View Full Version : Worst Things To Do In Recovery

01-06-2019, 05:41 PM
So we all know what works (the protocol) ..but you guys want to chime in on the things you should avoid in recovery? Things that for sure set you back & rob you from any potential results.

1. Taking any 5ARi like Fin, Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root, Fenugreek etc.
2. Alcohol/Drugs
3. Toxic Pharms
4. Gluten
- fill any blanks

it should help cause at times people think that if they are not super perfect, they are going backwards. So i and I’m sure others would appreciate more clarity on what you should REALLY avoid. I still deal with this obsessive perfectionist thought loop.

Unless this is pretty much it.

Thanks motherfuckers

01-06-2019, 06:02 PM
5) Masturbating out of frustration
6) Comparing yourself to healthy individuals

01-06-2019, 11:27 PM
I gotta disagree that pharmas can't ever be helpful. If a sleeping pill is going to make the difference between 5 or 9 hours of quality sleep and/or avoiding a panic attack then I think the pros outweigh the cons there.

I would add: going on PH or youtube
stress and being overly obsessive ;)

01-07-2019, 12:06 AM
You still getting panic attacks? I thought that was something you get in those early nasty stages.

I’m thinking about getting a pharm for my skin fungus, the discoloration is all over. It’s not in the category of a nasty rash or something, just think of lighter patches all over. Skin quality is great and soft, but I need my pigmentation to normalize. These little blotches of lighter skin all over my arms has me kind of self conscious.

Anti fungal topical & oral meds won’t give me any issues? Might make an appointment with a dermatologist for a quick patch up in this regard.

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01-07-2019, 04:19 AM
5) Masturbating out of frustration
6) Comparing yourself to healthy individuals

These, definitely. They only get you down and aren't helpful.

I'd definitely not stay off PH, there's some great advice there and lots of things to avoid noted. But it's not the place to arrive at in a panic, you'll likely just read the circular horror stories and bring yourself deeper into dark places. There are positive folks there though who really do try and help. It's probably fair to say they haven't got the approach we've got though.

I'd say avoid everything at the start except a multivitamin maybe, and just get here and on the protocol with all the faith in it you can. Hard to ensure people do though; PFS doesn't even get recognition let alone a manual - dread to think of how many poor, desperate souls stare at their limp selves in the mirror and make things worse on some weird chemical protocol in those awful early weeks.

01-07-2019, 02:24 PM
too many orgasms even through sex is a no no for me.

i've been edging for two weeks and my libido is very close to pre pfs when I do this. the prolactin' dopamine surge even through sex can be done when done too much for me.

01-11-2019, 05:10 AM
too many orgasms even through sex is a no no for me.

i've been edging for two weeks and my libido is very close to pre pfs when I do this. the prolactin' dopamine surge even through sex can be done when done too much for me.

Have you noticed a difference in ejac control during sex regards to the edging?

01-11-2019, 11:01 AM
Have you noticed a difference in ejac control during sex regards to the edging?

sorry don't think I understand your question?

It gets a bit more difficult because it just gets more and more sensitive so I can't pound hard for super long. I have to go slower tempo.

01-13-2019, 09:18 AM
too many orgasms even through sex is a no no for me.

i've been edging for two weeks and my libido is very close to pre pfs when I do this. the prolactin' dopamine surge even through sex can be done when done too much for me.

That's the case with me too, when I get wet dreams I always get some steps back, it makes me mad really. I don't masturbate and avoid some foods and supplemets that makes me get wet dreams.

Nuts and peanuts, ginger, cinnamon, coffee, omega 3, too much exercises. All of them will make me get a wet dream the next day or two days later so I avoid at all cost. I don't even edge because even pre-cum makes me a little bit worse.

I guess we're in this situation because we didn't do a break of herbs. Our estrogen may be high and prolactin (if I'm not mistaken) follows E, so every little orgasm that we have we get worse T:E ratio. But as soon as our E and Prolactin decrease we will be able to have orgasm without setting us back. I remember once I was 50, 70% recovered I noticed that I could have sex and orgasm everyday, the problem started when I got addicted to sex or masturbation, I got back to square one.

Are you supplementing with zinc and b6? Maybe they can help lower E and prolactin and then the set back will be lesser.

