View Full Version : Recovery from Dutasteride Journey

04-24-2018, 03:47 PM

04-24-2018, 04:35 PM
Been on Fin since 2015. Stopped last summer to take Dutasteride to increase thickness in hair. Couple months into it, noticed libido was gone, and couldnt get morning morning erections even after Id start strength training (usually fixes that). I don't think much of it for some reason.

Now here's where it gets interesting and I have some questions. I have other side effects that developed a few months after the libido loss, but because of another event during that time, im not sure if it's PFS related, or due to that event.

I had a panic attack in august (for the first time in my life), and the next month was extremely stressful for me, most stressful I've ever had it in my life. All poorly handled. After September, I noticed that my feelings and emotions were suppressed, and I couldn't feel anything.

I also start to get brain fog that makes it feel like i'm living in a dream, very frequently. This brain fog is controlled 80-90% from doing keto. I say 90% because I still don't have all my awareness and perception back.

I look up symptoms, and I notice that others have experienced derealization (what the symptoms lined up to) after a panic attack or a very stressful time. So far it makes sense to me that the stress did it to me, but then I noticed from doing research that people with PFS has similar symptoms, when it comes to brain fog and loss of emotions.

So would it be safe to say that the brain fog and lack of emotions are not from PFS? I did a blood work in November and it shows that my Testosterone is fully optimized. A company that does TRT did the bloodwork for me and said there's no need for me to increase my test levels at all. Does this mean I even have PFS?

Apparently the half life of dutasteride is 5 weeks, and I quit about 2 weeks ago. It's still in my system. Should I start fasting now? Or wait a couple of months?

It's not a coincidence you had a panic attack while taking Dut or Fin. These medications shut down production of endogenous neurosteroids used to created feelings of calm centeredness, contentment, relaxation and any and all pleasure.

If it walks like a duck.....

And thankfully you're Test is still in range, it'll spare you those symptoms, but again, these tests mean nothing when it comes to PFS. Libido starts in the brain....first and foremost.

What you're describing is textbook PFS

04-24-2018, 04:59 PM
It's not a coincidence you had a panic attack while taking Dut or Fin. These medications shut down production of endogenous neurosteroids used to created feelings of calm centeredness, contentment, relaxation and any and all pleasure.

If it walks like a duck.....

And thankfully you're Test is still in range, it'll spare you those symptoms, but again, these tests mean nothing when it comes to PFS. Libido starts in the brain....first and foremost.

What you're describing is textbook PFS

I forgot to add that I always thought that my intentional sleep deprivation the weeks prior to the attack felt like a contributing factor.

I guess it doesn't matter cause I have these symptoms that I'm stuck with.

Thoughts on the dutasteride half life and fasting question? Should I start the 2 week fast right away despite it being in my system?

04-24-2018, 05:54 PM
I forgot to add that I always thought that my intentional sleep deprivation the weeks prior to the attack felt like a contributing factor.

I guess it doesn't matter cause I have these symptoms that I'm stuck with.

Thoughts on the dutasteride half life and fasting question? Should I start the 2 week fast right away despite it being in my system?Sure....theres no reason not to

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04-24-2018, 06:14 PM
Sure....theres no reason not to

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Hell yeah man.

In excited for this journey to overcome this condition and be stronger than I was before.

I'm also going to get back into strength training and training as if I was back in offseason for football.

Starting a new career in enterprise sales which I want to dominate in as well which will require me to be at peak performance.

Can't wait to be all around better

04-25-2018, 04:39 AM
Hell yeah man.

In excited for this journey to overcome this condition and be stronger than I was before.

I'm also going to get back into strength training and training as if I was back in offseason for football.

Starting a new career in enterprise sales which I want to dominate in as well which will require me to be at peak performance.

Can't wait to be all around better

And btw, half life of this substance really makes no difference. Once the 5ar inhibition happens, it really depends on how long it takes your system to regenerate the enzyme function and how long the down stream processes take to click back on. For some people it's months, for some it's years.

04-25-2018, 09:00 AM

04-25-2018, 11:44 AM

Today I had morning wood, but just no feeling. I can have sex and jack off, erection quality hit only slightly (still noticeable). Biggest thing is no feeling in entire body when it comes to emotions or horniness. Something tells me I have these feelings but they are just being suppressed because I still "feel" like having sex (sorry for the confusion I hope you can understand what im trying to say).

Is this all caused by the 5ar inhibition?

In your experience on consulting people, does the brain fog and emotional suppression sides heal quicker?

I think for most people sexual sides coming back online completely is the last thing.

04-25-2018, 12:03 PM

Today I had morning wood, but just no feeling. I can have sex and jack off, erection quality hit only slightly (still noticeable). Biggest thing is no feeling in entire body when it comes to emotions or horniness. Something tells me I have these feelings but they are just being suppressed because I still "feel" like having sex (sorry for the confusion I hope you can understand what im trying to say).

Is this all caused by the 5ar inhibition?

In your experience on consulting people, does the brain fog and emotional suppression sides heal quicker?

Mental and emotional sides typically heal first, sexual sides heal last.

That being said, libido is ALL in the brain, regardless of what is going on.

04-25-2018, 02:57 PM

Today I had morning wood, but just no feeling. I can have sex and jack off, erection quality hit only slightly (still noticeable). Biggest thing is no feeling in entire body when it comes to emotions or horniness. Something tells me I have these feelings but they are just being suppressed because I still "feel" like having sex (sorry for the confusion I hope you can understand what im trying to say).

Is this all caused by the 5ar inhibition?

In your experience on consulting people, does the brain fog and emotional suppression sides heal quicker?

Ah i can understand 100%, i am exactly on the same boat but morning wood and high erection quality comes and goes for me. I too had difficulty putting words on this issue and i thought it happened only on me, but i have the same thing all over my body. I can see a lot of guys complain about lack of feeling on the genital area but with me it's all over my entire body. The feeling is still there, we just only feel a percentage of what it used to be thus saying that our body and emotions are dull.

I stopped panicking and i started working on fixing this thing. Sadly i can't say it has improved, i still don't feel anything in my entire body, but some days i can actually enjoy listening to music so you could say it is some sort of success in the emotions department. It is a great feeling that i forgot how it used to feel. The feeling is still there, i believe i will have to take the extra mile to get back to who i was and dare i say even better, since i am a slow healer even on the case of common cold. Each of us reacts differently but we will be back to who we were.

My brain fog and most mental sides cleared off after 6 months on the protocol, the morning nootropic stack of bacopa, lions mane, gotu kola and l theanine in my coffee helps me tremendously on these aspects.

Even though i did propecia for ~ a month i kept a journal and i started reading it recently since i didn't have the courage before. It seems my body was giving hints the whole time about propecia not agreeing with me. I have difficulty to explain this but it seems after 14 days that i was on propecia, my hands started shaking- parkinsons disease like shaking- i couldn't type with one hand on my phone because i would drop it and i had a memo to visit the doc since i thought i was starting to show symptoms of parkinsons.

Another key point that i've written in my logue, about an hour after taking the drug, despite the usual testicular pain, i would get a pain on two spots on the back and right region of my head. I can't put words for them but i point them with a blue like arrow on this picture. head pain — imgbb.com (https://ibb.co/nJRneH)

Did you by any chance notice any sort of shakiness on hands or headache on the same spots?

You do have the correct mindset, you will beat it, start the protocol and you will get there!

04-26-2018, 08:47 AM
Ah i can understand 100%, i am exactly on the same boat but morning wood and high erection quality comes and goes for me. I too had difficulty putting words on this issue and i thought it happened only on me, but i have the same thing all over my body. I can see a lot of guys complain about lack of feeling on the genital area but with me it's all over my entire body. The feeling is still there, we just only feel a percentage of what it used to be thus saying that our body and emotions are dull.

