View Full Version : Tapering off fin, instead of cold turkey

02-15-2018, 06:40 PM
Hello folks.

I decided to quit fin about 2 weeks ago after taking it for 15 months. I started feeling side effects in the past 3 months, all the common stuff. I would have quit sooner but I rationalized that my sides were just a fluke for a little bit.

When I decided to quit, I decided to do a hard taper, meaning I started taking 1mg every other day for 5 days, than every 3rd day for the following 5 days. I felt a pretty harsh crash 3 days ago. Zero libido, depression, fatigue, difficulty concentrating.

I attribute this to the reckless hard taper I did. I imagine my crash would have been harsher if I quit cold turkey.

I am not back on fin at 0.25mg a day. I plan on staying on this for 3 weeks, then reducing it to .25mg every 2nd day for 2 weeks. then .25mg every 3rd day the following 2 weeks. then quit.

Has anyone had any experience with these slower taper routines? The horror stories I read on other sources scare me from quitting cold turkey. I dont yet know if what I feel is just temporary, and i'll be back to normal in 2 weeks cold turkey, or if I am in for a longer battle caused by PFS.

I have started the TotalMaleOptimization protocol. I am now eating pure paleo for 3 days, I will begine a juice fast in a couple of days, and then incorporate the rest of the components.

I would love some input, particularly about the value in tapering, WHILE starting the TotalMaleOptimization system.

This sucks, I am scared, i feel OK now, and actually had a good day, but I know shit will get hard sooner or later as I distance myself from this fucking poisonous drug.

02-15-2018, 08:23 PM
Hello folks.

I decided to quit fin about 2 weeks ago after taking it for 15 months. I started feeling side effects in the past 3 months, all the common stuff. I would have quit sooner but I rationalized that my sides were just a fluke for a little bit.

When I decided to quit, I decided to do a hard taper, meaning I started taking 1mg every other day for 5 days, than every 3rd day for the following 5 days. I felt a pretty harsh crash 3 days ago. Zero libido, depression, fatigue, difficulty concentrating.

I attribute this to the reckless hard taper I did. I imagine my crash would have been harsher if I quit cold turkey.

I am not back on fin at 0.25mg a day. I plan on staying on this for 3 weeks, then reducing it to .25mg every 2nd day for 2 weeks. then .25mg every 3rd day the following 2 weeks. then quit.

Has anyone had any experience with these slower taper routines? The horror stories I read on other sources scare me from quitting cold turkey. I dont yet know if what I feel is just temporary, and i'll be back to normal in 2 weeks cold turkey, or if I am in for a longer battle caused by PFS.

I have started the TotalMaleOptimization protocol. I am now eating pure paleo for 3 days, I will begine a juice fast in a couple of days, and then incorporate the rest of the components.

I would love some input, particularly about the value in tapering, WHILE starting the TotalMaleOptimization system.

This sucks, I am scared, i feel OK now, and actually had a good day, but I know shit will get hard sooner or later as I distance myself from this fucking poisonous drug.

There is NO value in tapering. You can do some research and see how guys who have been on fin for years with no apparent side effects, start getting them regardless of tapering or not. 5ar inhibition is 5ar inhibition. Many guys will even crash WHILE on fin. It doesn't matter. The sooner you get off, the better.

It doesn't make sense to start the protocol while you're still taking fin. Get off, stay off, then start the protocol. Doing the protocol while taking fin is a waste of time and resources.

02-16-2018, 09:51 AM
Hello folks.

I decided to quit fin about 2 weeks ago after taking it for 15 months. I started feeling side effects in the past 3 months, all the common stuff. I would have quit sooner but I rationalized that my sides were just a fluke for a little bit.

When I decided to quit, I decided to do a hard taper, meaning I started taking 1mg every other day for 5 days, than every 3rd day for the following 5 days. I felt a pretty harsh crash 3 days ago. Zero libido, depression, fatigue, difficulty concentrating.

I attribute this to the reckless hard taper I did. I imagine my crash would have been harsher if I quit cold turkey.

I am not back on fin at 0.25mg a day. I plan on staying on this for 3 weeks, then reducing it to .25mg every 2nd day for 2 weeks. then .25mg every 3rd day the following 2 weeks. then quit.