Edit: Just wanted to add that when my E and Prolactin are good or not so elevated, my herbs work way better, like 1 pill acts like 2 or 3 times stronger and I get a huge improvement. I also noticed that when I was taking clomid and tamoxifen a long time ago. That seems how things worse to reverse our symptoms, there is one guy called apr1989 that noticed the same thing, he is recovered but he is on PH, that forum is such a big bureaucracy that you need to login to search his thread and read it.

Edit 2: That's why I created a topic here about stopping the herbs cycle for at least 2 weeks and then do the water fast for 24h or even 15h then take the herb with empty stomach and go for a running or hiit to see if you guys get better reaction. Would be cool to see others trying. I'm not sure if its the water fast that makes me get better reaction or hiit training with the herb on my empty stomach.

Edit 3: I just saw one guy on reddit saying that zinc piclonate is good to avoid to decrease the post orgasm mini crash, and magnesium citrate too and specially taking b6 200mg or more right after an orgasm or just before. He said that it can reduce that crash in 80% but I'm not sure, never tried. If you have b6 you could try and tell us what you noticed.

Edit 4: I also think we should create a thread called Best things to do in recovery.

01-13-2019, 07:41 PM
That's the case with me too, when I get wet dreams I always get some steps back, it makes me mad really. I don't masturbate and avoid some foods and supplemets that makes me get wet dreams.

Nuts and peanuts, ginger, cinnamon, coffee, omega 3, too much exercises. All of them will make me get a wet dream the next day or two days later so I avoid at all cost. I don't even edge because even pre-cum makes me a little bit worse.

I guess we're in this situation because we didn't do a break of herbs. Our estrogen may be high and prolactin (if I'm not mistaken) follows E, so every little orgasm that we have we get worse T:E ratio. But as soon as our E and Prolactin decrease we will be able to have orgasm without setting us back. I remember once I was 50, 70% recovered I noticed that I could have sex and orgasm everyday, the problem started when I got addicted to sex or masturbation, I got back to square one.

Are you supplementing with zinc and b6? Maybe they can help lower E and prolactin and then the set back will be lesser.

Edit: Just wanted to add that when my E and Prolactin are good or not so elevated, my herbs work way better, like 1 pill acts like 2 or 3 times stronger and I get a huge improvement. I also noticed that when I was taking clomid and tamoxifen a long time ago. That seems how things worse to reverse our symptoms, there is one guy called apr1989 that noticed the same thing, he is recovered but he is on PH, that forum is such a big bureaucracy that you need to login to search his thread and read it.

Edit 2: That's why I created a topic here about stopping the herbs cycle for at least 2 weeks and then do the water fast for 24h or even 15h then take the herb with empty stomach and go for a running or hiit to see if you guys get better reaction. Would be cool to see others trying. I'm not sure if its the water fast that makes me get better reaction or hiit training with the herb on my empty stomach.

Edit 3: I just saw one guy on reddit saying that zinc piclonate is good to avoid to decrease the post orgasm mini crash, and magnesium citrate too and specially taking b6 200mg or more right after an orgasm or just before. He said that it can reduce that crash in 80% but I'm not sure, never tried. If you have b6 you could try and tell us what you noticed.

Edit 4: I also think we should create a thread called Best things to do in recovery.

the guys in hackstasis i think say dont play around with zinc unless u know what you're doing. I tried b6 and vitamin e and didn't notice anything from it so not using now. (used them both for 90 days)

01-14-2019, 05:54 AM
the guys in hackstasis i think say dont play around with zinc unless u know what you're doing. I tried b6 and vitamin e and didn't notice anything from it so not using now. (used them both for 90 days)

What I’m reading here is that you should take like 200 or 300mg before or right after getting an orgasm. Same thing with zinc, but I’m reading more people saying that about b6. How much mg did you take?

I saw on nofap forums, they were saying is good to avoid flatline and to eliminate or reduce the crash after orgasm.

01-14-2019, 06:40 PM
What I’m reading here is that you should take like 200 or 300mg before or right after getting an orgasm. Same thing with zinc, but I’m reading more people saying that about b6. How much mg did you take?

