View Full Version : SAME Symptoms after Nandrolone use!

Fausto Soares
09-17-2017, 12:44 PM
Hi guys,

At first sorry for my english, i am Brazilian and i will tell what has happened to me:

When i was 21yo (today i am 29, so, have been 8 years with problems), i administred Nandrolone Decanoate, after it i acquired symptoms wich ARE TOTTALY like PFS symptoms, what i have (remember, i am 8 years in this state):

-Brain fog
-Depression (including suicidal thoughts - i thought i wouldn't pass of 2016)
-Libido near zero
-EXTREME DIFFICULT to achieve and keep erection (i only achieve it with Viagra and with so much hand stimulation)
-Anesthetized penis feeling

These are the point wich i consider crucial as symptoms.

After so many searches, i've discovered what could be a possibility of the root problem wich nandrole has caused me, please, let me now if you agree with me:

Nandrolone is transformed by 5AR in DHN (Dihidro Nandrolone - it is a fact), my opinion is it has generated a competition for the 5AR, so that the 5AR activity got down-regulated on nervous system wich in turn has generated a low level of neurosteroids as DHT (on brain level of course), Allopregnanolone and so son....Do you agree?

My blood tests are totally normal, to much good for the symptoms wich i have persistent by 8 years, but i am aware this problem will NEVER be detectable on blood level, i learned it reading forum like this and Propecia, T-Nation and so on....

I began to follow the steps of Cdnuts (diet, exercise and so on), inclusive yesterday ive purchased of Lost empires the herbs (i will be using more than 20), and i am waiting for the R-andro arrive.

I am glad i can share my history with you, i feel part of a family wich have the same symptoms.

Something wich i consider important too, after orgasm, i feel so sad, i feel my brain literally BURNING, do you feel like this?

09-19-2017, 02:47 PM
Hi guys,

At first sorry for my english, i am Brazilian and i will tell what has happened to me:

When i was 21yo (today i am 29, so, have been 8 years with problems), i administred Nandrolone Decanoate, after it i acquired symptoms wich ARE TOTTALY like PFS symptoms, what i have (remember, i am 8 years in this state):

-Brain fog
-Depression (including suicidal thoughts - i thought i wouldn't pass of 2016)
-Libido near zero
-EXTREME DIFFICULT to achieve and keep erection (i only achieve it with Viagra and with so much hand stimulation)
-Anesthetized penis feeling

These are the point wich i consider crucial as symptoms.

After so many searches, i've discovered what could be a possibility of the root problem wich nandrole has caused me, please, let me now if you agree with me:

Nandrolone is transformed by 5AR in DHN (Dihidro Nandrolone - it is a fact), my opinion is it has generated a competition for the 5AR, so that the 5AR activity got down-regulated on nervous system wich in turn has generated a low level of neurosteroids as DHT (on brain level of course), Allopregnanolone and so son....Do you agree?

My blood tests are totally normal, to much good for the symptoms wich i have persistent by 8 years, but i am aware this problem will NEVER be detectable on blood level, i learned it reading forum like this and Propecia, T-Nation and so on....

I began to follow the steps of Cdnuts (diet, exercise and so on), inclusive yesterday ive purchased of Lost empires the herbs (i will be using more than 20), and i am waiting for the R-andro arrive.

I am glad i can share my history with you, i feel part of a family wich have the same symptoms.

Something wich i consider important too, after orgasm, i feel so sad, i feel my brain literally BURNING, do you feel like this?

You're not alone.

Welcome to the forum.

By sticking to the protocol and doing everything that is outlined here, you will recover yourself over time. You just have to put in the work and keep going.

Good luck.

Fausto Soares
09-19-2017, 04:06 PM
Thank you so much CDsnuts, i will follow your protocol with no question, i bought more than 20 herbs, the most i never ever used or ever heard about its existence!

09-25-2017, 05:21 PM
Thank you so much CDsnuts, i will follow your protocol with no question, i bought more than 20 herbs, the most i never ever used or ever heard about its existence!

The herbs are only a small part of the entire protocol. Make sure you read the entire website from start to finish.