially in the summer when the water in your pipes isn't as cold)
-I added 4 herbs to the herb rotation with no drawbacks. Fadogia Agrestis, Bulbine Natalensis, Akarkara, and Massularia Acuminata
-A product called Ion Gut Support, along with going Gluten Free, cured any and all gut issues I was having
-I used and still use Cerebrolysin and Cortexin daily. Switching between the two every couple of weeks. They help rebuild the brain and keep it in good health. It can get expensive though...
-I also take an NAD+ shot everyday. Taking NMN or NR would accomplish the same thing.
Recovery is possible. Don't get down on yourselves. Remain calm and stay positive. That is imo the most important thing

05-09-2023, 02:22 PM
Hey guys. I was never much of a poster or contributor here so most of you don't know me but I just wanted to say that I am fully recovered. Mirroring what alphacfi said, I don't even think about PFS anymore in my day to day life. I wake up most days with a raging hard on and have 0 mental issues anymore. I will say recovery took me much longer than most. I battled this thing for about 10 years and in the beginning had all of the symptoms bad. After a couple of years, the mental issues mostly disappeared and only the sexual symptoms remained. To be honest I was stubborn, not fully buying into the protocol until 7-8 years in. When I did, was when I started to forget about the issues at hand and things just started to get better. Going gluten free was big. If you're hesitating, just do it... For me it was probably the piece holding me back (My love for pizza was difficult to get past) Also, the only fasting I did was 16:8 intermittent fasting for decent portions of time on and off. I also joined a gym and did HIIT classes 2-3 times a week which got me into shape and helped build my resilience to stress. Like I said, I'm good now. I wake up horny everyday, go out spit game and fuck chicks.
The protocol is the standard. Get it done and stick to it. Get away from negative websites and go live life. Accept what happened and focus on being healthy. Things will slowly start to get better, I promise.
I'll list a couple other things that helped me. By no means are any of these things necessary to recover but I believe they help.
-I built a cold plunge and use it every other day. (Cold Showers work fine, the cold plunge is just a little more hardcore imo. Especially in the summer when the water in your pipes isn't as cold)
-I added 4 herbs to the herb rotation with no drawbacks. Fadogia Agrestis, Bulbine Natalensis, Akarkara, and Massularia Acuminata
-A product called Ion Gut Support, along with going Gluten Free, cured any and all gut issues I was having
-I used and still use Cerebrolysin and Cortexin daily. Switching between the two every couple of weeks. They help rebuild the brain and keep it in good health. It can get expensive though...
-I also take an NAD+ shot everyday. Taking NMN or NR would accomplish the same thing.
Recovery is possible. Don't get down on yourselves. Remain calm and stay positive. That is imo the most important thing

Thanks for posting and congratulations. Fantastic to have some more positive news on the forum. Keep it up guys!

07-23-2023, 02:40 AM
Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Your story is full.if Shi T I saw your profile on hairlisstalj you were only mildly affected.

07-23-2023, 02:43 AM
Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

I have to e honest though part for is.jealous he's A as recovered as moonlit and crashed again

I should've went to a.uro.for.try in2018 when I messaged you I had ball.libiod.and energy
Yet is the best solution for that not the protocl

07-24-2023, 12:39 AM
Okay fellas here goes

I came off finasterude after twimminths in December last year

I CouldN'T get get a Hardin for five days. I walked to the beach and tried t drown myself but the waves carried me back. I tooknanoverdose of Canada after my nocturnal went soft one night
I had extremely insomnia (five hours sleep for a month)
Muscle wastage (lost four pounds)

My sperm was a bit less

I grew a beard and tried to get into the psyche are but they laughed at me

I CouldN'T a get a hard on for five days and !as plans to end !y life

That was enough.

Interested the cdnut s PROTOCOL after propecianhell hel l made me.skinny wrists

I started win God breathingnandrotating supplements heavy gym work

Slowly my nicturnsl.erections were.solid again
Could get a hard on

I followed the procil.religiously

Now I play I. An and I smile all.the titme.life.akes.sense
My doctor said Imade a natural.recovery but he diesmt know Shi t CD was right you should not consult a doctor.


On me recovered

Thanks 've I want to give you a manly blow.job you are THE MAN THE REALMMAN

07-24-2023, 10:03 AM
Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

You're a ducking gimo.Jonas

Read your orofile.On hlt you had .ild.pfs and Soundwave recovered anyway

Not this melodramatic I grew a beard and lost four stone shit

07-24-2023, 10:05 AM
This gimp.sent me a pm saying so the protocol DO the protocl.et c et c
I was a recovers as him.then after a much worse. Crash
I was N I psych wards ten months an still recovers

This gimp has a low libido and ed for a few.months
If I had done the protocol and gone back to a UROLOGIST for try if be ducking superman right now

07-24-2023, 09:51 PM
My name is awor aka Allen Worthington aka Swiss spastic

I recovered but took.milk thistle and crashed inside told ever ON worse at Trieste donate milk thistle stupid cunt
Allen Worthington - Head of IT at KKL Luzern | The Org (https://theorg.com/org/kkl-luzern/org-chart/allen-worthington)

07-25-2023, 09:47 AM
Who the fukc are you? Coming over spouting your boil, jealous of people who have made improvements, if this is ahmed wolf from hrt I told you before maybe a psychiatrist should be your first option, I tried to help you but here you are five years later, you need to see a shrink first before anything and take you hate elsewhere you don’t know what others suffered so maybe just focus on your self and take your hate somewhere else

07-25-2023, 09:49 AM
Lol.im.not him

I one you in 2018 and you just said do the protocol house not a bad GUY but that advice was Shi T

See a specialist would have been.better

07-25-2023, 09:53 AM
You unsinkable I do had just done aspects of the protocol like fun I would have been even better but the herbs stuff was always shit

08-02-2023, 09:05 PM
Swill took mirtazaipine and crashed the regard that's almost as bad as.Me taking quetipine

This mastermal guy can back.there e years later in lockdown to ask.about cialis. That's not recovered.

08-04-2023, 01:21 AM
Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Shi t up bitvh

08-04-2023, 10:33 AM
CD nuts is a cunt

- - - Updated - - -

Had mild pfs ducking cunt

- - - Updated - - -


08-10-2023, 09:06 PM
Change get a ducking hard on

08-10-2023, 09:45 PM
Wow God you're incredible you are THE MAN THE REAL MAN
KEEP.EM.coming LADS!!???!

08-10-2023, 10:45 PM
Wow God you're incredible you are THE MAN THE REAL MAN
KEEP.EM.coming LADS!!???!

I'm so brave and hsnds6m, I'm actually positive never had pfs, but gonna stick around a nd offer my incel advise cuz I like playing boss man on the interwebz

08-13-2023, 06:47 AM

Shout out to CDnuts THe Man The GUru the king

I had ed on propecia and couldn't get it to for two week. I wet the ed and my balls came back to a five years olds my .com like hamsters

I want having that

I panicked quit fun and saw this website called TMO

I did sprints every day and drank my own Poss with almond milk. No wan king though I was Strongbow a who

Well within two weeks I could get a hard on again and balls were back to normal

I didn't bother with the herbs or the dry brushing it the standing I. Your head or the heavy lifting or the HIIT or the breathing in just sprinted a bit and it came back within three weeks

The worst three weeks of my life



08-17-2023, 11:07 PM
I drank piss and sucked a duck and recovere, the end

09-08-2023, 09:18 PM
Cdnuts do a d cu t

- - - Updated - - -

Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Your story's full of shut you cunt

- - - Updated - - -

Shut up you can

- - - Updated - - -

I noticed a major gain a month into taking it everyday, but I had been on the way regimen for a while beforehand. It’s been about 8 months since I started taking it everyday.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, the Powder

I’d say I need to think a little more quickly at times and get my raging libido back that I had before the crash.

