View Full Version : New finasteride victim, advice needed

09-27-2018, 01:02 PM
Hi guys, this is my first post on this forum so if this is in the wrong section then I apologize.

So I'm 18 years old and have been dealing with hair loss for the past year. Visited a dermatologist last month who gave me Fin like it was candy. I foolishly bought the "only 2% get sides" thing, and am now paying the price.

After taking two doses of generic finasteride, 0.625mg each, I felt the sexual side effects. Stopped immediately and expected things to resolve within a few days/weeks at most.

Four days after discontinuing I might have had a small "crash", not sure. I got extremely, soul crushingly tired at 6pm, and had to go to bed at 8. Slept for 13 hours and still felt tired. Looking back, I can remember my sleep being really terrible and not refreshing at all.

The sexual side effects still persisted at this point, plus over the next couple of days I developed heavy brain fog and difficulty concentrating. This went away after about a week.

My libido and spontaneous erections bounced back about three weeks after stopping the finasteride, but at the same time my brain fog came back. It was weird, the sexual sides went away but the mental sides came back. During this time I noticed that I had lost noticeable muscle mass, however I'm not sure if this is due to the finasteride or the fact that I hadn't been working out at all since my initial crash, and also just couldn't get myself to eat properly. My appetite was gone. Also my joints have started to feel weak and make a lot of clicking noises.

However, in the past four days, my libido has lowered again and on top of that I've been having some intense suicidal thoughts. I'm not depressed at all (possibly due to being emotionally blunted by the finasteride), but I just get urges to end my life everyday now. Obviously I won't do it as I know it's not the "real" me thinking these thoughts. Also I've been breaking down crying for no reason at all every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Obviously my hormones are all over the place.

As of today I'm 4 weeks off the drug.

I discovered this website after reading hairlosstalk and seeing posts by Maxout777. I've read CD's website and his protocol multiple times now, and am considering starting it. I worked out 4-6x a week before this whole finasteride mess and have never had difficulty sticking to diets or regimes, so I feel like I'm not ready to give up just yet.

However, I'm wondering whether or not I should keep waiting for a couple of weeks to see if my state returns to normal on it's own? As I said I'm four weeks off the drug at this point. Or should I just start the protocol right away?

Thanks guys.

09-27-2018, 02:45 PM
sounds like you got it broseph

i went through the emotional depression phase (out of nowhere) as well.

but even if you dont, it doesnt hurt to do the protocol

09-28-2018, 03:31 AM
sounds like you got it broseph

i went through the emotional depression phase (out of nowhere) as well.

but even if you dont, it doesnt hurt to do the protocol

Thank you for the suggestion!

Does anyone else have an opinion?

09-29-2018, 11:15 AM
yeah sounds very similar to my experience. I'd just jump on the protocol as it's something someone who's healthy should follow anyways and hey since it's still early you might be able to beat this faster by nipping it in the bud

09-29-2018, 11:04 PM
Sounds like the rest of us. Get on the protocol ASAP.

10-02-2018, 11:51 AM
Hi guys, this is my first post on this forum so if this is in the wrong section then I apologize.

So I'm 18 years old and have been dealing with hair loss for the past year. Visited a dermatologist last month who gave me Fin like it was candy. I foolishly bought the "only 2% get sides" thing, and am now paying the price.

After taking two doses of generic finasteride, 0.625mg each, I felt the sexual side effects. Stopped immediately and expected things to resolve within a few days/weeks at most.

Four days after discontinuing I might have had a small "crash", not sure. I got extremely, soul crushingly tired at 6pm, and had to go to bed at 8. Slept for 13 hours and still felt tired. Looking back, I can remember my sleep being really terrible and not refreshing at all.

The sexual side effects still persisted at this point, plus over the next couple of days I developed heavy brain fog and difficulty concentrating. This went away after about a week.

My libido and spontaneous erections bounced back about three weeks after stopping the finasteride, but at the same time my brain fog came back. It was weird, the sexual sides went away but the mental sides came back. During this time I noticed that I had lost noticeable muscle mass, however I'm not sure if this is due to the finasteride or the fact that I hadn't been working out at all since my initial crash, and also just couldn't get myself to eat properly. My appetite was gone. Also my joints have started to feel weak and make a lot of clicking noises.

