View Full Version : Ricky’s Ride to Baseline & Beyond

07-12-2018, 07:04 PM
Figured I’d make one official thread for my progress. Don’t want to start any more threads & keep it all here. Officially..
**as you all already read a few times I crashed late March, but started protocol immediately about 5 days later..Progress has been slim to none so far.. Just riding this thing out. Any upswing is more on the mental & mood side, downswings are depression, anxiety, terrible thoughts.(going through one right now) but this time it’s not as severe as my last time mentioning this where I burst into tears a few times, but still sucks. The physical things I ignore but it’s all there. I have it all.
*As far as my sides go, if I’m being real I’m more of the worse cases of this thing, my nose got smaller & I did not notice this initially ..Weird..
*but I’m glad that I started protocol days after. I’m just thankful I began the process. I know I could have been stuck in limbo for months & years on end, potentially causing me to quit my job or end up in the hospital or something..I got on here ASAP & been on it. So it’s all about perspective on that end.
**There might have been extremely small improvements, maybe..I really don’t know, I really can’t tell, my downswing brain is typing this...but I’m just so level headed with this thing that I don’t really congratulate myself for any minuscule victory I have.

My Struggles—
Putting timelines in my head & comparing my severity of these symptoms to others & seeing how long they been on this. Example below
- Once I saw Durantula’s older thread where he mentioned the thing about the nose shrinkage, I saw that he’s been on this for more than a year, BUT he has felt Herbs early.... So in my head I went “well guess we are gonna have this thing for 3-6 years.” Then that turns to me thinking “will I even be recovered by the time I’m 27, or 30” (I just turned 23) crazy mental game going on. Then I check out Jacknaps thread & see that he’s been having sex from the start & he’s in Good place at the year mark..I sometimes take this whole thing like A 8-10 year jail sentenced based on how bad off I am.. I sometimes ask my dad how he got through his 5 year jail sentence which is like time stopping basically.. not really an accurate comparison to this type of thing but you know what I mean..

-Second Guessing

This is my second struggle but I don’t let it deter me from the regimen. Why do I second guess?? Two reasons besides it just being part of the game..

1. Money is tight so it’s tough buying organic or grass fed or wild caught...But I’ve been following the outline diet wise..I’ve been drinking organic Kefir daily bought from the store, it’s sometimes flavored (Coconut) but it has 15g added sugar. It has tons of probiotic cultures though. Again, i see people making homemeade kefir so I’m thinking that buying this from the store is not good for me. I can’t afford the organics, wild caughts, etc..*
* I eat all the food outlined with pretty much zero regard to timing & portions.. it’s all Paleo w/ Greek yoghurt,kefir, & cheese. Haven’t cheated, haven’t strayed. Obviously won’t..

2. I’m second guessing the way I went about my water fast back in March cause I feel nothing in regards to Herbs. Reminder I did a 21 day unsupervised fast which is not recommended. (225 lbs to 169) The fact that I did not do it at the clinic makes me believe I’ve started the whole thing wrong.. I worked while I fasted but that was it, just rested & cold showers..

I take 3g of Pine Pollen in the morning & sometimes take 1 or 2 of the Pine Pollen capsules at night. (Along with the rotation & daily supps ) Doesn’t the fast help you become more receptive to all this?.
* I see a lot of you feel this stuff early (which adds on to me thinking I’m gonna beat this in 4+ years, not the standard 6 months to 2.5 years) I swear I feel like I’m gonna be fighting this longer than CD did..

-despite lifting heavy, doing 150 yd sprints 2x a week, & one day of jumping & plyometrics, I’ve been gaining weight. After my fast I was 169 lbs. I’m like 185-188 now.. I haven’t started backloading cause of this.. what’s the deal?
* I am performing well in the gym strength wise for my state especially on Lower body lifts, im actually getting close to my pre Fin strength..It seems harder to get stronger on the upper body stuff for me, those gains come slower & I plateau more. All this despite the soft tissues from lack of DHT & less sweating etc..

Intense exercise, cold showers, breathing exercises, & listening to Opie & Anthony radio while I work (it’s comedy) is the only thing keeping me Sane these days. I also have not ejaculated or fapped since the crash.. not that i really had the desire to though. I plan on not busting a single nut for years. It’s a goal..

Look this forum has saved me. But I read a ton of your guys progress/ideas & my head starts to spin.

On one end I’m hearing that the outline is simple & eventually you get there with herbs, cold showers, diet, exercise, meditation, & optional prohormones.. rinse & repeat.. I’d put guys like CD & Maxout on this side of the spectrum. Even that Damn guy in a way is on this side

On the other end, the Jacknaps of the world & others (no disrespect lol) it’s all this outside stuff that makes me lose it. A lot of people make this toooooo cutting edge which leaves the guys who try to keep it as Simple as possible & just getting through the day in a state of doubt & confusion.

Thank you all though...& gauging where I’m at, I think September I’ll start cycling the prohormones . I thought I can get through this with herbs only, but based on my symptoms, I feel like it’s necessary. We’ll get there though..

I get it, damn rick relax.. lol, but your input is much appreciated. At my age, with my whole life ahead of me, the days are LONG..

07-13-2018, 07:58 AM
Relax…you’re Rick The Fucking Ruler, dude :). But seriously, the most important thing to do is relax. I think one of the common denominators with all of us is we are over thinkers (well that, and exceptionally good looking according to Jacknap :)). This only serves to rev up our stress levels and yada, yada, that’s not good. Keep it simple for now. It sounds like you have all the basics well covered. Like you said, that alone puts you above 98% of guys out there. Once those things become second nature, you’ll probably start to add other health enhancers that you hear about, or discover yourself, as you go…it can become somewhat of a hobby (or perhaps obsession is a more accurate word ). I would also caution against comparing yourself to others. Our bodies are all different and starting in different places, but given what they need, they will all heal in their own way and on their own timeline. That said, I would bet the (way, way) under on the timeframes you are throwing out. And re: second guessing…it’s all part of the overthinking (obsessive, perfectionism, etc.) thing. Just remember…perfect is the enemy of good. You’ll be just fine.

Fausto Soares
07-13-2018, 08:58 AM
Hey bro,

Dont worry, each body has its own way, time and so on to lead with this process, even on TRT with injection, there are guys wich respond in 6 months, others in more than 1.5 year.

I think i will have 3 to 4 years of battle analyzing what has happened with me until now on protocol.

07-23-2018, 09:01 PM
can anyone chime in on why I haven’t been feeling very depressed & suicidal for a while?

It’s bizzare but I actually want to embrace these downswings cause I know I’m in the right direction.

After a couple of shitty downswings where all kinds of uncomfortable thoughts & feelings came up, it did feel like I hit some sort of new mental baseline.. I don’t even know honestly. I’m not good with going by feel so I don’t wanna make conclusions..

Now it seems like if I’m going down it’s more of a less cheerful mood, more quiet, more lethargic.. but not that state I initially described.

Maybe these intitial downswings was analysis paralysis?? Or was it really what it was?? I have been better mentally in very slight ways..

07-23-2018, 09:57 PM
can anyone chime in on why I haven’t been feeling very depressed & suicidal for a while?

It’s bizzare but I actually want to embrace these downswings cause I know I’m in the right direction.

After a couple of shitty downswings where all kinds of uncomfortable thoughts & feelings came up, it did feel like I hit some sort of new mental baseline.. I don’t even know honestly. I’m not good with going by feel so I don’t wanna make conclusions..

Now it seems like if I’m going down it’s more of a less cheerful mood, more quiet, more lethargic.. but not that state I initially described.

Maybe these intitial downswings was analysis paralysis?? Or was it really what it was?? I have been better mentally in very slight ways..

I think our dopamine and gaba systems have been severely impaired so no I don't think it's all in your but analysis paralysis probably doesn't help either. I'm extremely good at pushing my feelings down to get a job done. This shit is definitely at the chemical level.

07-24-2018, 08:17 AM
probably what jacknap said. i think having a micro nutrient deficiency like vit d or b might make it worse.

last year i was super depressed for an entire month out of nowhere, not exactly suicidal, but the worst i ever experienced. im told im an optimist so it was one of the most bizarre experience of my life. i got changed my vitamin supplement qualities, started eating low glycemic and things started changing.

if i had to really point something out, i think it was the b12 cyano i was taking that accelerated it. it can be really bad for you, so make sure you arent taking garbage b12

07-24-2018, 10:18 AM
I started protocol late March, so it seems to be the progression of things & not deficiencies cause your getting everything you need out of it. Vit D, B etc..

I feel pretty stable right now. Obviously not 100% but none of those thoughts at all or depression...Knock on wood

First couple of downswings were so bad, in one my old posts I wrote “why do I feel like shit all of a sudden?” .. CD told me just a typical PFS downswing. I mean I would cry during these periods..

then it was really bad but no crying . Not as bad as the first few and so on.. to now where I can tell I’m on a downswing just based on my outlook on life and mood.

Any physical improvement is me not being impotent anymore & having nocturnals & occasional morning wood.. I think for me to have sex I’d have to really focus & always be stimulated but I don’t plan on doing that in my recovery..

Seems to be the progression of things.

Still, knock on wood.

It’s important to be consistent & even keel cause things will get worse before they get better... but also the hard thing IS accepting that you are getting better in some way & things are working..I’m always denying any little improvement I have in my head. Looking back to when I crashed in March & started protocol doing daily tasks was such a challenge. The life stopping anxiety and depression...today doing tasks is no issue, it’s an improvement, it IS..but in our heads we think that we didn’t improve in any way.. it’s the mental game that we have to conquer & shut it up..

Like entropy said, he didn’t wake up one day and was 100%.. i think many people think that’s how it works, that you wake up and everything is all good..it never feels like we are going anywhere cause it’s a slowly increasing baseline month by month.

07-31-2018, 08:11 PM
Whassup guys. So I just ordered the R Andro & plan on cycling next month. September 1st exactly. I still want to go on one more 21 day rotation with herbs. Still don’t see much sexually or physically but my mental is just better. I’m social, more stable, cracking jokes , enjoying music, etc..
I haven’t been carb backloading but once I’m in cycle I’ll add that in. Should help..
Currently while eating paleo I tested my max lifts for the first time last week, as I’ve been gaining strength super fast it’s ridiculous, I know these herbs are contributing to this big time. I just worked up to a max & left the gym. These sessions were 25 min max, no point in continuing the workout after this. I’m 183 lbs right now.

Deadlift: 555
Squat: 410
Bench: 280
In addition my performance sprinting seems to be improving slightly.

My only 2 questions are anything else to take with the prohormones? I’m hearing things like potassium. Not worried, just on my P’s and Q’s with this thing.

In addition, I plan on doing a mini juice feast while still taking herbs during the last week of August, my idea is I’m killing 2 birds with one stone

1. Taking a week off from lifting, powerlifters call these deload weeks to rest your nervous system & prevent overtraining. I do it every 3-4 months.

2. Increase receptivity to the cycle.

^ Let me know if I’m on to something about that mini fast or is it a stupid idea.

Thank you all.


08-01-2018, 06:45 PM
Whassup guys. So I just ordered the R Andro & plan on cycling next month. September 1st exactly. I still want to go on one more 21 day rotation with herbs. Still don’t see much sexually or physically but my mental is just better. I’m social, more stable, cracking jokes , enjoying music, etc..
I haven’t been carb backloading but once I’m in cycle I’ll add that in. Should help..
Currently while eating paleo I tested my max lifts for the first time last week, as I’ve been gaining strength super fast it’s ridiculous, I know these herbs are contributing to this big time. I just worked up to a max & left the gym. These sessions were 25 min max, no point in continuing the workout after this. I’m 183 lbs right now.

Deadlift: 555
Squat: 410
Bench: 280
In addition my performance sprinting seems to be improving slightly.

My only 2 questions are anything else to take with the prohormones? I’m hearing things like potassium. Not worried, just on my P’s and Q’s with this thing.

In addition, I plan on doing a mini juice feast while still taking herbs during the last week of August, my idea is I’m killing 2 birds with one stone

1. Taking a week off from lifting, powerlifters call these deload weeks to rest your nervous system & prevent overtraining. I do it every 3-4 months.

2. Increase receptivity to the cycle.

^ Let me know if I’m on to something about that mini fast or is it a stupid idea.

Thank you all.

RTR, I'm new to the site, and have never cycled anything. Point is I can't answer your question, I've heard the same thing in regards to k+ and would mind hearing someone chime in on that. Also, glad it seems like you're feeling better. My worst side has been the mental crap as well, so I feel your pain. I've been cycling 7 of the herbs for the past 2 months and am waiting for my R Andro in the mail, as I type. I crashed Sept 8, 2017, didn't think it would be as bad for me as others, now here I am almost a year later...I definitely feel significantly better since starting the protocol, though. Just gonna keep at it until this crap is FAR behind me!! Keep us posted on your progress.

08-20-2018, 11:01 AM
Well, I feel terrible again. The downs really get to me.. this shall pass.

08-20-2018, 03:52 PM
Well, I feel terrible again. The downs really get to me.. this shall pass.

In my opinion, the hardest part about this is the mental game. It's not in your head, there are chemical imbalances that take time to fix naturally, which is why most people don't do it. They want a pill....a medicine....something to take it away, but that just pushes it down deeper and causes more problems.

As long as you're sticking to the program, you should find some solace that regardless of how you're feeling in this moment, you are doing all that you can be doing. You have to buckle up and ride this thing out. I actually welcomed some downswings because it allowed me to feel SOMETHING. I was just a numb robot going through the motions of life....watching it pass me by like a movie. I'm certainly making up for it now....not something I planned on, but something that just presented itself to me.

Have you tried breathing through these mental dips when you're feeling like this?

And remember...you have youth on your side. Try and find all the things to be grateful for in your current life. I know it's hard when your brain just doesn't want to operate properly, but it does help with outlook. Fake it till you make it man.....

08-20-2018, 04:51 PM
Honestly no, but I jumped into the cold shower & meditated for most of the day. Cried a few times though which is good I guess. Emotions are emotions.

Have not been consistent with breathing & meditating. Everything else has been dialed in.

I called out from work today & decided to leave lifting for tomorrow. My energy was so shot. I see the fear in my dads eyes & man it’s rough. It’s a cycle that makes me feel even worse.

Your right about the mental game. It’s easily the Hardest thing for me, the discipline of all this is easy. Lifting, herbs, supps, diet.. it’s no problem for me. I would put my head down for a couple of weeks, & I guess the weight of everything creeps up. The isolation, knowing all my friends are having fun etc. everything i do in my life basically reminds me of my PFS. in everything I do the symptoms come up, especially neurologically. the floaters & the clumsiness.. But I have been consistent since . Unfortunately I broke my nofap streak from March 25th. Frustrated for that moment of weakness. I live in NYC, so everything I want back is constantly in my face.

USUALLY hitting PR’s on lifts was all I looked forward to, if there’s anything I’m grateful for is that I’m physically strong as a bull.. I mean I’m approaching hitting 500x10 on my DL already..I’m becoming a beast pretty quick..today I just did not care for it honestly. It’s wild. I’m searching for something to be grateful for at the moment.

I keep getting caught up in the timeline of things as well. Don’t know why I’m
Thinking about 2020,2021. the way my brain is right now, I can’t fucking stand it. I just want to close my eyes & want it to be 2025. I know Mileage may vary. But holy hell what’s my mileage? I have no idea .I know people get significantly better in a year or so, but man at this moment I see this as a 5 year process for me. Hate that feeling of recovery not being possible to me....on top of it all, me getting into these thought patterns makes me think it’s hindering my progress. I just need to get into that not worrying mode.

^^ I get it, very irrational, borderline whiny, actually extremely whiny..... I know we are not about that, but I had to get my thoughts out somewhere. I’ve been faking it for a bit. My dad is literally the only thing pushing me.

Hopefully this means a new, higher baseline, cause this setback is big.

Hopefully my cycle in Sept gives me a jolt.

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08-20-2018, 04:55 PM
Honestly no, but I jumped into the cold shower & meditated for most of the day. Cried a few times though which is good I guess. Emotions are emotions.

