View Full Version : I'm an idiot.. looking for some reassurance.

09-26-2019, 08:03 AM
Hey guys

I was a Dutasteride/Avodart user in 2017 for 8 months on and off for hair loss. My last pill was in early July 2017 because I was freaking out on side effects. I had a rollercoaster recovery since then and initially had a few weeks where I was feeling fully recovered, then sides again, then started going a month or more feeling fully recovered about a year later. I did herb cycles - pine pollen, ashwagandha, pregnenolone, magnesium supps, aminos etc. throughout this period.

Morning wood was the elusive one though. I decided to get on Cialis, buying 20mg pills and cutting them into quarters to make it a daily dose. Been doing that on and off since April or so this year. It's great, really takes away any worries you get about boners but still no consistent morning wood.

Forward to last month, I was a huge massive idiot and decided I would try finasteride 1mg. HUGE REGRET. I ONLY CAME TO MY SENSES AGAIN AFTER 4 WEEKS. WHY THE HELL DID I PLAY WITH FIRE AGAIN?? I'M FEELING THAT SAME HORRIBLE REGRET I FELT FOR DUTASTERIDE. I'm throwing them in the trash where they belong.

So now here I am, my last pill was 3 days ago. Questions:

1) What should I do first? I've started taking pregnenolone again, still taking a quarter Cialis pill every day which is still working great despite the poison hair pills. Is DHEA a good idea? Your DHT receptors should be more sensitive after fin so I'm thinking to maximise DHT use creatine and DHEA right now?

2) If I got decent recovery from dutasteride (which by all accounts is much stronger and longer lasting then fin), I should be able to get recovery from finasteride right? Anyone else here who have done both I would love to hear your recovery

3) Is there any correlation to length of treatment and side effects? Is 1 month short enough for the fin to be out of my body fairly quickly? I want to start healing asap and put this behind me.


09-26-2019, 08:14 AM
Hey guys

I was a Dutasteride/Avodart user in 2017 for 8 months on and off for hair loss. My last pill was in early July 2017 because I was freaking out on side effects. I had a rollercoaster recovery since then and initially had a few weeks where I was feeling fully recovered, then sides again, then started going a month or more feeling fully recovered about a year later. I did herb cycles - pine pollen, ashwagandha, pregnenolone, magnesium supps, aminos etc. throughout this period.

Morning wood was the elusive one though. I decided to get on Cialis, buying 20mg pills and cutting them into quarters to make it a daily dose. Been doing that on and off since April or so this year. It's great, really takes away any worries you get about boners but still no consistent morning wood.

Forward to last month, I was a huge massive idiot and decided I would try finasteride 1mg. HUGE REGRET. I ONLY CAME TO MY SENSES AGAIN AFTER 4 WEEKS. WHY THE HELL DID I PLAY WITH FIRE AGAIN?? I'M FEELING THAT SAME HORRIBLE REGRET I FELT FOR DUTASTERIDE. I'm throwing them in the trash where they belong.

So now here I am, my last pill was 3 days ago. Questions:

1) What should I do first? I've started taking pregnenolone again, still taking a quarter Cialis pill every day which is still working great despite the poison hair pills. Is DHEA a good idea? Your DHT receptors should be more sensitive after fin so I'm thinking to maximise DHT use creatine and DHEA right now?

2) If I got decent recovery from dutasteride (which by all accounts is much stronger and longer lasting then fin), I should be able to get recovery from finasteride right? Anyone else here who have done both I would love to hear your recovery

3) Is there any correlation to length of treatment and side effects? Is 1 month short enough for the fin to be out of my body fairly quickly? I want to start healing asap and put this behind me.


First things first I think you need to relax. You’re not very far into this, you could still get better. Don’t stress yourself out over this. If you don’t start feeling better, you’ve found the right place. I’m no expert but I know stress is what you have to avoid. And don’t go reading horror stories, avoid that like the plague.

10-01-2019, 02:59 AM
First things first I think you need to relax. You’re not very far into this, you could still get better. Don’t stress yourself out over this. If you don’t start feeling better, you’ve found the right place. I’m no expert but I know stress is what you have to avoid. And don’t go reading horror stories, avoid that like the plague.