However, in the past four days, my libido has lowered again and on top of that I've been having some intense suicidal thoughts. I'm not depressed at all (possibly due to being emotionally blunted by the finasteride), but I just get urges to end my life everyday now. Obviously I won't do it as I know it's not the "real" me thinking these thoughts. Also I've been breaking down crying for no reason at all every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Obviously my hormones are all over the place.

As of today I'm 4 weeks off the drug.

I discovered this website after reading hairlosstalk and seeing posts by Maxout777. I've read CD's website and his protocol multiple times now, and am considering starting it. I worked out 4-6x a week before this whole finasteride mess and have never had difficulty sticking to diets or regimes, so I feel like I'm not ready to give up just yet.

However, I'm wondering whether or not I should keep waiting for a couple of weeks to see if my state returns to normal on it's own? As I said I'm four weeks off the drug at this point. Or should I just start the protocol right away?

Thanks guys.


Jump on the protocol. The sooner and more consistent, the better.

10-02-2018, 02:13 PM
Sounds like pfs. Don't chance it. Just get on the protocol.

10-06-2018, 05:11 AM
Thank you for the replies guys. I'll be starting a juice feast next week. Already ordered seven of the herbs, and will be buying more as I get more money.

10-09-2018, 06:38 AM
Juice feast starts tomorrow, I'm excited. Planning to go for at least a week, two weeks if possible.

10-11-2018, 11:21 AM
Juice feast starts tomorrow, I'm excited. Planning to go for at least a week, two weeks if possible.

The longer, the better. It is a labor intensive practice but worth every minute of prep. Make sure you're drinking enough...4-6 quarts daily and don't forget to drink water as well. Good luck to you.

10-12-2018, 08:46 AM
The longer, the better. It is a labor intensive practice but worth every minute of prep. Make sure you're drinking enough...4-6 quarts daily and don't forget to drink water as well. Good luck to you.

Day 3 almost finished, feel pretty good.

As far as sides go, my biggest worries are the muscle wastage and a total lack of libido. Scary stuff, especially at my age.

However I’ve been reading the Recoveries section like crazy and am willing to sacrifice the next 6 months, a year, 2 years - however long it takes to get back to being healthy. I just curse the day I ever took the poison called finasteride, can’t believe it..

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10-12-2018, 08:48 AM
Also been doing the breathing exercises and cold showers, and man are they amazing..

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10-12-2018, 09:36 AM
I got pretty much all my muscle in 4-6 weeks post fast/juice feast least of your concerns (just slowly build back up to previous level but muscle memory so you get it back faster than it took too initially get it 'you can google muscle memory for more info')

and obviously when you're taking in little food your body isn't gunna prioritize having libido/sex hormones lol

10-12-2018, 09:38 AM
I got pretty much all my muscle in 4-6 weeks post fast/juice feast least of your concerns

and obviously when you're taking in little food your body isn't gunna prioritize having libido/sex hormones lol

Yeah but I’ve had muscle wasting/absolutely no libido ever since my crash, not just during the feast lol.

Had the classic couple of days of recovery, followed by a crash

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10-12-2018, 11:03 AM
Day 3 almost finished, feel pretty good.

As far as sides go, my biggest worries are the muscle wastage and a total lack of libido. Scary stuff, especially at my age.

However I’ve been reading the Recoveries section like crazy and am willing to sacrifice the next 6 months, a year, 2 years - however long it takes to get back to being healthy. I just curse the day I ever took the poison called finasteride, can’t believe it..

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What's done is done. You can't go back, so don't waste any more time or mental energy thinking about the what ifs. Focus on the present....the here and now.

And I know it's difficult, but you shouldn't really worry about any of it. It will all come back. Just get on the program and STAY on it....can't tell you how many guys I've talked to that started and stopped a bunch of times and were then pissed because if they just would have stayed on, they would have been over it by now.

Nose to the grind stone and get to work.

- - - Updated - - -

Also been doing the breathing exercises and cold showers, and man are they amazing..

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They are game changers. They accelerate all the positives.

10-21-2018, 12:15 PM
Update time.

I ended up finishing the feast after a week. Wanted to go for longer but I had some stuff going on which prevented that from happening. Refed for a couple of days and have just started the paleo diet. I also got some more herbs, am up to a 14 day cycle now.

Ever since refeeding I've felt a great reduction of my mental sides. Possibly my first upswing? No more suicidal thoughts, no more depression, no more anhedonia. I can actually listen to music again and enjoy it, which I haven't been able to do since my crash. Feels good.