Have not been consistent with breathing & meditating. Everything else has been dialed in.

I called out from work today & decided to leave lifting for tomorrow. My energy was so shot. I see the fear in my dads eyes & man it’s rough. It’s a cycle that makes me feel even worse.

Your right about the mental game. It’s easily the Hardest thing for me, the discipline of all this is easy. Lifting, herbs, supps, diet.. it’s no problem for me. I would put my head down for a couple of weeks, & I guess the weight of everything creeps up. The isolation, knowing all my friends are having fun etc. everything i do in my life basically reminds me of my PFS. in everything I do the symptoms come up, especially neurologically. the floaters & the clumsiness.. But I have been consistent since . Unfortunately I broke my nofap streak from March 25th. Frustrated for that moment of weakness. I live in NYC, so everything I want back is constantly in my face.

USUALLY hitting PR’s on lifts was all I looked forward to, if there’s anything I’m grateful for is that I’m physically strong as a bull.. I mean I’m approaching hitting 500x10 on my DL already..I’m becoming a beast pretty quick..today I just did not care for it honestly. It’s wild. I’m searching for something to be grateful for at the moment.

I keep getting caught up in the timeline of things as well. Don’t know why I’m
Thinking about 2020,2021. the way my brain is right now, I can’t fucking stand it. I just want to close my eyes & want it to be 2025. I know Mileage may vary. But holy hell what’s my mileage? I have no idea .I know people get significantly better in a year or so, but man at this moment I see this as a 5 year process for me. Hate that feeling of recovery not being possible to me....on top of it all, me getting into these thought patterns makes me think it’s hindering my progress. I just need to get into that not worrying mode.

^^ I get it, very irrational, borderline whiny, actually extremely whiny..... I know we are not about that, but I had to get my thoughts out somewhere. I’ve been faking it for a bit. My dad is literally the only thing pushing me.

Hopefully this means a new, higher baseline, cause this setback is big.

Hopefully my cycle in Sept gives me a jolt.

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The breathing exercises help tremendously with everything you're talking about. You just really have to try and stay in the moment and get out of your head. Easier said then done, I know.

08-20-2018, 05:10 PM
Will incorporate it. Thanks again.

Now get outta here & keep fucking 20 year olds for me .

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08-20-2018, 05:12 PM
Will incorporate it. Thanks again.

Now get outta here & keep fucking 20 year olds for me .

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Lol....anything for a Swole Source buddy.....

08-20-2018, 08:07 PM
your like 4 months in right? I was pretty much same place like that. little by little found myself being more like my old self.

I think mentally I'm pretty much back online. maybe lack some energy at times but I think that's more to sleep and not drinking as much coffee as when I was at baseline

08-21-2018, 07:39 AM
your like 4 months in right? I was pretty much same place like that. little by little found myself being more like my old self.

I think mentally I'm pretty much back online. maybe lack some energy at times but I think that's more to sleep and not drinking as much coffee as when I was at baseline

Memory hazy, but I had to go thru the motions months and months with fast and refeed and then the "forcing myself to gym". Soon after I was addicted again. Initially, it was very challenging. I didn't so certain exercises like deadlifts which sucks because I've been in sports rehab since 2016. Strange cartilage issues. Near everything else increased dramatically including my chest exercises which were historically my weakest point (still far weaker than shoulders, all of back, legs, etc).

Envisioning March From Jan or July from March was not really easy. Just kept getting better (cont to I hope). Good luck. You look strong man at Rick.

I think 4 days was hard but 30-40+ days into randro it became 5 and higher (workouts).

Also 0-20% took long. 40% also... 60-70 etc seemed more seamless. Time was less of a pressure. Higher level, I'm a bit less obsessed. At some point I learned new skills/job skills. And then a month or so of practice, I felt "back" fwiw.

Initially I thought it would take years making it feel SO daunting. But it's not true.

It felt like everyone was doing well but me, but my rate of progress accelerated. I think it's best people just compete against themselves and be pleasently surprised by beneficial outcomes.

Actually trying to respond to Rick. Quotes Jack. Phone messed up perhaps..

08-21-2018, 10:26 AM
Thanks guys. Appreciate it

Really trying my best at work right now to buckle down. I’m going through the darkest periods of this thing thus far.

Has me confused cause I thought the downswings over time become less severe?

Tired of thinking.

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08-21-2018, 12:42 PM
Memory hazy, but I had to go thru the motions months and months with fast and refeed and then the "forcing myself to gym". Soon after I was addicted again. Initially, it was very challenging. I didn't so certain exercises like deadlifts which sucks because I've been in sports rehab since 2016. Strange cartilage issues. Near everything else increased dramatically including my chest exercises which were historically my weakest point (still far weaker than shoulders, all of back, legs, etc).

Envisioning March From Jan or July from March was not really easy. Just kept getting better (cont to I hope). Good luck. You look strong man at Rick.

I think 4 days was hard but 30-40+ days into randro it became 5 and higher (workouts).

Also 0-20% took long. 40% also... 60-70 etc seemed more seamless. Time was less of a pressure. Higher level, I'm a bit less obsessed. At some point I learned new skills/job skills. And then a month or so of practice, I felt "back" fwiw.

Initially I thought it would take years making it feel SO daunting. But it's not true.

It felt like everyone was doing well but me, but my rate of progress accelerated. I think it's best people just compete against themselves and be pleasently surprised by beneficial outcomes.

Actually trying to respond to Rick. Quotes Jack. Phone messed up perhaps..

the last 30% is hardest for me. Seems very stubborn. Might be how i'm perceiving it. Eg) I say I'm 80% but really that 80% was only 60% so I keep moving the goal post because it's not near my baseline before I crashed.

08-21-2018, 01:19 PM
Me too at Jacknap. Sometimes higher, bad digestion or feeling sick (mostly not PFS, just being sensitive to things plus overtraining, not realizing how severe my asthma or other issues are until later (keep forgetting!)). But then the next morning or later at nite, totally fine again. Everyone's different and we can only get better based on our system, I guess. You guys are strong and don't need to worry too much, is all I'm trying to say. Despite a lot of trouble/difficulty, I may be lucky in that I never crashed since fasting. But I don't think it was "luck", rather discipline and "locking in gains" or as Tubzy says: "achieving snapback". I will say this... I do feel like almost throwing up everytime I brush my teeth, but it's nausea.... I had that after effexor for a couple years. Also, fasting all the time... taking medicine or some things on an empty stomach (as fast as I can, to get ready fast in the morning) kind of does it. But, I know that's not PFS.

Obviously, you can tell, I am still obsessed with time and things... but like my bro and some older guys say: who cares what age you finish it (whatever it is, career, health).

At 100-300 days I thought I was ruined. 400d better. 500d way way better. 575 near cured. So can only get better as long as I realize my true nature and stay on task. As in do not commit to things I cannot handle, i.e. overextend myself.

08-25-2018, 06:13 PM

im with you when it comes to feeling like shit going through this while everyone else on this board seems to be somewhat recovered

my worst symptoms are mental-- brain fog, and cant feel my damn emotions at all

im supposed to start a new job soon which will be more of a career so im expected to be on my A game from the jump, and im here wondering how tf am i gonna do that with this nasty brain fog.

if i feel happy, i act like i am, but i cant feel it. if i walk into a crowded bar (which i havent) i wouldnt be able to feel that sensation. when the leaves fall down in autumn, i dont get that feeling of autumn at all. im emotionally fked lol

i started strength training again, im weak as hell but havent been able to lift in over a year due to injuries which are gone now. i cant even hoop like i used to, which would be really theraputic, but i think that will come back in time as my strength increases.

tldr shit sucks for me too but we just gotta keep pressing

08-25-2018, 10:49 PM
Mental was worst but I had 30-40 symptoms, so who knows all pretty fkn bad. Fasting a long ass time fixed a lot but not all. Near all, all the 10/10 bad mental symptoms. Well, I mean the refeed too:

---> (estimated: For sure 30-31 days water, and 19-25 juice, but did not break some juice feasts all that great. 14-20 days I did.). So 50+, but maybe 44+ clean refeed, and perfect refeed at end of 20days which was right after 5d or 6days (pre 20days). If you know what I'm saying.
--> From my log. Added it in there, did not initially bc did not want to think about failure.

-"1. Introduction:
Hey everyone. What's happening? I attempted some juice feasting and breuss fasting. Mostly I messed up.
Then I did a 20 day fast - explained in a later post. -As well as 5d and 6d right before. So 31days and 14-21 Juice Feasting (like CD recommends for many).
-so like: 45day to 52. Probably a bit more, but WATER FASTING WAS KEY."

I am working on healing from PFS and getting back my health and mental acuity. I am working on my own protocol with additions from various members here, and eventually getting to something else that will be explained later.

-I was more and more like myself 45 days into refeed. And all else. -Should have just fasted 80 days. JK, hard, would kill a lot of people.
-Excellent job RickTheRuler, IIRC you fasted 21days on water straight. Damn Good Job Man.
-Trying to help a friend who is a bit taller and way skinnier so he can gain, do raw foods a long time, and then fast or use ARL/TEI.

09-06-2018, 05:20 PM
Hey ya’ll. Pretty much having a bad day so I have lots of questions.

I recently ran out of Pine Pollen & been replacing it with the Tincture for now while rotating the rest. Cool? Just waiting for my Potassium Chloride to get here in a few days so I can begin R Andro.

In addition I haven’t been taking Shilajit daily though. It’s part of my 21 day rotation but lurking around I found out we take this daily?

I buy organic kefir from the store (it’s flavored) it has some sugar in it. Is this something I should remove? I have it basically everyday with my dinner.

I know questioning things serve us no good, but did the way I went about my water fast back in March hinder anything for me in regards to my results? Reason I ask is cause mostly everyone did a juice feast. At the time, I thought water fasting was my only option so I kind of blindly did it. (Before I signed up here from March 31-April 20)
I did it unsupervised & for the first part of it I was pretty scared & in a extremely bad state. I also worked for the 21 days. I went from 220-165. My refeed wasn’t so organized as well for the few days after. I just ate watermelon & cantaloupes for a few days., then I got on the herbal rotation/diet & started lifting. I ask cause at times I think that the way I did it potentially hinders any results I’m looking to have. I never took pharms or anything like that through this whole ordeal.. it’s just weird to me cause others here have used pharms, ate like shit & did tons of things & seem to get some type of results rather quickly when they come off. I’ve been clean & I haven’t had that breakthrough type of feeling yet.

other thing is, I eat all kinds of meat, seafood, veggies, & fruit. It’s NOT all organic, in fact most of it isn’t. I simply cannot afford it or have access to it where I live..i see a lot of you guys are cutting edge with the food quality, some of you are 110% organic, grass fed, wild caught etc.. so me not doing that also feels like I’m holding myself back.

Is there a difference between a downswing & crashing? how does it feel to recrash yourself. My downswings seem bad at first which I know is on par for the course but I want to know what’s the difference between that & the bad reaction a PFS guy gets from alcohol, gluten that sets him back. I wanna know that what I go through are downswings & not crashes you know??

Maybe this is all in my head since I’m having a down day. But it’d be great to hear from you guys regarding these points. I’m at the 4-5 month mark so I’m feeling kind of nervous. my impatience is getting a little grip on me.

I’m working so hard.


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09-06-2018, 06:46 PM
I ate perfectly nearly this whole year except maybe 2 handfuls of times...
BUT* I am certain, that it doesn't "need to be perfect". Food's expensive. When I could afford it... I bought organic only.

The sheer fact that I try and save time, means sometimes I didn't buy only organic: produce.
But* I don't think it hurt me. If I actually plan a day properly... then I do make sure it's all organic.

You are working very hard, and it's good to stay away from gluten and alcohol... AND "the difference" is actually a lot of innumerable differences, that are best not focusing on.

Everyone has ups and downs day-to-day in life... with or without pfs, but it's best to be STOIC, and ride them out... and impatience... is basically my first name, but still... try to be as calm/level as you can. Your diet sounds good.

Maybe try 0 sugar (or near zero) Kefir. Or if you're adventurous, make your own or make your own probiotic drinks like some mentioned here. Or kambucha and similar drinks.

I take less yogurt (dairy) and it helps but as a kid I'd eat it everyday, now more like a few times a week ... and even that I'd rather not, but sometimes I need it/ easiest addn I can think of.

09-13-2018, 09:59 AM
Hellish downswing.. & this one seems so long. Breathing gives me some relief but only for a bit.

Gotta ride this shit out!

I’m working on trying to just get away from forums & all this talk. It’s easily the #1 thing for me

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09-15-2018, 06:01 AM
I’m sick. Past 2 days have a runny nose, pink eye with discharge coming out.. part of the process?? I do sprints today, should I hold out & just lay down?

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09-15-2018, 10:18 AM
I’m sick. Past 2 days have a runny nose, pink eye with discharge coming out.. part of the process?? I do sprints today, should I hold out & just lay down?

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if you're just starting to get sick I'd skip the workout. you won't lose gains if you take a week off. I did the opposite and did a heavy sprint/lift session and I'm more sick now. let the body put the energy towards getting rid of the cold imo

10-02-2018, 02:19 PM
if you're just starting to get sick I'd skip the workout. you won't lose gains if you take a week off. I did the opposite and did a heavy sprint/lift session and I'm more sick now. let the body put the energy towards getting rid of the cold imo


When you're sick and detoxing, let yourself rest.

10-02-2018, 02:22 PM

im with you when it comes to feeling like shit going through this while everyone else on this board seems to be somewhat recovered

my worst symptoms are mental-- brain fog, and cant feel my damn emotions at all

im supposed to start a new job soon which will be more of a career so im expected to be on my A game from the jump, and im here wondering how tf am i gonna do that with this nasty brain fog.

if i feel happy, i act like i am, but i cant feel it. if i walk into a crowded bar (which i havent) i wouldnt be able to feel that sensation. when the leaves fall down in autumn, i dont get that feeling of autumn at all. im emotionally fked lol

i started strength training again, im weak as hell but havent been able to lift in over a year due to injuries which are gone now. i cant even hoop like i used to, which would be really theraputic, but i think that will come back in time as my strength increases.

tldr shit sucks for me too but we just gotta keep pressing

This really resonated with me, and I feel for you man. My mental sides were the hardest thing for me to handle.

You just have to know that it's not going to be like this forever. You will feel these things again one day and you will appreciate them so much more.

You have the blue print. You just need to put in the work and time.

You'll get there.

10-11-2018, 08:31 AM

This is minor, but I do have this skin fungus type thing on my body & it’s widespread (tinea versicolor) it sounds way worse than what it is, but it’s not that serious. I had this pre PFS & people in my race (Dominican) seem to have this a lot especially when it gets hot and humid in the summer ..it’s more noticeable when you tan.. due to the hormonal changes PFS causes it has become more widespread all over. I had left this unchecked for years cause like I said it’s not that serious.. but now it’s looking pretty crazy I admit from a cosmetic perspective. I’m multicolored on my body lol.

I obviously will not take antibiotics or pills or anything, but are there any antifungal paraben free shampoos out there that I could use that won’t affect me negatively? so i could at least keep it at bay.

Thank you hoes

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10-11-2018, 10:39 AM

This is minor, but I do have this skin fungus type thing on my body & it’s widespread (tinea versicolor) it sounds way worse than what it is, but it’s not that serious. I had this pre PFS & people in my race (Dominican) seem to have this a lot especially when it gets hot and humid in the summer ..it’s more noticeable when you tan.. due to the hormonal changes PFS causes it has become more widespread all over. I had left this unchecked for years cause like I said it’s not that serious.. but now it’s looking pretty crazy I admit from a cosmetic perspective. I’m multicolored on my body lol.

I obviously will not take antibiotics or pills or anything, but are there any antifungal paraben free shampoos out there that I could use that won’t affect me negatively? so i could at least keep it at bay.

Thank you hoes

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probiotic food I think would help. kimchi/yogurt/kefir/sauerkraut

skin brushing maybe too

11-14-2018, 07:53 PM
Question for future reference & navigating through this thing.