Hey, thanks. When I was recovering from the dutasteride it was periods of feeling crappy then feeling better again. I guess I jumped on the finasteride because I was going through a crappy time and thought if the dut has phuked me then I might aswell have hair. Man, I really regret going on the fin but I guess all I can do now is get on the routine.

I've already read plenty of horror stories so too late for that (that's actually how I found this forum anyway)

Please if anyone here has used both dutasteride and finasteride could you let me know how recovery is going? Finasteride can't be any worse than dutasteride can it?

Hulk Smash
10-01-2019, 04:21 AM
Hey guys

I was a Dutasteride/Avodart user in 2017 for 8 months on and off for hair loss. My last pill was in early July 2017 because I was freaking out on side effects. I had a rollercoaster recovery since then and initially had a few weeks where I was feeling fully recovered, then sides again, then started going a month or more feeling fully recovered about a year later. I did herb cycles - pine pollen, ashwagandha, pregnenolone, magnesium supps, aminos etc. throughout this period.

Morning wood was the elusive one though. I decided to get on Cialis, buying 20mg pills and cutting them into quarters to make it a daily dose. Been doing that on and off since April or so this year. It's great, really takes away any worries you get about boners but still no consistent morning wood.

Forward to last month, I was a huge massive idiot and decided I would try finasteride 1mg. HUGE REGRET. I ONLY CAME TO MY SENSES AGAIN AFTER 4 WEEKS. WHY THE HELL DID I PLAY WITH FIRE AGAIN?? I'M FEELING THAT SAME HORRIBLE REGRET I FELT FOR DUTASTERIDE. I'm throwing them in the trash where they belong.

So now here I am, my last pill was 3 days ago. Questions:

1) What should I do first? I've started taking pregnenolone again, still taking a quarter Cialis pill every day which is still working great despite the poison hair pills. Is DHEA a good idea? Your DHT receptors should be more sensitive after fin so I'm thinking to maximise DHT use creatine and DHEA right now?

2) If I got decent recovery from dutasteride (which by all accounts is much stronger and longer lasting then fin), I should be able to get recovery from finasteride right? Anyone else here who have done both I would love to hear your recovery

3) Is there any correlation to length of treatment and side effects? Is 1 month short enough for the fin to be out of my body fairly quickly? I want to start healing asap and put this behind me.


First let go of all regret, shame, doubt and other emotions/thoughts that will only serve as road blocks on your path to recovery.

Get on the protocol when youre done reading this. It will put your mind at ease and serve as an insurance if you will so that you continue in good health. Its better than sitting around worrying and beating yourself up. Be proactive, thats a major lesson I've learned from this.

10-04-2019, 08:47 AM
I had doubts too and I'm recovered but I just stuck to the protocol. Mostly stuck to reading recovery peoples posts (cdnuts, entropy, english, maxout) and people who had a good attitude along the journy (tubzy, ricky)

the time will pass anyways give yourself a shot for 1-2 years following the teachings of someone who's been there done that CD and you'll be pleasantly surprised by the result. All this stuff is good for general health anyways so not really have anything to lose besides missing out on a few hang overs and late night mcdonalds binges.

10-21-2019, 02:28 AM
What's up everyone? Hope the recoveries are going well. Thanks for everyone who responded. I've calmed down a little bit and started some things since I made this thread, but man the pain of regret still stings. Wtf was I thinking?

Started some new daily supps:
Anti-Estrogen supps (grape seed extract + stinging nettle root)
Choline bitartrate (hopefully going to help with mood)
Bulk powders supergreen (not a substitute for a good vegetable diet but there are a lot of good things in here like spirulina)
Recently added creatine for hopefully increased DHT

Next up I will be adding:
Pine Pollen Tincture
Protodioscin Tribulus

Also planning my prohormone cycle, but scared of a rise in Estrogen. I'm very high body fat (>30%, 5'8" and around 215lbs) at the minute and do need to lose weight (been extremely demotivated recently) so I don't need any more estrogen. Are herbal anti estrogens even effective for pct?