Sexually I didn't see any improvement until today, when I got an unstimulated erection for the first time in almost two months! That's what prompted me to write this post lol. So not totally impotent anymore.

I plan to cycle the herbs and eat paleo for a couple of weeks before starting the exercise regimen. Other than that (and sunning my boys), I'm doing all of the protocol and getting used to it. Definitely in it for the long run.

10-21-2018, 12:50 PM
Update time.

I ended up finishing the feast after a week. Wanted to go for longer but I had some stuff going on which prevented that from happening. Refed for a couple of days and have just started the paleo diet. I also got some more herbs, am up to a 14 day cycle now.

Ever since refeeding I've felt a great reduction of my mental sides. Possibly my first upswing? No more suicidal thoughts, no more depression, no more anhedonia. I can actually listen to music again and enjoy it, which I haven't been able to do since my crash. Feels good.

Sexually I didn't see any improvement until today, when I got an unstimulated erection for the first time in almost two months! That's what prompted me to write this post lol. So not totally impotent anymore.

I plan to cycle the herbs and eat paleo for a couple of weeks before starting the exercise regimen. Other than that (and sunning my boys), I'm doing all of the protocol and getting used to it. Definitely in it for the long run.

yeah your benefits match my fast/feast as well. god send for mental sides. think majority of mental sides went away from fasting. they used to recommend it for psychiatric things. probably cleans the brain up of gunk

10-22-2018, 01:12 AM
yeah your benefits match my fast/feast as well. god send for mental sides. think majority of mental sides went away from fasting. they used to recommend it for psychiatric things. probably cleans the brain up of gunk

Sounds like I'm moving in the right direction then ;)

10-23-2018, 12:53 AM
Still feeling pretty awesome mentally. Also I have a little bit of libido again. Tried looking at porn just for a bit to see how it affected me, interestingly porn doesn't really do it for me like it did before pfs, but actual sex does. Am able to get it up from looking at "normal" pics of women and texting women, but porn does pretty much nothing. Weird stuff lol.

Don't wanna get too excited though so I don't feel too letdown if/when a downswing comes along.

10-23-2018, 11:45 AM
Still feeling pretty awesome mentally. Also I have a little bit of libido again. Tried looking at porn just for a bit to see how it affected me, interestingly porn doesn't really do it for me like it did before pfs, but actual sex does. Am able to get it up from looking at "normal" pics of women and texting women, but porn does pretty much nothing. Weird stuff lol.

Don't wanna get too excited though so I don't feel too letdown if/when a downswing comes along.

yeah i have this too. I think it has to do with dopamine receptors. sex is closer to normal than my response to porn. very weird. before I would get a boner at the thought that I was gunna watch porn now it has to be a really good scene lol

10-24-2018, 03:05 AM
yeah i have this too. I think it has to do with dopamine receptors. sex is closer to normal than my response to porn. very weird. before I would get a boner at the thought that I was gunna watch porn now it has to be a really good scene lol

Yea same, except that porn does almost nothing at all for me lol

10-24-2018, 03:21 AM
Quick question for anyone reading this:

I decided to try taking my herbs with coffee after not drinking coffee at all since this mess began. I drank just one cup of coffee right after taking my herbs (today it was Tribulus, along with Pine Pollen powder) and it gave me a really buzzing, almost a brain fog feeling. Does this mean I'm still sensitive to caffeine? Should I just take my herbs with water? Thanks.

10-24-2018, 11:36 AM
Quick question for anyone reading this:

I decided to try taking my herbs with coffee after not drinking coffee at all since this mess began. I drank just one cup of coffee right after taking my herbs (today it was Tribulus, along with Pine Pollen powder) and it gave me a really buzzing, almost a brain fog feeling. Does this mean I'm still sensitive to caffeine? Should I just take my herbs with water? Thanks.

Caffeine is horrible for anxiety, I stay away personally

10-24-2018, 01:45 PM
I definitely feel like my dopamine is somehow messed up as jacknap said, as when I try looking at porn I don't find it interesting at all. I am however able to get erections just by thinking about sex. Also when I orgasm, I feel the sensation in my dick but no pleasure in my brain. I get a weird pressure at the back of my head, almost like a dulled pleasure response. Interesting.