I stopped panicking and i started working on fixing this thing. Sadly i can't say it has improved, i still don't feel anything in my entire body, but some days i can actually enjoy listening to music so you could say it is some sort of success in the emotions department. It is a great feeling that i forgot how it used to feel. The feeling is still there, i believe i will have to take the extra mile to get back to who i was and dare i say even better, since i am a slow healer even on the case of common cold. Each of us reacts differently but we will be back to who we were.

My brain fog and most mental sides cleared off after 6 months on the protocol, the morning nootropic stack of bacopa, lions mane, gotu kola and l theanine in my coffee helps me tremendously on these aspects.

Even though i did propecia for ~ a month i kept a journal and i started reading it recently since i didn't have the courage before. It seems my body was giving hints the whole time about propecia not agreeing with me. I have difficulty to explain this but it seems after 14 days that i was on propecia, my hands started shaking- parkinsons disease like shaking- i couldn't type with one hand on my phone because i would drop it and i had a memo to visit the doc since i thought i was starting to show symptoms of parkinsons.

Another key point that i've written in my logue, about an hour after taking the drug, despite the usual testicular pain, i would get a pain on two spots on the back and right region of my head. I can't put words for them but i point them with a blue like arrow on this picture. head pain — imgbb.com (https://ibb.co/nJRneH)

Did you by any chance notice any sort of shakiness on hands or headache on the same spots?

You do have the correct mindset, you will beat it, start the protocol and you will get there!

Interesting man. Good luck on your recovery.

I do not have shakiness or headaches at all. Out side of suppressed feelings I just have brain fog and mental chatter--- I can't progress in meditation (or atleast its just super hard), and because of that I am more absent minded than I want to be. I noticed that ever since I started fin many years ago, while I had no sides until last year after the summer, I could never progress in meditation.

So I'm guessing the brain fog from PFS makes it hard to build concentration (my main goal) and stay in the present moment. Anyone have experience with that?

Keto diets help me with my brain fog a lot though, and even though my sharpness is suboptimal,I can get myself to be at a good enough level to be effective at work or in general.

04-26-2018, 02:19 PM
Interesting man. Good luck on your recovery.

I do not have shakiness or headaches at all. Out side of suppressed feelings I just have brain fog and mental chatter--- I can't progress in meditation (or atleast its just super hard), and because of that I am more absent minded than I want to be. I noticed that ever since I started fin many years ago, while I had no sides until last year after the summer, I could never progress in meditation.

So I'm guessing the brain fog from PFS makes it hard to build concentration (my main goal) and stay in the present moment. Anyone have experience with that?

Keto diets help me with my brain fog a lot though, and even though my sharpness is suboptimal,I can get myself to be at a good enough level to be effective at work or in general.

Thanks mate.

The reason i asked is because since we seem to have a similar central nervous system "malfunction" caused by propecia and i thought your body would have warned you too while when you were taking the drug. I don't have any shakiness or headaches now, i had them when i was using the drug.

I tried gluten free paleo and backloading too, i got a bit of brain fog with backloading, so i am as close as possible to a keto diet.

I was a keto fan in the past (<30grams of carb per day) and it helped me lose ~80kg (176.36lbs) of weight ( i used to weight 160kg), but i find it is way more difficult to hit ketosis in my state.

After the water fast add the nootropic herbs on your coffee, it is a great combo for mental clarity and productivity. I work full time, at the same moment i am back at doing my phd & teaching too and i also hit the gym 4 times a week following the protocol. As far as the mental issues and brain fog the protocol will clear a lot right away, water fast helped me too. The protocol will help you trush in yourself once more and help you recover too.

I cant comment on the concetration issue there buddy, i was never meditating in the past and the only thing close to meditation on the protocol is the breathing i do.

04-27-2018, 12:03 PM
Thanks mate.

The reason i asked is because since we seem to have a similar central nervous system "malfunction" caused by propecia and i thought your body would have warned you too while when you were taking the drug. I don't have any shakiness or headaches now, i had them when i was using the drug.

I tried gluten free paleo and backloading too, i got a bit of brain fog with backloading, so i am as close as possible to a keto diet.

I was a keto fan in the past (<30grams of carb per day) and it helped me lose ~80kg (176.36lbs) of weight ( i used to weight 160kg), but i find it is way more difficult to hit ketosis in my state.

After the water fast add the nootropic herbs on your coffee, it is a great combo for mental clarity and productivity. I work full time, at the same moment i am back at doing my phd & teaching too and i also hit the gym 4 times a week following the protocol. As far as the mental issues and brain fog the protocol will clear a lot right away, water fast helped me too. The protocol will help you trush in yourself once more and help you recover too.

I cant comment on the concetration issue there buddy, i was never meditating in the past and the only thing close to meditation on the protocol is the breathing i do.

Oh i see, yeah I never got the shakiness or headaches, it wouldve made me diagnose these symptoms as PFS way earlier if I did.

I will definitely put the herbs in the coffee, thanks for the suggestion.

Today I had morning wood again for the 2nd time this week. I've been off dutasteride for a couple of weeks now, and I am hopeful that once it's out of my system (5 week half life), I will get better faster.

I think my brain fog is better as well considering that I've been eating a lot of junk recently. About a month ago if I loaded up on carbs, Id start to get major fog. Right now im at a wedding/reception party for the weekend and I'm not following a healthy diet at all, but I feel fine mentally.

Good to know you are able to be productive and take on a load when it comes to work and school, now I don't have any excuses :D

04-27-2018, 04:34 PM
Interesting man. Good luck on your recovery.

I do not have shakiness or headaches at all. Out side of suppressed feelings I just have brain fog and mental chatter--- I can't progress in meditation (or atleast its just super hard), and because of that I am more absent minded than I want to be. I noticed that ever since I started fin many years ago, while I had no sides until last year after the summer, I could never progress in meditation.

So I'm guessing the brain fog from PFS makes it hard to build concentration (my main goal) and stay in the present moment. Anyone have experience with that?

Keto diets help me with my brain fog a lot though, and even though my sharpness is suboptimal,I can get myself to be at a good enough level to be effective at work or in general.

This is due to the negative effects on the Gaba system in the brain. It sucks and as far as I'm concerned was one of my worst symptoms.

For you to progress in meditation, you NEED to get on the breathing exercises. They are the only thing that will get your brain primed to enter "the zone." Before doing the breath work, take a dose of Bacopa and Gotu Kola, and then get to breathing. The more, the better. Do four or five or more rounds and then go into your meditation. You will notice a huge difference.

Start out with a reasonable goal....ten minutes of dedicated meditation time. After your last round of breathing, set a timer on your phone so that you're not focused on how long you've been doing it and can just get to it uninterrupted. Keep at it until your phone tells you you're done.

To take this to the next level, set this up so that you can take a cold shower right after you're done with your meditation. I'm not sure why, but the cold allows you to get really deep, really quick. Also after your breathing exercises your ability to handle the cold will be increased by leaps and bounds. Do this daily and you'll build the pathways back up in your brain so that you'll be able to feel relaxed and content during the day.

To really see what I'm talking about, when you're in the cold shower, stick your head under the water and get your mind into the meditation zone.....you will feel the cold open your third eye. It's pretty amazing actually.

04-27-2018, 08:52 PM
This is due to the negative effects on the Gaba system in the brain. It sucks and as far as I'm concerned was one of my worst symptoms.

For you to progress in meditation, you NEED to get on the breathing exercises. They are the only thing that will get your brain primed to enter "the zone." Before doing the breath work, take a dose of Bacopa and Gotu Kola, and then get to breathing. The more, the better. Do four or five or more rounds and then go into your meditation. You will notice a huge difference.

Start out with a reasonable goal....ten minutes of dedicated meditation time. After your last round of breathing, set a timer on your phone so that you're not focused on how long you've been doing it and can just get to it uninterrupted. Keep at it until your phone tells you you're done.

