View Full Version : Please help !! I took too much R Andro, now I'm suppressed

03-30-2019, 02:53 AM
Does anyone have any advice on recovery from suppression from R andro? Whilst i had no issues on a 400mg cycle, I stupidly did my next cycle at 600mg which eventually made my balls shrink and libido and energy disappear. It's been a few weeks now how long will it take to get my HTPA back to normal? Am quite worried :( . At the moment I'm taking some herbal pct capsules and He Shou Wu. Probably going to buy some more herbs too.

Any advice or help would be much appreciated, thank you.

03-30-2019, 03:08 AM
Just do the protocol which includes the herbs. I had problems both times I tried R andro but bounced back.

03-30-2019, 11:58 AM
Does anyone have any advice on recovery from suppression from R andro? Whilst i had no issues on a 400mg cycle, I stupidly did my next cycle at 600mg which eventually made my balls shrink and libido and energy disappear. It's been a few weeks now how long will it take to get my HTPA back to normal? Am quite worried :( . At the moment I'm taking some herbal pct capsules and He Shou Wu. Probably going to buy some more herbs too.

Any advice or help would be much appreciated, thank you.

I have never heard anyone getting suppressed to the point of having ball shrinkage with R andro.

First: How long did you run the protocol before jumping into the hormones?

Second: I know it may be tough now, but STOP worrying. It's not permanent. You'll bounce back just fine as long as you do what is recommended here.

Third: What type of PCT capsules are you taking? Please share the brand and or ingredient profile. You're better off getting on at least a seven day herb rotation cycle. The whole program is basically one mega PCT.

03-30-2019, 08:12 PM
You guessed it. I didn't run the protocol properly hence my ending up in this situation. They are Olympus Labs Super Pct with a bunch of different herbs. I ordered them cause I was desperate and it wouldn't take as long to get to me as the Lost Empire Herbs stuff.

03-31-2019, 05:35 PM
You guessed it. I didn't run the protocol properly hence my ending up in this situation. They are Olympus Labs Super Pct with a bunch of different herbs. I ordered them cause I was desperate and it wouldn't take as long to get to me as the Lost Empire Herbs stuff.

Listen. I've been doing this for a long while. Do yourself a favor and follow the outlined program......to a T.

So that means ditch those propriety blend capsules because they're just going to make you tolerant to the herbs that are used in it by taking it everyday.

Follow the outline. You'll be fine. You have to give it time and be patient.

04-03-2019, 01:49 PM
Hi buddy - as CD says the herbs will bring you back I'm sure. They did for many of us and me personally after I also upped to 600mg for a time. Bloods confirmed it too, was a matter of weeks.