How is it with PDE5 inhibitors with our condition? Do you still fail sexually with them? I mean, even if it’s numb at times & doesn’t feel pleasurable I would be willing to use it if i can just get a decent rod.

If it’s not a guarantee to work then I won’t even bother.

Sexually I do get some spontaneous semi erections, seems like i have to do a lot of “working up” to get it going.. I do wake up with morning wood if I sleep well & enough hours which is most of the time

Basically would a PDE5 make me have sex successfully even with PFS.

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11-21-2018, 10:05 PM
I’ve been ignoring this for sometime. I’ve been having a lot of gas that’s been smelling horrible. I don’t get it though, I really haven’t strayed from my diet. Here’s a typical day for me.

AM: eggs, bacon, salad, broccoli
Yogurt with blueberries, strawberries, pineapple

Lunch: tuna, eggs, mozzarella, salad, broccoli

Pre workout : shake from juice bar w/ spirulina.

Dinner: usually a steak or salmon with salad. Kefir.
Throw in fruits or nuts in between these meals randomly.

Really don’t get it.

Things like this are really frustrating. Is this type of thing holding me back or is it something I have to just work through & it will fix itself once I’m hormonally better? My concern is that me being gassy means that somethings up with my gut & it’s hindering progress.

I see after every cycle Bizzbee’s gut seemed to improve. I’m very confused. I’ve been on the straight & narrow throughout this.

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11-22-2018, 05:54 AM
I could do it.

Do these problems hold us back from recovery? Or is it just a result of hormonal imbalances.

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11-22-2018, 09:06 AM
I have the exact same problem, it's brutal. My colon has had a lot of problems since pfs

11-22-2018, 09:55 AM
Yeah man. I mean I only have real worries with this if it hinders progress.. If it’s just hormonal issues causing downstream effects then I’ll continue forward. It’s just annoying at times.

That’s my real question. Can we even get better if this thing is going on?

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11-22-2018, 11:58 AM
there's probably something in your diet. I think you can still get better with it going on but I think the less stress you have on your system the faster the recovery.

try removing one suspect thing each week and see if it resolves. things that stick out to me = kefir, nuts, spirulina and maybe some of the veggies. also any cruciferous veggies like kale/brocolli/cauliflower/bok choy should be steamed cuz the anti-nutrients in them raw is bad for thyroid.

11-22-2018, 12:09 PM
Yeah man. I mean I only have real worries with this if it hinders progress.. If it’s just hormonal issues causing downstream effects then I’ll continue forward. It’s just annoying at times.

That’s my real question. Can we even get better if this thing is going on?

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Well in my experience ya. It's progressed in the same way everything else has. I don't know about you but, initially, some REALLY fucked up shit was happening in my guts. Now it's mostly just gas

11-22-2018, 12:39 PM
Thanks guys. The answer is simple as riding out & make little modifications. But generally stick to the plan.

I’m sick of waiting though.. I’m gonna start carb back loading after heavy deadlifts Friday, & I’m gonna gear up for a Andro run December 1. I mean it this time lol..Then it’s gonna be rinse & repeat with that & the herbs indefinitely. Forever. I’ve had ups and downs thus far but I seem to be better from where I first was...
I’m deff strong enough, I lift 3x a week & my workouts are insane.. (all the more reason to add carbs)
I’m throwing around 300,400,500,600 lbs in the gym & I’ve been straight paleo, maybe my body is craving it big time. & I do 150 yard uphill sprints with a 30 lb vest on. Powerful aggressive shit. Lord knows what will happen on cycle strength wise.

I’m keeping my expectation very low tho..there are some guys who started to feel things on their 4th cycle, but felt nothing the first 3...cause as we all know everything is working behind the scenes. A nice jolt would be great though. Hopefully adding gluten free carbs & hormones shocks my body in a positive way. Miss pasta & all that stuff.

I wonder if there’s some guy out there who needed 10 cycles to recover.

I don’t care how I feel on these runs. I’m running them anyway as the purpose is to regain 5ar function. I’ve read enough of your guys posts to understand the process. Still gotta experience it though for myself.

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01-15-2019, 06:03 PM
Did some hiit on flat ground for the first time in a while.. been only doing weighed uphill sprints for the longest to be more of a badass. I got so used to running up hills i forgot how it was to just run.

Tested it out, just me and the football field, no incline l, no added weight ..... & Boy, I’m fast.. .....as fuck. I guess it’s the physics of me being just as strong/powerful as I was pre pfs at 230 lbs but packed in to a 190 ish lb leaner frame instead. I have big man strength in a relatively smaller body which helps with my power in stride, plus I’m just sprinting consistently with the vest and uphills which alone would help of course.. but being very strong for your body weight has a correlation to your athleticism.,

It’s 30 degrees in NYC & I did it shirtless... I credit this to the cold showers making me immune to the winter elements. Cold just does not bother me like it used to. Is this expected for from consistent cold exposure?

Lifting hard for strength & sprints with some type of resistance whether it’s with a vest or uphill is a good combo to get your speed up. Trust me

-Ricky the gazelle

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01-15-2019, 07:31 PM
Did some hiit on flat ground for the first time in a while.. been only doing weighed uphill sprints for the longest to be more of a badass. I got so used to running up hills i forgot how it was to just run.

Tested it out, just me and the football field, no incline l, no added weight ..... & Boy, I’m fast.. .....as fuck. I guess it’s the physics of me being just as strong/powerful as I was pre pfs at 230 lbs but packed in to a 190 ish lb leaner frame instead. I have big man strength in a relatively smaller body which helps with my power in stride, plus I’m just sprinting consistently with the vest and uphills which alone would help of course.. but being very strong for your body weight has a correlation to your athleticism.,

It’s 30 degrees in NYC & I did it shirtless... I credit this to the cold showers making me immune to the winter elements. Cold just does not bother me like it used to. Is this expected for from consistent cold exposure?

Lifting hard for strength & sprints with some type of resistance whether it’s with a vest or uphill is a good combo to get your speed up. Trust me

-Ricky the gazelle

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Yes, once you get into the groove with the cold showers, your tolerance for cold air goes up considerably. I literally radiate heat just sitting around. The women love it, especially during the winter.

Gazelle? I would have went with Cheetah

01-15-2019, 07:49 PM
Yes, once you get into the groove with the cold showers, your tolerance for cold air goes up considerably. I literally radiate heat just sitting around. The women love it, especially during the winter.

Gazelle? I would have went with Cheetah

Although supreme confidence & aggression is the way to beat this thing, I’ll still keep it at gazelle just to be a bit humble..

& yes, in my encounter with the girl Saturday, I got that compliment of me being warm.. surprising even with pfs.

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01-15-2019, 08:20 PM
Although supreme confidence & aggression is the way to beat this thing, I’ll still keep it at gazelle just to be a bit humble..

& yes, in my encounter with the girl Saturday, I got that compliment of me being warm.. surprising even with pfs.

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Meh...you don't have to be humble bro. If your shine is too bright for everyone in the room, don't dull it down....they can put on sun glasses. Your attitude is going to carry you right through till the end. In a matter of six months to a year you're going to be even more of a beast then you are now.

Rock that shit.

01-22-2019, 11:33 AM
It’s frustrating constantly running out of Pine Pollen.. even though I set it up to get monthly deliveries from LEH. I always hit a point where I run out.. I believe the consistent use of pine pollen is important,not only for the obvious traces of androgens in it.. but the fact that it’s a superfood.. helps the gut, helps the immune system etc.. I think it puts everything together herb wise.

Luckily around my job there’s a health store that sells all the supps that’s on the TMO website besides the herbs.. I was able to pick up BioNutri Pine Pollen Poweder.. it’s in capsules but this will do until the next bag comes in..

I went with BioNutri cause Chi swore by it.. so this is a nice backup stash.

I never stepped into those health stores.. tons of good shit in there.

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01-27-2019, 02:57 AM
Picked up a girl, busted a load in her mouth.. she swallowed while looking me dead into my soul , & I went home.



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01-27-2019, 03:33 AM
Picked up a girl, busted a load in her mouth.. she swallowed while looking me dead into my soul , & I went home.



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proud of u. I knew u'd kill it if u actually put yourself out there bro you're more macho den me haha I killed it tonight too. smashed this girl I was crushing on too

01-27-2019, 01:01 PM
proud of u. I knew u'd kill it if u actually put yourself out there bro you're more macho den me haha I killed it tonight too. smashed this girl I was crushing on too

It’s easier to cum off cycle on herbs. But on cycle it’s semi hard to hard all day basically but impossible to finish. I always feel blood flow though..Anyone else have this experience? Andro messing with other chemicals as well?

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01-27-2019, 02:03 PM
It’s easier to cum off cycle on herbs. But on cycle it’s semi hard to hard all day basically but impossible to finish. I always feel blood flow though..Anyone else have this experience? Andro messing with other chemicals as well?

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Not sure myself, but I managed great sex a couple times last night, thanks to 20mg taladafil and pine pollen. Did notice a little trouble going for orgasm the second time, but changed position and got there. So yes, maybe so. But this is my first sex on-cycle.

I'm not the biggest fan of 'aids' like PDE5s etc, but gotta indulge that libido a little I think.

And definitely no complaints otherwise! Maybe not quite as hard as I used to be, but totally workable. She liked it for sure. What's also definitely certain is a bit of sensation is returning...

Also mean to slay congrats Rick - you're smashing this! Is your PFS kill-count 2 now, I'm at 2, jacknap still at 932519857019/day?

01-27-2019, 07:11 PM
I use cialis once a week on saturday when i know im doign sex club and fucking like 3-8 girls in a night (note I edge not cum, I can do max like 2-3 rounds a night if I cum so fuck that)

i dont notice a problem cumming with andro no. andro helps me sexually overall. 4andro r-andro was the best but the suppression is scary an i dont want to be suppressed for 3 weeks i'd rather feel decent for 4 months then amazing for 6 weeks and shit for 4 lol

01-27-2019, 08:22 PM
Not sure myself, but I managed great sex a couple times last night, thanks to 20mg taladafil and pine pollen. Did notice a little trouble going for orgasm the second time, but changed position and got there. So yes, maybe so. But this is my first sex on-cycle.

I'm not the biggest fan of 'aids' like PDE5s etc, but gotta indulge that libido a little I think.

And definitely no complaints otherwise! Maybe not quite as hard as I used to be, but totally workable. She liked it for sure. What's also definitely certain is a bit of sensation is returning...

Also mean to slay congrats Rick - you're smashing this! Is your PFS kill-count 2 now, I'm at 2, jacknap still at 932519857019/day?

3 is my count.

Yeah gonna be hard to catch up to jack lol, even at a 100% state.

Besides I don’t get too invested in women cause I’m a big self improvement kind of person, always have been.. just not at this level though...if I hang out with women for too long I get very resentful about it. I value my time. Doing the protocol, & trying to improve in other facets Simultaneously takes up a lot of time.

that’s why my only day to really hang out with them is Saturday. These broads get one day from me if they’re lucky.

Your already having sex pretty quick lol, it took me a while mentally to get to this point.. I believe I’m like 8 months in right now. Somewhere around there.

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Master Mal
01-28-2019, 09:22 PM
I use cialis once a week on saturday when i know im doign sex club and fucking like 3-8 girls in a night (note I edge not cum, I can do max like 2-3 rounds a night if I cum so fuck that)

i dont notice a problem cumming with andro no. andro helps me sexually overall. 4andro r-andro was the best but the suppression is scary an i dont want to be suppressed for 3 weeks i'd rather feel decent for 4 months then amazing for 6 weeks and shit for 4 lol

How'd you get your cialis? Doctor? I was thinking of trying to get some and didn't know how to go about it.

01-29-2019, 04:29 AM
How'd you get your cialis? Doctor? I was thinking of trying to get some and didn't know how to go about it.

You can effectively buy it here (UK) but it's a bit pricey.

I definitely don't get mine from an Indian internet supplier (though I think CD would get cross if I posted the source, so I can't, sorry.)

01-29-2019, 10:01 AM
I’m feeling some of the herbs better. on a scale of 1-10 the efficacy is like a 2-3 (10 being recovered and you feeling it fully) I know CD takes 1/8 of doses and I can see why..

Them Andro runs sure speed things up, & the added 5AR locks in some of the T boosting slowly.

But it’s only certain herbs. I haven’t really payed attention to which ones.. many of them i still don’t feel. Maybe it’s cause of my constitution or pfs, or both. This is common though

Still a ways to go, just had to point it out. Feels good to actually feel something brewing from taking some of these

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01-29-2019, 07:08 PM
How'd you get your cialis? Doctor? I was thinking of trying to get some and didn't know how to go about it.

I do actually have a script but my buddy who works at a night club gets me cheaper pharma stuff from india. i just use it like once a week when I and I get it for 9$ u can find even cheaper if you get it from the dark web just google how to do it. compared to like 20$ retail price

02-01-2019, 03:40 PM
I’m feeling some of the herbs better. on a scale of 1-10 the efficacy is like a 2-3 (10 being recovered and you feeling it fully) I know CD takes 1/8 of doses and I can see why..

Them Andro runs sure speed things up, & the added 5AR locks in some of the T boosting slowly.

But it’s only certain herbs. I haven’t really payed attention to which ones.. many of them i still don’t feel. Maybe it’s cause of my constitution or pfs, or both. This is common though

Still a ways to go, just had to point it out. Feels good to actually feel something brewing from taking some of these

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Rick Do you drink or take drugs ever? How does doing them/not doing them effect your pfs? Asking cause I have trouble with this

02-01-2019, 05:15 PM
I wouldn’t know man, I haven’t drank or did drugs since I started, haven’t had any junk food neither. Straight & narrow.

Sobriety is recommended for things to move faster. You can potentially set yourself back a few months especially with drinking. your brain is not optimal, throwing all this stuff into it that alters it some more makes the whole pfs recovery process more complicated than it needs to be..

You can drink again towards the end when your feeling at least 90%.. im personally seeing this thing through till I’m 100. Maybe not though.
Just drop the booze and drugs.. CD took longer than many people to recover cause of this.. or I believe it was one of the reasons.

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02-01-2019, 05:27 PM
I wouldn’t know man, I haven’t drank or did drugs since I started, haven’t had any junk food neither. Straight & narrow.

Sobriety is recommended for things to move faster. You can potentially set yourself back a few months especially with drinking. your brain is not optimal, throwing all this stuff into it that alters it some more makes the whole pfs recovery process more complicated than it needs to be..

You can drink again towards the end when your feeling at least 90%.. im personally seeing this thing through till I’m 100. Maybe not though.
Just drop the booze and drugs.. CD took longer than many people to recover cause of this.. or I believe it was one of the reasons.

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Yeah I also suggest to drink when you get 90 or 100%. When I was 70% recovered I could drink (waking up with morning wood and with libido) but I crashed from weed, too much alcohol and too much caffeine, so stay away from anything that can increase cortisol and estrogen.

02-02-2019, 03:16 AM
Yeah I also suggest to drink when you get 90 or 100%. When I was 70% recovered I could drink (waking up with morning wood and with libido) but I crashed from weed, too much alcohol and too much caffeine, so stay away from anything that can increase cortisol and estrogen.

How bad is caffeine also? Have you noticed changes from drinking it? I also struggle with this. I drink a lot of tea to keep me awake at work and to give me a boost to run/workout

02-02-2019, 03:25 AM
Picked up a girl, busted a load in her mouth.. she swallowed while looking me dead into my soul , & I went home.



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Where do you go to pick up women? You say you dont drink so you go to bars and stay sober? or other? I always struggled meeting women

02-02-2019, 08:08 AM
EDITED: gonna be a long message cause I’m replying to both your questions and BD

I just go sober. The way my personality is set up, I can still have plenty of fun.To be honest, I can go like this for the rest of my life. I gave up the attachment to alcohol and drugs, not that I had a strong one to begin with.. pre pfs I would smoke weed once or twice a week, and drink alcohol on special occasion.