Shut up you cunt

- - - Updated - - -

I noticed a major gain a month into taking it everyday, but I had been on the way regimen for a while beforehand. It’s been about 8 months since I started taking it everyday.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, the Powder

Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.
Full of shut cubt

09-08-2023, 10:28 PM
Honestly man, it's the worst accusation of em all lol. If it was just because of time I guess I can kick back, eat pizza and kill a case of beer every night for two years straight.....And voila!

I did that actually

Well I hate healthy food number

- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.


09-08-2023, 10:33 PM
Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.

Stick to the plan, my friend. And all will be as it should be. You just have to put the work and commitment in.

Orginally posted by Champster:

I don't think I can edit the title but obviously I mean boost your LOW T (*SoCal Edited This For you)

I say that I'm a 'lurker' but I actually didn't know that this forum existed until only a few days ago. But I would refer to the cdnuts recovery thread on propeciahelp while I was struggling with my health. Here's my story:

2012-2013: using finasteride
January 2014: quit finasteride because of lowered libido, had extremely high libido for a few weeks, then I crashed

PFS symptoms: zero libido (none at all), numb genitals, shrunken genitals, depression

2014: trudging along in life with all these pfs problems, really had no idea what was going on
2015-2016: started the cdnuts/boost your lot T protocol.

First did a four week juice feast and then started on a paleo diet with the supplements. Then I added in T boosting herbs, usually 10-12 of them which I rotated daily. I started carb backloading at the same time I started the T boosters. Then I started doing DHT prohormone cycles followed by PCT. In the middle of 2016 I started adding coffee in to my routine and my recovery really started ramping up. My depression that I had some days basically disappeared instantly at this time! I was feeling happier, more motivated, more social. I was doing better at work and in my personal relationships. I was so excited that the protocol was starting to work for me. I still had zero libido and numb genitals but I kept on the protocol because I new it could take time to heal.

At the end of 2016 I started researching around and I found that many PSSD sufferers had the exact same specific symptoms as me: zero libido and numb genitals. And I found that many PSSD sufferers recovered using a natural herb, licorice root. I knew I had PFS and not PSSD since I had never taken SSRI's but the symptoms these guys were describing were very similar to mine. I did a lot of research on the safety profile of the herb and then finally decided to add it to the cdnuts/boost your low T protocol. I started out just trying it on the weekends to see how I would react. I tried it one Saturday and felt kind of bad and I stopped taking it the next day. On Tuesday of that week I had what seemed like a miracle to me. The numbness down there went away for like 10-12 hours. I was shocked as I hadn't felt that in years! The next weekend I took the herb on Saturday and Sunday. Sure enough on Wednesday of that week the numbness started to go away and this time I could feel an actual libido! Once again I hadn't felt something like that in years! It was like something had switched on in my brain and it lasted about 36 hours.

So I continued playing around with this on the weekend and after a few weeks the numbness was pretty much gone and stopped coming back. I worked up to taking 1/4 teaspoon of 4:1 licorice root extract powder dissolved in a mug of hot water three times a day on Saturday and Sunday. I kept taking my T boosters and kept on my paleo diet with carb backloading. Kept working out and focusing on maintaining a positive mindset. And every time in the middle of the week I would get a raging libido again like I was a teenager! Once I had worked up to this dosage, my libido started to stay at a higher level each week. It would increase in the middle of the week, then it would fall down a bit but it stopped falling back down to how I felt during my pfs years. I started feeling like a normal human being for once! Things stopped swinging between superhuman sex starved teenager libido and complete eunuch zero libido. It just stayed at a consistent level through the week and It actually stopped mattering when I took the herb. I wouldn't feel any change.

One weekend arrived and I just never took the licorice root extract again and I've been living life ever since then. I stick to my diet and workout routine during the week but I'm back to beer and pizza with the guys on the weekend :).

I'm so happy to say that the cdnuts protocol really works. It took me over two years and there wasn't a lot of progress in the beginning. But I hit a major upswing in the middle where my depression really seemed to get better. And then right around 2-2.5 years I finally got my libido back.

I think keeping faith in God really helped me along the way too.

It's really true that once you start making progress with sexual sides, it's like you make a big improvement, then you have a set back, then more improvement, and so on, until everything levels out.

Best of luck everyone!!!

Just a question, when this guy says "Then I started doing DHT prohormone cycles followed by PCT"....what does it mean he used as PCT? herbs cycling or something different?

Shut up you spoilt little cunt

- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, just wanted to chime in here to let you know that I believe I am getting close to being fully recovered.

My poison of choice was saw palmetto. I won’t bore you with the details of the side effects I experienced, you can go back to some of my old posts if you want to see what I went through.

After my crash, many doctor and naturopath visits got me nowhere. I had found this site a little later but didn’t fully commit to CD’s protocol. What a mistake that was. I wasted precious time. I could have begun my recovery sooner, but was looking for “another way, an easier way”. Guess what, Fellas?! In my opinion there isn’t another way out of this. CD’s regimen is what got me out of the deep dark parts of hell I was experiencing.

After starting the juice feast I noticed a few improvements. Cycled the herbs for a few months and sort of felt like I wasn’t gaining much. In that time I did have some ups but the downs came afterwards. I kept with the program regardless.

It wasn’t until after my second cycle of Super R Andro / started taking Pine Pollen everyday I noticed huge gains. Memory, confidence, libido, etc....

I now feel I am pretty close to being fully recovered. I’m definitely a better person at this point. Now I’m constantly looking for ways to improve my health and knowledge. This whole ordeal has created a hunger to learn and always be improving.

Gentlemen, strive to always grow and improve yourself. Breathe and believe. You’ll get there, it won’t be easy, but it’s definitely possible.

Blind faith is what it took for me to fully commit to CD’s protocol, I did it and it works.

CD, thanks again for your time and effort on this board. Thanks for sticking around and giving us help when our own doctors couldn’t give us any. Your posts gave me my life back. I hope your site grows and becomes a staple for men trying to better themselves.

Stick to the plan, my friend. And all will be as it should be. You just have to put the work and commitment in.

Orginally posted by Champster:

I don't think I can edit the title but obviously I mean boost your LOW T (*SoCal Edited This For you)

I say that I'm a 'lurker' but I actually didn't know that this forum existed until only a few days ago. But I would refer to the cdnuts recovery thread on propeciahelp while I was struggling with my health. Here's my story:

2012-2013: using finasteride
January 2014: quit finasteride because of lowered libido, had extremely high libido for a few weeks, then I crashed

PFS symptoms: zero libido (none at all), numb genitals, shrunken genitals, depression

2014: trudging along in life with all these pfs problems, really had no idea what was going on
2015-2016: started the cdnuts/boost your lot T protocol.

First did a four week juice feast and then started on a paleo diet with the supplements. Then I added in T boosting herbs, usually 10-12 of them which I rotated daily. I started carb backloading at the same time I started the T boosters. Then I started doing DHT prohormone cycles followed by PCT. In the middle of 2016 I started adding coffee in to my routine and my recovery really started ramping up. My depression that I had some days basically disappeared instantly at this time! I was feeling happier, more motivated, more social. I was doing better at work and in my personal relationships. I was so excited that the protocol was starting to work for me. I still had zero libido and numb genitals but I kept on the protocol because I new it could take time to heal.

At the end of 2016 I started researching around and I found that many PSSD sufferers had the exact same specific symptoms as me: zero libido and numb genitals. And I found that many PSSD sufferers recovered using a natural herb, licorice root. I knew I had PFS and not PSSD since I had never taken SSRI's but the symptoms these guys were describing were very similar to mine. I did a lot of research on the safety profile of the herb and then finally decided to add it to the cdnuts/boost your low T protocol. I started out just trying it on the weekends to see how I would react. I tried it one Saturday and felt kind of bad and I stopped taking it the next day. On Tuesday of that week I had what seemed like a miracle to me. The numbness down there went away for like 10-12 hours. I was shocked as I hadn't felt that in years! The next weekend I took the herb on Saturday and Sunday. Sure enough on Wednesday of that week the numbness started to go away and this time I could feel an actual libido! Once again I hadn't felt something like that in years! It was like something had switched on in my brain and it lasted about 36 hours.