I saw on nofap forums, they were saying is good to avoid flatline and to eliminate or reduce the crash after orgasm.

b6 apparently taken too often and at high doses causes nerve damage. be careful

01-14-2019, 07:02 PM
b6 apparently taken too often and at high doses causes nerve damage. be careful

Yeah I saw that. How much were you taking? Were you taking everyday? If you still have b6 try to do this, take only if you get a wet dream/orgasm

What I saw is 200mg right after orgasm to avoid a crash. I think I should create a thread about best things to recover.

01-15-2019, 05:14 AM
sorry don't think I understand your question?

It gets a bit more difficult because it just gets more and more sensitive so I can't pound hard for super long. I have to go slower tempo.

Meaning that when people practice edging, they say it allows them to control their point of orgasm better during sex. Have you notice this carry over?

01-15-2019, 08:51 PM
Meaning that when people practice edging, they say it allows them to control their point of orgasm better during sex. Have you notice this carry over?

yeah i've played with edging since I was 22. Just the consciousness of doing it made me improve and more in touch with my body for it.

01-15-2019, 09:53 PM
yeah i've played with edging since I was 22. Just the consciousness of doing it made me improve and more in touch with my body for it.

For myself, If I get too close to the point of no return, I stop all movement for a minute or two. I basically practice edging during sex with my partner. They usually love it. After I let the second point of return die down, I'm usually good to go for a nice stretch, usually enough to make them cum. I always try and make sure they get off first before I finish.

01-16-2019, 12:09 AM
CD is such a nice guy, letting them get off first..

PFS has made me so jaded in that department that me getting them off first or in general isn’t my concern, This thing completely changed how I interact with women. I literally do not care.

if it happens for you girl, great. Win win..If not, whatevs, imma go take herbs now, bye, sorry you weren’t quick enough.

No remorse out here.

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01-16-2019, 10:20 AM
CD is such a nice guy, letting them get off first..

PFS has made me so jaded in that department that me getting them off first or in general isn’t my concern, This thing completely changed how I interact with women. I literally do not care.

if it happens for you girl, great. Win win..If not, whatevs, imma go take herbs now, bye, sorry you weren’t quick enough.

No remorse out here.

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I feel you on this one brother.

With pfs women become very much a take it or leave it thing for me personally...and it drives them up the fucking wall lol
You become the complete opposite of needy in a strange way.

Physically you've never looked better and mentally you've never wanted a woman less...sure fire way to get them all obsessed with you lol

01-16-2019, 01:02 PM
I feel you on this one brother.

With pfs women become very much a take it or leave it thing for me personally...and it drives them up the fucking wall lol
You become the complete opposite of needy in a strange way.

Physically you've never looked better and mentally you've never wanted a woman less...sure fire way to get them all obsessed with you lol

On Saturday I had to catch myself cause I was getting real cuddly with the girl. I had to step back into my masculine frame. It’s why I hate spending the night with them or too much non sexual time with them, I get in that mode.

I’m recovering, so it’s 24/7 savage season, can’t afford to be putting my emotions out there with women. Straight heartless and emotionless.

& yes I get more attention now cause of this attitude.

Pfs aside,
I totally get how this attitude rubs off people. One would think I’m bitter from experience.. I always get “ damn who hurt you man”..
the truth is that women in these times
+ social media ; especially in big cities are totally different..they move like us..Of course there are good girls out there, but for the most part it’s every man for themselves.. you get in your feelings, you lose. I hate when much older guys, especially ones who haven’t been in the game since the 90s & 80s try to tell me otherwise. Things were different then than now...women are just as much of dogs as we are today . No ones complaining, it’s just what it is,

I’m not bitter, it’s just the reality of how things are today.. I see what I see with my friends & women in my own family.. I know what it is,,so I move accordingly. In the process do I lose some great girls, yeah.. but I have bigger fish to fry.

So whose sucking my dong next... LINE EM UP all 2019

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01-16-2019, 02:07 PM
On Saturday I had to catch myself cause I was getting real cuddly with the girl. I had to step back into my masculine frame. It’s why I hate spending the night with them or too much non sexual time with them, I get in that mode.

I’m recovering, so it’s 24/7 savage season, can’t afford to be putting my emotions out there with women. Straight heartless and emotionless.

& yes I get more attention now cause of this attitude.