To take this to the next level, set this up so that you can take a cold shower right after you're done with your meditation. I'm not sure why, but the cold allows you to get really deep, really quick. Also after your breathing exercises your ability to handle the cold will be increased by leaps and bounds. Do this daily and you'll build the pathways back up in your brain so that you'll be able to feel relaxed and content during the day.

To really see what I'm talking about, when you're in the cold shower, stick your head under the water and get your mind into the meditation zone.....you will feel the cold open your third eye. It's pretty amazing actually.

Dude.. I have been searching for years on why I can't progress anymore. Would sit for an hour twice a day (which would make me notice significant differences within 4 days in the past) without making any progress at all.

So how do I fix the GABA problem? The herbs and breathing? Is this something that will reset back to normal quickly when the dutasteride is out of my system?

And if I do the breathing + herbs I can start making progress again normally right? I have no problem in sitting for 40 minutes a day, I just can't stand feeling like a retard (sorry if anyone's offended) anymore.

04-28-2018, 08:29 AM
Dude.. I have been searching for years on why I can't progress anymore. Would sit for an hour twice a day (which would make me notice significant differences within 4 days in the past) without making any progress at all.

So how do I fix the GABA problem? The herbs and breathing? Is this something that will reset back to normal quickly when the dutasteride is out of my system?

And if I do the breathing + herbs I can start making progress again normally right? I have no problem in sitting for 40 minutes a day, I just can't stand feeling like a retard (sorry if anyone's offended) anymore.

You fix the problem by running the protocol.

To get your meditation better, you incorporate the two herbs I've previously mentioned and the breathing exercises.

04-28-2018, 10:27 AM
Hell yeah, well I'm excited already.

Third day this week I woke up with morning wood. Gonna start my fasting protocol tomorrow.

04-28-2018, 11:32 AM
Thanks mate.

The reason i asked is because since we seem to have a similar central nervous system "malfunction" caused by propecia and i thought your body would have warned you too while when you were taking the drug. I don't have any shakiness or headaches now, i had them when i was using the drug.

I tried gluten free paleo and backloading too, i got a bit of brain fog with backloading, so i am as close as possible to a keto diet.

I was a keto fan in the past (<30grams of carb per day) and it helped me lose ~80kg (176.36lbs) of weight ( i used to weight 160kg), but i find it is way more difficult to hit ketosis in my state.

After the water fast add the nootropic herbs on your coffee, it is a great combo for mental clarity and productivity. I work full time, at the same moment i am back at doing my phd & teaching too and i also hit the gym 4 times a week following the protocol. As far as the mental issues and brain fog the protocol will clear a lot right away, water fast helped me too. The protocol will help you trush in yourself once more and help you recover too.

I cant comment on the concetration issue there buddy, i was never meditating in the past and the only thing close to meditation on the protocol is the breathing i do.

according to charles poliquin people of balkan ancestry like you & I can tolerate more carbs than Northern Europeans. Obviously because of the types of foods that grow year round in a warmer climate compared to say Sweden.

05-01-2018, 09:46 AM
Ah i can understand 100%, i am exactly on the same boat but morning wood and high erection quality comes and goes for me. I too had difficulty putting words on this issue and i thought it happened only on me, but i have the same thing all over my body. I can see a lot of guys complain about lack of feeling on the genital area but with me it's all over my entire body. The feeling is still there, we just only feel a percentage of what it used to be thus saying that our body and emotions are dull.

I stopped panicking and i started working on fixing this thing. Sadly i can't say it has improved, i still don't feel anything in my entire body, but some days i can actually enjoy listening to music so you could say it is some sort of success in the emotions department. It is a great feeling that i forgot how it used to feel. The feeling is still there, i believe i will have to take the extra mile to get back to who i was and dare i say even better, since i am a slow healer even on the case of common cold. Each of us reacts differently but we will be back to who we were.

My brain fog and most mental sides cleared off after 6 months on the protocol, the morning nootropic stack of bacopa, lions mane, gotu kola and l theanine in my coffee helps me tremendously on these aspects.

Even though i did propecia for ~ a month i kept a journal and i started reading it recently since i didn't have the courage before. It seems my body was giving hints the whole time about propecia not agreeing with me. I have difficulty to explain this but it seems after 14 days that i was on propecia, my hands started shaking- parkinsons disease like shaking- i couldn't type with one hand on my phone because i would drop it and i had a memo to visit the doc since i thought i was starting to show symptoms of parkinsons.

Another key point that i've written in my logue, about an hour after taking the drug, despite the usual testicular pain, i would get a pain on two spots on the back and right region of my head. I can't put words for them but i point them with a blue like arrow on this picture. head pain — imgbb.com (https://ibb.co/nJRneH)

Did you by any chance notice any sort of shakiness on hands or headache on the same spots?

You do have the correct mindset, you will beat it, start the protocol and you will get there!

I have the headaches from time to time on the back right side of my head. I haven't quite figured out what causes it, but the herbs seem to help. Sorry to hijack the thread, just wanted to let you know you're not alone.

05-02-2018, 10:17 AM
according to charles poliquin people of balkan ancestry like you & I can tolerate more carbs than Northern Europeans. Obviously because of the types of foods that grow year round in a warmer climate compared to say Sweden.

Huh, good to know!

I have the headaches from time to time on the back right side of my head. I haven't quite figured out what causes it, but the herbs seem to help. Sorry to hijack the thread, just wanted to let you know you're not alone.

Cheers mate, we will beat it in the end!

Sorry for highjacking once more your thread.

05-10-2018, 02:18 PM

05-10-2018, 07:08 PM
The past 1.5 weeks I've been getting morning wood, and I can feel the sensations when ejaculating and having sex... im not as numb as before... but still numb emotionally. This morning I had morning wood slightly, but not as good as the previous days.

I did the juice feast and have lost a bunch of weight. I'm transitioning into a keto diet now, because keto diets are known for increased GABA, which is apparently screwed in my head.

One of the things I miss are the sensations you feel when the seasons change, you walk into a crowded bar, morning sunrise while working out etc. I miss that so much. I'm still emotionally numb, though I feel like I might be improving slightly.

It's been about 5 weeks since I've quit dutasteride, and the half life is 5 weeks. it takes 6 months for this to get out of my system completely, but i really hope i can get my emotions and senses back sooner. i use my senses a lot, probably more than most people, and it's been driving me nuts lol. but either way i'm dealing with this right now so i guess it will happen when it happens.

i have been doing the wim hof breathing 3-4 rounds occasionally, but will do them every single day from now on.


also guys. regarding the half life. am i going to crash again when dutasteride is out of my system in 6 months? I see people crash after discontinuing.

I started getting all the emotional numbness, brain fog, no sensations side effects as time progressed with my use of dutasteride, but my test levels are still really high. how do i prevent a crash lol. it would really suck to go through something worse in 6 months

The crash usually happens around a month or so. For me it was about 6 weeks after stopping

05-10-2018, 07:44 PM
The crash usually happens around a month or so. For me it was about 6 weeks after stopping

yeah for me it was 5-6 weeks after

05-10-2018, 08:19 PM
The crash usually happens around a month or so. For me it was about 6 weeks after stopping

right but finasteride half life is different than dutasteride. finasteride leaves the body completely way earlier. or does this not matter?

either way my sides have been improving so i guess ill enjoy that

05-11-2018, 07:39 AM
no morning wood today :/

05-11-2018, 09:45 AM
right but finasteride half life is different than dutasteride. finasteride leaves the body completely way earlier. or does this not matter?

either way my sides have been improving so i guess ill enjoy that

I think it's more of the bodies reaction rather than the exact mechanism of action cuz like I said crashed from RU58841 and exact same story as PFS. RU is non-steroidal anti-androgen and finasteride is a progestin yet the story for me is the same.