10-25-2018, 08:36 AM
I definitely feel like my dopamine is somehow messed up as jacknap said, as when I try looking at porn I don't find it interesting at all. I am however able to get erections just by thinking about sex. Also when I orgasm, I feel the sensation in my dick but no pleasure in my brain. I get a weird pressure at the back of my head, almost like a dulled pleasure response. Interesting.

yeah I had this chronically but now it comes and goes.

Master Mal
10-25-2018, 11:59 AM
yeah I had this chronically but now it comes and goes.

I assume you mean you've moved mostly beyond it now?

10-25-2018, 09:25 PM
I assume you mean you've moved mostly beyond it now?

mmm no I mostly still have it but I've had days where I haven't as well which is a good sign. Have been able to have a boner good enough for sex though except one night in march where I lost my boner but then was able to have some lacklustre sex after 30 minutes. Right now seems like I can go at least once a day. often twice if it's a new girl or particular hot one. So pretty similar to how I was pre-pfs just slightly blunted arousal and yeah porn doesn't always get me going like it used too.

10-27-2018, 03:53 AM
Been feeling really calm and happy the past couple of days. Libido's also been pretty decent, nowhere near normal though. Definite progress.

Despite this, I don't really feel like myself. It's like my personality is different, feel much less manly and aggressive. Hopefully an R-Andro run will help with this in the future.

10-28-2018, 04:41 AM
Seems like I’m hitting a bit of a downswing, feeling a bit stressed and depressed today... stupidly masturbated for the past three days in a row, which could have caused this. I just missed feeling sexual desire after not having it for almost two months. Gonna go on NoFap for now.

Oh well, nothing good was ever accomplished by wallowing in misery... gotta push forward

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10-29-2018, 01:35 AM
I know I’m spamming this thread a lot, but whatever...

Sleep was pretty bad last night, went to bed at 10pm after a freezing cold shower. Woke up at 3am and only had light and restless sleep until my alarm at 6.

Also today I had some coffee again with my herbs and reacted really well to it. No brain fog like last time, just increased energy.

Also having raging libido and hard ons everytime I’m talking to a girl im seeing or just seeing an attractive girl in general. Feeling very confident as well... I'll be honest, I've never been really confident around women, but I've had a few gfs... but I feel super calm and confident now... Not sure if it's the protocol effecting me so soon, or if this is the "rush of DHT" that some experience after quitting finasteride. Either way, feels great. What a rollercoaster this journey is but hey I’ll take it.

Gonna see how this journey progresses and update again in a week or two.

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10-30-2018, 05:25 PM
I know I’m spamming this thread a lot, but whatever...

Sleep was pretty bad last night, went to bed at 10pm after a freezing cold shower. Woke up at 3am and only had light and restless sleep until my alarm at 6.

Also today I had some coffee again with my herbs and reacted really well to it. No brain fog like last time, just increased energy.

Also having raging libido and hard ons everytime I’m talking to a girl im seeing or just seeing an attractive girl in general. Feeling very confident as well... I'll be honest, I've never been really confident around women, but I've had a few gfs... but I feel super calm and confident now... Not sure if it's the protocol effecting me so soon, or if this is the "rush of DHT" that some experience after quitting finasteride. Either way, feels great. What a rollercoaster this journey is but hey I’ll take it.

Gonna see how this journey progresses and update again in a week or two.

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You're not spamming it. It's your thread to do with as you like.

Get used to the up and down, because that's the name of the game my friend. Just stick to the program and stay the course.

11-01-2018, 02:19 AM
You're not spamming it. It's your thread to do with as you like.

Get used to the up and down, because that's the name of the game my friend. Just stick to the program and stay the course.

Will do.

11-01-2018, 02:24 AM
I'm hitting the gym six days a week and seem to be putting on muscle again, which is great. However since crashing my forearms, hands and wrists have suffered pretty bad muscle wastage. Also my grip strength has gotten really weak which sucks. Does anyone have tips how to deal with this? I've been doing exercises for my forearms and wrists, is this enough? Or is there more I can do?

Also, how do you fellas deal with downswings? When I'm seemingly in an upswing, I'm really optimistic about recovery and look at this as a self development journey rather than a recovery from pfs. But when I feel shitty, I start thinking about all the stuff I read on propecia help in the first weeks of my crash, like finasteride causing an epigenetic change or whatever the fuck. Stuff like that freaks the hell out of me and makes me think i won't recover.