So I continued playing around with this on the weekend and after a few weeks the numbness was pretty much gone and stopped coming back. I worked up to taking 1/4 teaspoon of 4:1 licorice root extract powder dissolved in a mug of hot water three times a day on Saturday and Sunday. I kept taking my T boosters and kept on my paleo diet with carb backloading. Kept working out and focusing on maintaining a positive mindset. And every time in the middle of the week I would get a raging libido again like I was a teenager! Once I had worked up to this dosage, my libido started to stay at a higher level each week. It would increase in the middle of the week, then it would fall down a bit but it stopped falling back down to how I felt during my pfs years. I started feeling like a normal human being for once! Things stopped swinging between superhuman sex starved teenager libido and complete eunuch zero libido. It just stayed at a consistent level through the week and It actually stopped mattering when I took the herb. I wouldn't feel any change.

One weekend arrived and I just never took the licorice root extract again and I've been living life ever since then. I stick to my diet and workout routine during the week but I'm back to beer and pizza with the guys on the weekend :).

I'm so happy to say that the cdnuts protocol really works. It took me over two years and there wasn't a lot of progress in the beginning. But I hit a major upswing in the middle where my depression really seemed to get better. And then right around 2-2.5 years I finally got my libido back.

I think keeping faith in God really helped me along the way too.

It's really true that once you start making progress with sexual sides, it's like you make a big improvement, then you have a set back, then more improvement, and so on, until everything levels out.

Best of luck everyone!!!

Just a question, when this guy says "Then I started doing DHT prohormone cycles followed by PCT"....what does it mean he used as PCT? herbs cycling or something different?

I commend him on his preserverance.

But damn he made it way too complicated.

Makes me even more grateful that I just hopped on here immedeately. Literally days after crashing. It’s all here!

Shut up gimp

09-08-2023, 10:53 PM
Thanks my man.

Except the recoveries on this site. They are not rubbish nor are they from dubious sources......lol.

Yes they are you ducking gimp

09-09-2023, 12:02 AM
Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. wanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 55 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 72. English had a key piece of advice: lots of cock sucking to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat .com whenever I want. Good suck to all of you!


09-09-2023, 12:08 AM
Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Alright fellas, gonna make a longer post this time now that I have more time.

I took 1.25mg of finasteride for three days in August 2018 and stopped after sexual side effects started to occur. For the next two months or so, I had horrible depression, numb genitals, crying spells, couldn’t sleep, hot flashes. I cpukd.only fuck mgf there times a day notbfive I had heard of someone mentioning PFS before, but of course, I didn’t expect it to happen to me. Like an idiot I took the drug anyway due to vanity. I didn’t understand PFS meant much more than just long-term sexual dysfunction.

I didn’t completely crash until November 5th 2018. All of a sudden I could no longer sleep longer than an hour a night. I had brain fog to the point I couldn’t understand conversations, would slur my speech, couldn’t look anyone in the eye, couldn’t even have a conversation with my friends or family without going into constant panic. I had terrible vertigo, when I would lay in bed and close my eyes I felt like I was falling through the bed or like my body was spinning in circles. I had constant burning in my legs and genital area. Couldn’t look at screens without intense head pressure. Couldn’t cross a street or even go into places like public stores without panic attacks. Stress intolerance. Short term memory loss, no motivation in life at all, depression, dick and balls shrunk, no libido, ed, watery sperm, lost kg, dry skin, sunken eyes, rubbery skin, weird textured dry hair, no morning wood, prostate pain, you name it. I was so fucked up I don’t even remember all my symptoms. I could barely leave the house, and couldn’t work at all for the first 10 months post-crash.

I started CD’s protocol in February 2019. I did a one week juice feast and applied 100% of the regimen. Little by little my health would come back. It took about a year until I could sleep more than six hours again. At that point my healing accelerated and life became livable again. By March 2021 I was mostly recovered and started eating cheat meals every once in a while. But during my recovery I never cheated once. By May 2021 I was fully recovered. I waited about six months after recovering to introduce alcohol again, and have had zero issues with that either.

It’s now May 2022 and not only are all of my PFS symptoms gone, but I’m actually in better health than before finasteride. I’m in better shape, look much better, more confident, and generally feel amazing everyday. I also did a 14-day water fast at home due to toxic mold exposure in September 2021 and felt even better after. I’m turning 22 in a few more months and feel like I’ve went through something very, very few if anyone my age has went through.

In 2018 I thought my life was over due to a stupid mistake I made, now in 2022 I realize PFS was the biggest blessing of my life and I actually had the best years of my life so far during recovery. Learnt so much about myself, about health and overall had great times during my recovery (after the first year of hell, after that it was livable).

I was a bad case of PFS, and I recovered. I did it, you can too.I

What if you crash again thirteen years after the first one duentompsycjitarid drugs

09-09-2023, 12:23 AM
Hi I'm Luclfax

I originally posted as oh bloody he'll in p help
I crashed I. 2009
Lost entry pounds documentary extreme fatigue

Nearly suicide

I was in mental wards said months
I got out and took Z ma have me.morning wood and nocturnals.which rescheduling had rwappeared.during seroquel.induced deep sleeps

I came off seroquel.after six month's

Uneventful no libido start taking zinc and bits


Balls are back libido is back start enjoying t life properly again though should have done more

2014 great sleep good energy fountain fuck connection couk d drink

Made attempt at venues with eight day water fast and herbrotation,it made NODiFFEerence to my base!one which was from zinc and bits and !magnesium

Still have a propecianhell help mentality and can't see that I am eighty percent recovered minimum,and couk d Valentine all the way with tr t

2015 to 2017 all good

2017 start voluntary work with well known uk charity supposed to help.with employment and bebenfitnclaims and generally meant to be a nice place but fill.if toxic Karen's and Gannon orange batsards

I was incongruous so but 2018 was good as I had friends

2019 the bullying intensified should have left started munching seroquel sleep.it was only mild.insomnia

Seroquel was.making the insomnia worse ironically

Started getting temper tantrums


Lockdown one felt recovered On Z ma

09-29-2023, 11:50 PM
Sick my ass

- - - Updated - - -

go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!
Duck juvenile

Suck my asshole

- - - Updated - - -

go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!
Duck juvenile

Suck my asshole

09-30-2023, 02:15 AM
go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Consuming GIMP

- - - Updated - - -

go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Consuming GIMP


09-30-2023, 05:53 AM
Man, you need help, not pfs related, get yourself mental health support, I’m serious, this abuse of everyone etc is not pfs related, your issue is psychological. Get yourself help you need and stop putting all your energy into abusing people on this forum. I work in the mental health field now, do yourself a favour and get help.

Take it or leave it, the orange men etc aren’t the problem etc, for fuck sake the IRA made peace with them after butchering catholics here for years, I know all about prejudice around that, I lived in Belfast before, there were cunts on both side of that fence, it’s never as simple as everyone is a cunt because they are from a certain background and I fucking know because I live here, if the RA can make peace with the Orange Men so can you, but that’s ultimately irrelevant and a side issue, make peace with this pfs shit and get mental help support and move on from it, you’ll get there, suicide isn’t the answer, get back on your feet and get help and put the PFS aside and focus on getting healthy and getting mental health support for yourself.