I got a lot of shit for the lifestyle change in the beginning, but when you stick to your guns long enough with dieting and sobriety, at least for me, people seem to go from chastising you to respecting you more than before..this takes time though...it’s not some New Years resolution bullshit that you’re gonna give up in a few weeks. I’m for real.

EDITED: I get girls at random places, I’m not a crazy pussy hunter lol, a lot of this honestly just falls on my lap these days.

I’m gonna fool around a girl who works at my gym today. But...my game is not on par with the likes of jack and CD to be honest,..it seems like I get away with how I look..& that’s cool but I could do so much better If my game was on point to match my physical. I want to have game like if I was super ugly and NEEDED all the charisma and smoothness in the world to get laid, that way I have both things (looks, game) going my way. I’m cool with how things are now, but as far as my potential goes..I really think I should be drowning in new pussy every day.

Edited again::: @ BD, of course it won’t hurt you so bad, I see people here and there did it..but remember when Durantia drank a year into his recovery? I remember reading that thread.. all his pfs symptoms came back like he was on step one all over again.he actually told me it set him back about 4 months through PM. may not be the case for everyone, but it’s something to consider. Especially this guy whose very early in this whole thing.

I also have not tried caffeine.. I’m taking champsters line of thinking and trying caffeine in the summer when I’m already past a year into this thing.. caffeine is one of those things that can make you anxious as hell or actually improve you especially when combined with herbs..hit or miss there.

My whole approach with recovery has been building things up and adding these little pieces that give you a boost periodically, not all at once.. example, technically I could’ve went on my first Andro run in September or so, but I waited it out till the 6 month mark & did it December, at this time I also started eating complex carbs...caffeine is gonna be the next thing add when i get past a year.. all these little boosts I’m not rushing to them like crazy. it’ll always go back to the cumulative work at the end of the day anyway..cause that’s what cures you, the everyday mundane work.. I know it seems like guys tried this and that which put them over the edge.. nope that’s just all coincidence. It’s the work.

Licorice root did not cure champster, he was 2 years in at That point, the protocol cured him. Just seemed that way. Not to say the shit we take does not help though, it certainly does.

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02-02-2019, 07:17 PM
EDITED: gonna be a long message cause I’m replying to both your questions and BD

I just go sober. The way my personality is set up, I can still have plenty of fun.To be honest, I can go like this for the rest of my life. I gave up the attachment to alcohol and drugs, not that I had a strong one to begin with.. pre pfs I would smoke weed once or twice a week, and drink alcohol on special occasion.

I got a lot of shit for the lifestyle change in the beginning, but when you stick to your guns long enough with dieting and sobriety, at least for me, people seem to go from chastising you to respecting you more than before..this takes time though...it’s not some New Years resolution bullshit that you’re gonna give up in a few weeks. I’m for real.

EDITED: I get girls at random places, I’m not a crazy pussy hunter lol, a lot of this honestly just falls on my lap these days.

I’m gonna fool around a girl who works at my gym today. But...my game is not on par with the likes of jack and CD to be honest,..it seems like I get away with how I look..& that’s cool but I could do so much better If my game was on point to match my physical. I want to have game like if I was super ugly and NEEDED all the charisma and smoothness in the world to get laid, that way I have both things (looks, game) going my way. I’m cool with how things are now, but as far as my potential goes..I really think I should be drowning in new pussy every day.

Edited again::: @ BD, of course it won’t hurt you so bad, I see people here and there did it..but remember when Durantia drank a year into his recovery? I remember reading that thread.. all his pfs symptoms came back like he was on step one all over again.he actually told me it set him back about 4 months through PM. may not be the case for everyone, but it’s something to consider. Especially this guy whose very early in this whole thing.

I also have not tried caffeine.. I’m taking champsters line of thinking and trying caffeine in the summer when I’m already past a year into this thing.. caffeine is one of those things that can make you anxious as hell or actually improve you especially when combined with herbs..hit or miss there.

My whole approach with recovery has been building things up and adding these little pieces that give you a boost periodically, not all at once.. example, technically I could’ve went on my first Andro run in September or so, but I waited it out till the 6 month mark & did it December, at this time I also started eating complex carbs...caffeine is gonna be the next thing add when i get past a year.. all these little boosts I’m not rushing to them like crazy. it’ll always go back to the cumulative work at the end of the day anyway..cause that’s what cures you, the everyday mundane work.. I know it seems like guys tried this and that which put them over the edge.. nope that’s just all coincidence. It’s the work.

Licorice root did not cure champster, he was 2 years in at That point, the protocol cured him. Just seemed that way. Not to say the shit we take does not help though, it certainly does.

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bro it's not even game tho like it's basically my looks too I just hit up enough girls and just escalate it to sex and enough bite if im hitting enough volume.

I think it's fucking stupid that we're the ones who have to do the approaches etc tho because girls are so mad picky would make things easier but i feel like if girls were forward they would be more like 'hey want to buy me dinner and show me your personality for 10 hours and I'll decide if I want to fuck you at the end of it' which is not as tasty of a propisition to hey want to 'fuck at your place and i'll leave 30 minutes after' lol

despite fucking so many women I actually kinda hate the bitches now lol i'm on your shit rick we just switched lmao

02-02-2019, 11:05 PM
bro it's not even game tho like it's basically my looks too I just hit up enough girls and just escalate it to sex and enough bite if im hitting enough volume.

I think it's fucking stupid that we're the ones who have to do the approaches etc tho because girls are so mad picky would make things easier but i feel like if girls were forward they would be more like 'hey want to buy me dinner and show me your personality for 10 hours and I'll decide if I want to fuck you at the end of it' which is not as tasty of a propisition to hey want to 'fuck at your place and i'll leave 30 minutes after' lol

despite fucking so many women I actually kinda hate the bitches now lol i'm on your shit rick we just switched lmao

I’m with you man.. I really dislike women.. but I got to bust some nuts so i like to have them set up in a little rotation..Patrice O Neal talks about this a lot, how men really don’t like women lol... The fact that they have vaginas kind of clouds everything in terms of how we see them...but I realize that for the most part they add nothing to my life, they really don’t man. Really not trying to be negative in here, know there are guys in relationships and married people in here.. just my perspective...I actually realized this when I first crashed and my libido was nothing.. I was able to see clearly without the sexual energy taking over..Then I realized, why am I hanging out with you again? that perspective from negative libido was all I needed to cross over the dark side, no more simping..no relationships, no compromises, no jumping through hoops, no ultimates.. just pure savagery out here, it’s my way or the high way.

just finished fucking the receptionist at my gym.. she knows I’m mr. 600 lb deadlifter...


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02-07-2019, 10:15 PM

My calves are horrible, but always have been pre pfs.

Should my next Andro Cycles from here on out be 8 weeks instead of 6?

They recommend 6 weeks but through the forum I’m also hearing 8 weeks, even 12 weeks..

8 weeks seems alright. Simple, 2 months on two months off forever.

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02-09-2019, 10:56 AM
Carb Backloading is real.

Every time after a hard lifting session I eat a huge bowl of pasta, the whole bag of gluten free bread, gluten free chips.. I basically stuff myself with gluten free stuff till the point that I’m uncomfortably bloated.. & damn I end up feeling so relaxed, drowsy, lazy,and drugged up.

All this to wake up with bloat completely gone & my stomach flat as hell. It’s bizzare!

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02-09-2019, 08:20 PM
2 rounds just now... yessir.. fuckin them to sleep

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02-09-2019, 10:55 PM
Carb Backloading is real.

Every time after a hard lifting session I eat a huge bowl of pasta, the whole bag of gluten free bread, gluten free chips.. I basically stuff myself with gluten free stuff till the point that I’m uncomfortably bloated.. & damn I end up feeling so relaxed, drowsy, lazy,and drugged up.

All this to wake up with bloat completely gone & my stomach flat as hell. It’s bizzare!

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No bloat, shredding with muscles full of glycogen.

One of my favorites of the program. IMO, those who don't utilize this portion are missing out on a couple huge bodily responses that are not only functional, but create and especially aesthetically pleasing physique.

02-16-2019, 08:26 AM
On a more positive note, I have a tough challenge today boys..

I have two women lined up, one of the afternoon, and one tonight..

For the sake of the 2nd one, I CANNOT and Will not ejaculate with the first woman.

Shoot some advice or techniques on the matter of holding back especially when your in the heat of the moment and your instinctive mind is telling you to cum and cum NOW.. any type of mindset shift? Not seeing porn for over a year and no fap makes me blow my wad slightly quicker than I would like. My dick be melting in the pussy.

02-16-2019, 08:43 AM

Out of interest, what was your libido/sexual desire like at the time that you crashed compared to now? Seem's you've made a lot of improvement in that area which is awesome.

Also, where in NYC are you?

02-16-2019, 09:05 AM

Out of interest, what was your libido/sexual desire like at the time that you crashed compared to now? Seem's you've made a lot of improvement in that area which is awesome.

Also, where in NYC are you?

I live in two places.. the Lower East Side and Washington Heights in Manhattan

Started protocol (after I fasted) on May 2018.. it was really at the end of my first Andro run last month where I got an uptick.. shit libido, I mean at times it felt like there was no blood flowing in my genitals, like if I cut off my dick no blood will come out.. I kinda just pushed it out of my mind, my main priority was my mental health and being able to function to maintain my job & things like that.. sex was low on the priority list, still is actually.my first sexual encounter with pfs did help me mentally and put me at ease..there are moments now where I think of something sexual randomly and I’d get some wood (I guess that’s the definition of libido?) in the pfs state not watching porn and slapping it is key to at lest having a regular sex life & making the best out of it (sex 1-2x a week)...

The way I see it, I have a productive work week where I’m making money and self improving, while I let loose Saturday and Sunday.. that’s my time for sex, I don’t have sex during the work week, I hold back. Even if I got libido surges..

this is the perfect 2 year window to restart your brain and dopamine receptors, so that after all this is over you’ll be so receptive and turned on by the slightest things.if it works in the pfs state, imagine how it works when your normal..

Don’t expect things after the first prohormone run to be good, it’s also a time factor as well.. I waited 6-7 months before my first prohormone run. Most people jump In quickly after 2 months, I’m just gradually adding all the pieces slowly. Caffeine is up next in the summer after a year on the regimen, hopefully that boosts me as well.

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02-16-2019, 09:27 AM
Love the attitude man, I’m in soho actually. I get you on the mental health/self improvement aspect. Fortunately my mental sides/brain fog eased up significantly after the first few weeks.

Now approaching 2 months off and my libido is still pretty nonexistent. Still early days though. Been on the protocol for a few weeks now and definitely made progress in the mental department. Still early days...

02-16-2019, 01:53 PM
Love the attitude man, I’m in soho actually. I get you on the mental health/self improvement aspect. Fortunately my mental sides/brain fog eased up significantly after the first few weeks.

Now approaching 2 months off and my libido is still pretty nonexistent. Still early days though. Been on the protocol for a few weeks now and definitely made progress in the mental department. Still early days...

It’s the long game man, I know how tough it could be in NYC, you around so many people yet feel alone.. but be empowered by the shit your going through. I had to deal with this in my early 20s in this city. I’m sure many young kids my age would have blown their brains out with something like this.. guaranteed.. knowing that makes me feel strong.

I’m not gonna lie this thing can humble anyone, but I feel like I’m better than a lot of people cause I’m not a victim to this, I truly feel like my will is greater than most...meanwhile the “normal” people are victims to whatever they got going on, they have it easy..

There’s a reason why people who recover feel superhuman. Imagine having that mindset through this thing & then actually getting it all back + some more???Talk about getting thrown into the wolves and come out leading the pack.

Maybe I’ll be 24 when I’m done with this ,25,26, who knows.. I’m enjoying it now, & I will enjoy it more later. There’s a whole life ahead of me.

02-27-2019, 12:31 PM
Yesterday went out to Jersey and..
1. Had sex, cummed
2. Got oral, cummed
3. Had sex, didnt finish, things kinda numbed out..
- Using condoms has helped deal with the quick trigger. I have good control and basically decide when I want to finish..Lord knows not seeing porn in a year and half and no fap will bring these problems, especially when I’m sticking my raw dick in these women, which i should stop doing anyway.


Anyone tried the Dream N Grow from IML? I have it here and want to use it when I’m on cycle in March 10th to recover from gym sessions better. Especially since I’ll be going 200% full throttle on cycle.... I’m hearing it’s opiate like and can cause libido issues???

02-27-2019, 12:52 PM
Yesterday went out to Jersey and..
1. Had sex, cummed
2. Got oral, cummed
3. Had sex, didnt finish, things kinda numbed out..
- Using condoms has helped deal with the quick trigger. I have good control and basically decide when I want to finish..Lord knows not seeing porn in a year and half and no fap will bring these problems, especially when I’m sticking my raw dick in these women, which i should stop doing anyway.


Anyone tried the Dream N Grow from IML? I have it here and want to use it when I’m on cycle in March 10th to recover from gym sessions better. Especially since I’ll be going 200% full throttle on cycle.... I’m hearing it’s opiate like and can cause libido issues???

Where about's in Jersey were you? I live in Toms River. Sounds like you had a very nice day yesterday. Two different women? And yeah man...try and wrap it bro...not worth getting another issue to deal with because you went raw.

The "opiate like" substance in Dream and Grow is Kratom. And yes, it can, and will cause libido issues if taken regularly. If you use it once or twice a week max, you'll be okay, but no more then that. When used sporadically it will actually delay orgasm in men, which is fantastic. Just don't fall into the trap of daily use which is easy to do.

02-27-2019, 01:14 PM
Where about's in Jersey were you? I live in Toms River. Sounds like you had a very nice day yesterday. Two different women? And yeah man...try and wrap it bro...not worth getting another issue to deal with because you went raw.

The "opiate like" substance in Dream and Grow is Kratom. And yes, it can, and will cause libido issues if taken regularly. If you use it once or twice a week max, you'll be okay, but no more then that. When used sporadically it will actually delay orgasm in men, which is fantastic. Just don't fall into the trap of daily use which is easy to do.

I was by New Brunswick. Your much further down l.. Where I live in NYC there’s a lot of girls, but this one was so damn hot I said fuck it and took the train out there. I damn near fell for her lol. I don’t really get that much play with the Caucasian’s lol. This one had a Latin like physique too, I couldn’t resist..
& No, it was one girl. But I chalked it up as a small PFS win cause of the multiple rounds. My frequency with sex seems to be getting a bit better..
It was cool to be out in the suburbs too, reminds me that there is a much bigger world outside of manhattan. Very relaxing.

& your right about adding another problem to my situation, but at this point it doesn’t seem like this is a problem.. don’t get me wrong pfs is there, I can feel it, but it’s not the hell that we all know. It’s livable.

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02-27-2019, 01:24 PM
I was by New Brunswick. Your much further down l.. Where I live in NYC there’s a lot of girls, but this one was so damn hot I said fuck it and took the train out there. I damn near fell for her lol. I don’t really get that much play with the Caucasian’s lol. This one had a Latin like physique too, I couldn’t resist..
& No, it was one girl. But I chalked it up as a small PFS win cause of the multiple rounds. My frequency with sex seems to be getting a bit better..
It was cool to be out in the suburbs too, reminds me that there is a much bigger world outside of manhattan. Very relaxing.

& your right about adding another problem to my situation, but at this point it doesn’t seem like this is a problem.. don’t get me wrong pfs is there, I can feel it, but it’s not the hell that we all know. It’s livable.

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My Father is from New Brunswick, I'm there often.

Seems to be getting better? It IS getting better.

And good. Livable is a godsend after being in the hellish state of barely being able to function.

I like to visit the city, and then go back to the burbs. I could never live there. I'm too impatient of a person to live around that many people. Fuck that. Especially because I grew up in a beach town. No place clears your head like an empty beach in the off season. I often do my breathing exercises and meditation there.

Sounds like you're coming along nicely. You'll be in a fantastic spot come summer. Perfect timing.

02-27-2019, 01:46 PM
My Father is from New Brunswick, I'm there often.