05-11-2018, 03:13 PM
I think it's more of the bodies reaction rather than the exact mechanism of action cuz like I said crashed from RU58841 and exact same story as PFS. RU is non-steroidal anti-androgen and finasteride is a progestin yet the story for me is the same.

I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying by half life.

I know Ru and fin have different mechanisms, but they leave your body quickly.

The stuff I took is in my body for 6 months because of the 5 week half life.

I haven’t taken it in 5 weeks and my hair isn’t even falling out or have itchy scalp. It’s still working in my body.

That’s why I’m wondering if I’m going to have a crash. But it makes me wonder why I started getting morning wood last week, and none today.

Also, today I had horrible brain fog. There’s gotta be a way to control this better...

I did the breathing exercises, felt good right afterwards for a couple of hours, and then bam, right back into the brain fog. Can’t even read stuff without feeling spaced out

05-12-2018, 06:47 AM
Morning wood today. Dunno cause I had a dream about sex or what or if that counts. Maybe I’m overthinking it but I feel good. I’m gonna wait a week now before recording “no morning wood” here from now on.

I haven’t even done the herb cycling yet (which I will).

Still wondering if I’m going to crash later. I understand everyone’s body is different, but my god that would suck real bad lmao.

05-12-2018, 05:28 PM
Lakehouse.....I told you this once before. The half life of the drug has NOTHING to do with PFS. No need to keep wasting mental energy on it.

If you haven't done so already, ALL new members are requested to read ALL of the stickies before posting. Please do so if you haven't.

It will explain many things you may not be aware of and save on questions that have already been answered.

05-12-2018, 05:52 PM
Lakehouse.....I told you this once before. The half life of the drug has NOTHING to do with PFS. No need to keep wasting mental energy on it.

If you haven't done so already, ALL new members are requested to read ALL of the stickies before posting. Please do so if you haven't.

It will explain many things you may not be aware of and save on questions that have already been answered.

Sorry boss, won’t happen again.
I have read the stickies before joining, just didn’t see anything so I thought I might clarify.

No more half life nonsense

05-13-2018, 03:42 PM
I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying by half life.

I know Ru and fin have different mechanisms, but they leave your body quickly.

The stuff I took is in my body for 6 months because of the 5 week half life.

I haven’t taken it in 5 weeks and my hair isn’t even falling out or have itchy scalp. It’s still working in my body.

That’s why I’m wondering if I’m going to have a crash. But it makes me wonder why I started getting morning wood last week, and none today.

Also, today I had horrible brain fog. There’s gotta be a way to control this better...

I did the breathing exercises, felt good right afterwards for a couple of hours, and then bam, right back into the brain fog. Can’t even read stuff without feeling spaced out

I know what half life is. it's the amount of time for the drug to leave your body. and I still stand by my statement that I think it's more about the bodies reaction rather than half life because RU has a 30 minute half life way shorter than fin but I still crashed 5 weeks later which is similar or even longer than fin crashes.

05-13-2018, 09:12 PM
I know what half life is. it's the amount of time for the drug to leave your body. and I still stand by my statement that I think it's more about the bodies reaction rather than half life because RU has a 30 minute half life way shorter than fin but I still crashed 5 weeks later which is similar or even longer than fin crashes.

Yeah that’s true I would’ve caught that if I wasn’t such a dutasterided dumbass right now lmao

05-14-2018, 05:36 PM
and I still stand by my statement that I think it's more about the bodies reaction rather than half life because RU has a 30 minute half life way shorter than fin but I still crashed 5 weeks later which is similar or even longer than fin crashes.

That's because it is, completely.

05-22-2018, 12:08 PM
I got morning wood like a week straight or a few days in a row, then get a day or 2 no morning wood. Still the same amount of recovery when it comes to feeling pleasure. Improved about 20-30% ish but still numb. Gonna start herbal rotations soon once I get some things sorted out work related. Cannot wait to start the herbs though.

Do the brain optimization herbs need to be rotated? I know it says they dont need to be taken often, but lets say I do in order to stay on my A game, is it good to rotate? Or just better to take whenever? I already had a big bag of L Theanine and Lion's mane before I even found this place. L Theanine helps with coffee to balance the jitteriness sometimes. The Lion's mane really helped with the super spaced out feeling I used to chronically have a few months back.

05-22-2018, 08:28 PM
I got morning wood like a week straight or a few days in a row, then get a day or 2 no morning wood. Still the same amount of recovery when it comes to feeling pleasure. Improved about 20-30% ish but still numb. Gonna start herbal rotations soon once I get some things sorted out work related. Cannot wait to start the herbs though.

Do the brain optimization herbs need to be rotated? I know it says they dont need to be taken often, but lets say I do in order to stay on my A game, is it good to rotate? Or just better to take whenever? I already had a big bag of L Theanine and Lion's mane before I even found this place. L Theanine helps with coffee to balance the jitteriness sometimes. The Lion's mane really helped with the super spaced out feeling I used to chronically have a few months back.

They don't because of their mechanisms of action. You can use them daily and get the benefits of them without having to worry about tolerance issues. My favorite brain stack is Gotu Kola, Bacopa, lions mane and schizandra. This combo give me lazer focus with zero jitters. I usually save it for when I'm going to be doing alot of writing. When I dose those, it's like my brain can't get enough to read. Definitely a power combo.

06-02-2018, 08:17 PM
They don't because of their mechanisms of action. You can use them daily and get the benefits of them without having to worry about tolerance issues. My favorite brain stack is Gotu Kola, Bacopa, lions mane and schizandra. This combo give me lazer focus with zero jitters. I usually save it for when I'm going to be doing alot of writing. When I dose those, it's like my brain can't get enough to read. Definitely a power combo.

I have a question in regards to the mechanism of neurosteroids, GABA, and propecia.

Wikipedia says that Propecia prevents the formation of neurosteroids like alapregnenolone and 3a, which then messes up the GABA.

if that's true, why doesn't taking pregnenolone not work? or why isnt that recommended?

06-02-2018, 09:02 PM
I have a question in regards to the mechanism of neurosteroids, GABA, and propecia.

Wikipedia says that Propecia prevents the formation of neurosteroids like alapregnenolone and 3a, which then messes up the GABA.

if that's true, why doesn't taking pregnenolone not work? or why isnt that recommended?

Some people use pregnenolone, there seems to be mixed results.

5a-dhp is even closer to allopregnenolone though, I use this "supplement" sometimes and find it useful

06-03-2018, 04:15 PM
I used preg when i first crashed before I cleansed. it helped me get some sleep and energy back and help bring my personality back too. it did nothing for sexual department tho

06-08-2018, 09:31 PM
I have a question in regards to the mechanism of neurosteroids, GABA, and propecia.

Wikipedia says that Propecia prevents the formation of neurosteroids like alapregnenolone and 3a, which then messes up the GABA.

if that's true, why doesn't taking pregnenolone not work? or why isnt that recommended?

Because when the brain is starved of these potent neurosterioids, negative down stream changes to the brain happen that have to be slowly corrected over time. Just supplying the body is prog. isn't quite enough. It has to be hit from more then just that angle.

07-15-2018, 03:56 PM
Started herbs yesterday. 2nd day on pine polin

07-17-2018, 08:17 AM
BTW can anyone comment on any strength and mass gains from R Andro cycle?

im basically a noob. Was wondering if im going to see crazy strength and mass gains. I saw a log from a guy that does AAS and he gained 3lbs in a month during a recomp/bulk cycle. Was wondering how much id gain if I did a pure bulk.

anyone have any quantifiable gains?

Will R Andro or 4 andro give size gains?

i asked this in my thread recently. wanted to combine the recovery with some mass and strength gains if possible

what have been your results in regards to that?

