View Full Version : Glandulars?

11-16-2017, 11:30 AM
I'm on the protocol and wondering if glandulars are an OK addition.. I've used Adrenal Rebuilder Dr. Wilsons Adrenal Rebuilder - Building Blocks for Adrenal Support (http://drwilsons.com/product/adrenal-rebuilder-150-caplets/) in the past and it worked for reducing fatigue. Old time bodybuilders would use them as well including the iron guru Vince Gironda.. Just wondering what the consensus would be??

11-16-2017, 12:07 PM
I used a pituitary one and can't say I noticed anything profound so probably won't get another one.

I also still am using an adrenal one. Might stick to this because I'm pretty type A and cuz of that my adrenals have taken a pounding over the years.

Mitch from PH one of the first recoverers I believe used a thyroid and adrenal glandular...

I don't see why not, it's essential just organ meat which is paleo. As long it doesn't have any other additives. New Zealand glandulars are the best because are generally organic and grass fed.

11-18-2017, 05:28 PM
I don't see how they could hurt.