Seems to be getting better? It IS getting better.

And good. Livable is a godsend after being in the hellish state of barely being able to function.

I like to visit the city, and then go back to the burbs. I could never live there. I'm too impatient of a person to live around that many people. Fuck that. Especially because I grew up in a beach town. No place clears your head like an empty beach in the off season. I often do my breathing exercises and meditation there.

Sounds like you're coming along nicely. You'll be in a fantastic spot come summer. Perfect timing.
If it’s not the summer it’s all good, if it’s two summers from now it’s all good as well. I’m enjoying the moment and letting go of timelines. I can function so that’s that, that feeling of battling minute by minute is what I truly despised the most...
it’s alright, I know what to do, I’m doing it, only thing is Father Time. little stuff like slight anxiety and angst are just inconveniences that can definitely be dealt with. It’s funny how pfs gives you a different perspective..when your in that hell, just having any type of function feels great. So in your head being 100% normal feels amazing & your high on life.. but you forget it’s how you should feel though, it’s how you always were...

I knew you’d be up in the city chasing tail lol... When you grow up in the city you get drained with the fast paced lifestyle of trains, buses, everyone always working 24/7 nonstop. In New York everyone’s just worried about getting their shit done and going home so there are NO manners, it’s just part of living here..just a bunch of people walking around not connecting..it’s very unnatural..Its gritty as hell..when you go to the suburbs it’s definitely something different, I’m always caught off guard when people talk to me in the suburbs cause they are so polite..it’s refreshing and let’s my guard down.

I notice that when I go to the burbs, I really like it at first, the whole idea of your own home, yard, driveway. It really feels like a home when I visit..after a while though it gets too quiet, then I realize I’m a city kid at heart and in a fucked up way miss the noise & I’m used to the tight spaces..I would like to live in jersey or Long Island ; but in a place not too far from the noise, that would be the perfect balance.

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02-27-2019, 04:33 PM
Yesterday went out to Jersey and..
1. Had sex, cummed
2. Got oral, cummed
3. Had sex, didnt finish, things kinda numbed out..
- Using condoms has helped deal with the quick trigger. I have good control and basically decide when I want to finish..Lord knows not seeing porn in a year and half and no fap will bring these problems, especially when I’m sticking my raw dick in these women, which i should stop doing anyway.


Anyone tried the Dream N Grow from IML? I have it here and want to use it when I’m on cycle in March 10th to recover from gym sessions better. Especially since I’ll be going 200% full throttle on cycle.... I’m hearing it’s opiate like and can cause libido issues???

I used dream n grow during recovery. Have a few bottles left still, still use it occasionally. It’s good stuff, just limit it to a “treat” as a opposed to a staple.

02-27-2019, 05:17 PM
If it’s not the summer it’s all good, if it’s two summers from now it’s all good as well. I’m enjoying the moment and letting go of timelines. I can function so that’s that, that feeling of battling minute by minute is what I truly despised the most...
it’s alright, I know what to do, I’m doing it, only thing is Father Time. little stuff like slight anxiety and angst are just inconveniences that can definitely be dealt with. It’s funny how pfs gives you a different perspective..when your in that hell, just having any type of function feels great. So in your head being 100% normal feels amazing & your high on life.. but you forget it’s how you should feel though, it’s how you always were...

I knew you’d be up in the city chasing tail lol... When you grow up in the city you get drained with the fast paced lifestyle of trains, buses, everyone always working 24/7 nonstop. In New York everyone’s just worried about getting their shit done and going home so there are NO manners, it’s just part of living here..just a bunch of people walking around not connecting..it’s very unnatural..Its gritty as hell..when you go to the suburbs it’s definitely something different, I’m always caught off guard when people talk to me in the suburbs cause they are so polite..it’s refreshing and let’s my guard down.

I notice that when I go to the burbs, I really like it at first, the whole idea of your own home, yard, driveway. It really feels like a home when I visit..after a while though it gets too quiet, then I realize I’m a city kid at heart and in a fucked up way miss the noise & I’m used to the tight spaces..I would like to live in jersey or Long Island ; but in a place not too far from the noise, that would be the perfect balance.

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You're not alone there. Most everyone of my clients from North Jersey, NYC, say the same thing....too damn quiet! The energy is great in the city, but I love the quiet solitude of the Pine Barrens.

02-28-2019, 03:40 AM
Yesterday went out to Jersey and..
1. Had sex, cummed
2. Got oral, cummed
3. Had sex, didnt finish, things kinda numbed out..
- Using condoms has helped deal with the quick trigger. I have good control and basically decide when I want to finish..Lord knows not seeing porn in a year and half and no fap will bring these problems, especially when I’m sticking my raw dick in these women, which i should stop doing anyway.


Anyone tried the Dream N Grow from IML? I have it here and want to use it when I’m on cycle in March 10th to recover from gym sessions better. Especially since I’ll be going 200% full throttle on cycle.... I’m hearing it’s opiate like and can cause libido issues???

Nice work! The "old fella" hard as he should be/working as before now? No PDE5is for you now? Mate you're definitely killing this!

02-28-2019, 06:23 PM
Nice work! The "old fella" hard as he should be/working as before now? No PDE5is for you now? Mate you're definitely killing this!

I still use PDE5’s for assurance & to calm my nerves.. I’ve had failures from anxiety pre pfs.. so, I really couldn’t tell you man.. once I take one, I feel good, I know it’s going down 100% no doubt...the question after that is how many rounds I got in me...
I do however get one or two spontaneous boners a day, the EQ isn’t optimal like I was before this , but it’s good enough for sex I’d say (if I didn’t use them) .. on the worst days I’d get random semi hard ones, but the brain connection to down there is deff improving..

Of course I don’t prefer to be on this as a crutch, but I have no problem using these for the rest of my life if need be. ( Being overdramatic, will deff come off when 100% recovered )....I get an abundance of them so it’s not a dent on my wallet at ALL, it’s like buying skittles.

I’m not even a year in man, I only did one cycle too.. so it’s just.. time man..that’s the only thing left in my puzzle. & sexual stuff is usually last to fix.

02-28-2019, 06:25 PM
I used dream n grow during recovery. Have a few bottles left still, still use it occasionally. It’s good stuff, just limit it to a “treat” as a opposed to a staple.


Out of curiosity Maxout, what are your numbers for your main compound lifts? I know you have a ridiculous Bench press.. but what about the others? You give a 6”6 military country-strong guy like you some hormones in a recovered state and that’s a dangerous combo.

Plus your name is Maxout so I had to ask about your max lifts, comes with the territory.

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02-28-2019, 06:49 PM
Killin it!

03-01-2019, 03:40 AM
I still use PDE5’s for assurance & to calm my nerves.. I’ve had failures from anxiety pre pfs.. so, I really couldn’t tell you man.. once I take one, I feel good, I know it’s going down 100% no doubt...the question after that is how many rounds I got in me...
I do however get one or two spontaneous boners a day, the EQ isn’t optimal like I was before this , but it’s good enough for sex I’d say (if I didn’t use them) .. on the worst days I’d get random semi hard ones, but the brain connection to down there is deff improving..

Of course I don’t prefer to be on this as a crutch, but I have no problem using these for the rest of my life if need be. ( Being overdramatic, will deff come off when 100% recovered )....I get an abundance of them so it’s not a dent on my wallet at ALL, it’s like buying skittles.

I’m not even a year in man, I only did one cycle too.. so it’s just.. time man..that’s the only thing left in my puzzle. & sexual stuff is usually last to fix.

Ah mate sounds like you don't even need it by now, a crutch as you say.

I'd *say* just take the plunge and go for it, but it's not like it'll even be an obstacle or a real plunge to take.

Definitely killing this, very very good going.

03-01-2019, 10:05 AM

Out of curiosity Maxout, what are your numbers for your main compound lifts? I know you have a ridiculous Bench press.. but what about the others? You give a 6”6 military country-strong guy like you some hormones in a recovered state and that’s a dangerous combo.

Plus your name is Maxout so I had to ask about your max lifts, comes with the territory.

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I have a really fucked up knee, so my other two aren’t just as ridiculous lol. I don’t push it, so I usually max deadlift around 450-475 and squat around 4-425. Just because I don’t wanna hear a snap and be out of commission for six months.

Got me to the 1200 lb club at 230, so I’ll take it.

03-01-2019, 01:06 PM
I have a really fucked up knee, so my other two aren’t just as ridiculous lol. I don’t push it, so I usually max deadlift around 450-475 and squat around 4-425. Just because I don’t wanna hear a snap and be out of commission for six months.

Got me to the 1200 lb club at 230, so I’ll take it.

is this a limiting belief or isn't there diminishing returns after lifting a certain amount of weight? and the weight much lower. my testosterone was over range just when I was lifting 250lbs 8x3 deadlifts at 170lbs 6'0. I have a theory that yes I can lift probably much more then that with more weight + progressive overload but it will eat up all my free T that I can allocate to other things.

a lot of UFC fighters for instance has very low free T because of overtraining. if you're on gear however the sky is the limit

03-01-2019, 01:36 PM
is this a limiting belief or isn't there diminishing returns after lifting a certain amount of weight? and the weight much lower. my testosterone was over range just when I was lifting 250lbs 8x3 deadlifts at 170lbs 6'0. I have a theory that yes I can lift probably much more then that with more weight + progressive overload but it will eat up all my free T that I can allocate to other things.

a lot of UFC fighters for instance has very low free T because of overtraining. if you're on gear however the sky is the limit

UFC guys are training in the weight room and also doing their respected fighting discipline (which is basically a workout) daily.. yes those two things together without a break at some point will lead to overtraining.. I heard a lot of them workout twice a day.. & to wrap it up, since it’s combat and endurance is necessary, those guys are definitely jogging long distance... & we all know what that does to you hormonally. All that together I wouldn’t be surprised about the low free T thing. I go hard but I only lift 3x a week & pretty much chilling in between.

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03-02-2019, 03:49 PM
I have a really fucked up knee, so my other two aren’t just as ridiculous lol. I don’t push it, so I usually max deadlift around 450-475 and squat around 4-425. Just because I don’t wanna hear a snap and be out of commission for six months.

Got me to the 1200 lb club at 230, so I’ll take it.

Still impressive dude. I wish I had a 6”6 frame to work with, I’d try to be 260 lbs or so like LeBron lol. 230 at 6”6 seems like you look pretty slim but lean.

How about you CD? I know you’re older so your in a different place.. but you’ve been lifting for a while, where are your numbers? Doesn’t have to be current, just the brightest you’ve ever gone on your lifts.

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03-02-2019, 04:15 PM
Just for show of hands, best bench set of mine was a few reps of 125kg/275lbs @ 90kg/198lbs BW @ 6 feet, 35 yo. No squat/dl to speak of (back not up to huge numbers.)

Rather 'meh' but hey, you guys can know. Only seen 150kg benched in that gym.If I make that I'll be happy.

03-02-2019, 05:56 PM
Just for show of hands, best bench set of mine was a few reps of 125kg/275lbs @ 90kg/198lbs BW @ 6 feet, 35 yo. No squat/dl to speak of (back not up to huge numbers.)

Rather 'meh' but hey, you guys can know. Only seen 150kg benched in that gym.If I make that I'll be happy.

Bench for me is one of my weakest links.. pre pfs I was a bulky 230 lbs at 5”11. & even then I barely was able to max 315. My best squat was 460 at that time, and best deadlift was 645. But I was way too big tbh, i looked like a fullback,..I prefer my look now.

Now I’d say my max bench is at 285 ish.. I don’t back squat anymore, I prefer front squats. & my deadlift max is about 590-605.. difference is due to a paleo diet & partially pfs, im lighter & leaner at 188 or so....so I guess relative to my bodyweight it’s impressive, but it’s definitely harder to get stronger when your bodyweight is not going up with it.It’s a challenge I enjoy though, every extra lb on the barbell is valuable..I’m now seeing why there’s weight classes in these competitions.

I love when the big 215+ guys in my gym underestimate me. I do look fit, but not like I’m gonna be throwing big #’s around.

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03-04-2019, 09:50 PM

This new herb seems like a better alternative than stacking different herbs Separately.. seems like a pretty deadly blend.. taking this with some pine pollen should deff do it in the bedroom.

My only thing is how you go about the rotation when incorporating this?

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03-05-2019, 12:36 PM
This would mess with the rotation, IMO. The idea of the rotation is that you have lots of time off of each herb, so you don’t build up a tolerance to it. If you take Thor’s Hammer it will have a bigger effect initially, but you’ll build a tolerance to all of its components and you won’t build up as much recovery progress over time.

03-05-2019, 05:06 PM

This new herb seems like a better alternative than stacking different herbs Separately.. seems like a pretty deadly blend.. taking this with some pine pollen should deff do it in the bedroom.

My only thing is how you go about the rotation when incorporating this?

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Maybe an initial PCT option after an Andro run? Start on this for a week and then wind back down to regular herb rotation. (Just an idea, though. I might be talking bollocks)

03-06-2019, 01:49 PM
This would mess with the rotation, IMO. The idea of the rotation is that you have lots of time off of each herb, so you don’t build up a tolerance to it. If you take Thor’s Hammer it will have a bigger effect initially, but you’ll build a tolerance to all of its components and you won’t build up as much recovery progress over time.

Yeah, im puzzled on how using this sporadically just for sex would affect everything else..I wasn’t planning on adding this into the rotation. This would be like a wild card.

The days I’m in the bedroom I’m always combining Tongkat, Trib, pine pollen, & whatever herb I’m on rotation with that day.. I was figuring that just taking one or two of Thor’s Hammer would be more efficient. Cause what I was originally doing was pretty much the same thing, just with separate capsules

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03-09-2019, 01:51 PM
I just took all 20 herbs at the same time today cause it’s my last day on herbal rotations lmfao..

2nd Andro cycle starting this evening..going 8 weeks this time. I’m gonna use Thor’s Hammer on this run whenever I’m getting physical with a lady for a sexual kick.

2 months andro ; 2 months herbal rotations (rinse and repeat)

Like I said before, I know this is for pfs, but I think I’m using this scheme for life even when I’m way past this shit.

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03-10-2019, 09:00 PM
I just took all 20 herbs at the same time today cause it’s my last day on herbal rotations lmfao..

2nd Andro cycle starting this evening..going 8 weeks this time. I’m gonna use Thor’s Hammer on this run whenever I’m getting physical with a lady for a sexual kick.

2 months andro ; 2 months herbal rotations (rinse and repeat)

Like I said before, I know this is for pfs, but I think I’m using this scheme for life even when I’m way past this shit.

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how was the 20 day shot of herb day? I've done like 7 before all at once. definitely nice if u choose the right ones

03-11-2019, 05:46 AM
I just took all 20 herbs at the same time today cause it’s my last day on herbal rotations lmfao..

Lol, you're gonna grow leaves.

Best of luck Rick, keep us posted.

03-11-2019, 07:09 AM
I honestly see no issue in taking Thor’s Hammer as a “shotgun” approach when needed. I obviously wouldn’t cycle it, but for an added boost at the time, I see no issue with it. That’s honestly what they make it for.

03-20-2019, 01:12 PM
Quick question..I need one of the more experienced guys who cycled a lot to answer this.

It’s Understood that on R Andro your burning through your glycogen stores at a rapid rate.. I feel this very subtly, if i go a few hours without eating I get an overall feeling of angst and irritability.
Can we still eat some complex carbs even on days where we don’t lift on cycle? I try my best on sprint and rest days to take in a ton of fruit, but it seems like it’s not enough for me.


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03-20-2019, 04:27 PM
I ate carbs every day at night on cycle. I also worked out five days a week anyway, so I was only adding two days there. I noticed little to no difference in the way I looked physique wise. Gotta slam those carbs on cycle.

03-21-2019, 08:21 AM
yeaaaah I just intuitively started slamming more carbs as I got more experience with cycle. Your body just eats it all up + strength gains.

I only weight lift twice a week so I carb back load after workouts and I now also added carb backloading the night before workout days because I find it gives me way more strength days I workout.