EDIT: upon doing research, i found that its better to just run the R andro first time.

while this is obvious, im still curious on how to get mass gains from when i do a 2nd cycle.

i have trained in athletics in school a long time ago so while I'm a noob, I can get back to intermediate level in a shorter time.

08-16-2018, 10:27 AM
ah shiet son

08-20-2018, 04:53 PM
lol are the guys at socal nutrition unprofessional all the time?

ordered prohormones a couple days ago and dudes not on top of it

says hes making phone calls all day taking care of orders :rolleyes:

not the mark of a professional tbh

I know he's been going through ALOT. I understand the frustration. Just an FYI....he owns this forum.

08-20-2018, 06:58 PM
I know he's been going through ALOT. I understand the frustration. Just an FYI....he owns this forum.

lmao ah shiet son

08-25-2018, 05:32 PM

09-15-2018, 06:02 PM
i read that dutasteride potentially inhibits 5ar3 enzyme as well (fuck my life lol)

do the prohormones help activate those as well by flooding dht?

09-15-2018, 08:12 PM
i read that dutasteride potentially inhibits 5ar3 enzyme as well (fuck my life lol)

do the prohormones help activate those as well by flooding dht?

yeah the shit I crashed from was ru58841 which slaugheters all dht and testosterone and the protocol has helped me a lot.

09-16-2018, 11:03 AM
i read that dutasteride potentially inhibits 5ar3 enzyme as well (fuck my life lol)

do the prohormones help activate those as well by flooding dht?

Saw Palmetto does all three as well, and I'm fine now. Quit overthinking it lol. You're obviously still looking at horror stories and bad info - this won't help you at all in your current state.

09-16-2018, 06:22 PM

09-17-2018, 09:18 AM
A.A. = A.A.
An Antiandrogen = All Antiandrogen (on some level, basically). (keeping it simple).
Just fight in the streets - it helped me a lot. NOT REALLY -- don't do that, above minor = arrested (or worse).
CHANNEL Your Rage into Art -- sublimate all emotions, do not emote.

10-02-2018, 02:07 PM
youre right boss. im done freaking out. just gonna soldier it out like yall

btw should i be boxing/sparring in the ring right now with my neurotransmitters being all jacked up?

coach isnt putting me in the ring with a bully thats going to knock me silly or anything, but its still a contact sport with the head being a major target

That depends on how you feel about it. I know myself, personally, I wouldn't want to be sparring when I was at my worst....I could barely function in life let alone in a fight. I was just too mentally slow. The training aspect of it is great, but putting yourself into a situation where you could potentially get hurt probably isn't the best for recovery.

In regards to this, I think I'm going to give BJJ a try. I want to add something to my work outs that's going to increase my stamina. This is something that can be done without having to worry about getting my head knocked in or damaged. Plus i've been told that because of my build I'd be good at it. For me, it would be better then just doing sprints...it all get's boring after awhile and I'd be building stamina plus learning a new skill.....win win.

Just my two cents.

10-07-2018, 05:18 PM

10-08-2018, 02:12 PM
That depends on how you feel about it. I know myself, personally, I wouldn't want to be sparring when I was at my worst....I could barely function in life let alone in a fight. I was just too mentally slow. The training aspect of it is great, but putting yourself into a situation where you could potentially get hurt probably isn't the best for recovery.

In regards to this, I think I'm going to give BJJ a try. I want to add something to my work outs that's going to increase my stamina. This is something that can be done without having to worry about getting my head knocked in or damaged. Plus i've been told that because of my build I'd be good at it. For me, it would be better then just doing sprints...it all get's boring after awhile and I'd be building stamina plus learning a new skill.....win win.

Just my two cents.

You’re going to love it. I’ve been doing BJJ for the last year and it’s fantastic. Tough at first....just get to that first W - you’ll never stop after that.

10-08-2018, 02:14 PM
You’re going to love it. I’ve been doing BJJ for the last year and it’s fantastic. Tough at first....just get to that first W - you’ll never stop after that.

Thanks man....good to know. I mean strictly from an exercise point of view, you can't go wrong. Plus it would be nice to learn a usefull life skill simultaneously.

10-08-2018, 02:22 PM
Thanks man....good to know. I mean strictly from an exercise point of view, you can't go wrong. Plus it would be nice to learn a usefull life skill simultaneously.

It’s a very useful teaching too. Sometimes you have to take the shit, for awhile, to reach that success story you’ve been dreaming of. Resiliency is a great skill and BJJ teaches that.

10-08-2018, 02:33 PM
It’s a very useful teaching too. Sometimes you have to take the shit, for awhile, to reach that success story you’ve been dreaming of. Resiliency is a great skill and BJJ teaches that.

Yeah....the buddy of mine who has been trying to get me to go for a few years already is a brown belt. He loves it. He still get's the mat mopped up with himself, so yeah, comes with the territory. A little ass kicking builds character and keeps you humble.

10-11-2018, 08:40 PM
today is one of those times where i feel like im just broken

im so frustrated with this anhedonia i dont know what to do anymore. i went to my parents and they told me to start becoming more religious and then started ranting on how i dont listen to them on stuff blah blah

i read stories on anhedonia group chats about people not being able to recover, that they just have to cope with whatever progress they have or lack of

people with fin who had anhedonia dont seem to have the same type of anhedonia that i have, which makes me question my ability to recover like they have. do i treat anhedonia first? pfs first? both at the same time? one only? questions flowing through my head

im just tired of this shit man, fucking sick of it. i cant live like this thats for sure, but i have no option but to keep moving. im just so mad that i have been robbed of so much time, and i just wish i could actually feel the rage and anger flowing through my body, but nope. i cant

10-11-2018, 09:10 PM
today is one of those times where i feel like im just broken

im so frustrated with this anhedonia i dont know what to do anymore. i went to my parents and they told me to start becoming more religious and then started ranting on how i dont listen to them on stuff blah blah

i read stories on anhedonia group chats about people not being able to recover, that they just have to cope with whatever progress they have or lack of

people with fin who had anhedonia dont seem to have the same type of anhedonia that i have, which makes me question my ability to recover. do i treat anhedonia first? pfs first? both at the same time? one only? questions flowing through my head

im just tired of this shit man, fucking sick of it. i cant live like this thats for sure, but i have no option but to keep moving. im just so mad that i have been robbed of so much time, and i just wish i could actually feel the rage and anger flowing through my body, but nope. i cant

All of us here understand what you're feeling and where you're coming from. It does suck, and as you already mentioned, you have three choices. End it, live with it and suffer, or actively do everything you can possibly do on a daily basis to better yourself.

If you're here, it's because you want to better yourself. Venting once in awhile happens, but you can't keep your head there for long.

Stop obsessing and reading things that tell you, you can't recover from this or that. BULLSHIT.

Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

And time? How old are you? Because at 41 I feel as if my life is just starting. So stop worrying about fucking time.

Do what you need to do and keep yourself busy. Whether it's working out, yoga, HIIT, work for money, breathing, meditation, on and on and on. You just have to keep going. You should NEVER be bored.

Keeping your head in the right place is the hardest part of this whole ordeal, but you HAVE TO to make it through. No pity parties here my man.

Here we focus on solutions, not problems. Focusing problems creates sites like PH, Solve P, etc. It's counter productive.

Remember, whether you think you can, or can't, either way you're right.

10-11-2018, 09:40 PM
im good to go now, sorry i just had to get that off my chest.

everything you said is right, its all about my mindset.

10-12-2018, 07:40 AM
im good to go now, sorry i just had to get that off my chest.

everything you said is right, its all about my mindset.

down swings don't last longer than 2 weeks for me and they might actually be what's causing recovery. body downregulates system so it can snapback stronger. just a theory.