Pfs aside,
I totally get how this attitude rubs off people. One would think I’m bitter from experience.. I always get “ damn who hurt you man”..
the truth is that women in these times
+ social media ; especially in big cities are totally different..they move like us..Of course there are good girls out there, but for the most part it’s every man for themselves.. you get in your feelings, you lose. I hate when much older guys, especially ones who haven’t been in the game since the 90s & 80s try to tell me otherwise. Things were different then than now...women are just as much of dogs as we are today . No ones complaining, it’s just what it is,

I’m not bitter, it’s just the reality of how things are today.. I see what I see with my friends & women in my own family.. I know what it is,,so I move accordingly. In the process do I lose some great girls, yeah.. but I have bigger fish to fry.

So whose sucking my dong next... LINE EM UP all 2019

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I think you had to high expectations for women so now you have too low expectations. The good ones though are worth the bullshit, you just gotta find them. It'll all even out though eventually if you're interacting with enough.

01-16-2019, 02:31 PM
Ricky PFS kills: 2
Jacknaps PFS kills: 2416378393727299

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01-16-2019, 08:05 PM
I think you had to high expectations for women so now you have too low expectations. The good ones though are worth the bullshit, you just gotta find them. It'll all even out though eventually if you're interacting with enough.


But all of you have valid points. Out look and thoughts on women change as you age, not just age, but when your situation in life changes or is in flux. These things for the most part will dictate what it is you want out of your interaction with women. It's different for everyone.

Rick....I've been with all kinds. Not near as many as our resident player, Jacknap, but a good sample size...lol. Me making them cum first has nothing to do with niceness, It's actually selfish on my part, which works out well for them. I personally get off more when I get them whipped up into a froth of bliss. It's a huge part of sex for me. I'll either go down or use my fingers, whatever....Once they cum from non-intercourse play, when you do fuck them, they basically become handicapped with orgasm. It's clear that they have way better orgasms then us, without a doubt. I love it. Especially if it's a strong willed woman in a position of power in her professional life. I love getting them to the point where they become completely submissive. Major turn on for me. The stronger the woman, the better.

The other side effect of making them finish first is they always come back for more. I don't care what some girls say...yeah, they may enjoy sex, but when the dude finishes first and then just stops, it bums them out. They wanna finish, period. Every once in awhile you'll get the chick that takes forever, which can be annoying. If it's more then a one night stand, with time you can learn them and finish them off quicker!

On a side note, the one thing that I've been thinking about alot lately is this situation I'm in now. I know I'm not going the traditional married, kids, white picket fence deal. But I'm concerned that after practicing pick up for awhile, and getting women becomes easier and easier, settling down seems farther and farther away. Like when is enough enough? For example, alot of my buddies who weren't good with women settled down with their first or second real girl friend. The main reason is because they weren't great with women, so the first one they got into a relationship with, that was it. I'm in the opposite situation. You get into a headspace that there's going to be a better one out there....so you keep looking, fucking, etc. I think this is the negative side of pick up that isn't discussed.

Jacknap, you get where I'm coming from?

01-16-2019, 08:29 PM
On Saturday I had to catch myself cause I was getting real cuddly with the girl. I had to step back into my masculine frame. It’s why I hate spending the night with them or too much non sexual time with them, I get in that mode.

I’m recovering, so it’s 24/7 savage season, can’t afford to be putting my emotions out there with women. Straight heartless and emotionless.

& yes I get more attention now cause of this attitude.

Pfs aside,
I totally get how this attitude rubs off people. One would think I’m bitter from experience.. I always get “ damn who hurt you man”..
the truth is that women in these times
+ social media ; especially in big cities are totally different..they move like us..Of course there are good girls out there, but for the most part it’s every man for themselves.. you get in your feelings, you lose. I hate when much older guys, especially ones who haven’t been in the game since the 90s & 80s try to tell me otherwise. Things were different then than now...women are just as much of dogs as we are today . No ones complaining, it’s just what it is,

I’m not bitter, it’s just the reality of how things are today.. I see what I see with my friends & women in my own family.. I know what it is,,so I move accordingly. In the process do I lose some great girls, yeah.. but I have bigger fish to fry.