I'm a fast oxidizer so my body burns through food super fast I've never really been fat. Always pretty low bf percentage.

03-21-2019, 03:53 PM
Yeah....slam the carbs on cycle. Some guys can basically eat them everynight.

03-21-2019, 04:39 PM
Oh wow what a relief! This should deff help with my strength..

I switched to a 10-12rep scheme with 415 lbs & just progressively overloading from there , just trying to confuse my body cause I’m on a strength plateau with the lower reps

Say a month from now i start to plateau with the high reps, I switch it back to lower reps with bigger weight and slowly add some weight weekly, then when that starts to hit a wall back on the 10-12 scheme.... swinging back & forth between strength reps and bodybuilding reps

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03-21-2019, 07:22 PM
Yeah....slam the carbs on cycle. Some guys can basically eat them everynight.

hilarious cuz I was doing this intuitively. My body just was screaming for it.

03-23-2019, 03:29 PM
Going through a pregnancy scare with a friend. It’s all good, she’s not having it regardless of what happens. So sigh of relief there for not dealing with a crazy woman, I’m skeptical though cause I haven’t texted her in 2 weeks, while she’s been writing me every 2 days trying to talk....so this could just be an excuse to get in contact with me.. she wants her dose of daddy & will go the extra mile to get it..

she’s feeling uneasy, so I’m gonna go over tonight to comfort her.. I’m still a nice guy deep down in the midst of fucking these ladies to sleep.

aren’t we infertile with PFS? Or is that we’re more fertile on cycle? I don’t get it.

& yes, wrap it up. I know. *facepalm*

03-28-2019, 11:51 AM
What are the consequences of falling off your diet while your recovering?

I just broke it by eating some cake at a party in the job, along with eating a tiny tiny piece of an edible.

I’ve been on the straight & narrow till this instance. Balanced diet...Paleo, backloading.. only hole may be that the rice around the sushi i occasionally get isn’t gluten free.. little things like that.

I know how alcohol can set you back, but how about when you eat something that’s not recommended? this sets you back? Or potentially irritates you with allergies?

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03-28-2019, 04:58 PM
What are the consequences of falling off your diet while your recovering?

I just broke it by eating some cake at a party in the job, along with eating a tiny tiny piece of an edible.

I’ve been on the straight & narrow till this instance. Balanced diet...Paleo, backloading.. only hole may be that the rice around the sushi i occasionally get isn’t gluten free.. little things like that.

I know how alcohol can set you back, but how about when you eat something that’s not recommended? this sets you back? Or potentially irritates you with allergies?

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If you're doing everything else, and I believe you are, or at least close to it, one little thing here and there isn't going to make a huge difference as your general direction is still forward. Now you do it once a day, it may add up over time, but a piece of cake and an edible, I wouldn't say it's going to set you back at all. You may have a slight reaction to the gluten which will clear by tomorrow.

Small indiscretions are natural and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. As long as you move on the next day it's nothing to worry about. If anything they serve to remind you why you are doing what you're doing. I would always splurge on glutenous foods and then instantly regret it afterwords because of how I felt. Foggy, sluggish.....blah. I did this for years before I finally realized it wasn't what I really wanted. I was just trying to fill some type of void. My biggest cheat was pizza. And god knows I probably drank more then I should have. Some people are hard learners....I was one of them.

You're solid dude. No worries.

03-28-2019, 07:38 PM
If you're doing everything else, and I believe you are, or at least close to it, one little thing here and there isn't going to make a huge difference as your general direction is still forward. Now you do it once a day, it may add up over time, but a piece of cake and an edible, I wouldn't say it's going to set you back at all. You may have a slight reaction to the gluten which will clear by tomorrow.

Small indiscretions are natural and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. As long as you move on the next day it's nothing to worry about. If anything they serve to remind you why you are doing what you're doing. I would always splurge on glutenous foods and then instantly regret it afterwords because of how I felt. Foggy, sluggish.....blah. I did this for years before I finally realized it wasn't what I really wanted. I was just trying to fill some type of void. My biggest cheat was pizza. And god knows I probably drank more then I should have. Some people are hard learners....I was one of them.

You're solid dude. No worries.

Well. there goes my willpower lol..11 months & Finally broke. I’m a Bitch lol. Fuck I’m beating myself up unnecessarily. I didn’t have any major reaction at all too. It’s just the principle of things.. I take pride in discipline.

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03-28-2019, 07:44 PM
Well. there goes my willpower lol..11 months & Finally broke. I’m a Bitch lol. Fuck I’m beating myself up unnecessarily. I didn’t have any major reaction at all too. It’s just the principle of things.. I take pride in discipline.

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As you should. But take it from an old head....beating yourself up just causes un-necessary stress.....something no one needs. You've been killing it. This tiny indiscretion isn't even a blip on the radar.

Simply move on and give it no more thought and be grateful for the non-reaction.

03-29-2019, 02:08 PM
Just introduced caffeine again. I’m not anxious.. I feel like screaming for no reason. I was operating on no caffeine for a year thus far, it was like a slightly lower baseline level energy wise.. If I was tired, I was tired, & had to deal with it instead of masking it with this stuff.. I almost forget how much it jacks me up, people literally rely on this on a daily.

I’m only using it as a pre workout, not in the mornings

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03-30-2019, 12:15 PM
Just introduced caffeine again. I’m not anxious.. I feel like screaming for no reason. I was operating on no caffeine for a year thus far, it was like a slightly lower baseline level energy wise.. If I was tired, I was tired, & had to deal with it instead of masking it with this stuff.. I almost forget how much it jacks me up, people literally rely on this on a daily.

I’m only using it as a pre workout, not in the mornings

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As you know, the herbs are enhanced by a little caffeine. If it's too much, how about black tea?

04-01-2019, 04:47 PM

FITNESS MOTIVATION. PFS guys, whatever your feeling, GET TO IT. Rick OUT

04-01-2019, 04:57 PM
Way to go brother.

04-01-2019, 06:03 PM
Regarding your cheat meal if you even want to call it that, like CD said, I wouldn’t worry about it in the least. You’re killing it right now.....I myself got glutened a few times while recovering. Usually about 24 hours of feeling a little foggy and anxious at the worst.

04-01-2019, 06:21 PM
Regarding your cheat meal if you even want to call it that, like CD said, I wouldn’t worry about it in the least. You’re killing it right now.....I myself got glutened a few times while recovering. Usually about 24 hours of feeling a little foggy and anxious at the worst.

Yeah I was just trying to be perfect.. once a week I’d have some sushi. The rice around it shouldn’t be a big deal, especially when I’m on point with 95% of the other things

I thought that it set you back, seems like it just makes you uncomfortable for a day, doesn’t hinder progress like excessive alcohol would.

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04-01-2019, 06:24 PM
Yeah I was just trying to be perfect.. once a week I’d have some sushi. The rice around it shouldn’t be a big deal, especially when I’m on point with 95% of the other things

I thought that it set you back, seems like it just makes you uncomfortable for a day, doesn’t hinder progress like excessive alcohol would.

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What rice are you eating that isn’t gluten free? Just curious, since I eat sushi religiously and have never had a problem. I usually use gluten free soy sauce, and tell them to hold any tempura flakes or any sort that would cause problems.

04-01-2019, 06:30 PM
It most likely had gluten.. the rice was gooey as hell & stuck. & I used no soy sauce on it, just the wasabi.

I don’t worry so much about quality with the food outside of the complex carbs & making sure they’re gluten free..most of my salads are organic, but they don’t have to be, same with everything else. I was concerned about this in the beginning and was going mad, but I was told by CD that it doesn’t make or break recovery. Gluten free is the only thing I’m really a stickler for.

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04-01-2019, 07:05 PM
It most likely had gluten.. the rice was gooey as hell & stuck. & I used no soy sauce on it, just the wasabi.

I don’t worry so much about quality with the food outside of the complex carbs & making sure they’re gluten free..most of my salads are organic, but they don’t have to be, same with everything else. I was concerned about this in the beginning and was going mad, but I was told by CD that it doesn’t make or break recovery. Gluten free is the only thing I’m really a stickler for.

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I think this is solid. I ate a few things that were far from organic and “healthy” during my recovery as I traveled for work a lot. As long as they were gluten free, and not McDonalds or Taco Bell quality, I still made solid progress.

Also, related to your rice being gooey, I used to think the same, but literally even “glutinous rice” which is gooey, is gluten free.....even given the name:

So eat away!

04-01-2019, 07:26 PM
Ahh that’s interesting..eat away!

I think CD has to make it clear about things not being organic not really making a difference in progress.. when I first got here, guys like Driven, Jacknap, BenQ, & that 50 year old guy Damn were more active, & I would watch their threads & everything was about pasteurized, organic...really smart guys, too smart lol...I commend them all for picking the healthiest choices obviously, but all this talk led me to believe that I had to get everything of such a quality when it just wasn’t in the cards for me financially, let alone having access in the inner city of NYC.. that put more stress on me on top of the stress of adjusting to the outline. There was a lot of unnecessary baggage going on from these little things.. & of course being in a state of shock of realizing that I actually had pfs.

This diet is not restricting at all, your literally eliminating junk food only. as I added in more foods, I relaxed a bit more.. & then progress would happen. I’m on cycle now and I even eat some rice with my lunch, it’s not backloading but I figured on cycle + my activity level that I can grub on it throughout the day as well.

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04-01-2019, 07:45 PM
Ahh that’s interesting..eat away!

I think CD has to make it clear about things not being organic not really making a difference in progress.. when I first got here, guys like Driven, Jacknap, BenQ, & that 50 year old guy Damn were more active, & I would watch their threads & everything was about pasteurized, organic...really smart guys, too smart lol...I commend them all for picking the healthiest choices obviously, but all this talk led me to believe that I had to get everything of such a quality when it just wasn’t in the cards for me financially, let alone having access in the inner city of NYC.. that put more stress on me on top of the stress of adjusting to the outline. There was a lot of unnecessary baggage going on from these little things.. & of course being in a state of shock of realizing that I actually had pfs.

This diet is not restricting at all, your literally eliminating junk food only. as I added in more foods, I relaxed a bit more.. & then progress would happen. I’m on cycle now and I even eat some rice with my lunch, it’s not backloading but I figured on cycle + my activity level that I can grub on it throughout the day as well.

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Backloading isn’t a requirement to recover. You can eat clean, good carbs as part of your diet and recover. Paleo + backloading is just the best to get your training results and keep the diet simplified. You can literally eat as much as you want and stay in good physique. If you choose to run carbs during the day, you have to pay close attention to calories and overall macros.

04-02-2019, 08:25 PM
I take it Rick you not having any trouble gaining muscle

04-03-2019, 09:38 AM
I take it Rick you not having any trouble gaining muscle

Seems like I did but it’s to a certain limit. It’s not optimized, I can tell..of course I’m not wasting, I gain but at a point I hit a wall in terms of muscle building. Strength goes up but I think strength is related more to your nervous system adjusting to more loads rather than your T levels..

we’ll see now though for the next few months cause I’m starting to get looser with diet and eating more carbs throughout the day, not just backloading. I’d like to be a lean 200. That to me at my height is ideal.

There’s a lot of factors with my case. First off, pre pfs I wasn’t this lean.I’m 5”11 & got to 225 before all this.. it was half muscle half bloated water weight..that’s BIG as hell for that height..I’m naturally a skinny person (165-170) so for me to maintain 225 I was CONSTANTLY EATING, 7 meals a day with snacks in between. I literally went 2 years without being hungry or feeling my stomach growl. Just fighting my fast metabolism like clockwork..

Today, I obviously don’t eat that much or the same calorie dense food As I did then.. Also I never did HIIT this hard and consistent, so maybe thats limiting me from getting more size too.. it’s cool though cause it sheds fat.

Maybe with all that I’m doing, this weight range is where I’m Meant to be at based on my body. It does feel right to be 190ish.. I feel light but strong. I really do believe that when you do this program, however your body turns out is the way it’s supposed to be at its BEST. I was too small before and it wasn’t optimal, & I was way too big & it wasn’t optimal.. so I trust it..My opinion

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04-03-2019, 12:45 PM
Ahh that’s interesting..eat away!

I think CD has to make it clear about things not being organic not really making a difference in progress.. when I first got here, guys like Driven, Jacknap, BenQ, & that 50 year old guy Damn were more active, & I would watch their threads & everything was about pasteurized, organic...really smart guys, too smart lol...I commend them all for picking the healthiest choices obviously, but all this talk led me to believe that I had to get everything of such a quality when it just wasn’t in the cards for me financially, let alone having access in the inner city of NYC.. that put more stress on me on top of the stress of adjusting to the outline. There was a lot of unnecessary baggage going on from these little things.. & of course being in a state of shock of realizing that I actually had pfs.

This diet is not restricting at all, your literally eliminating junk food only. as I added in more foods, I relaxed a bit more.. & then progress would happen. I’m on cycle now and I even eat some rice with my lunch, it’s not backloading but I figured on cycle + my activity level that I can grub on it throughout the day as well.

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I just outline what the optimal intake should be knowing full well that most people aren't going to be on the program 100% most days. Guys are going to loosen it up on their own so if I don't state what it SHOULD be, they will make it even looser, if that makes sense.

The guys that stick to it as close to 100% as they can are the ones that make the best recoveries. I understand this is a hell of a switch for most people to make. That being said, the closer you stay on the program, the better.

04-03-2019, 12:51 PM
Seems like I did but it’s to a certain limit. It’s not optimized, I can tell..of course I’m not wasting, I gain but at a point I hit a wall in terms of muscle building. Strength goes up but I think strength is related more to your nervous system adjusting to more loads rather than your T levels..

we’ll see now though for the next few months cause I’m starting to get looser with diet and eating more carbs throughout the day, not just backloading. I’d like to be a lean 200. That to me at my height is ideal.

There’s a lot of factors with my case. First off, pre pfs I wasn’t this lean.I’m 5”11 & got to 225 before all this.. it was half muscle half bloated water weight..that’s BIG as hell for that height..I’m naturally a skinny person (165-170) so for me to maintain 225 I was CONSTANTLY EATING, 7 meals a day with snacks in between. I literally went 2 years without being hungry or feeling my stomach growl. Just fighting my fast metabolism like clockwork..

Today, I obviously don’t eat that much or the same calorie dense food As I did then.. Also I never did HIIT this hard and consistent, so maybe thats limiting me from getting more size too.. it’s cool though cause it sheds fat.

Maybe with all that I’m doing, this weight range is where I’m Meant to be at based on my body. It does feel right to be 190ish.. I feel light but strong. I really do believe that when you do this program, however your body turns out is the way it’s supposed to be at its BEST. I was too small before and it wasn’t optimal, & I was way too big & it wasn’t optimal.. so I trust it..My opinion

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Personally, for me, that feeling of being lighter yet stronger is one of my favorites. I'm 6'4", so optimally I looked my best, aesthetically at around 225-230. Although I feel my best at around 215-220. Everyone is different. As I age I'm not really concerned with size so much anymore as I am with staying supple and strong. Luckily for me I still have a fast metabolism despite my age and the muscle goes on quickly.

You look good at where you're at Rick. Athletic and strong. And you're correct. When adding in HIIT you give up some size but gain endurance and overall vitality. When I was at my biggest I didn't feel my best. Almost like it was too much....

04-17-2019, 12:24 PM
Feels like I been on a bit of a plateau.

It’s all good, just sticking to it.. in a matter of time I should burst through another level.

Just noting.. sometimes you may feel like your going nowhere for weeks or months. No need to add or change anything, just keep riding it out & trust it (also writing this to remind myself this as well)

I’ve been fucking up lately with gluten. Mashed potatoes etc while backloading. Wonder if that has anything to do with things. Deff been looser with my diet on cycle.. things like gluten free cookies, dark chocolate covered almonds from Trader Joe’s . But not on a junk spree.. it’s the damn gluten.. It’s a 8 week cycle I started on March 10th, so I’m back on herbs early May. Then back on my 3rd cycle July 10th, PERFECT time in the summer.