10-12-2018, 09:51 AM
down swings don't last longer than 2 weeks for me and they might actually be what's causing recovery. body downregulates system so it can snapback stronger. just a theory.

unfortunately i dont even know if i have been going through upswings and downswings

my prohormone cycle gave me 0 noticeable effects. maybe i had a slightly easier time sleeping if anything but im not sure

after all my sexual sides recovered after a month from quitting dutasteride, i havent improved at all when it comes to anhedonia, brain fog, and insomnia

will be doing round 2 of super r andro and 4 andro for 6-8 weeks in 1.5 months

also did bloodwork and it turns out that my estrone levels are high and out of range... b1 and b2 vitamins are low

i wonder if this has anything to do with my 5ar enzymes not being activated and my hair not falling out.... hmmmm

10-12-2018, 10:03 AM
My hairs not falling out either since i crashed

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-12-2018, 10:14 AM
My hairs not falling out either since i crashed

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yeah, but on prohormone cycle it usually starts falling out again

mine hasnt yet so just saying that i didnt really get anything out of first prohormone cycle

10-12-2018, 12:23 PM
unfortunately i dont even know if i have been going through upswings and downswings

my prohormone cycle gave me 0 noticeable effects. maybe i had a slightly easier time sleeping if anything but im not sure

after all my sexual sides recovered after a month from quitting dutasteride, i havent improved at all when it comes to anhedonia, brain fog, and insomnia

will be doing round 2 of super r andro and 4 andro for 6-8 weeks in 1.5 months

also did bloodwork and it turns out that my estrone levels are high and out of range... b1 and b2 vitamins are low

i wonder if this has anything to do with my 5ar enzymes not being activated and my hair not falling out.... hmmmm

yeah I guess everyone is different. for me the brain fog/emotions are basically just mentally back to my old self I think lol

sleep/libido is what yoyos for me. sleep is the most annoying though cuz the libido I can at least bang like twice a week which is optimal anyways. I obviously wanna get back my super high libido though (which I do have at times though again)

10-12-2018, 01:05 PM
yeah I guess everyone is different. for me the brain fog/emotions are basically just mentally back to my old self I think lol

sleep/libido is what yoyos for me. sleep is the most annoying though cuz the libido I can at least bang like twice a week which is optimal anyways. I obviously wanna get back my super high libido though (which I do have at times though again)

did you have high estrone levels when you crashed?

i have high T, high estrone, high prolactin

how the fk do i even correct the estrone out of range?

10-12-2018, 02:53 PM
yeah I guess everyone is different. for me the brain fog/emotions are basically just mentally back to my old self I think lol

sleep/libido is what yoyos for me. sleep is the most annoying though cuz the libido I can at least bang like twice a week which is optimal anyways. I obviously wanna get back my super high libido though (which I do have at times though again)

Are you blocking blue light at night? That shit works. Wake up with the sun and put blockers on at night.

My sleep is next level doing this consistently right now. I'm dreaming for the first time in years too.

10-12-2018, 02:56 PM
Are you blocking blue light at night? That shit works. Wake up with the sun and put blockers on at night.

My sleep is next level doing this consistently right now. I'm dreaming for the first time in years too.

And because of that, your healing is going to go into hypermode. I'm sure your cold exposure and breathing practices are adding to the increase in quality sleep as well. You're hitting next level on a bunch of things bro.

10-12-2018, 03:16 PM
did you have high estrone levels when you crashed?

i have high T, high estrone, high prolactin

how the fk do i even correct the estrone out of range?

r- andro lowers estrone

- - - Updated - - -

Are you blocking blue light at night? That shit works. Wake up with the sun and put blockers on at night.

My sleep is next level doing this consistently right now. I'm dreaming for the first time in years too.

I do almost everything you can imagine. I use blue blockers 1-2 hours before bed. I use pink noise. noise cancellation headphones. black out curtains. eye mask lol. don't eat anything 3 hours before bed.

only thing I fuck up on is I have a late sleep schedule because of my lifestyle. 3am-12pm ideally is my sleep window

10-12-2018, 04:05 PM
r- andro lowers estrone

- - - Updated - - -

I do almost everything you can imagine. I use blue blockers 1-2 hours before bed. I use pink noise. noise cancellation headphones. black out curtains. eye mask lol. don't eat anything 3 hours before bed.

only thing I fuck up on is I have a late sleep schedule because of my lifestyle. 3am-12pm ideally is my sleep window

Is that just on weekends? That's a pretty major thing that might kinda be undoing everything else you listed above that lol.

That used to be my schedule, and I had chronic sleep problems. Now everything is so dialed in for me I wake up naturally at first light in the mornings, and go watch the sunrise every day.

Only other problems that I've ever had otherwise waking up are liquids before bed and getting super aggressive with intermittent fasting & it giving me cortisol spikes during the night, and waking up with palpitations.

10-12-2018, 04:08 PM
Is that just on weekends? That's a pretty major thing that might kinda be undoing everything else you listed above that lol.

That used to be my schedule, and I had chronic sleep problems. Now everything is so dialed in for me I wake up naturally at first light in the mornings, and go watch the sunrise every day.

Only other problems that I've ever had otherwise waking up are liquids before bed and getting super aggressive with intermittent fasting & it giving me cortisol spikes during the night, and waking up with palpitations.

it's every day. I've tested doing it earlier and I don't notice a difference. I live in Canada we barely get sun here anyways. Only thing is if my neighbors are making a ruckace. redicolous because I live in a detatched house but they have kids who think it's cool to play basketball on our mutual driveway at 730am and they don't really care that it pisses me off lol

10-12-2018, 04:09 PM
And because of that, your healing is going to go into hypermode. I'm sure your cold exposure and breathing practices are adding to the increase in quality sleep as well. You're hitting next level on a bunch of things bro.

Cold is great anytime, but yeah especially before sleep its hard to beat. I've pushed it a bit too far at times and been shaking laying in my bed for an hour lol

10-12-2018, 04:11 PM
Cold is great anytime, but yeah especially before sleep its hard to beat. I've pushed it a bit too far at times and been shaking laying in my bed for an hour lol

Lol....maybe a tad too much.

10-12-2018, 04:14 PM
it's every day. I've tested doing it earlier and I don't notice a difference. I live in Canada we barely get sun here anyways. Only thing is if my neighbors are making a ruckace. redicolous because I live in a detatched house but they have kids who think it's cool to play basketball on our mutual driveway at 730am and they don't really care that it pisses me off lol


Light is the driver of circadian biology, and its nearly impossible to have sleep problems if you are living by mother nature's clock.

Before humans invented artificial lights sleep problems weren't really a thing.

10-12-2018, 06:07 PM

Light is the driver of circadian biology, and its nearly impossible to have sleep problems if you are living by mother nature's clock.

Before humans invented artificial lights sleep problems weren't really a thing.

One thing that fascinated me about sleep habits before the invention of electric light was the practice of second sleep. Before lights people would usually fall asleep soon after the sun went down. They would sleep for four hours or so, wake up, eat, have sex, read and generally be up for an hour, sometimes two, then they would go into "second sleep" which is where they slept another four hours until the sun came up. Apparently this whole get an eight or nine hours of sleep in one shot is relatively new, in evolutionary terms, and man made. Who knew!

Some people wake up in the middle of the night. It's completely natural. But because of what's been drilled into our heads, we think there is something wrong, thus we start the mental gymnastics and drive our-self nuts. For the healthy people that have this habit, if they were to just relax, not stress out, they would end up falling back asleep in no time.

10-12-2018, 06:40 PM

Light is the driver of circadian biology, and its nearly impossible to have sleep problems if you are living by mother nature's clock.

Before humans invented artificial lights sleep problems weren't really a thing.

What are you using for blue blocking? Glasses?

10-12-2018, 06:53 PM
What are you using for blue blocking? Glasses?