09-30-2023, 06:10 AM
Thank you. I'm getting help but no mess
Those cunts it was an office full of them, had my pfs exposed. Got harassed cunt the ugly bastrds when the managerbanother irangebbastards covered it up
2020 felt good On am a did blueberries
2021 had libido going downhill
2022 crash

Point is if I had gone to a urologist even late 2021 would ha e been fine
This page ducks

And yes the fault was nine and quetipine isn't in the protocol but the protocol hardly !over ne.forward

09-30-2023, 06:13 AM
go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Man, you need help, not pfs related, get yourself mental health support, I’m serious, this abuse of everyone etc is not pfs related, your issue is psychological. Get yourself help you need and stop putting all your energy into abusing people on this forum. I work in the mental health field now, do yourself a favour and get help.

Take it or leave it, the orange men etc aren’t the problem etc, for fuck sake the IRA made peace with them after butchering catholics here for years, I know all about prejudice around that, I lived in Belfast before, if they can make peace with them so can you, ultimately make peace with this pfs shit and get mental help support and move on from it, you’ll get there, suicide isn’t the answer, get back on your feet and get help and put the PFS aside and focus on getting healthy and getting mental health support for yourself.

Consuming humps hahahhah

09-30-2023, 06:23 AM
go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Man, you need help, not pfs related, get yourself mental health support, I’m serious, this abuse of everyone etc is not pfs related, your issue is psychological. Get yourself help you need and stop putting all your energy into abusing people on this forum. I work in the mental health field now, do yourself a favour and get help.

Take it or leave it, the orange men etc aren’t the problem etc, for fuck sake the IRA made peace with them after butchering catholics here for years, I know all about prejudice around that, I lived in Belfast before, there were cunts on both side of that fence, it’s never as simple as everyone is a cunt because they are from a certain background and I fucking know because I live here, if the RA can make peace with the Orange Men so can you, but that’s ultimately irrelevant and a side issue, make peace with this pfs shit and get mental help support and move on from it, you’ll get there, suicide isn’t the answer, get back on your feet and get help and put the PFS aside and focus on getting healthy and getting mental health support for yourself.

I'm from the Glasgow area so I know too mighty be guns here but theybarebjust as bitter when together the cunts
Hated me for being paddy found out I had pfs I got harassed should have battered the fat orange cunt he looked.like gymnasts from M Austin powers too while I was handsome Catholic

I have severe pfs

09-30-2023, 06:25 AM
Forget the fucking protocol and the obsession with that, I’m telling you for your own sake nothing good will come from abusing everyone here all it does is consume you and keep you stuck in a fucking loop. Are you saying you were discriminated against because you are catholic? You’re Scottish right or Irish?

09-30-2023, 06:32 AM
go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Forget the fucking protocol and the obsession with that, I’m telling you for your own sake nothing good will come from abusing everyone here all it does is consume you and keep you stuck in a fucking loop. Are you saying you were discriminated against because you are catholic? You’re Scottish right or Irish?

Scots Irish
Named Patrick
Celtic fan and supported independent office was full of unionist prods no Catholics employed except one boot whose partner was orange and who was openly against Catholic schools

It was a citizens advice bureau for ducks sake!

Also this fat orange cunt found in in had ofs, at that point it was mild and I had a good libido. Made constant little jibes about it the fat ginger cunt

- - - Updated - - -

go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Forget the fucking protocol and the obsession with that, I’m telling you for your own sake nothing good will come from abusing everyone here all it does is consume you and keep you stuck in a fucking loop. Are you saying you were discriminated against because you are catholic? You’re Scottish right or Irish?

Now I have extreme pfs lost forty pounds muscle
Totally impotent grey beard awful sleep

09-30-2023, 06:35 AM
go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Bizzbee here. I have pretty much recovered. Thanks to all who have been integral to achieving this. It could have taken only 5 years had I stuck with the protocol strictly but it took 7. English had a key piece of advice: lots of bone broth to heal the gut, food sensitivities vanished, I can eat whatever I want. Good luck to all of you!

Hey guys.

I’ve been a lurker for about 3 years, suffered for 4 years. firstly I want to say this forum is a game changer, and CD is a legend. Such good positive vibes on here. Don’t believe you can’t recover this way.

The days come when I can finally post, I’ve RECOVERED.

My story: 7x 1mg finasteride daily for a week to combat hair loss when I was 21 years old, had that instant light switch effect of instant sides. I suffered for 4 years. Been on the protocol for 2. I’d say I followed it 75% of the time, never used pro hormones as they’re hard to get in the UK.

I attribute the recovery to the protocol, but the main pillars are these: time, diet, fitness regime and sleep. The pump also works.

Get these right, and you’re well on the way.

There is no quick fix. This shit takes time to heal, anyone thinking they can do it in a week a month or even a year is chatting bs.

Don’t let a doctor tell you pfs doesn’t exist, it does. You are the only cure though. There’s no magic solution, other than dedication.

A eurologists put me on clomifene for 6 weeks about 24 months ago and this helped with my mental sides about 5%. My t exploded, but after I still had pfs. That’s when I knew there was truly nothing a doctor could do but I made a choice to stay the distance, and it’s paid off.

The biggest hurdle mentally for me was having sex again. I had a 3 year absence, where my virginity grew back lol.

I used cialis for about 6 months as it helped a little, and massively helped my confidence if nothing else.

I don’t use it anymore!

I’m now in a stable relationship of about 1 year, and the girl doesn’t now a single thing of what I’ve been through. I had the FULL sides, really bad ED, really bad anxiety and depression. But I’m here, I’m healed, I’m happy. You guys can do it too, believe me.

Il come back and happily answer questions soon but for now guys, peace out!

Hello guys,

I don’t know why but I felt I should check back in today as it’s been a long time to say all is still well, I am recovered and actually feel better in myself than I did pre pfs shitstorm so I just wanted to give some hope and say I’m still good, pfs is now a distant blurry faded memory.

Take care guys

Forget the fucking protocol and the obsession with that, I’m telling you for your own sake nothing good will come from abusing everyone here all it does is consume you and keep you stuck in a fucking loop. Are you saying you were discriminated against because you are catholic? You’re Scottish right or Irish?

Should I off myself

I agree with you about new and awor pair of fucking pricks

09-30-2023, 06:53 AM
No don’t fucking off yourself, I strongly considered it years ago and could well be not be here another day I wouldn’t have made it because I should have overdosed on the concoction I took of booze and pills, I’m very glad I made it now, I saw no future and there was one but at the time I didn’t give a fuck because all I could focus on was how pfs fucked me up and was irreversible.

I was wrong, it will get better, this shitstorm will pass but take it from me drop the obsession with pfs, whoever the fuck you have a problem with like these guys you mention, they are ultimately irrelevant, YOU need to focus on yourself and get yourself better, my best advice if you want to take it is leave this forum and shift your focus, all it does is eat away at you and ultimately fucks yourself up, shift your focus away from PFS and get proper mental health support and get off the forums for your own health.

10-01-2023, 02:25 AM
No don’t fucking off yourself, I strongly considered it years ago and could well be not be here another day I wouldn’t have made it because I should have overdosed on the concoction I took of booze and pills, I’m very glad I made it now, I saw no future and there was one but at the time I didn’t give a fuck because all I could focus on was how pfs fucked me up and was irreversible.

I was wrong, it will get better, this shitstorm will pass but take it from me drop the obsession with pfs, whoever the fuck you have a problem with like these guys you mention, they are ultimately irrelevant, YOU need to focus on yourself and get yourself better, my best advice if you want to take it is leave this forum and shift your focus, all it does is eat away at you and ultimately fucks yourself up, shift your focus away from PFS and get proper mental health support and get off the forums for your own health.

Cheers man

Can't take psych drugs though
I was about as recovered as you and then took seroquel like a test
I also partly blame cdnut S for me not visiting a ur o for hcg or tr T I was a mild case I had a libido it would have worked

10-01-2023, 03:30 AM
The point is Jimmy

If I had gone back to The ur o instead of doing stupid shit e like juice feast in was such a mild case that hcg, Clomid whatever would have worked.