So whose sucking my dong next... LINE EM UP all 2019

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There is nothing wrong with cuddling brother. It's not non-masculine to do so. I enjoy it depending on the woman. It's touch...human contact. That in and of itself can be therapeutic. You can enjoy it without feeling any kind of way about it. If you were enjoying it, let yourself. It's not going to effect what you're doing here in the least bit.

Most guys notice the fucked up paradox of pfs. You give off the right energy by being apathetic, or not putting them on a pedestal and it draws them in like moths to a lamp. But then of course, with pfs, depending on your state, you can't do anything with them.

Why do you feel you can't share your emotions with them? Are you concerned about getting hurt? I used to be this way in my 20's. Now I roll a little different. It's tough to explain...I'm not quite an open book, because you have to keep a slight air of mystery to yourself, but I don't hold back when it comes to letting myself enjoy a woman. I just put it out there. There is something to be said for a dude who knows how to convey his emotions without coming across like a pussy. Most of them love my candor. It usually comes back ten fold and makes them drop their guard. I've also been with a handful of 20 somethings over the past year, and aside from their lack of knowledge about...well...most things, lol, when it comes down to it, the only major difference between them and women my own age (41) are their bodies. You just can't beat the bodies of women in the 20-27 year range. Superb.

I've never worried about them doing me dirty because that's just setting yourself up for a self fulfilling prophecy. I never think about it and I'm never jealous. I have no reason to be. I'm from the mindset that if they've found better then me in company and the sack, then go for it. I'm supremely confident when it comes to sex. This all ties back into making them cum first. I've found that if you're fucking them properly, you won't have to worry about them sucking your buddies dick. Then when you add the emotions in, you get their minds. Once you're in their head.....game over. It's easier to get into their heads when you have a little bit of skin in the game, emotion-wise. Not so much when you're playing the strong silent type.

This is one of my favorite self improvement topics.

How old are you again Rick?

01-16-2019, 11:13 PM
I’m 23 CD.

& I really don’t know how to answer your question on where my heads at. But it’s a damn good question.

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01-17-2019, 07:41 PM

But all of you have valid points. Out look and thoughts on women change as you age, not just age, but when your situation in life changes or is in flux. These things for the most part will dictate what it is you want out of your interaction with women. It's different for everyone.

Rick....I've been with all kinds. Not near as many as our resident player, Jacknap, but a good sample size...lol. Me making them cum first has nothing to do with niceness, It's actually selfish on my part, which works out well for them. I personally get off more when I get them whipped up into a froth of bliss. It's a huge part of sex for me. I'll either go down or use my fingers, whatever....Once they cum from non-intercourse play, when you do fuck them, they basically become handicapped with orgasm. It's clear that they have way better orgasms then us, without a doubt. I love it. Especially if it's a strong willed woman in a position of power in her professional life. I love getting them to the point where they become completely submissive. Major turn on for me. The stronger the woman, the better.

The other side effect of making them finish first is they always come back for more. I don't care what some girls say...yeah, they may enjoy sex, but when the dude finishes first and then just stops, it bums them out. They wanna finish, period. Every once in awhile you'll get the chick that takes forever, which can be annoying. If it's more then a one night stand, with time you can learn them and finish them off quicker!

On a side note, the one thing that I've been thinking about alot lately is this situation I'm in now. I know I'm not going the traditional married, kids, white picket fence deal. But I'm concerned that after practicing pick up for awhile, and getting women becomes easier and easier, settling down seems farther and farther away. Like when is enough enough? For example, alot of my buddies who weren't good with women settled down with their first or second real girl friend. The main reason is because they weren't great with women, so the first one they got into a relationship with, that was it. I'm in the opposite situation. You get into a headspace that there's going to be a better one out there....so you keep looking, fucking, etc. I think this is the negative side of pick up that isn't discussed.

Jacknap, you get where I'm coming from?

Most men settle down due to the scarcity mindset unfortunately. Not saying that there aren’t guys who did their thing & then decided to settle down.... but it makes sense though, a man who is getting a variety of tail is gonna have a hard time even getting to the point that you are in even thinking about the issue.. he’d be too caught up in it I assume.

Usually guys like you & Jacknap never stop. even guys who started as early as my age. It’s just a better place to be for a man, the abundance.