These early eavning/out in public:

Amazon.com: Blue Light Blocking Glasses By Bleu -FDA Registered Computer Eyewear Personal Care (https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Light-Blocking-Glasses-Bleu/dp/B071ZZK42Y?th=1)

These at home later evening:

DEWALT DW0714 Laser Enhancement Glasses - Safety Glasses - Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/DEWALT-DW0714-Laser-Enhancement-Glasses/dp/B00093DJ4M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1539391881&sr=8-1&keywords=dewalt+laser+glasses)

10-12-2018, 07:01 PM
One thing that fascinated me about sleep habits before the invention of electric light was the practice of second sleep. Before lights people would usually fall asleep soon after the sun went down. They would sleep for four hours or so, wake up, eat, have sex, read and generally be up for an hour, sometimes two, then they would go into "second sleep" which is where they slept another four hours until the sun came up. Apparently this whole get an eight or nine hours of sleep in one shot is relatively new, in evolutionary terms, and man made. Who knew!

Some people wake up in the middle of the night. It's completely natural. But because of what's been drilled into our heads, we think there is something wrong, thus we start the mental gymnastics and drive our-self nuts. For the healthy people that have this habit, if they were to just relax, not stress out, they would end up falling back asleep in no time.

I've heard about this! thats so interesting. The only real insomnia I will have nowadays comes maybe once per month where I wake up and my mind runs wild with ideas and epiphanies for an hour or two.

Might be related to what you are describing. Its usually a beautiful headspace. Some of the clearest thinking I do outside meditation.

10-12-2018, 07:04 PM
I've heard about this! thats so interesting. The only real insomnia I will have nowadays comes maybe once per month where I wake up and my mind runs wild with ideas and epiphanies for an hour or two.

Might be related to what you are describing. Its usually a beautiful headspace. Some of the clearest thinking I do outside meditation.

That's exactly it. There is an actual name for it but I can't recall it right now. It's like our built in meditation for the brain, at night, when it's quiet. Brilliant!

10-13-2018, 12:40 PM

Light is the driver of circadian biology, and its nearly impossible to have sleep problems if you are living by mother nature's clock.

Before humans invented artificial lights sleep problems weren't really a thing.

bro i use bose noise cancellation + pink noise it's not enough when my whole house foundation is shaking LOL I tried increasing volume of pink noise through my stereo by two beats and slept perfect last night tho so feeling good

naw I still had sleep issues even when i was going to bed at 10pm with pfs. i think it's just a neurosteroid issue

10-14-2018, 03:17 PM
These early eavning/out in public:

Amazon.com: Blue Light Blocking Glasses By Bleu -FDA Registered Computer Eyewear Personal Care (https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Light-Blocking-Glasses-Bleu/dp/B071ZZK42Y?th=1)

These at home later evening:

DEWALT DW0714 Laser Enhancement Glasses - Safety Glasses - Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/DEWALT-DW0714-Laser-Enhancement-Glasses/dp/B00093DJ4M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1539391881&sr=8-1&keywords=dewalt+laser+glasses)

hell yeah thanks for these

10-14-2018, 03:22 PM
r- andro lowers estrone

- - - Updated - - -

I do almost everything you can imagine. I use blue blockers 1-2 hours before bed. I use pink noise. noise cancellation headphones. black out curtains. eye mask lol. don't eat anything 3 hours before bed.

only thing I fuck up on is I have a late sleep schedule because of my lifestyle. 3am-12pm ideally is my sleep window

I have high test -- 850 on a range of 200-1000(could be higher is my assumption)
high estrogen out of range
high prolactin in range
normal dht

no sexual sides
only neurotransmitter mental sides

any theories on this puzzle im trying to map out?

im gonna continue with the protocol as i am, but would be nice to know why im such a confusing case with my sexual sides recovering and only having mental sides

someone on the other site even questions if i have PFS

but when i was on finasteride only i ONLY had mental sides-- brain fog and insomnia, so my assumption is I do have PFS, and will continue the protocol


10-14-2018, 04:11 PM
I have high test -- 850 on a range of 200-1000(could be higher is my assumption)
high estrogen out of range
high prolactin in range
normal dht

no sexual sides
only neurotransmitter mental sides

any theories on this puzzle im trying to map out?

im gonna continue with the protocol as i am, but would be nice to know why im such a confusing case with my sexual sides recovering and only having mental sides

someone on the other site even questions if i have PFS

but when i was on finasteride only i ONLY had mental sides-- brain fog and insomnia, so my assumption is I do have PFS, and will continue the protocol


I have talked to plenty of guys who have only had mental sides.

10-14-2018, 06:05 PM
yeah there was the spanish guy on PH I believe who healed it through raw food diets. one of the few recovery before cd even did and it inspired cd too do the fast/raw food if my memory serves me correct

10-15-2018, 09:03 AM
yeah there was the spanish guy on PH I believe who healed it through raw food diets. one of the few recovery before cd even did and it inspired cd too do the fast/raw food if my memory serves me correct


Doesn't ring a bell. But I wasn't inspired by anyone to fast....I came to that conclusion on my own after a ton of research.

10-15-2018, 11:40 AM

Doesn't ring a bell. But I wasn't inspired by anyone to fast....I came to that conclusion on my own after a ton of research.

there was that guy in the recoveries section remember who spoke broken english. raw food diet for brain fog. they changed PH a lot so hard to find anything. not sure if your recovery post is even there still. that's a crime. I've been on that site like total 10 minutes in 2018 lol

10-15-2018, 12:14 PM
there was that guy in the recoveries section remember who spoke broken english. raw food diet for brain fog. they changed PH a lot so hard to find anything. not sure if your recovery post is even there still. that's a crime. I've been on that site like total 10 minutes in 2018 lol

I don't.

Again, what I can say is that I hadn't heard of anyone fasting prior to me doing it.

I helped a German guy through his brain fog with the raw food diet. He was the first person who I actually helped. This was when I was still suffering.

I haven't been to PH since I posted my recovery, in 2012

10-15-2018, 01:31 PM
I don't.

Again, what I can say is that I hadn't heard of anyone fasting prior to me doing it.

I helped a German guy through his brain fog with the raw food diet. He was the first person who I actually helped. This was when I was still suffering.

I haven't been to PH since I posted my recovery, in 2012

those goofs locked your thread. you have a fanboy named PVDL or something like that lol

10-15-2018, 02:09 PM
those goofs locked your thread. you have a fanboy named PVDL or something like that lol

Yes, the Fuhrer PVDL. He’s as fascist as they come. Agree or die.

10-15-2018, 02:31 PM
those goofs locked your thread. you have a fanboy named PVDL or something like that lol

Is the thread still readable? Like can people still see it? If so, that's fine. From what I hear it was just getting watered down by bullshit anyway. Regardless, at this point it doesn't matter. People will find me here with very minimal searching. PH can and usually is skipped altogether. That is a much, much better outcome for the searcher too.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, the Fuhrer PVDL. He’s as fascist as they come. Agree or die.

Lol...and just like the Fuhrer, his outcome will be the same. You can't stop truth no matter how much you don't like it.

Edit: I retract that...I highly doubt he will die in a bunker surrounded by the Red Army....

10-15-2018, 02:47 PM
Is the thread still readable? Like can people still see it? If so, that's fine. From what I hear it was just getting watered down by bullshit anyway. Regardless, at this point it doesn't matter. People will find me here with very minimal searching. PH can and usually is skipped altogether. That is a much, much better outcome for the searcher too.

- - - Updated - - -

Lol...and just like the Fuhrer, his outcome will be the same. You can't stop truth no matter how much you don't like it.

Edit: I retract that...I highly doubt he will die in a bunker surrounded by the Red Army....

yeah its readable. i found this place after i found the hate thread, from what i remember. "is cdsnuts a fraud" read the title, first few posts, and then decided to sign up here lol

10-15-2018, 03:02 PM
yeah its readable. i found this place after i found the hate thread, from what i remember. "is cdsnuts a fraud" read the title, first few posts, and then decided to sign up here lol


Out of curiosity, what made you sign up after reading from the haters?