Tr T would have worked
I tried it twice and the second time it gave morning wood
Not long after that libido came back full force

If you have nirmal.genitals and a libido there is simply no way TR T won't he'll

Instead of herbally boosting testosterone


Now I'm forty six and facing years in hell

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Tr T helped ridership ffs and he was a much worse case thank me for.years

10-02-2023, 03:38 PM
I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.

10-03-2023, 01:42 AM
I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.

I don't even know your symptoms you cunt

Financially had Low t not pfs

I should reverberated the client accordingly

10-03-2023, 02:34 AM
I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.

You probably did it too soon after crashing you gimp

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I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.
You think tr t won't work but this ducking bpllocks fromnannarciist thick yank cunt will?

10-03-2023, 02:45 AM
I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.

You haven't posted anything troubadour counterfeit ducking attacks on Me how the fuck can I even telling anything helpsnyou, you cunt

10-04-2023, 12:25 AM
No don’t fucking off yourself, I strongly considered it years ago and could well be not be here another day I wouldn’t have made it because I should have overdosed on the concoction I took of booze and pills, I’m very glad I made it now, I saw no future and there was one but at the time I didn’t give a fuck because all I could focus on was how pfs fucked me up and was irreversible.

I was wrong, it will get better, this shitstorm will pass but take it from me drop the obsession with pfs, whoever the fuck you have a problem with like these guys you mention, they are ultimately irrelevant, YOU need to focus on yourself and get yourself better, my best advice if you want to take it is leave this forum and shift your focus, all it does is eat away at you and ultimately fucks yourself up, shift your focus away from PFS and get proper mental health support and get off the forums for your own health.

Can't get abandon and penis has antibiotic injustkillnysekf yiuncubt

10-05-2023, 03:54 AM
No don’t fucking off yourself, I strongly considered it years ago and could well be not be here another day I wouldn’t have made it because I should have overdosed on the concoction I took of booze and pills, I’m very glad I made it now, I saw no future and there was one but at the time I didn’t give a fuck because all I could focus on was how pfs fucked me up and was irreversible.

I was wrong, it will get better, this shitstorm will pass but take it from me drop the obsession with pfs, whoever the fuck you have a problem with like these guys you mention, they are ultimately irrelevant, YOU need to focus on yourself and get yourself better, my best advice if you want to take it is leave this forum and shift your focus, all it does is eat away at you and ultimately fucks yourself up, shift your focus away from PFS and get proper mental health support and get off the forums for your own health.

Mate can you phone me?

10-09-2023, 05:15 AM
I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.

White in your fat e up cu n
What helpless for fuck saje

10-09-2023, 10:01 AM
I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.

What were the symptoms

10-10-2023, 12:24 AM
So you basically didn't do Th e protocol you twat

10-14-2023, 05:23 AM
I commend him on his preserverance.

But damn he made it way too complicated.

Makes me even more grateful that I just hopped on here immedeately. Literally days after crashing. It’s all here!

Shut up you cunt

The CURE wintry or hcg not chronicling shite

- - - Updated - - -

I commend him on his preserverance.

But damn he made it way too complicated.

Makes me even more grateful that I just hopped on here immedeately. Literally days after crashing. It’s all here!

Thanks for posting and congratulations. Fantastic to have some more positive news on the forum. Keep it up guys!
Shut up cunt

10-17-2023, 09:24 PM
No don’t fucking off yourself, I strongly considered it years ago and could well be not be here another day I wouldn’t have made it because I should have overdosed on the concoction I took of booze and pills, I’m very glad I made it now, I saw no future and there was one but at the time I didn’t give a fuck because all I could focus on was how pfs fucked me up and was irreversible.

I was wrong, it will get better, this shitstorm will pass but take it from me drop the obsession with pfs, whoever the fuck you have a problem with like these guys you mention, they are ultimately irrelevant, YOU need to focus on yourself and get yourself better, my best advice if you want to take it is leave this forum and shift your focus, all it does is eat away at you and ultimately fucks yourself up, shift your focus away from PFS and get proper mental health support and get off the forums for your own health.

Jew tHINK that I should off myself

I can't get a HARD on have flatulence massive muscle wastage et c

This e irangebbastards didnthisnbefirenthatninwasnfine

10-17-2023, 11:44 PM
go through my most recent thread for more details. i promise you that if you're really struggling right now, you have the power to bring your life back into balance. just for surviving with this condition, you're so much stronger than the vast majority of people you will meet. now do what you need to and grow even stronger and more grateful for everything that's in your life, and everything that's made you the man you are. how bad do you want it?

I want it real had mate
But my corpus cavernosa.is.ducked
Grey haireveryhweher
Massive muscle wastage
Rubber skin
collagen wastage et c

I'm fucked

10-18-2023, 02:14 AM
Imagine so!e gimp lands here and sees why he thinks are 100 plus recoveries in the thread


10-25-2023, 01:23 AM
man, you need help, not pfs related, get yourself mental health support, i’m serious, this abuse of everyone etc is not pfs related, your issue is psychological. Get yourself help you need and stop putting all your energy into abusing people on this forum. I work in the mental health field now, do yourself a favour and get help.

Take it or leave it, the orange men etc aren’t the problem etc, for fuck sake the ira made peace with them after butchering catholics here for years, i know all about prejudice around that, i lived in belfast before, there were cunts on both side of that fence, it’s never as simple as everyone is a cunt because they are from a certain background and i fucking know because i live here, if the ra can make peace with the orange men so can you, but that’s ultimately irrelevant and a side issue, make peace with this pfs shit and get mental help support and move on from it, you’ll get there, suicide isn’t the answer, get back on your feet and get help and put the pfs aside and focus on getting healthy and getting mental health support for yourself.
help me man

heeeeellllllllllpppppppppppp mmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee



10-25-2023, 10:37 PM
Hi I'm Allen Worthington

10-26-2023, 11:09 PM
Hey lastnoirking, yea no problem.

I didn’t use any pro hormones.

I primarily focused on the diet and exercise parts of the protocol. Those are the 2 factors that I attribute most of my recovery to.

I bought a bunch of the herbs and got to a point where I was cycling one per day of the week, but that was only for a couple of months.

It got to a point where I was getting too horny where nofap was becoming a challenge, so I stopped most of the herbs and took only the PPP for about a year.

Now I’m taking no herbs but they work 100% from my experience.

Exercise routine was heavy lifting 3x per week and 1 HIIT session on the stationary bike. No longer do the HIIT anymore cuz I got lazy haha but still lifting every week.

I got into the wim hof breathing way later on so it didn’t directly impact my recovery but I highly recommend it for regulating negative emotions.

Overall I knew if I tried doing all of it at once that I would inevitably fall off track, so what I did was just focus on a couple components on the protocol that I knew I could stick to.

That ended up being the paleo diet + herbs as I was already lifting regularly.

Recovery was very slow for the first few months from what I remember.

At my worst I was unable to sleep, digestive system was fucked up (infrequent bowel movements and most of those were diarrheas), low appetite, no motivation, high negative emotionality, libido nonexistent.

First symptoms to go away was the mental stuff. Digestive system took about a year to get back to normal.

Sleep was the last symptom to get back to normal, took about 2 years total.

So overall it was a 2 year process as CD said it would be.

Hope that is helpful!

Did your cocky and ballerina

10-27-2023, 06:55 PM
Stop postponing your fucking trip right now. Take the protocol with you to somewhere beautiful and secluded, visit a few temples, maybe hit up some monks if its that part of Asia.

Just being in a completely different climate amongst a different culture, amongst nature too if you can will put you out of your normal comfort zone and that = more dopamine and more androgens.