Scarcity mindset is bad with anything..you tend to get needy if you have this mindset with girls.. been there more than I’m comfortable even saying. looking back it’s fucking embarrassing. I gotta redeem myself. I will redeem myself 10 fold. It’s gonna get ugly

Also why it’s important to master being alone.

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01-18-2019, 06:15 PM
Most men settle down due to the scarcity mindset unfortunately. Not saying that there aren’t guys who did their thing & then decided to settle down.... but it makes sense though, a man who is getting a variety of tail is gonna have a hard time even getting to the point that you are in even thinking about the issue.. he’d be too caught up in it I assume.

Usually guys like you & Jacknap never stop. even guys who started as early as my age. It’s just a better place to be for a man, the abundance.

Scarcity mindset is bad with anything..you tend to get needy if you have this mindset with girls.. been there more than I’m comfortable even saying. looking back it’s fucking embarrassing. I gotta redeem myself. I will redeem myself 10 fold. It’s gonna get ugly

Also why it’s important to master being alone.

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Fuck that. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Chalk it up to a life lesson....an important one. Every negative thing has within it a seed of positivity. You learned, you grew, and you know that isn't how you want to frame yourself. No need to look back. It's done, over. All we have is the present....right now....that's it.

You're a sharp 23 year old Rick....not like you don't know this.

I couldn't have said that better myself.....on all points.....EXACTLY!

It is absolutely amazing what can happen when you harness the power of your mind. Abundance, gratitude, openess....you literally create your own reality. Make it good....no...make it fucking awesome.

Guys need to be able to enjoy their own company, If they don't, and can't stand being alone, then what makes you think others are going to want to be in their presence?

You have the right attitude to do what ever you want in life. One of the stronger personalities to join our self improvement group. It's refreshing.

You're gonna kill this Rick. I'm telling you, when you're out the other side, you're going to feel fucking super human. Not even exaggerating. You'll see.....

This recovery is going to be one for the books!

The pics are a cool addition to your log, fyi.

01-20-2019, 02:21 PM
What are 2, maybe 3 fighting disciplines I should get into that will serve me right in a potential real life altercation?

Boxing, Wrestling, Muay Thai I was thinking can be utilized in a street fight best. Boxing being self explanatory, Muay Thai for elbows, knees, kicks.. & wrestling to take someone down..

I have a base of strength in the weightroom that I believe can be utilized in this area..

Trying to come out the other side as a straight killer.

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01-20-2019, 02:49 PM
What are 2, maybe 3 fighting disciplines I should get into that will serve me right in a potential real life altercation?

Boxing, Wrestling, Muay Thai I was thinking can be utilized in a street fight best. Boxing being self explanatory, Muay Thai for elbows, knees, kicks.. & wrestling to take someone down..

I have a base of strength in the weightroom that I believe can be utilized in this area..

Trying to come out the other side as a straight killer.

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Having done the following, I'd say MT and jujitsu. Boxing I've only vaguely dabbled in but, depending on the club, either standup will make you tough, and that (in a general sense) usually counts for the most. Jujitsu I'd say BJJ or Japanese, but probably not koryu/traditional Japanese for street fight applications. If the club competes it's fine I'd say.

01-21-2019, 07:36 AM
What are 2, maybe 3 fighting disciplines I should get into that will serve me right in a potential real life altercation?

Boxing, Wrestling, Muay Thai I was thinking can be utilized in a street fight best. Boxing being self explanatory, Muay Thai for elbows, knees, kicks.. & wrestling to take someone down..

I have a base of strength in the weightroom that I believe can be utilized in this area..

Trying to come out the other side as a straight killer.

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01-21-2019, 07:51 AM
Having done the following, I'd say MT and jujitsu. Boxing I've only vaguely dabbled in but, depending on the club, either standup will make you tough, and that (in a general sense) usually counts for the most. Jujitsu I'd say BJJ or Japanese, but probably not koryu/traditional Japanese for street fight applications. If the club competes it's fine I'd say.

Muay Thai and wrestling and/or bjj definitely. An experienced muay thai fighter will crush an experienced boxer, period. I've seen it, it's not even fair.

01-21-2019, 08:05 AM
Muay Thai and wrestling and/or bjj definitely. An experienced muay thai fighter will crush an experienced boxer, period. I've seen it, it's not even fair.