Has anyone had any experience with these slower taper routines? The horror stories I read on other sources scare me from quitting cold turkey. I dont yet know if what I feel is just temporary, and i'll be back to normal in 2 weeks cold turkey, or if I am in for a longer battle caused by PFS.

I have started the TotalMaleOptimization protocol. I am now eating pure paleo for 3 days, I will begine a juice fast in a couple of days, and then incorporate the rest of the components.

I would love some input, particularly about the value in tapering, WHILE starting the TotalMaleOptimization system.

This sucks, I am scared, i feel OK now, and actually had a good day, but I know shit will get hard sooner or later as I distance myself from this fucking poisonous drug.

Very smart to get on the protocol immediately after you quit. Whether you end up having an issue or not it will do nothing but good for you. It seems most guy's symptoms do subside shortly after they quit. If yours do not, just remember you can and will get better if you stick to the plan. The absolute worst thing you can do for yourself at this point is to get stressed out about it. Besides following the protocol, I would just put this shit out of your mind and stay away from forums, Google, etc. for the time being.

02-16-2018, 03:00 PM
One theory is that the flood of natural steroids rushing back into the system is what causes the post fin crash. Tapering could soften that, who knows.

02-16-2018, 03:02 PM
One theory is that the flood of natural steroids rushing back into the system is what causes the post fin crash. Tapering could soften that, who knows.Except many people don't actually crash and many people also just get hit with sides while they're still taking the drug. I never had a crash but was thoroughly fucked up all the same.

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02-16-2018, 07:56 PM
Thank you for the responses. I am quitting cold turkey and already started the paleo diet. as well as starting the 7 day juice fast this sunday. Juice Generation makes it easy, They send you fresh juices for your entire fast. Not terrible cheap though.

I have about 12 of the herbs in my amazon cart. Just doing some due diligence on all of them to make sure there are no blatant red flags when it comes to side effects.

Finally I already have a gym membership and go almost daily, and have ordered the plant based multi vitamins. I also meditate daily.

Ridding my life of the xenoestrogens will be new for me, and I have yet to truly get my head around that.

I am scared, but I am also excited to fully commit. I am fortunate that I cultivated healthy habits a few years ago, so the protocol's radical change isnt a massive shock for me. The juice fast will be challenging, I cant deny that.

02-16-2018, 08:35 PM
Thank you for the responses. I am quitting cold turkey and already started the paleo diet. as well as starting the 7 day juice fast this sunday. Juice Generation makes it easy, They send you fresh juices for your entire fast. Not terrible cheap though.

I have about 12 of the herbs in my amazon cart. Just doing some due diligence on all of them to make sure there are no blatant red flags when it comes to side effects.

Finally I already have a gym membership and go almost daily, and have ordered the plant based multi vitamins. I also meditate daily.

Ridding my life of the xenoestrogens will be new for me, and I have yet to truly get my head around that.

I am scared, but I am also excited to fully commit. I am fortunate that I cultivated healthy habits a few years ago, so the protocol's radical change isnt a massive shock for me. The juice fast will be challenging, I cant deny that.

The herbs wouldn't be on the list if there were "blatant red flags."

If you can extend the juice feast for 14 days, you should do that as well. Shit, if you can go even further, 21 would be even better.

What is it about xenoestrogens that you need to get your head around? Maybe we can help you.....

02-16-2018, 10:16 PM
The herbs wouldn't be on the list if there were "blatant red flags."

If you can extend the juice feast for 14 days, you should do that as well. Shit, if you can go even further, 21 would be even better.

What is it about xenoestrogens that you need to get your head around? Maybe we can help you.....

I hear you, I think i'm just a little cautious about putting things in my body that I hear about online and dont do enough research on, thats exactly how I got started on Fin. And so far I haven't found any red flags. Dont mean to cast doubt on your writing in any way. I hope I didnt come across as that

Extending the juice fast to 14 days is possible albeit will get very expensive. my goal is 7 days, and then i'll consider extending it by 5 days for another $260 (price of 5 days of juice). I intend to listen to my body, if its clearly telling me to keep going, then its full steam ahead. I heard people doing it for upwards of 3 months.

