View Full Version : Being hormonally sensitive sucks

01-14-2019, 07:39 AM
How many of us here who have been affected by 5-AR inhibition are just hormonally sensitive all the way around now? Or were we to begin with and just didn't realize it?

Having battled serious shutdown over sustained periods of time by saw palmetto and fenugreek, I now notice that one wrong move with any chemical or compound can take me from one extreme to the other. I have, on many occasions, gone from a sustained period of hypersexuality, great training and pumps, to an overnight flip of the switch and I am literally dead inside.

Among the very strange things that I've noticed that have shut me off recently would be CBD oil. This has been hell. Although I recover from this more quickly than if I had saw palmetto or fenugreek, the shutdown is complete and severe. I mean literally nothing sexual to be felt. The hottest woman could be wanting me and I'm just absolutely not interested at all.

A pre-workout energy drink from GNC called Lit by Beyond Raw also seems to shut my sexual response off too. I don't know if it's the beta alanine in it, or something called "Neuro Factor" that's in it.

I cannot take ANY relaxation formulas without it shutting my sexuality off. I love the anti-anxiety effects of a supplement called Calm Thoughts, but something in it kills my sexual response. Is it the L-theanine? The GABA? St. John's Wort? Who the hell honestly knows.

Many things that others rave about how alpha it makes them feel, or the sexual benefits of it, often shuts me down.

I got a script for Nizoral 2% and guess what? Three days of use and I was dead inside again. And I wasn't even fearful, thinking it would not have systemic effects and that it would be all localized.

BUT, I can use Pura d'or shampoo, which has saw palmetto in it and some other anti androgens, and I am not effected. I can also use Nu Hair serum, which has saw palmetto and nettle, and I notice no ill effects.

Scary thing is, when I am in a state of shutdown, no prohormone or steroid hormone can reverse it. The body won't even react at all to tadalafil -- not even the side effects like a stuffy nose, when in shutdown.

This fragile condition has lots of ups and downs that can totally wreck your life. And anyone who tries to argue that PFS isn't a real thing, or is all in someone's head, is full of shit.

01-14-2019, 06:41 PM
How many of us here who have been affected by 5-AR inhibition are just hormonally sensitive all the way around now? Or were we to begin with and just didn't realize it?

Having battled serious shutdown over sustained periods of time by saw palmetto and fenugreek, I now notice that one wrong move with any chemical or compound can take me from one extreme to the other. I have, on many occasions, gone from a sustained period of hypersexuality, great training and pumps, to an overnight flip of the switch and I am literally dead inside.

Among the very strange things that I've noticed that have shut me off recently would be CBD oil. This has been hell. Although I recover from this more quickly than if I had saw palmetto or fenugreek, the shutdown is complete and severe. I mean literally nothing sexual to be felt. The hottest woman could be wanting me and I'm just absolutely not interested at all.

A pre-workout energy drink from GNC called Lit by Beyond Raw also seems to shut my sexual response off too. I don't know if it's the beta alanine in it, or something called "Neuro Factor" that's in it.

I cannot take ANY relaxation formulas without it shutting my sexuality off. I love the anti-anxiety effects of a supplement called Calm Thoughts, but something in it kills my sexual response. Is it the L-theanine? The GABA? St. John's Wort? Who the hell honestly knows.

Many things that others rave about how alpha it makes them feel, or the sexual benefits of it, often shuts me down.

I got a script for Nizoral 2% and guess what? Three days of use and I was dead inside again. And I wasn't even fearful, thinking it would not have systemic effects and that it would be all localized.

BUT, I can use Pura d'or shampoo, which has saw palmetto in it and some other anti androgens, and I am not effected. I can also use Nu Hair serum, which has saw palmetto and nettle, and I notice no ill effects.

Scary thing is, when I am in a state of shutdown, no prohormone or steroid hormone can reverse it. The body won't even react at all to tadalafil -- not even the side effects like a stuffy nose, when in shutdown.

This fragile condition has lots of ups and downs that can totally wreck your life. And anyone who tries to argue that PFS isn't a real thing, or is all in someone's head, is full of shit.

yeah I'm hormonal sensitive. before pfs when I used too much kratom or alcohol my libido would suffer. I also had porn induced ED

but at same time had an insane sex drive when everything was on point.

I used to use pura do'or and nizoral and didn't notice a difference. maybe a tad from nizoral

the gaba wouldn't lower your libido but st johns wart did for me. probably that. it's essentially a herbal SSRI.

01-15-2019, 05:24 AM
yeah I'm hormonal sensitive. before pfs when I used too much kratom or alcohol my libido would suffer. I also had porn induced ED

but at same time had an insane sex drive when everything was on point.

I used to use pura do'or and nizoral and didn't notice a difference. maybe a tad from nizoral

the gaba wouldn't lower your libido but st johns wart did for me. probably that. it's essentially a herbal SSRI.

I second the Saint Johns Wart.....

01-18-2019, 11:59 AM
Do you think you could still have some kind of mild lingering PFS? Or have you been living the general protocol since your initial shutdowns? Maybe you hopped off it too soon?

Thanks for sharing this. I think you've pretty much convinced me not to experiment with anything new even post-PFS.

01-18-2019, 06:29 PM
Do you think you could still have some kind of mild lingering PFS? Or have you been living the general protocol since your initial shutdowns? Maybe you hopped off it too soon?