True. Most fights end up on the ground anyway. If not, it's easy to get it on the ground.

01-21-2019, 08:56 AM
Muay Thai and wrestling and/or bjj definitely. An experienced muay thai fighter will crush an experienced boxer, period. I've seen it, it's not even fair.

This was a real street fight? Lol.. who you hang out with man.

In the UFC though, agree with you when it comes to those guys.. we’re talking all things being elite though ..an elite wrestler will make a stand up guy submit (Khabib vs McGregor)

Jon Jones aside from being long & athletic is pretty good at wrestling & Muay Thai & he kicks everyone’s ass generally with ease.. boxing is actually his weakness.. the spinning elbows, knees, head kicks, shin kicks, oblique kicks, are just too much for guys.. it’s so unorthodox too, your fucking guys up from different angles.

I always thought boxing was a good starting point if you don’t know shit like me & fight out of fear. just to get basics down, punching correctly, getting the most out of it mechanically, slipping punches etc. then you venture out.

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01-21-2019, 01:06 PM
lol coming out of left field. more important than fighting, guys need to learn social skills. I've interacted with thousands of people and never had to get into a fight because I disarm people with my words XD and investing in your social skills will also help you with business, family, women. Unless you want to practice your ground and pound at work / family reunion jks XD

even the most proficient fighters would rather not get into a fight. even if you're elite level you still take some damage. had the priveledge to meet george st pierre. several times in montreal clubbing and he's the nicest guy and hates fighting but it's a necessary evil for his goals and his talent. Most importantly it's about laying aside your ego. It's when guys let their ego get their best of them and can't apologize / step down out of ego that I see two guys into the monkey dance into violence.

Just cost/benefit analysis of where I should put my time. I'm 28 now and I think the danger years of fights is done now. Most of the time it's when you're 18-25 that violence is a real possibility. Higher test/energy/ and less wisdom and that age bracket lends to violence. Read some stat that 80% of prisoners are in this age bracket for that fact too.

01-21-2019, 01:42 PM
lol coming out of left field. more important than fighting, guys need to learn social skills. I've interacted with thousands of people and never had to get into a fight because I disarm people with my words XD and investing in your social skills will also help you with business, family, women. Unless you want to practice your ground and pound at work / family reunion jks XD

even the most proficient fighters would rather not get into a fight. even if you're elite level you still take some damage. had the priveledge to meet george st pierre. several times in montreal clubbing and he's the nicest guy and hates fighting but it's a necessary evil for his goals and his talent. Most importantly it's about laying aside your ego. It's when guys let their ego get their best of them and can't apologize / step down out of ego that I see two guys into the monkey dance into violence.

Just cost/benefit analysis of where I should put my time. I'm 28 now and I think the danger years of fights is done now. Most of the time it's when you're 18-25 that violence is a real possibility. Higher test/energy/ and less wisdom and that age bracket lends to violence. Read some stat that 80% of prisoners are in this age bracket for that fact too.

Agree. I just want the skills though, I’d like to be a dangerous person if fucked with. Or at least feel somewhat confident in that situation rather than being scared out my ass regardless if I was the one kicking ass or getting my ass kicked.

No one wants to fight. Not like imma walk around being a dick now that I can roundhouse kick people.

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01-22-2019, 05:12 PM
lol coming out of left field. more important than fighting, guys need to learn social skills. I've interacted with thousands of people and never had to get into a fight because I disarm people with my words XD and investing in your social skills will also help you with business, family, women. Unless you want to practice your ground and pound at work / family reunion jks XD

even the most proficient fighters would rather not get into a fight. even if you're elite level you still take some damage. had the priveledge to meet george st pierre. several times in montreal clubbing and he's the nicest guy and hates fighting but it's a necessary evil for his goals and his talent. Most importantly it's about laying aside your ego. It's when guys let their ego get their best of them and can't apologize / step down out of ego that I see two guys into the monkey dance into violence.

Just cost/benefit analysis of where I should put my time. I'm 28 now and I think the danger years of fights is done now. Most of the time it's when you're 18-25 that violence is a real possibility. Higher test/energy/ and less wisdom and that age bracket lends to violence. Read some stat that 80% of prisoners are in this age bracket for that fact too.

Agree 100% on all points.