Also I feel like pfs has changed my personality. I feel like a different person, not sure if its in a good or a bad way. A bit of both, I guess. I'm way more calm now, and really don't care about what other people think about me. I'm a lot more confident around women, and new people in general. I take no shit from anyone. Before pfs I had social anxiety. All of this I feel is good. But on the bad side, a lot of things that used to interest me don't interest me at all anymore, like playing video games and spending time with some of my friends. It sucks because they've been my friends for years but i just don't feel like hanging with them because i feel like a different person.

I've already made the protocol my way of life, so I'm sticking to it regardless of how I feel... but still would like to hear other peoples opinion.

11-01-2018, 10:47 AM
I'm hitting the gym six days a week and seem to be putting on muscle again, which is great. However since crashing my forearms, hands and wrists have suffered pretty bad muscle wastage. Also my grip strength has gotten really weak which sucks. Does anyone have tips how to deal with this? I've been doing exercises for my forearms and wrists, is this enough? Or is there more I can do?

Also, how do you fellas deal with downswings? When I'm seemingly in an upswing, I'm really optimistic about recovery and look at this as a self development journey rather than a recovery from pfs. But when I feel shitty, I start thinking about all the stuff I read on propecia help in the first weeks of my crash, like finasteride causing an epigenetic change or whatever the fuck. Stuff like that freaks the hell out of me and makes me think i won't recover.

Also I feel like pfs has changed my personality. I feel like a different person, not sure if its in a good or a bad way. A bit of both, I guess. I'm way more calm now, and really don't care about what other people think about me. I'm a lot more confident around women, and new people in general. I take no shit from anyone. Before pfs I had social anxiety. All of this I feel is good. But on the bad side, a lot of things that used to interest me don't interest me at all anymore, like playing video games and spending time with some of my friends. It sucks because they've been my friends for years but i just don't feel like hanging with them because i feel like a different person.

I've already made the protocol my way of life, so I'm sticking to it regardless of how I feel... but still would like to hear other peoples opinion.

It's absurd to listen to random theories from emotional people. People talking about epigenetic changes, autoimmune disease, blah blah blah..... half of them still have no problem using steroids, AIs, abortion pills though. There were a few people whose stories I followed because they made youtube videos. Well, they both bitched and moaned for a couple years, saying how hopeless it all was, etc etc... but both ended up recovering. Neither of them came back on to add any positivity though....THAT'S why PH is so toxic and deserves no attention.

5-htp helps with occasional depression too :p

11-02-2018, 01:54 AM
It's absurd to listen to random theories from emotional people. People talking about epigenetic changes, autoimmune disease, blah blah blah..... half of them still have no problem using steroids, AIs, abortion pills though. There were a few people whose stories I followed because they made youtube videos. Well, they both bitched and moaned for a couple years, saying how hopeless it all was, etc etc... but both ended up recovering. Neither of them came back on to add any positivity though....THAT'S why PH is so toxic and deserves no attention.

5-htp helps with occasional depression too :p

Thanks man, I might give the 5-htp a go. Thankfully I don’t get the horrible pfs depression that I used to, but I do feel pretty hopeless on downswings.... just gotta ride it out lol

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11-02-2018, 01:56 AM
Ran out of pine pollen powder already, and can’t get any more for a few weeks at least. Sucks because i feel like it was a major contributor to the return of my libido. It was like I was going through a second puberty, lol.

Since stopping the powder my libido has gone back down quite a bit. Not sure if its the powder or just a downswing, or both.

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11-02-2018, 07:16 PM
Thanks man, I might give the 5-htp a go. Thankfully I don’t get the horrible pfs depression that I used to, but I do feel pretty hopeless on downswings.... just gotta ride it out lol

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5-htp lower libido. wouldn't touch it in pfs personally. It raises seratonin like anti-depressants do (SSRI ones) and serotonin lowers libido.