I'm very interested in removing as many xenoestrogens as possible, I guess i'm still just taking mental stock of the things i'll need to replace. Its something I haven't thought a lot about.

Thank you for the responses.

02-16-2018, 11:40 PM
One theory is that the flood of natural steroids rushing back into the system is what causes the post fin crash. Tapering could soften that, who knows.

this theory is exactly how it felt for me.

02-16-2018, 11:42 PM
Hello folks.

I decided to quit fin about 2 weeks ago after taking it for 15 months. I started feeling side effects in the past 3 months, all the common stuff. I would have quit sooner but I rationalized that my sides were just a fluke for a little bit.

When I decided to quit, I decided to do a hard taper, meaning I started taking 1mg every other day for 5 days, than every 3rd day for the following 5 days. I felt a pretty harsh crash 3 days ago. Zero libido, depression, fatigue, difficulty concentrating.

I attribute this to the reckless hard taper I did. I imagine my crash would have been harsher if I quit cold turkey.

I am not back on fin at 0.25mg a day. I plan on staying on this for 3 weeks, then reducing it to .25mg every 2nd day for 2 weeks. then .25mg every 3rd day the following 2 weeks. then quit.

Has anyone had any experience with these slower taper routines? The horror stories I read on other sources scare me from quitting cold turkey. I dont yet know if what I feel is just temporary, and i'll be back to normal in 2 weeks cold turkey, or if I am in for a longer battle caused by PFS.

I have started the TotalMaleOptimization protocol. I am now eating pure paleo for 3 days, I will begine a juice fast in a couple of days, and then incorporate the rest of the components.

I would love some input, particularly about the value in tapering, WHILE starting the TotalMaleOptimization system.

This sucks, I am scared, i feel OK now, and actually had a good day, but I know shit will get hard sooner or later as I distance myself from this fucking poisonous drug.

dawg. don't know that shit will get harder. Most people don't get pfs from fin. it's like 1 in 1000. And many, like English believe the anxiety of knowing PFS exists is what stressed the system enough to put us into the stage. There was one guy who came here I believe before he got PFS just mild fin sides jumped on protocol and I think he's good now.

02-17-2018, 07:57 PM
dawg. don't know that shit will get harder. Most people don't get pfs from fin. it's like 1 in 1000. And many, like English believe the anxiety of knowing PFS exists is what stressed the system enough to put us into the stage. There was one guy who came here I believe before he got PFS just mild fin sides jumped on protocol and I think he's good now.

Very interesting, this may be the case for me. Or it might not. I'm off fin for 2 days now. Only time will tell. Juice fast starts tomorrow. I'm very excited. And I will begin penis pumping shorty after. Herbs are in my shopping cart and ready to be purchased. Cold showers have been very challenging. I used to do them daily in the summer, but as the days got cold i let myself revert. My skin already looks better it seems.

I have been on nofap since October. I dont doubt that the fin has made it less challenging to not jerk off.

Thank you all for the responses. It really nice seeing such a supportive group.

02-17-2018, 10:50 PM
Very interesting, this may be the case for me. Or it might not. I'm off fin for 2 days now. Only time will tell. Juice fast starts tomorrow. I'm very excited. And I will begin penis pumping shorty after. Herbs are in my shopping cart and ready to be purchased. Cold showers have been very challenging. I used to do them daily in the summer, but as the days got cold i let myself revert. My skin already looks better it seems.

I have been on nofap since October. I dont doubt that the fin has made it less challenging to not jerk off.

Thank you all for the responses. It really nice seeing such a supportive group.

Most likely, you'll be fine.

That being said, this protocol is suggested for ANY man who want's to increase his natural baseline by leaps and bounds. PFS or not, this program will massively benefit anyone who decides to undertake it.

It's a life changer, for sure.

It may seem like alot in the beginning, when it's new. But after a month or so, it becomes a way of life. Once this happens, you really start to make strides.

Go into it relaxed and just focus on staying present. The benefits will soon follow.

07-27-2023, 10:41 PM
I can't get a hard on whatsoever