View Full Version : Do you friends and family know about your pfs?

12-07-2018, 10:36 AM
I'm finding it very hard to stop drinking with friends cause its hard to explain to them why I need to.
Should I tell them? Maybe it would help

12-07-2018, 07:33 PM
you need to become more of an individual than a pack thinker. They might understand, they might not. I've always been more of a loner than a team player though so not sure.

Master Mal
12-07-2018, 07:45 PM
My ex-girlfriend did. My family did. Some of my closest friends did because I knew they would understand.

For those who wouldn't understand or I just wanted to feel more normal around, I just told them I was recovering from a "Thyroid thing" or "Blood tests came in a bit off, Doc said I should lay off alcohol for a few months." Worked pretty well for the most part, unless they were douchebags.

12-08-2018, 06:16 AM
Make new friends. Not joking, you have to align your life so most of your daily actions are health promoting. I donīt say stop being friends with them, I would just not engage with them for activities that support your health goals or, at least, are not totally against them. For me this meant not only stop drinking but also going out until late at night (circadian rythms is a must, IMO) or basically wasting my time, fucking around doing nothing when I could be learning how to heal.

I remained friends with them, just that I met with them less often. My parents and brother know about it, yeah. Most of my friends donīt. I have just very recently told to a few of them, but not just to warn them not to do the stupidity of taking finas. When I was worse I didnīt tell them, I didnīt feel like it would help in any way, I donīt know... I just said: "I feel horrible when I drink, so I wonīt". And similar way with other things... It is just a bit hard to withstand the social pressure in the begining, after a while... you donīt give a fuck. Take care man, we got this

12-08-2018, 12:42 PM
yeah for sure. it's very hard to do the opposite of a group. you can easily make new friends that are more self conscious and it makes doing the protocol much easier too. we need companionship so we can't do it all alone sometimes. if that's you check out some health classes in your city / facebook groups / and hell even this forum

12-16-2018, 04:52 AM
Make new friends. Not joking, you have to align your life so most of your daily actions are health promoting. I donīt say stop being friends with them, I would just not engage with them for activities that support your health goals or, at least, are not totally against them. For me this meant not only stop drinking but also going out until late at night (circadian rythms is a must, IMO) or basically wasting my time, fucking around doing nothing when I could be learning how to heal.

I remained friends with them, just that I met with them less often. My parents and brother know about it, yeah. Most of my friends donīt. I have just very recently told to a few of them, but not just to warn them not to do the stupidity of taking finas. When I was worse I didnīt tell them, I didnīt feel like it would help in any way, I donīt know... I just said: "I feel horrible when I drink, so I wonīt". And similar way with other things... It is just a bit hard to withstand the social pressure in the begining, after a while... you donīt give a fuck. Take care man, we got this

Maybe I should make new friends but dude I'm in Dublin Ireland Hahah. We all drink.
And I go to boxing and martial arts classes but still I have no idea where to make friends that don't drink.
Because there are some in our friend group that don't drink very much but they pretty much stay at home when they don't want to drink. So I guess that's my option too. Just stay home. It's fine for a week or two but I get lonely man haha

12-16-2018, 09:31 AM
Showed my friends studies that alcohol reduces testosterone and HGH, and that I ain't bout that life

12-17-2018, 07:55 PM
only a couple best friends who've been thru crazy things too, but they don't really get it. and we are 2800 and like 6000km away. but it was good. Plus i had to bc i told one of them and they saw me in a video call in a horrible state, so waited till way way better than called them they taught me a lot about crypto (their career now). it was good, bc externally could see benefits/gains were real, bc your best friends won't lie to you. More honest than fam. And randoms? screw it... I tell them nothing or everything about nothing, cannot be pigeonholed. It's just some very bad stuff that happened to a person, not that person.

I had pssd, all my friends at the time were more or less not great people. I literally left the country, then relocated on the opposite coast... and that helped me quit drinking the first time. I was like 21. Cutting off useless friends --- it's a business, if they're a liability, you don't need them. It's a blessing. I surely didn't see it that way and was really sad then, but grew up in later years (thankfully).

Most my fitness friends outside of hooking up don't drink either now. Maybe ev1 goes thru stages where after mid 20s or late 20s they don't need it anymore. not ev1 obviously. It was hard leaving newly found (or recent years) friendships, but had to for a time to get better. Still contact the best ones, but really everyone's on their own for the most important things in life (in a way).

12-20-2018, 11:14 PM
"you aint a man till you stop chasing your friends my nikka"

- jcole