I know gluten does not set you back like other things would but my OCD with recovery ENRAGES me! When I know in the grand scheme of things it’s all good, I still eat my salads,fruit, & protein most meals.

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04-28-2019, 08:55 AM
So here’s the bad news:

Friday I got so overwhelmed with horniness that I broke my nofap streak that was on till October ish.. fuck me.

Good news:
That night I busted 2 more nuts, the morning after I busted 2 more.. without PDE5’s or anything

I’m still gonna use them with Thor’s Hammer though, since I have so much & I could still use the extra enhancement.


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04-29-2019, 08:02 PM
Killin it!

Pretty sure you don't need to even think about PDE5's anymore, lol

05-07-2019, 12:18 PM
So here’s the bad news:

Friday I got so overwhelmed with horniness that I broke my nofap streak that was on till October ish.. fuck me.

Good news:
That night I busted 2 more nuts, the morning after I busted 2 more.. without PDE5’s or anything

I’m still gonna use them with Thor’s Hammer though, since I have so much & I could still use the extra enhancement.


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If you want to try the natural route, Horny Goat Weed (https://jt231.isrefer.com/go/hgw/cdsnuts/) from LEH is pretty damn good. I used it the last few nights for fun and there was a definite increase in girth and hardness. For me it felt like a PDE5 without the side effects. I've only used PD's a handful of times because I get instantly congested by them.

05-07-2019, 07:25 PM

It’s warm out, you guys better be getting after it.. Sprinting is so addicting man.. it gets me out the gym and I’m able to just go out there & let it EAT.

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05-07-2019, 07:33 PM
If you want to try the natural route, Horny Goat Weed (https://jt231.isrefer.com/go/hgw/cdsnuts/) from LEH is pretty damn good. I used it the last few nights for fun and there was a definite increase in girth and hardness. For me it felt like a PDE5 without the side effects. I've only used PD's a handful of times because I get instantly congested by them.

Yeah I have it along with the other 21. It’s in the Thors Hammer blend. I recommend Thor’s Hammer cause it also deals with other things that can affect your performance, it’s not just a blood flow thing.. it’s hormones, mood, etc. all the herbs thrown in there serve their purpose.....I’m surprised no one else came up with a product that enhances your mood and drive at the same time like this.. it’s not just blood flow for certain people as we all know..It has Horny Goat Weed, Cistanche, Mucuna, Shilajit, & Tomgkat Ali.

Yeah I get blue vision with the PDE5’s, I really only use them at this point to go rounds.. currently my natural status is that I can go 1 round, but the 2nd one I have to really zone in to reach the promise land. I like to bust 4-5 times in a session.

There are moments on cycle that I get so horny, it’s like an irrational pure animal brain horniness.. off cycle, a woman’s touch gets me going, not so much visual, on cycle just flirting and banter gets me hard..that’s what I’m noticing thus far.

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05-08-2019, 03:31 PM
Yeah I have it along with the other 21. It’s in the Thors Hammer blend. I recommend Thor’s Hammer cause it also deals with other things that can affect your performance, it’s not just a blood flow thing.. it’s hormones, mood, etc. all the herbs thrown in there serve their purpose.....I’m surprised no one else came up with a product that enhances your mood and drive at the same time like this.. it’s not just blood flow for certain people as we all know..It has Horny Goat Weed, Cistanche, Mucuna, Shilajit, & Tomgkat Ali.

Yeah I get blue vision with the PDE5’s, I really only use them at this point to go rounds.. currently my natural status is that I can go 1 round, but the 2nd one I have to really zone in to reach the promise land. I like to bust 4-5 times in a session.

There are moments on cycle that I get so horny, it’s like an irrational pure animal brain horniness.. off cycle, a woman’s touch gets me going, not so much visual, on cycle just flirting and banter gets me hard..that’s what I’m noticing thus far.

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Everything from LEH is top notch. I mentioned horny goat weed because it directly focuses on blood flow, the same way the PDE5's you're taking do. That's why I recommended it. Simply comparing oranges to oranges.

The issue with Thors hammer, despite it being a great product, is that you're taking all of those herbs in one shot, as opposed to cycling them to avoid tolerance. Take it a couple times a week, and you're basically building tolerance to all of the herbs in that mixture, thus making those particular herbs less effective over time.

That's why for the most part I recommend avoiding blends and don't suggest their use.

05-08-2019, 06:54 PM
Everything from LEH is top notch. I mentioned horny goat weed because it directly focuses on blood flow, the same way the PDE5's you're taking do. That's why I recommended it. Simply comparing oranges to oranges.

The issue with Thors hammer, despite it being a great product, is that you're taking all of those herbs in one shot, as opposed to cycling them to avoid tolerance. Take it a couple times a week, and you're basically building tolerance to all of the herbs in that mixture, thus making those particular herbs less effective over time.

That's why for the most part I recommend avoiding blends and don't suggest their use.

Yeah I use it once a week. Those are usually the best sessions cause it’s paired up with the PDE5’s. Then throw in a bath mate session and we’re in for a party .

Sex cocktail

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06-19-2019, 07:32 PM
I lift heavy as you all know but also put in work with calisthenics.

My question is, at what point in reps do you get diminishing returns? I’m at the point where I do sets of 50 dips...if I went for a max all in one shot I can probably get 65.. It’s recommended to do these to failure, but my failure is these ridiculously high rep ranges.. I could probably do 100 push-ups if those are my dip numbers..How do you progress with this when your at this point?

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06-19-2019, 08:49 PM
I would focus on range of motion. I find when trying to smash out max push ups, chin ups, dips, form can often get sloppy.

I can do 50 “push ups” straight, but when I actually slow down, get right through the range of motion (chin, chest and sack to floor) - I find I can do way less. Same with chin ups and dips. Try doing 15 straight wide grip chin ups with full release to hang at bottom and full squeeze at top with core straight and stable the whole way... it is tough.

You could always go weighted dips, chins and push ups if you are already that much of a beast!

06-29-2019, 09:29 AM
I would focus on range of motion. I find when trying to smash out max push ups, chin ups, dips, form can often get sloppy.

I can do 50 “push ups” straight, but when I actually slow down, get right through the range of motion (chin, chest and sack to floor) - I find I can do way less. Same with chin ups and dips. Try doing 15 straight wide grip chin ups with full release to hang at bottom and full squeeze at top with core straight and stable the whole way... it is tough.

You could always go weighted dips, chins and push ups if you are already that much of a beast!

Yeah I do weighted in the gym as well

My thinking is whenever I’m at the gym, it’s always heavy, it’s never more than 8 reps with anything, including pull ups & dips.. I see people go to the gym & do push-ups, you could’ve done that at home imo...

But when I’m out on the track sprinting, & at those calisthenic street workout parks (right by the track). that’s my bodyweight only sessions.. that’s where I’d do plyometrics or pump sets of 25 pull ups, 50 dips, 85 pushups out etc... i see the whole things as tapping into two completely different systems.. at the gym it’s pure strength, but outside, it’s muscle endurance, that pump feels so different when your doing body weight calisthenics, very satisfying. I like them both.

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06-29-2019, 10:36 AM
If you need to increase the difficulty of calisthenics get some cheap gymnastics rings.
Perfect form, slow, full ROM AND on gymnastics rings, that's hard for anyone.

06-29-2019, 11:44 AM
Thanks Ben, they have those at my gym, I’ve never tried them. Will do.

In other news, yesterday was my 24th & I had just one shot of Jameson.

I feel fine, slept like 11 hrs....

however I’m gonna go sprint, I feel like sprinting drains all the toxicity out of me.... when I had my previous hiccup, time( a few days) got me better but at the end i coincidentally had a sprint session, that REALLY snapped me back into normalcy..that was obviously much worse though since I was dealing with a 5AR.

Just an observation, or theory.. those tough sprint sessions when your heart is on the brink just does something for me personally, almost more than lifting...Idk what processes are going on in the body when you sprint, but it always brings me up a level, OR when I run into a hiccup it helps snap me back into course...
Someone can chime in on this.. ?

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06-29-2019, 12:47 PM
Thanks Ben, they have those at my gym, I’ve never tried them. Will do.

In other news, yesterday was my 24th & I had just one shot of Jameson.

I feel fine, slept like 11 hrs....

however I’m gonna go sprint, I feel like sprinting drains all the toxicity out of me.... when I had my previous hiccup, time( a few days) got me better but at the end i coincidentally had a sprint session, that REALLY snapped me back into normalcy..that was obviously much worse though since I was dealing with a 5AR.

Just an observation, or theory.. those tough sprint sessions when your heart is on the brink just does something for me personally, almost more than lifting...Idk what processes are going on in the body when you sprint, but it always brings me up a level, OR when I run into a hiccup it helps snap me back into course...
Someone can chime in on this.. ?

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It's a pure endorphin hit.....does the same for me. It can't be replicated with any other form of exercise....at least none that I have found. I think it's one of the best natural feelings out there. That's why people do drugs....to mimic that rush.

When doing these exercises your body really doesn't know if it's running for it's life, or running for the sake of running. Physiologically it's all the same as for as the system is concerned. Once you're done you're rewarded with natures opiates (endorphins). It's your bodies way of saying "good job for getting away from that lion" You're still alive, here's some feel goods for you. Our bodies positively reinforce things that keep us alive so that we stay alive. These are the systems that we learn to hack.

24....man you're still wet behind the ears...lol. Just think what a leg up on everyone else you're going to have once you're through this. You're still going to be young as shit with knowledge that you can use to enhance the rest of your life.

Happy belated birthday man.

07-01-2019, 10:58 AM
In other news, yesterday was my 24th

Gah fuck I didn't spot this. Happy belated birthday Rick.

07-01-2019, 04:05 PM
Hbd rtr!

07-03-2019, 10:27 PM
Thanks everyone.

This is not a big deal, something I never mentioned here.. but what’s with the varying degrees of my nuts hanging through the day? In the morning they hang normal, during the day there’s moments where it doesn’t do it as much & it seems slightly tucked... but from like 7 pm on they hang verrrry low... they also hang low when I’m having sex most of the time..

Early months of pfs my balls were tucked tight most of the time, it’s not painful or anything, it just feels weird when it’s like that.. felt very off... but now like I said, morning and evening they hang low (super low evening) afternoon it varies & you feel the slight little movements..

Is this normal for anyone? Or is just a pfs thing...over time the tucking up has occurred less & less.. but still. Where does this come from? Smart people commence & break that shit down for a brother! Lol. This is not concerning, I just wanna know what’s the deal with this.

Happy 4th everyone to the USA guys here.

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07-04-2019, 01:54 AM
Got no idea on why they do so, but my balls behave very similar. I think it's a PFS thing indeed, they didn't before. They've also certainly gotten smaller and harder I think. I do take blood tests on and off to see where I'm at, and testosterone is in range though, so they still "work" that way.

I think CD once said (correct me if I'm wrong) his balls still hang low sometimes and he and his gf sometimes lol at that. Also don't ask me why I remember that...

Happy 4th of July from the UK!

07-04-2019, 02:47 AM
Definitely get a case of the grandpa balls pretty regularly. And it is definitely PFS - never happened to me pre PFS. I notice that when I am feeling good they ride higher, sack firmer... less... flaccid if that makes sense. When I am not feeling good, it feels like they are knocking around my knees (along with my massive shaft of course)

07-04-2019, 07:55 AM
Definitely get a case of the grandpa balls pretty regularly. And it is definitely PFS - never happened to me pre PFS. I notice that when I am feeling good they ride higher, sack firmer... less... flaccid if that makes sense. When I am not feeling good, it feels like they are knocking around my knees (along with my massive shaft of course)

For me it is the opposite. First round on Andro the hanging started to be consistently lower. Pre pfs my nuts did hang like this all the time. Without getting too graphic, fuck it I’ll get graphic, my nuts always slapped on the girl I was having sex with when we was doing our thing so the hanging is how I am when normal. I’ve sat on my balls before lol.

Always felt bad when my boys were tucked before, today Mid day when they vary, I don’t feel shitty, just not optimal, I can tell... my day goes from feeling great, to okay, to great again...

That’s some pre-puberty shit.. 5AR has a lot to do with puberty, & people have their theory’s about recovery being like puberty.. remember when you were like 10 and people would tell you “hey man what do you know, your balls haven’t dropped yet”.. could be something to do with that. When they would constantly be tucked up 24/7 that was the worst.

I know what you mean about it feeling flaccid.. but even when it occasionally feels like that, when my balls hang low I feel good.

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07-05-2019, 05:50 PM
I hear you on the ball slapping action. Some chicks have actually said they enjoy it... for me though, the happy medium, plump, firm, hang is what I’m after (definitely not the high tuck which is also bad)

07-06-2019, 06:23 PM
yeah thewy also probably hang lower when it's hot out. I love the slapping balls against pussy lmao

I think yeah when I was bad they also were more tucked in and now dey hang low

07-08-2019, 11:46 AM
The chick I'm with now loves the ball slap. Especially when I'm hittin it D style and they slap her clit......loves it.

This ones actually in my age bracket, lol. Tubes tied, two kids, divorced. Tested clean, so I raw dog it and let it rip right inside her......lol

08-23-2019, 01:28 AM
What if you miss a day of taking prohormones? Just resume? I’m out here in Charlotte stranded waiting for my flight that I rebooked. I have a bottle out there in California...

My initial flight from here got cancelled not cause of weather, but cause they had NO pilots. What?

Imagine going to mcDonalds to get a McFlurry and they tell you no, & then you ask “damn, machine broke?” & they tell you “no, no one works here” and walk away.. & the next McFlurry you can have is 18 hours later.

Good thing I’m in San Diego for 12 days

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08-23-2019, 08:40 AM
Just take it at the next available opportunity. Obviously it’s not ideal, but it’s not going to hurt anything in my opinion. The compound has a decent half-life.

08-23-2019, 11:51 AM
Just take it at the next available opportunity. Obviously it’s not ideal, but it’s not going to hurt anything in my opinion. The compound has a decent half-life.

Thanks ya stud.

Yeah 11 days of a 4-Andro & r Andro bottle, I might have to overdose some days. Should do me well out here.

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08-24-2019, 08:09 AM
Thanks ya stud.

Yeah 11 days of a 4-Andro & r Andro bottle, I might have to overdose some days. Should do me well out here.

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Enjoy the Gaslamp Quarter, my friend. I’ve been there on a bachelor party and multiple times on work trips. Hard to beat.

08-27-2019, 01:27 PM
Enjoy the Gaslamp Quarter, my friend. I’ve been there on a bachelor party and multiple times on work trips. Hard to beat.

Yes sir, it’s where I spend my nights here. I’ve really been making the most out of this vacation. I’ve done so many activities during the day from surfing to skydiving to axe throwing...Really don’t even think about pfs anymore.. I’ve been doing well here with the ladies too, I think it’s cause I stand out. Not only do I look different than most people here , but I’m from NYC where everyone mean mugs and is pretty much serious all the time, whereas here in SoCal everyone is so chill. I’m not hard to miss, & I guess it makes them curious.

I’ve also been trying to make time to do this video, but when I actually tried to do one in the car, I realized that it’s much harder than it looks , especially when your talking off the cuff with no set layout of topics to come across.

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08-27-2019, 06:26 PM
Yes sir, it’s where I spend my nights here. I’ve really been making the most out of this vacation. I’ve done so many activities during the day from surfing to skydiving to axe throwing...Really don’t even think about pfs anymore.. I’ve been doing well here with the ladies too, I think it’s cause I stand out. Not only do I look different than most people here , but I’m from NYC where everyone mean mugs and is pretty much serious all the time, whereas here in SoCal everyone is so chill. I’m not hard to miss, & I guess it makes them curious.

I’ve also been trying to make time to do this video, but when I actually tried to do one in the car, I realized that it’s much harder than it looks , especially when your talking off the cuff with no set layout of topics to come across.

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Looking forward to your video Rick. Glad you're enjoying your time away.