11-03-2018, 05:03 AM
5-htp lower libido. wouldn't touch it in pfs personally. It raises seratonin like anti-depressants do (SSRI ones) and serotonin lowers libido.

dang that sucks, I actually had some left over as i sometimes took it before pfs

11-03-2018, 10:02 AM
dang that sucks, I actually had some left over as i sometimes took it before pfs

OCCASIONAL use. The beauty about 5-htp is it works right away and it doesn't last long. If your libido is already shit when you take it then who really cares anyway. That being said, it hasn't caused any problems for me personally....... Your choice though

11-03-2018, 05:02 PM
OCCASIONAL use. The beauty about 5-htp is it works right away and it doesn't last long. If your libido is already shit when you take it then who really cares anyway. That being said, it hasn't caused any problems for me personally....... Your choice though

never tried it personally but i used st johns wort in 2015 before i crashed and it dampened my libido big time.

I had a really high libido but it was easily lowered with too much porn, alcohol, kratom, or anything that boosts serotonin. my body is just sensitive i guess

11-07-2018, 02:54 AM
Ever since I ran out of Pine Pollen I've been feeling like crap. A lot of my original symptoms I had post-crash have come back, like lack of energy, racing thoughts and dizziness. Also some pretty horrendous anxiety and a racing heartbeat. Ordered two megadose bags yesterday but gotta wait like a week before they get here. I'm doing a 24 hour water fast to hopefully calm myself down a bit. Also gonna take some time off the weights until I get some pine pollen again.

Looking back, I did hit my first "upswing" a couple of days after starting pine pollen for the first time. More libido, great energy etc. Also felt super calm.

The only other thing I did was take a really high dose of multivitamin for two days. No cheat meals, no alcohol, nothing. I read that megadosing vitamins could help with muscle wastage. I understand it was stupid to take things outside the protocol, but whats done is done. Is it even possible to crash from a multivitamin? Any thoughts guys?

11-07-2018, 10:15 AM
Ever since I ran out of Pine Pollen I've been feeling like crap. A lot of my original symptoms I had post-crash have come back, like lack of energy, racing thoughts and dizziness. Also some pretty horrendous anxiety and a racing heartbeat. Ordered two megadose bags yesterday but gotta wait like a week before they get here. I'm doing a 24 hour water fast to hopefully calm myself down a bit. Also gonna take some time off the weights until I get some pine pollen again.

Looking back, I did hit my first "upswing" a couple of days after starting pine pollen for the first time. More libido, great energy etc. Also felt super calm.

The only other thing I did was take a really high dose of multivitamin for two days. No cheat meals, no alcohol, nothing. I read that megadosing vitamins could help with muscle wastage. I understand it was stupid to take things outside the protocol, but whats done is done. Is it even possible to crash from a multivitamin? Any thoughts guys?

Ups and downs happen regardless, there's no way a multivitamin caused it. I doubt pine pollen would have that drastic an effect either. I do think that over-training, especially combined with poor sleep could trigger downswings though

11-07-2018, 10:28 AM
Ups and downs happen regardless, there's no way a multivitamin caused it. I doubt pine pollen would have that drastic an effect either. I do think that over-training, especially combined with poor sleep could trigger downswings though

Yea maybe I was overtraining... 6 days a week with weights along with 2x a week HIIT.

And if this is a downswing, it surely is a hellish one.. Feels more like a crash though. I was doing pretty decently on Monday, sitting in class when I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. Dizziness, racing heart, felt like I was going to faint. Had to go home and laid in bed for the rest of the day, was feeling super cold. Yesterday too. Was able to go to class today but still had the heart racing and physical anxiety. Was horrible. Hopefully this subsides in a couple of weeks at the most.

11-08-2018, 07:28 AM
So today has been a lot better. Looking back, the crash on Monday was probably caused by a combination of overtraining, stress and panicking.

In the days before my crash, I was constantly stressing over questions like: ”What if my 7-day juice feast wasn’t enough? Am I even gonna get benefits?”, ”Why is my libido going away?” also I was constantly checking myself if I could get hard. I feel like this combined with training 6x a week + 2x a week HIIT was what caused my panic attack/crash.

I feel like this is a wake up call that I need to try my best to just forget about PFS for a while, while continuing to live my life and doing the protocol.

Today I even felt almost 100% back to myself mentally after taking my herbs, which today was Cistanche. It lasted for only a while, but still nice to see that the old me is still there somewhere.. lol.

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11-08-2018, 07:33 AM
Also, depending on how my recovery’s going in a couple more months, I’ll probably do a longer juice feast in the future. I keep worrying that 7 days wasn’t enough. Seems like everyone else did at least 9-21 days.