And I meant is my recovery thread readable?

10-15-2018, 05:36 PM
Is the thread still readable? Like can people still see it? If so, that's fine. From what I hear it was just getting watered down by bullshit anyway. Regardless, at this point it doesn't matter. People will find me here with very minimal searching. PH can and usually is skipped altogether. That is a much, much better outcome for the searcher too.

- - - Updated - - -

Lol...and just like the Fuhrer, his outcome will be the same. You can't stop truth no matter how much you don't like it.

Edit: I retract that...I highly doubt he will die in a bunker surrounded by the Red Army....

If only....

10-15-2018, 05:39 PM
If only....


Bitter and delusional to the very end.

10-15-2018, 05:42 PM
yeah its readable. i found this place after i found the hate thread, from what i remember. "is cdsnuts a fraud" read the title, first few posts, and then decided to sign up here lol

lol some of the best things I've found in my life were because people tried to silence/discredit it.

10-15-2018, 06:15 PM
lol some of the best things I've found in my life were because people tried to silence/discredit it.

This just gives credence to the fact that the things you give energy/attention to, grow and appear in your life whether they are positive or negative to you. It's the reflection of an important lesson.

Always focus on what you want, NOT what you don't want....very powerful.

10-15-2018, 08:37 PM

10-15-2018, 08:54 PM
lol some of the best things I've found in my life were because people tried to silence/discredit it.

exactly, anytime people are throwing fallacies and attacking, i know something's up

brain isnt as sharp as what it was few years back but the average person is so easy to read

10-27-2018, 01:08 PM

10-30-2018, 05:20 PM
let me tell you guys, i wish the fall and spring weather in texas was permanent

maybe have winter as it is, but summer is unbearable

if your AC is broken, you wake up drenched in sweat from the humidity, socks, boxers, balls everything smh

this weather now is perfect

Out of curiosity, what is the weather like there in the winter?

10-31-2018, 10:57 PM

07-03-2019, 02:04 PM

im not on CDS protocol anymore after doing 4 runs with prohormones. the bills added up and i didnt notice a single difference.

im now taking Prep medication (HIV prevention) for over a week and its slowly reversing some symptoms. hope to see more benefits out of it

07-03-2019, 04:49 PM
there was that guy in the recoveries section remember who spoke broken english. raw food diet for brain fog. they changed PH a lot so hard to find anything. not sure if your recovery post is even there still. that's a crime. I've been on that site like total 10 minutes in 2018 lol

CD, I believe Jack was referring to Japanther here. Memorable guy who claimed to have recovered off a very long raw food diet, you paid respects to him for being able to do it for as long as he did (something like 8 or 9 months)

07-03-2019, 05:44 PM

im not on CDS protocol anymore after doing 4 runs with prohormones. the bills added up and i didnt notice a single difference.

im now taking Prep medication (HIV prevention) for over a week and its slowly reversing some symptoms. hope to see more benefits out of it

I'm sure you know this, but prohormones alone aren't going to cure you. Whether you do one run or fifty.

Seeing as we've helped you, how about some help back.

How long were you on the protocol for?

Did you do a juice feast or water fast, if so, how long?

When on the regimen, how strict would you say you were?

How long was your herb cycle...seven days, fourteen days, etc?

ALL of these things make a huge difference.

Thanks in advance for your input.

07-03-2019, 05:52 PM
CD, I believe Jack was referring to Japanther here. Memorable guy who claimed to have recovered off a very long raw food diet, you paid respects to him for being able to do it for as long as he did (something like 8 or 9 months)


He was the very first dude I ever helped. He was number one! Ground zero! He was German and he simply stayed on a raw food diet for a long time....I can't remember the timeline, but it was impressive. I walked him through it....the whole thing....I bet those convo's are still stored on PH because we used the PM system there to communicate.

He had no sexual symptoms whatsoever, just really, really debilitating brain fog. I explained to him the theories behind raw food and seeing as he had no hormonal issues, he took to it like a fish to water. And they weren't claims, he did it. He cured his pfs brain fog.

You got me feeling nostalgic. That was like over ten years ago. I wonder if I can find his info. If so I would reach out for him just to see how and what he's doing now. He came from a wealthy family that lived near the black forest in Germany. Wouldn't mind taking a vaca there......lol.

Thanks Dknighten!

07-03-2019, 08:08 PM

He was the very first dude I ever helped. He was number one! Ground zero! He was German and he simply stayed on a raw food diet for a long time....I can't remember the timeline, but it was impressive. I walked him through it....the whole thing....I bet those convo's are still stored on PH because we used the PM system there to communicate.

He had no sexual symptoms whatsoever, just really, really debilitating brain fog. I explained to him the theories behind raw food and seeing as he had no hormonal issues, he took to it like a fish to water. And they weren't claims, he did it. He cured his pfs brain fog.

You got me feeling nostalgic. That was like over ten years ago. I wonder if I can find his info. If so I would reach out for him just to see how and what he's doing now. He came from a wealthy family that lived near the black forest in Germany. Wouldn't mind taking a vaca there......lol.

Thanks Dknighten!

lol yeah dude I literally read all your posts. My logic was if I'm gunna be anxious and think about it all the time I might as well focus on the right things on that matter = the people who made it out. I'm lucky that I had like a decade of self-book reading under my belt so I had a good mindset for stuff generally

07-04-2019, 06:34 AM

He was the very first dude I ever helped. He was number one! Ground zero! He was German and he simply stayed on a raw food diet for a long time....I can't remember the timeline, but it was impressive. I walked him through it....the whole thing....I bet those convo's are still stored on PH because we used the PM system there to communicate.

He had no sexual symptoms whatsoever, just really, really debilitating brain fog. I explained to him the theories behind raw food and seeing as he had no hormonal issues, he took to it like a fish to water. And they weren't claims, he did it. He cured his pfs brain fog.

You got me feeling nostalgic. That was like over ten years ago. I wonder if I can find his info. If so I would reach out for him just to see how and what he's doing now. He came from a wealthy family that lived near the black forest in Germany. Wouldn't mind taking a vaca there......lol.

Thanks Dknighten!

Ah yes if you wouldn't mind, that'd be splendid! Japanther is one of the old recovery legends.

Also, only if possible, you have any details on the raw food diet as a protocol? I don't think I'll depart the TMO process for it, but it'd be super to have nonetheless. Well, I mean I guess it is/can be paleo in principle, but I'm not sure how I'd keep it up with gym etc.

07-05-2019, 04:37 PM
Ah yes if you wouldn't mind, that'd be splendid! Japanther is one of the old recovery legends.

Also, only if possible, you have any details on the raw food diet as a protocol? I don't think I'll depart the TMO process for it, but it'd be super to have nonetheless. Well, I mean I guess it is/can be paleo in principle, but I'm not sure how I'd keep it up with gym etc.

Like I said, he was the first person I ever helped through this.

And during this time the TMO protocol as it is now didn't exist. I was sharing the break throughs I was having on a raw food diet on PH and he wanted in. Seeing as he had no hormonal issues and just neurological ones, it suited him.

There really is nothing to share seeing as you now have the full protocol as it has evolved. He simply stayed 100% raw for a good 8-10mos., maybe more, and his brain fog lifted and that was that.

For most guys this isn't going to be the way out. It just so happened to suit his specific set of symptoms.

07-06-2019, 05:08 AM
There really is nothing to share seeing as you now have the full protocol as it has evolved. He simply stayed 100% raw for a good 8-10mos., maybe more, and his brain fog lifted and that was that.

Thanks CD. Yes had a search for his recovery and it's pretty much this as you say. He really was a trooper too, can read it and the ongoing jubilation as he was recovering. Sounds like a really great guy.

Hope you hear back and he's still doing great.

07-08-2019, 11:50 AM
No response from Lakehouse?