09-19-2019, 07:44 PM
Cycle ended last week. I’m doing the 4 Andro/ R andro stack next summer for 16 weeks for sure.. it’s so good..till then if I cycle it’ll just be R Andro..

I recently added callasthencis Monday-Friday into my routine.. its a completely separate thing from powerlifting/Olympic lifting for me but I’m doing both. I take an hour after I lift heavy to get my body weight work in...obviously with heavy lifts I have to split body parts in terms of scheduling, can’t lift heavy everyday you’ll burn out..... ,but there’s something about dips, pull-ups, handstand push-ups etc.. DAILY that help me maintain my physique regardless of how much or little I eat...Sidenote: Weighted pull-ups and dips are not part of this, they’re included in my heavy powerlifting sessions cause the reps are really low (3-8) they still have their place though ....the 45 min I put aside for calisthenics is pure body weight where I can really up the reps to 30+ and go to failure.

The reason why a lot of guys out of jail & street workout guys are so jacked (particularly their upper body) is that whether they realize it or not, callesthenics actually cover the parameters of bodybuilding or muscle growth ; which we all know is different than strength.. parameters of building muscle mass are high reps, low rest periods, high volume, high frequency... while parameters of strength/power are long rest periods, low reps, low frequency,high intensity...

if you ever catch a street workout dude at the bars, they fly through different workouts without much breaks.. the pumps I feel doing calisthenics are amazing, and I wanna feel that everyday. That blood just filling up that damn muscle is great. I also like the idea of being well rounded between being able to deadlift 650 lbs like a beast and also hit the bars & do all that cool stuff.. it also keeps my routine interesting. My goal when I do these bodyweight exercise is to obviously go to failure & feel a full body pump, something that’s hard to achieve when you lift for strength .

However it is a lot of work, & during my backloading window (which is everyday now) I do eat a healthy meal but also cheat cause I’m shoving calories down the hatch to fuel this bigger workload. We’ll see how I maintain it. I rest completely during the weekend.

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10-03-2019, 07:09 PM
I’m building hella muscle. Could be that I switched up to callasthenics till failure everyday, very high volume, very high food consumption..also getting the DHT itch, could be that too... I run my hand through my head and I see little specs of hair here and there....

The hairloss thing is actually bothering me a bit though. Which I don’t get why me out of all people. I’m jacked, have thick facial hair, have a masculine presence, caramel skinned, tatted up....from a vanity perspective, the bald look fits me really good vs most. & I don’t think I’ll shave my head for the next 2 years or so, but just picturing the future is daunting.. I’m actually rocking a 0.5 buzzcut and I look fine, it’s kind of a preview to how I would look with the shiny dome..

This is dumb, after all I been through after all the work I put in and still put in and will continue to put in forever, I should be happy that all this is working... but also having the same beta feelings I had before I took the pill...

I think my little fears lie in how women would react .. I hate to admit.

Id like some wisdom, re assurance, cyberkick in the ass, whatever it is..
Over fucking HAIR smh. STILL..

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10-03-2019, 09:14 PM
It’s hard to give up that hair man. It’s why most of us are here in the first place! All totally understandable - but you got nada to worry about. You have listed the reasons why yourself. Just keep doing what you’re doing, keep buzzing, the women won’t even notice the difference (in your hair...)

10-07-2019, 08:11 AM
I’m building hella muscle. Could be that I switched up to callasthenics till failure everyday, very high volume, very high food consumption..also getting the DHT itch, could be that too... I run my hand through my head and I see little specs of hair here and there....

The hairloss thing is actually bothering me a bit though. Which I don’t get why me out of all people. I’m jacked, have thick facial hair, have a masculine presence, caramel skinned, tatted up....from a vanity perspective, the bald look fits me really good vs most. & I don’t think I’ll shave my head for the next 2 years or so, but just picturing the future is daunting.. I’m actually rocking a 0.5 buzzcut and I look fine, it’s kind of a preview to how I would look with the shiny dome..

This is dumb, after all I been through after all the work I put in and still put in and will continue to put in forever, I should be happy that all this is working... but also having the same beta feelings I had before I took the pill...

I think my little fears lie in how women would react .. I hate to admit.

Id like some wisdom, re assurance, cyberkick in the ass, whatever it is..
Over fucking HAIR smh. STILL..

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It doesn't matter what you look like, for the most part. It all comes down to how you feel about yourself. That's it. Women are not going to know the difference in how you look when you meet them with a shaved head. You're the only one that knows that. Having a shaved head adds to your masculinity. As long as you're satisfied with it, everyone else will be too.

You got alot going for you, this is what you need to focus on. I want to point out that if you're worrying about the future, you're not keeping yourself in the present. Everything happens in the now, which is where you need to keep your focus. By staying present and continuing to do what you've been doing, by the time two years rolls around, you're going to be in a completely different mindset then you are now. The future isn't daunting....it's just the now that's not here yet.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about.....at all.

The Goat
10-07-2019, 08:43 AM
I am not bald (yet) but when I used testosterone to try to fix PFS I started shedding a lot. That day I decided to shave it to as short as possible. Looked like a bad ass. But it really depends on what your "image" is. I had a good amount of muscles, good head shape and I had a tan and a beard. I looked good.

It is the pasty, skinny bald guys that don't look good. But they would not look good with hair either.

From the pics I seen from you, you would look good w/ the shaved look.

In the end hormones working is more important to attraction from women from what I have noticed myself.

When you feel alpha, calm, masculine, the girls come. In downswings I have the opposite and I have zero attraction. I still look the same. But the big difference is there. So we see looks is icing on the cake. And bald guys can still look good enough to not make "looks" their bottleneck.

01-03-2020, 10:51 PM
Any updates Rick?

01-04-2020, 05:24 PM
I'd imagine he's out living his life and not worrying about PFS. Based on my own experience, the more you improve, the less you think about PFS.

01-07-2020, 08:59 AM
Any updates Rick?

I’m doing good. I do have PFS, but i don’t even think about it anymore. It affects me sometimes, & the few times it does it’s really nothing major.. things like pumps not being the same sometimes..needing a bit more stimulation to have sex.. I don’t mind being like this..I’ve been slacking horribly on diet cause I moved out of my parents recently so money’s tight being on my own ...I still lift hard, spring and rotate herbs though.

Anything past 80% I can live with carefree.

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01-07-2020, 09:20 AM
However I do I have a question. When you fall off the wagon with diet, but do everything else....Does it set you back in terms of you just stay at whatever % your at & progress is very slow or stalled ; Or do you fall back down % wise, meaning you fall into the abyss again. Meaning you go from 85% down to like 70 or something?

Its for the more experienced guys.

Thanks and keep pushing everyone.

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01-07-2020, 09:55 AM
However I do I have a question. When you fall off the wagon with diet, but do everything else....Does it set you back in terms of you just stay at whatever % your at & progress is very slow or stalled ; Or do you fall back down % wise, meaning you fall into the abyss again. Meaning you go from 85% down to like 70 or something?

Its for the more experienced guys.

Thanks and keep pushing everyone.

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I’d have to know more as to what you mean by fall off the wagon. Carb Backloading is recommended by CDsnuts, but I wouldn’t say it’s “required” to recover. Just recommended as part of the protocol.

Now eating fast food, gluten, and fried foods. That wouldn’t be beneficial even if you didn’t have PFS.

01-07-2020, 09:58 AM
Fast, fried etc. & it’s usually in that backloading window after I lift.

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01-07-2020, 12:06 PM
Fast, fried etc. & it’s usually in that backloading window after I lift.

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It’s hard to say honestly. It’s dependent on where your body is. Obviously it’s not preferred. I compare it to alcohol for me, for example. Early on if I would drink it would be a miserable, depressed experience for a few days. Near the end, I’d say around 80% back, I could drink again and enjoy it and not pay the iron price as much.

I would still be as strict on diet as you can be. It’ll make this a much quicker process. I recovered in a relatively quick timeframe for this shit, and I attribute it to being a Spartan about it. I followed everything to the T besides alcohol here and there - if I would’ve held off on it more in the end, would’ve been quicker for sure.

01-07-2020, 04:43 PM
It’s hard to say honestly. It’s dependent on where your body is. Obviously it’s not preferred. I compare it to alcohol for me, for example. Early on if I would drink it would be a miserable, depressed experience for a few days. Near the end, I’d say around 80% back, I could drink again and enjoy it and not pay the iron price as much.

I would still be as strict on diet as you can be. It’ll make this a much quicker process. I recovered in a relatively quick timeframe for this shit, and I attribute it to being a Spartan about it. I followed everything to the T besides alcohol here and there - if I would’ve held off on it more in the end, would’ve been quicker for sure.

I’m actually alright with alcohol & weed. It takes some chemicals for me to go to what feels like hypothyroid symptoms.. i lack warmth in my body for a few days & lack some energy & ability to sweat the same amount as usual, if any at all . But I don’t take a hit anywhere else. Morning wood check mental check..& yeah it may seem like no big deal but it’s annoying when your lifting like a mad man & it feels like there’s no blood flow lol & your not drenched. It’s just not normal & feels weird.

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01-07-2020, 08:10 PM
It’s hard to say honestly. It’s dependent on where your body is. Obviously it’s not preferred. I compare it to alcohol for me, for example. Early on if I would drink it would be a miserable, depressed experience for a few days. Near the end, I’d say around 80% back, I could drink again and enjoy it and not pay the iron price as much.

I would still be as strict on diet as you can be. It’ll make this a much quicker process. I recovered in a relatively quick timeframe for this shit, and I attribute it to being a Spartan about it. I followed everything to the T besides alcohol here and there - if I would’ve held off on it more in the end, would’ve been quicker for sure.

sorry to derail but maxout how'ze the mineral balancing? I'm using you as my lab rat before I go in cuz i'm not ready to invest a year or more in a new protocol. I wanna enjoy my life post PFS but always room for improvement

01-08-2020, 06:10 AM
I’m actually alright with alcohol & weed. It takes some chemicals for me to go to what feels like hypothyroid symptoms.. i lack warmth in my body for a few days & lack some energy & ability to sweat the same amount as usual, if any at all . But I don’t take a hit anywhere else. Morning wood check mental check..& yeah it may seem like no big deal but it’s annoying when your lifting like a mad man & it feels like there’s no blood flow lol & your not drenched. It’s just not normal & feels weird.

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If you're not sweating by yourself, then hit the sauna

01-12-2020, 07:25 AM
sorry to derail but maxout how'ze the mineral balancing? I'm using you as my lab rat before I go in cuz i'm not ready to invest a year or more in a new protocol. I wanna enjoy my life post PFS but always room for improvement

Going well. I've definitely noticed an improvement in my PTSD state, as well as general life. My digestion is the best it's ever been (and I have no gallbladder), and I'm just enjoying life for the most part. I like having the diet tailored to me based on my results too, takes the guess work out of it.

However, I wouldn't recommend it for someone who's still PFS like they're doing at the other forum. It's far too "gentle" and slow moving, and I think it would take YEARS. I've been doing it for a year and a half and noticed minor improvements in the main thing I was treating with it. Imagine something as systemically damaging as PFS..... that's why I always still recommend people who PM me to do the protocol here. It's tried and true, and is far more accelerated.

01-12-2020, 10:49 AM
This protocol is way faster for sure. I think the people who recover say after 7, 8, 9 years weren’t really doing everything. Some of them could be straight lying, but assuming they weren’t, Maybe they were just working out, or maybe they just took some t boosters but didn’t eat right or exercise.. so the whole regeneration of receptors IS happening cause your doing something which is better than nothing, but it’s at a snails pace.

The protocol is just hitting on every system at once. Diet, lifting, sprinting, t boosters, cold showers, supplements, probiotics, meditation etc..prohormones being the cherry on top. Which is why it takes the average pfs’er 2 years or so which is extremely fast to fix something like this that’s so deep and systematic, it literally is beyond what the best doctor can fix.. your talking about receptors and enzymes here, not even the hormone itself, that’s deeper and Much more complicated.. 2 years is very fast for something like that to be fixed.

Also how severe your PFS is affects the time of recovery. If you only got hit with sexual symptoms or just mental symptoms, but everything else was good, your looking at 6 months to a year. The really bad people it seems like 2.5-3.5 years and that’s when everything is locked in..

Basically how disciplined you are regardless of how severe it is determines the rate of recovery. so when you fall off or slack in one area, your just extending your PFS sentence.

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Hulk Smash
01-13-2020, 04:46 AM
Agreed 👍

Hulk Smash
01-14-2020, 06:05 AM
Going well. I've definitely noticed an improvement in my PTSD state, as well as general life. My digestion is the best it's ever been (and I have no gallbladder), and I'm just enjoying life for the most part. I like having the diet tailored to me based on my results too, takes the guess work out of it.

However, I wouldn't recommend it for someone who's still PFS like they're doing at the other forum. It's far too "gentle" and slow moving, and I think it would take YEARS. I've been doing it for a year and a half and noticed minor improvements in the main thing I was treating with it. Imagine something as systemically damaging as PFS..... that's why I always still recommend people who PM me to do the protocol here. It's tried and true, and is far more accelerated.

Good to hear you're making progress with mineral balancing. I'll probably try it out later down the road. It could be beneficial. For my recovery however, I reached the same conclusion to stay on the regimen until 100%. Thanks for sharing that, definitely adds motivation to stay the course.

02-01-2020, 02:07 PM
So, Monday I have to take off work to accompany a girl whose been holding my seed for 8 weeks.. getting an abortion.

Still wrap it up, you are fertile even in a PFS state.

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02-06-2020, 08:38 AM
So, Monday I have to take off work to accompany a girl whose been holding my seed for 8 weeks.. getting an abortion.

Still wrap it up, you are fertile even in a PFS state.

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My apologies and my congratulations. At least you know that you're more then fertile. This is good for the soul. Obviously the woman doesn't feel this way, but given where you've come from, I'd say it should give you a bit of relief, in a fucked up kind of way.

And not for nothing, you should wrap it for the sake of getting something you CAN'T protocol yourself out of. You know this.

05-19-2020, 08:52 AM
Rick haven't heard from you in a while. I'm hoping that means you are doing well man!

05-19-2020, 10:58 AM
Rick haven't heard from you in a while. I'm hoping that means you are doing well man!

Ricky is well. He's been our sound of reason in the WhatsApp group we're all in. Getting jacked, talking smack, and making moves. Great guy!

05-20-2020, 09:48 AM
Ricky is well. He's been our sound of reason in the WhatsApp group we're all in. Getting jacked, talking smack, and making moves. Great guy!

Tell that motherfucker to come back and give the forum an update! Lol. He has fans here.

Anyway, thanks for the update. I was wondering about him myself.

05-20-2020, 02:23 PM
Hey, I’m doing very good, I truly don’t think about this anymore at all . I’ve been on the Whats App group mostly taking about other shit besides PFS. The guys know what to do, so talking about it is unnecessary and adds to the stress as we all know.

I’ve been getting high and just venting on the app like a drunk uncle.. screaming and complaining about this lockdown lol. It’s a form of therapy. The whole situation in NYC really pisses me off.

As far as the protocol goes. Im a bit looser with it diet wise, but herbs, Andro cycles, cold showers, and lifting will be something I hold on to forever.

Hope everyone is doing good, stay on it and it will be a thing of the past.

CD your the GOAT!

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05-20-2020, 03:15 PM
Hell yeah bro that's awesome to hear! I am locked in to this lifestyle for life as well. Maybe minus the strict ass diet ive been on for a year and a half. I cant wait to go to a restaurant and not ask a million questions to the waiter about gluten and hold this and hold that. I used to make fun of those people and now i'm that guy times ten. And yeah this whole lock down is driving me nuts. They are starting to open up around me and just opened my apt gym on Monday THANK GOD. I never used to workout in there because the weights weren't heavy enough but now it's perfect for my weak ass.

05-20-2020, 07:06 PM
BuT dO yOu dRiNK??

Seriously man, congratulations. Well deserved.

05-21-2020, 07:07 AM
BuT dO yOu dRiNK??

Seriously man, congratulations. Well deserved.

Lol. Another great guy, great "student," certainly well deserved.