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11-09-2018, 10:56 AM
I did seven days, if you’re worried about that piece, I wouldn’t be.

Don’t get me wrong. Won’t hurt to do it again at all, but I don’t think you’re going to be required to do it.

11-10-2018, 10:20 AM
I did seven days, if you’re worried about that piece, I wouldn’t be.

Don’t get me wrong. Won’t hurt to do it again at all, but I don’t think you’re going to be required to do it.

Cheers man, I'm just second guessing myself all the time. Thanks for the support.

11-10-2018, 10:23 AM
Can't wait till my pine pollen arrives, I felt great on it, more libido, good energy and felt more "manly" in general. Ever since I ran out I've had terrible fatigue and brain fog, no libido, just like before I tried the pine pollen. In fact within three days of taking it my energy levels went up, and the following week I felt really calm and had a pretty good libido. Actually felt like a functioning human being again, now I just feel like laying in bed all day lol. I do feel like I've hit some sort of a new baseline on the mental side, however. I feel a bit more like myself again, personality wise.

Sorry for venting fellas, I don't wanna sound too negative, just can't wait to get back on that good, good pine pollen lol

11-13-2018, 12:41 PM
Hey fellas, this is gonna sound really strange probably, but whatever. I suck at explaining things.

For the past week or so, ever since my panic attack/crash last Monday (still not sure which one it was), I’ve started experiencing some sort of derealization. Every time I think about something even remotely stressful, I start to feel REALLY anxious, spaced out, feeling like I’m going to pass out. I’m able to pull myself out of it by really focusing on my breath, being mindful, but as soon as my mind wanders again it happens once more. Probably my worst symptom right now, it happens pretty much daily! Feels like I literally can't think about ANYTHING without almost suffering a panic attack... Does anyone, especially CD, know what could help?

Interestingly I now also get a really spaced out feeling from cold showers as well, I no longer feel the endorphine rush i used to... probably a GABA or neurotransmitter issue?

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11-13-2018, 05:32 PM
Hey fellas, this is gonna sound really strange probably, but whatever. I suck at explaining things.

For the past week or so, ever since my panic attack/crash last Monday (still not sure which one it was), I’ve started experiencing some sort of derealization. Every time I think about something even remotely stressful, I start to feel REALLY anxious, spaced out, feeling like I’m going to pass out. I’m able to pull myself out of it by really focusing on my breath, being mindful, but as soon as my mind wanders again it happens once more. Probably my worst symptom right now, it happens pretty much daily! Feels like I literally can't think about ANYTHING without almost suffering a panic attack... Does anyone, especially CD, know what could help?

Interestingly I now also get a really spaced out feeling from cold showers as well, I no longer feel the endorphine rush i used to... probably a GABA or neurotransmitter issue?

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Read this !!
How I Cured My Anxiety, Depersonalization, and Intrusive Thoughts | HealDove (https://healdove.com/mental-health/anxiolytics)

I've suffered derealization since I was a teen. The things I would add to this article are to stay FAR away from weed and psychadelics, avoid fluorescent lighting, and try high doses of NAC. There are meds that have helped, but we all know the problems with pharmas.

11-14-2018, 02:34 AM
Read this !!
How I Cured My Anxiety, Depersonalization, and Intrusive Thoughts | HealDove (https://healdove.com/mental-health/anxiolytics)

I've suffered derealization since I was a teen. The things I would add to this article are to stay FAR away from weed and psychadelics, avoid fluorescent lighting, and try high doses of NAC. There are meds that have helped, but we all know the problems with pharmas.

Cheers man, appreciate the help.

My pine pollen arrived today, hopefully it helps like it did last time. I'm also planning on doing another juice feast soon... I feel like I'm just holding myself back by only doing a 7 day one before (more like 6 1/2 days, as I ended it on the seventh day). Shooting for at least 14 days. Gonna give it my all this time.

11-14-2018, 04:43 PM
Read this !!
How I Cured My Anxiety, Depersonalization, and Intrusive Thoughts | HealDove (https://healdove.com/mental-health/anxiolytics)

I've suffered derealization since I was a teen. The things I would add to this article are to stay FAR away from weed and psychadelics, avoid fluorescent lighting, and try high doses of NAC. There are meds that have helped, but we all know the problems with pharmas.

how much NAC we talking? probably to risky but imo shrooms help more than cause depression. they're studying it rn as a potent one time depression cure.