If live to stamp.On your fucking head you little English piece of ducking shit e

And sampling your fucking buddy English head too

Ducking gimp

cunts like outstripped me earrings medical.professional about its firnandecade

10-27-2023, 06:57 PM
Hey guys,

I’ve been holding steady at 90%-100% for a few months now and it hasn’t shown any signs of going away, so I think it’s time to make this post.

You can read most of the details of my story here (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3218).

In a nutshell: I took Propecia from 2007 to 2016. Up until 2015, I was absolutely fine. No side effects at all. But I gradually became really sick. Bleeding gums, horrific depression, lack of libido, no morning wood, etc. When I realized what was happening, I got completely freaked out.

I tapered off the drug over the course of a month and a half, but unfortunately I still crashed. When I received my bloodwork back, I discovered my testosterone was in the 100s – so basically I had the hormones of a 90 year old man. I got every symptom you can think of (with the exception of penis curvature, I think. My little buddy stayed straight) and I can’t tell you how close I was to jumping in front of a train every day.

I joined an online support PFS support group and within a month two of the members had committed suicide. The others were close to giving up.

It was a dark fucking time.

Somehow, I was too stubborn to throw in the towel, so with the support of my girlfriend at the time I pressed on and tried to get better.

I decided to do my research and found the other PFS sites, which weren’t much help in terms of boosting my morale. Hearing about people who had my symptoms for years on end really made things even worse. I don’t know how I found this site and CDNuts, but thank God I did.

I thrive on planning out courses of action, so the minute I discovered his protocol I went to work. Just knowing I was taking positive action and not stuck in a slog did wonders for me. I did the following:

Herb rotation
R-Andro Cycles
Cut down on masturbation
Got sun
Cold showers
Some breathing exercises

Little by little, things came back on line. It’s totally true that you take two steps forward and then one step back. For two and a half years, it was a constant trudge of some progress, then relapsing a bit. But forward progress was indeed made. The first and last R-Andro cycles were definitely big milestones for me and pushed me forward quite a bit.

You can read about my first cycle here (http://www.swolesource.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3453).

Right now, I can say my symptoms are gone. Libido is back, mind is totally clear, depression is gone, and I’m getting nothing but complements about my performance in the bedroom. I rarely if ever think about PFS, because it simply isn’t impacting my life anymore.

That said, I still rotate herbs, pump, and lift regularly. I don’t do the R-Andro cycles anymore, both because I don’t like how itchy they make me but also because I don’t have that kind of money.

I don’t take my health for granted and just happy to be back to being myself.

When I was at my worst, I would look to these recovery posts for hope. If you’re in that position, I can tell you the following things:

There is absolutely hope.

You WILL recover if you put in the work.

Just be diligent and mindful. You won’t get better overnight, but if you’re consistent before you know it those dark times you so desperately want to escape will be a memory.

If you have any questions that aren’t answered here or in any of my threads, please feel free to drop me a line. I still check this forum from time to time and I’m more than happy to help.

Be smart.

Be mindful.

Follow the protocol.

You WILL recover.

I promise.

Ducking gimp

Coming. Back here asking about Charlie doesn't sound like a ducking ninety oercentbrecivery yiubfuckingbyankniecec e finshit

11-01-2023, 06:21 AM
Stick to the plan, my friend. And all will be as it should be. You just have to put the work and commitment in.

No you fucking do t you fucking sprucing

Still taking cialis ?

stupid cunt tr t would have fixed me not this ducking shit

11-04-2023, 04:23 PM
Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.


11-04-2023, 05:43 PM
Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

Hey man, firstly thank you for posting, you’re a legend for coming back to do that.

Secondly, congrats on your recovery - so happy to hear it brother. Must feel so good to be back to fully living up life. Absolutely amazing stuff.

As for this place, yeah it’s a damn shame but am glad to hear you’ll be chipping in on the discord too - the positivity goes a long way for the guys still going through PFS.

Will see you on there.

11-04-2023, 07:46 PM
Cdnuts is a month but stronger shove them up.your ease and they might last longer

- - - Updated - - -

Enjoy your life. I recovered and took my miracle for granted

In lockdown one I was he ninety five percent easy

Then I stuffed seroquel in my mouth again ducking T at

11-04-2023, 11:03 PM
Cdnuts is aunty but stronger stick humongous ease and you might last longer

- - - Updated - - -

. ..n



Ducking White

Cdnuts is ducking white

Cdnuts is ducking white

Cdnuts is ducking shite

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11-04-2023, 11:07 PM

11-05-2023, 12:43 AM
I wanna bomb those orange bastrds

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I want to kill the fucking cunt

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I wannna bomb those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -

I want to kill the fucking cunt

- - - Updated - - -

I wannaa bomb those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -

I want to kill the fucking cunt

- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bomb those orange bastrds s

11-05-2023, 12:46 AM
I want to kill the fucking cunt

- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bomb those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -

I want to kiqll the fucking cunt

11-05-2023, 01:12 AM
Ducking orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -

I want to kill the fucking cunt

- - - Updated - - -

Fucin orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -

Is wanna bomb those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bomb those orange bastrds

11-05-2023, 01:20 AM
Fu if f

11-05-2023, 01:25 AM
I wamm v omg those orange bastards

- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bomb those orange bastards

- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bomb those orangebvastards

- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bomb those orange bastards

- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bomb those irangebvastards

- - - Updated - - -

I want to kill the fucking cunt

11-05-2023, 01:59 AM
I want to beer and On fire rearrange bastaeds

- - - Updated - - -

Ducking orange basards

- - - Updated - - -

Be those raǹge bastards

- - - Updated - - -

Ducking orange basards

- - - Updated - - -

Ducking orange basards and On Thursday night night my On

- - - Updated - - -

Ducking orange basards

- - - Updated - - -

Why do On eight day water

11-05-2023, 03:34 AM
Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.


I wish you well

I recovered from a worse position than cdnuts, walker et C to about ninety five percent in 2020 and eighty percent before that for a few years, then fucked it up by taking pharmaceutical after these cunts stressed me in a. Shi T office brethren said the wordncastrted.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.


All I needed was fucking HCG

11-05-2023, 03:40 AM
Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.


I wanna bomb those orange bastrds

11-05-2023, 04:37 AM
Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.









- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.









- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.

I wanna bomb those irangebbastards

I wanna bomb those orange bastards

- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.


I wanna bomb those orangebbastrds

- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.


I wanna bomb t show orange bastards

- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.









11-05-2023, 05:05 AM
I want to assassinate those cunts

- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bomb those fucking orange basatrds

- - - Updated - - -

I wannn nonce rose orange vastards

- - - Updated - - -

I want to assassinate those cuns

11-05-2023, 05:14 AM
I wanna

Those orange bastard

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- - - Updated - - -

I wanna bo!bhai those orangebabstards

- - - Updated - - -





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I want


Th is cubts

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I wanna




11-05-2023, 05:17 AM






11-05-2023, 05:22 AM







11-05-2023, 05:44 AM




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H my





11-05-2023, 05:51 AM






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I wanna




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- - - Updated - - -


Those orange


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- - - Updated - - -

I want

To bomb


- - - Updated - - -




Th is a


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11-05-2023, 06:15 AM





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- - - Updated - - -


Wanna bomb


Orange vastards

11-05-2023, 06:27 AM

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11-05-2023, 06:54 AM
I want



- - - Updated - - -



Bomb ATTACK and







Bomb Attacks


- - - Updated - - -


Wanna bomb




- - - Updated - - -






- - - Updated - - -



Bomb Attacks


- - - Updated - - -







- - - Updated - - -


- - - Updated - - -

Ducking orange bastrds want to
Bomb Attacks
Those Ducking
Those dirty orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -


Bomb Attacks
Those ducking filthy orange bastrds
Bomb ATTACK and you have massive w
Those ducking orange bastrds want to execute

Bomb Attacks

Those orange bastrds

Those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -

Those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -



11-05-2023, 07:05 AM
Bomb Attacks


Bomb attack
Those ducking filthy orange bastrds
Those orange bastrds want to execute those cunting orange bastrds

Bomb Attacks
Those orange bastrds
Orange juice feasts

Those orange bastrds want to execute those cunting orange bastrds

Bomb Attacks ducking Christ ducking ducking Christ church of England
Those orange bastrds
Those ducking
Those ducking orange bastrds
Orange juice
Those orange bastrds want to execute those cunting orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -


Bomb Attacks ducking y
Bomb ATTACK ducking
Wanna bomb w
Bomb Attacks ducking ducking y

- - - Updated - - -

To bomb
Those orange

Bad tea




Those ducking filthy orange bastrds
Bomb ATTACK ducking kill myself twenty minutes later when you don't know why

Orange juice feasts instead

- - - Updated - - -

Bomb Attacks ducking Christ church ducking Christ church
Those ducking orange bastrds
Those ducking filthy orange bastrds

Wanna bomb those orange w

- - - Updated - - -



Bomb ATTACK ducking
Those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -




- - - Updated - - -

Orange juice
Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ
Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ

Bomb Attacks
Orange juice

Those ducking orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -





Mangroves rds

11-05-2023, 07:08 AM
Bomb Attacks















- - - Updated - - -


Bomb ATTACK ducking
Bomb Attacks
Those orange bastrds

11-05-2023, 07:18 AM
Zero libido recovery story

Took th 2001 to 2008

Minded life
Crash 2009
Two years zeromoinido.in and out On such wards

2011 ok
Libido returns

Work with







Those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -


Bomb ATTACK ducking
Those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -


Wanna bomb

Those orange q

- - - Updated - - -



Bomb attack

Those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -



Those orange bastrds

- - - Updated - - -




Those ducking


















Orange juice

- - - Updated - - -

















































- - - Updated - - -




?orange juice
Bomb Attacks
Bomb ATTACK ducking ducking On

Orange juice
Bomb Attacks on propecianhell


Bomb in the
Those ducking

Bomb attack
Those w

11-05-2023, 07:22 AM
Bomb attack
Bomb ATTACK ducking

11-05-2023, 08:49 AM
I can't
Those orange bastrds
Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ church ducking
Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ
Bomb ATTACK and you have massive muscle wastage

11-09-2023, 02:27 AM
I Wan TO HER husband and father
Ducking useless whitewash cunt
Ducking useless selfish malicious software

I wanna bomb attack together ❤

Ducking cunt ducking Christ

Ducking useless whitewash cunt
Bomb Attacks


Ducking gimp cunt
Ducking useless whitewash cunt
Bomb Attacks
Ducking orange basards
Ducking orange bastrds


Bomb Attacks ducking
Ducking cunt ducking

11-09-2023, 02:29 AM
Bon 've

Bomb Attacks ducking

Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ church ⛪


BOMB ATTACK DUCKING PROTOCOL and On Thursday night 🌙and

The ducking Christ church orange bastrds bom
Ducking cunt
Bomb Attacks
Bomb Attacks ducking Christ
Ducking orange basards


11-10-2023, 01:08 AM
Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.


BOMB ATTACK ducking r
Ducking useless whitewash cunt
Ducking useless selfish malicious software
Ducking useless selfish malicious fat cunt
Ducking orange basards
Ducking orange basards
Ducking orange bastrds
BOMB ATTACK ducking Christ
Ducking orange bastrds
Ducking orange bastrds
Ducking useless whitewash cunt

Go my
BOMB attack



11-10-2023, 06:28 PM

BOMB ATTACK ducking Christ ducking




BOMB attacks on propecianhell

I want to massacre those orange bastrds


11-12-2023, 08:14 PM
Bomb attack ducking protocol

11-12-2023, 08:20 PM
Honestly man, it's the worst accusation of em all lol. If it was just because of time I guess I can kick back, eat pizza and kill a case of beer every night for two years straight.....And voila!

That's what I did one's recovers and only needed hcg

Not this fucking yank shite Tony Robbins assault course nietzchean fucking pish

- - - Updated - - -

Honestly man, it's the worst accusation of em all lol. If it was just because of time I guess I can kick back, eat pizza and kill a case of beer every night for two years straight.....And voila!

CD e mailed me and specifically asked me to post as i don't visit forums anymore, so please don't waste time asking me questions etc. But i hope this helps some...

I used propecia for about 6 months about 4 years back, i got bad symptoms that worsened after coming off and reading propecia help for many hours at a time. I didn't realise then the effect the mind has on the body - if you want to know how bad i was, well, i was pretty fucking bad, pretty much as bad as it gets, and i read all the stories on p.help.
I created a protocol that was right for me, based on the common denominators of 20 or 30 recovery stories. Looking back the best thing about this was that i believed in it 100%, and the consistency of my approach and the constant reinforcement of only surrounding myself with recovery stories and positive people like CD and others like him created a belief in recovery that was stronger than my belief in the bullshit narrative the idiots had created on P. help. This mystical condition is not specific to "pfs", it is simply the result of intense and long lasting stress added of course to a chemically altered hormonal balance. This has been confirmed by the many tens of guys who have followed a similar protocol and recovered 80 to 100% very quickly (ie within 18 months or so)
It took me around 18 months to recover all physical and sexual capabilities to the point that i was before, and then some. I still (obviously) have some mental issues with this very frightening period of my life, but i view it as a positive thing in general and it was in many ways the best challenge of my life so far, simply because i found it difficult.
The protocol was very close indeed to CD's. I didn't fast for more than 5 days at a time, and i didn't do pro-hormones. I found some anti estrogen drugs helpful in very small quantities for a period, otherwise it was all healthy stuff, focusing on mind, diet, body. I've written tons of stuff on it all so you can find it on here, but to be honest you may as well just go to CD's website. You will recover for sure - if - you relax your mind more and more over time, whilst eating very healthy and living healthy. You don't need anything special, you just need to relax, start enjoying life again more and more each day, and get away from all the worrying talk, all of it.

This stuff takes time to dismantle your worrying mind, it takes a great deal of daily positive reinforcement to turn the tide and you must stop making such a big fucking deal out of it all, which is what created and worsened many of your symptoms in the first place. I know this stuff for sure because i'm back in peak condition, but you will question it, that my friend is the issue you need to reverse and then you will see the "condition" start to disappear.

Ducking gimp


Want tightening your car you cunt

You stickiness wipe

- - - Updated - - -

Honestly man, it's the worst accusation of em all lol. If it was just because of time I guess I can kick back, eat pizza and kill a case of beer every night for two years straight.....And voila!

CD e mailed me and specifically asked me to post as i don't visit forums anymore, so please don't waste time asking me questions etc. But i hope this helps some...

I used propecia for about 6 months about 4 years back, i got bad symptoms that worsened after coming off and reading propecia help for many hours at a time. I didn't realise then the effect the mind has on the body - if you want to know how bad i was, well, i was pretty fucking bad, pretty much as bad as it gets, and i read all the stories on p.help.
I created a protocol that was right for me, based on the common denominators of 20 or 30 recovery stories. Looking back the best thing about this was that i believed in it 100%, and the consistency of my approach and the constant reinforcement of only surrounding myself with recovery stories and positive people like CD and others like him created a belief in recovery that was stronger than my belief in the bullshit narrative the idiots had created on P. help. This mystical condition is not specific to "pfs", it is simply the result of intense and long lasting stress added of course to a chemically altered hormonal balance. This has been confirmed by the many tens of guys who have followed a similar protocol and recovered 80 to 100% very quickly (ie within 18 months or so)
It took me around 18 months to recover all physical and sexual capabilities to the point that i was before, and then some. I still (obviously) have some mental issues with this very frightening period of my life, but i view it as a positive thing in general and it was in many ways the best challenge of my life so far, simply because i found it difficult.
The protocol was very close indeed to CD's. I didn't fast for more than 5 days at a time, and i didn't do pro-hormones. I found some anti estrogen drugs helpful in very small quantities for a period, otherwise it was all healthy stuff, focusing on mind, diet, body. I've written tons of stuff on it all so you can find it on here, but to be honest you may as well just go to CD's website. You will recover for sure - if - you relax your mind more and more over time, whilst eating very healthy and living healthy. You don't need anything special, you just need to relax, start enjoying life again more and more each day, and get away from all the worrying talk, all of it.

