View Full Version : Something to Consider to Expedite Recovery

12-31-2018, 07:23 PM
Hey guys, I'm still on CDSnuts protocol just like you all, but something has come up in my mind regardless of how many of you may take it.

Here are some objective points about all of us in regards to this condition:
- there is no scientific data on this disease.
- we cannot prove that someone is 100% cured. I am not saying people aren't cured, because theres dozens of stories of people going back to their lives and putting this in the past, but how do we know something sinister isn't still going on at a molecular level?
- some people take FOREVER, and expediting this process is not negative.


We may not like some of the guys at propeciahelp, but I can't help but not agree that at this point, we should get more scientific in order to refine this healing process. Maybe many of us won't need it, but it will definitely help many more. We have to think like a team that works together. Even if you are healing up, you have to help your fallen comrades. Leave no one behind.

The boys at PH are doing a genetic test, and it would really help if we can all pitch in data points by ordering a 23&me test.

Please consider it, we all have to mobilize together to beat this more efficiently, because without a doubt it would help some of the slow healers.

01-01-2019, 08:31 AM
Yes I've registered there and done the same. This might well help us work towards identifying a cure/effective treatments.

If anyone is able please do, it could be of great help.

01-01-2019, 09:46 AM
I will eventually do one of these for another reason but will report any info to PH. I don't hate anyone there, you can't blame someone for being skeptical after what most of them have been through. It's the negative environment I can't deal with. I actually got the "is CD a fraud" thread locked by the admin after I suggested they clean up the site a bit, LOL

I think donations are a good idea too. Doubt it'll go anywhere but hell, we spend thousands on protocol and non-protocol stuff (we all do it)... why not throw a few bucks to science?