Thanks for sharing this. I think you've pretty much convinced me not to experiment with anything new even post-PFS.

I was very apprehensive after this ordeal, but it just taught me to stay as natural as possible AND heavily research any new supplement.

10-10-2019, 06:13 PM
Going through this b.s now with 3 day use of Rogaine.

Shit pumps, Dulled mood, Dulled libido. Hopefully I bounce back. I’m still strong but it feels RETARTED when you have no pump.

I was gonna stay on herbs till next summer but it looks like i need to get on R Andro November 15, exactly 2 months after my last use to play catch up.. I was THERE. Smh. Felt warm all over, blood flowing everywhere. Felt so normal!

The mental side doesn’t feel so bad. It’s just the cold feeling. But we still grinding..

Sensitive af to anything that messes with Ar’s.. anythingggg

10-10-2019, 08:44 PM
Doesnt rogaine have DHT blockers in it? Isn’t that what you’re trying to avoid?
Just get the minidoxil from costco. Has the core ingredient you want, and none of the DHT blockers. I remember reading about that on a beard forum trying to fill in the patches in my facial hair now lol.. to not use Rogain for it because of that, which inhibits the growth you want on your face.

10-10-2019, 08:56 PM
Doesnt rogaine have DHT blockers in it? Isn’t that what you’re trying to avoid?
Just get the minidoxil from costco. Has the core ingredient you want, and none of the DHT blockers. I remember reading about that on a beard forum trying to fill in the patches in my facial hair now lol.. to not use Rogain for it because of that, which inhibits the growth you want on your face.

I had no idea tbh, Based on the mechanism of the product. I had this happen to me 3 months ago with Nizoral when trying to treat a fungus which is a well known 5AR blocker, but it’s very hit or miss with minoxodil in terms of it being 5AR. I search the web and guys saying yeah, some guys saying no, mixed studies etc.

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10-11-2019, 03:53 AM
People crash same on rogaine, niz, saw palmetto and fin. The body compositions are different, someone who crashes on Fin probably wouldnt crash on Saw and vice versa (let's say prior crashing). They are all risky tho.

The Goat
10-11-2019, 05:47 AM
Rogaine/Minoxidil is Nitric Oxide - if you use external nitric oxide your own production goes down. It is not just the anti-5AR effect.

If you quit then you lose even more hair since your own nitric oxide production is now lower.

Helen the guy on Hackstasis explained this and it makes sense.

If you are in PFS you need to avoid all that. Because in PFS you are already not in an optimal body chemistry. Even when you get out of it. I would at least give it 1 year stability to even think about trying that type of stuff. You are playing w/ fire in my opinion if you start this stuff too soon.

I won't touch any of that stuff with a 10 feet pole even after I get better. Rather be bald.

10-11-2019, 06:37 AM
Lesson learned... the hard way like always...I’m just facing the music now. Hiccups like this you just gotta stay on course.

Thanks guys.

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10-11-2019, 07:51 AM
There’s some evidence that minoxidil may inhibit 5AR to some degree.

Minoxidil may suppress androgen receptor-related functions (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4039155/)

This could explain why some people claim that minoxidil has caused them to re-crash or not recover, although I think that if someone has *never* crashed from fin, etc, it would be extremely unlikely for minoxidil to cause them to have an initial shutdown.

10-11-2019, 04:18 PM
Rogaine/Minoxidil is Nitric Oxide - if you use external nitric oxide your own production goes down. It is not just the anti-5AR effect.

If you quit then you lose even more hair since your own nitric oxide production is now lower.

Helen the guy on Hackstasis explained this and it makes sense.

If you are in PFS you need to avoid all that. Because in PFS you are already not in an optimal body chemistry. Even when you get out of it. I would at least give it 1 year stability to even think about trying that type of stuff. You are playing w/ fire in my opinion if you start this stuff too soon.

I won't touch any of that stuff with a 10 feet pole even after I get better. Rather be bald.

Yeah, although that may be true, and I’m not sold on the premise of down-regulating your own production of “nitric oxide.” Though I’m nowhere near an expert and know fractions of what i used to about any of this stuff since i have stayed off forums for years. I still think much with anything about your body, that down regulation, if true.. is nowhere near permanent. Your feedback loop will restart, just as it “shutoff.“

I had no idea tbh, Based on the mechanism of the product. I had this happen to me 3 months ago with Nizoral when trying to treat a fungus which is a well known 5AR blocker, but it’s very hit or miss with minoxodil in terms of it being 5AR. I search the web and guys saying yeah, some guys saying no, mixed studies etc.

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Eh, you live and learn. I guess in your guys case you gotta be extra careful. But as an outside perspective, not that i dont think this stuff isn’t real, it obviously is. I think over analyzing everything for any ways something could potentially “relapse” you also creates a placebo effect in some people. The mind is a powerful thing. When youre convinced something is going to bother you, it does. I think some of you guys just aren’t recovered, and/or your brain is itching to make you doubt yourself and think youre hurt again.

Like when i broke my dick. It took a year of shitty erections to heal.. and even once i thought i was i would have instances that made me doubt it and i would relapsed to so much worry and mental anguish it just wouldn’t work again when needed. I had to get passed the mental blocks. Which even now cause me doubt sometimes.