This stuff takes time to dismantle your worrying mind, it takes a great deal of daily positive reinforcement to turn the tide and you must stop making such a big fucking deal out of it all, which is what created and worsened many of your symptoms in the first place. I know this stuff for sure because i'm back in peak condition, but you will question it, that my friend is the issue you need to reverse and then you will see the "condition" start to disappear.

I'll go ahead and post my story as well.

I'm 27 years old, from the United States. I'm a former member of the United States Marine Corps who now works as a contractor for the government, after graduating from college with an Engineering degree in honors, in a very demanding job role that requires you to be on your game technologically and intellectually at the same time. I took Saw Palmetto extract, 320mg daily, for the better part of almost two months before noticing that things just weren't the same anymore. I no longer had the mental sharpness that had allowed me to excel in my field from the get go, nor did I have the lust for life and excitement for life that I had before. Believe me, if you can be excited to wake up everyday when you're in exotic locales like Afghanistan and Iraq, then you should be excited to wake up in your brand new house on a daily basis. I no longer saw any gains or reason to go to the gym, nor did I care to ever have sex. This was the biggest clue to me that something was wrong....I normally pestered my girlfriend (and soon to be wife) for sex about daily.....sometimes twice a day haha. Given that I took Saw Palmetto for symptoms of acute prostatitis because I didn't want to go the VA for a checkup and get antibiotics (and later learning that Saw Palmetto doesnt help prostatitis at all, go me), I wasn't even aware of finasteride or the Post-Finasteride Syndrome because I wasn't a sufferer of MPB and had no reason to take the drug or consider it. So, I went online and Google'd "Saw Palmetto brain fog", because in all honesty, when you can't think clearly or react to anything with intelligence very quickly, that's the most concerning symptom of all. Low and behold, I found r/Tressless on reddit, and it was a post where someone was clearly experiencing the same thing I was. One of the commenters said "Sounds like you could have PFS. Check www.propeciahelp.com".......and so began the worst two weeks of my life after reading that stuff. I was praying, hoping that I would be one of the guys who returned to normal within "14 days" as stated on the website and by Merck (for finasteride). Of course, me taking Saw Palmetto and seeing that two of the longest sufferers of PFS took Saw Palmetto, and that one of the worst cases on the website (who ended up taking his life) also took SP, I was pretty sure that my life was gone. That I would lose everything, my woman, my friends, my career......as a highly motivated, competitive, and driven individual, that wasn't something I could take.

Two weeks went by, leading to a month with little to no improvement. I couldn't sleep, had night terrors, my dick was twisting and curving as well to go along with not working at all.....suicide was within reach. I suffer from PTSD as well, and combine the two and I was a living hell for a long time. I stumbled upon CDs post on Propecia Help, but wasn't read to buy in at first due to people there claiming it was "BS, not true, he can't drink, blah blah blah", until finally I said, I have absolutely nothing to fucking lose at this point, lets see what I can do.

I bought into the regimen 100%, and have followed it for near 10 months now I believe? May will be around a year, and I'm sitting pretty at near 85-90%, with just a few things left to go. Eye floaters, libido, and dick curvature being the only remaining symptoms. Keep in mind, I had the following: brain fog, ED, dick twist/curve, muscle wastage, eye floaters, blurry/unfocused vision (THE WORST), dry skin, eye bags and hollowing eyes, bone pain, no drive or aggression, shrunken genitals......the damn list goes on but you guys get the point. If I can recover, ANYONE can recover. I've also recieved a promotion at my job, gained a very in-demand and difficult tech certification, got engaged, continued to plug away at my Master's degree, and am in the, no doubt, best shape of my life.

Life is what you make it, PFS or not. You're the only one who can continue to make your life great, or a living hell. The choice is yours.

Your story is ducking shite

Your account on OH is far less dramatic you lying cunt

11-14-2023, 08:19 PM
Bomb attack

- - - Updated - - -

G mbgry

- - - Updated - - -

Bomb Attacks

11-16-2023, 12:59 AM
Bom and On Thursday night 🌙

Ducking orange bastrds want to execute those cunting orange bastrds

I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

I was recovered from pfs and recovered years

I was recovered from pfs and recovered years

I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

I was recovered from pfs and recovered years

I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

11-16-2023, 03:24 AM








11-18-2023, 09:11 PM
The On Sunday and if you On Thursday night 🌙

Bomb ATTACK ducking Christ

I was recovered from pfs and recovered years ago

Bomb Attacks ducking ducking kill myself







11-24-2023, 12:22 AM


Ducking orange bastrds

Ducking orange bastrds

Ducking orange bastrds

Ducking orange bastrds

Ducking orange bastrds




11-30-2023, 07:58 PM
BOM terminal

Bomb atrack

12-01-2023, 12:37 AM
Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.



Ducking orange bastrds

Ducking orange basards

Ducking orange bastrds

Ducking orange bastrds










- - - Updated - - -

Hey guys, wanted to stop by and write an official recovery post as I am 99% to baseline recovered from this nightmare. The remaining percent involves other minor gut stuff that I intend on professionally getting checked out one of these days, but "PFS" has been put in the rearview mirror for some time now.

As this forum has been littered with nutso posts and complete bullshit, its a shame that CD hasn't stopped by and got this place in check. However I am foreever grateful that I found this website/ TMO and was able to be supported by the various warriors who have took the necessary steps in order to retake control on their life. I've kept my entire thread pretty optimistic but still have flashbacks about the cascade of sides (mental , physical, sexual ) that I probably will never forget about.

To all the newcomers and people still in the fight: never , ever give up. Life is the greatest gift from God and even during the bad days, you must have hope and put in the work. The quicker you get your mind off PFS and stop hyperanalyzing every ailment that you encounter, the quicker you can be focused on hobbies and aspects of life that make you happy.

This will be my last post - I will still be hanging around the SS Discord so dont hesitate to reach out.

Thanks everyone , it's been wild ride . To CD - thank you for everything.



Ducking orange bastrds

Ducking orange basards

Ducking orange bastrds

Ducking orange bastrds










12-02-2023, 12:14 AM
Fucking orange juice





BOM terminal

Fuck man


Bomb atrack

12-02-2023, 12:16 AM
I did TRT - it didn’t help me. Stop kidding yourself. Go and get some help and stop polluting this forum with your shit, you sad, sad man.

Still logging in gimp?

Trt has cured as many men as thibshite ever did
Same hcg

12-16-2023, 04:53 AM
or you're just too lazy and lack the willpower to follow the protocol and/or the mindsets to success so you need to demonize and get free money from people to make your life better? U know a lot of us talk outside of here and know our true identities right so people with your mentality are comical. damn cd good deeds never go unpunished.

Fucking gimp shut the fuck up

01-03-2024, 06:09 AM
One hundred percent emotional and psychological recovery

I managed to sneak a gun in from the Balkans viana boat and am about to slaughter ten carefully picked filthy orange bastards to death.

In addition I will do a big constipated shit on cdnuts face

06-17-2024, 12:54 PM
Current Features · NAMBLA (https://www.nambla.org/)