Also still taking cialis/tadalafil at 2.5mg every day (cutting a 20mg pill) to make sure blood flow stays good throughout my body. I've had 2 pretty interesting experiences with this, it apparently takes around 2 hours to kick in but I got extremely turned on and had a solid erection just 15 mins after ingesting last week. It also apparently lasts for up to 36 hours but also last week I skipped a day and around 42 hours after my last dose I had the best arousal and erections I've had in ages. Even better than when Cialis blood concentration supposedly peaks after a few hours. Placebo?

I'm soon going to stop the cialias as I don't want to become psychologicailly dependent on it.

10-21-2019, 03:05 AM
Nettle root is a 5ari. I'd drop it.

11-11-2019, 04:16 AM
Hi everyone,

Here's an update for the past 2 weeks. Last week I actually felt really good, sex drive was good and (TMI warning) I was getting erections and masturbating to imagination and non-porn pictures (trying to give up porn). Felt like everything was great and I was over it. Morning wood is still hit or miss, but I notice that there's a brief period after I wake up where if I think about something that turns me on it's very easy to get an erection.

And now we'll fast forward to last Friday. I decided to go out drinking with some people from work. It was only 4 pints of fairly mild beer but I reacted horribly. Vomited for an hour just after it, couldn't stand up without falling to the side, awful awful reaction. Had the hangover before going to sleep and waking up since the drinking was at lunch time. Got home with a hideous headache but decided to watch some porn and test how my response was (TMI warning 2). Erection was fine, masturbated normally.

Saturday morning - THE WORST ANXIETY EVER. Stone cold, but sweaty hands and feet. shaking, shivering, hopelessness. Lasted all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. The absolute worst anxiety ever, can't stop thinking about how much I regret taking these fcking pills. It was like constantly being in fight or flight. (TMI warning 3) used porn twice on Saturday night, masturbated normally both times. It's becoming a thing where I do this to test myself and need CONSTANT reassurance that my boners are working, multiple times a day I need to make sure my dick is working. Why the fck am I masturbating to porn ok but not getting morning wood??

Now it's Monday morning and I'm back at work so I have a distraction for the anxiety. Man I need to get in control of this, my mind is absolutely fcked up. Right now pills wise I'm just taking vitamin D3 regularly, haven't had herbal AIs or cialis in ages. I'm thinking of starting my androhard cycle this week. Idk if this has been just a horrible physical reaction to drinking or if that has just bought a lot of emotional baggage up

11-11-2019, 05:46 AM
Hi everyone,

Here's an update for the past 2 weeks. Last week I actually felt really good, sex drive was good and (TMI warning) I was getting erections and masturbating to imagination and non-porn pictures (trying to give up porn). Felt like everything was great and I was over it. Morning wood is still hit or miss, but I notice that there's a brief period after I wake up where if I think about something that turns me on it's very easy to get an erection.

And now we'll fast forward to last Friday. I decided to go out drinking with some people from work. It was only 4 pints of fairly mild beer but I reacted horribly. Vomited for an hour just after it, couldn't stand up without falling to the side, awful awful reaction. Had the hangover before going to sleep and waking up since the drinking was at lunch time. Got home with a hideous headache but decided to watch some porn and test how my response was (TMI warning 2). Erection was fine, masturbated normally.

Saturday morning - THE WORST ANXIETY EVER. Stone cold, but sweaty hands and feet. shaking, shivering, hopelessness. Lasted all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. The absolute worst anxiety ever, can't stop thinking about how much I regret taking these fcking pills. It was like constantly being in fight or flight. (TMI warning 3) used porn twice on Saturday night, masturbated normally both times. It's becoming a thing where I do this to test myself and need CONSTANT reassurance that my boners are working, multiple times a day I need to make sure my dick is working. Why the fck am I masturbating to porn ok but not getting morning wood??

Now it's Monday morning and I'm back at work so I have a distraction for the anxiety. Man I need to get in control of this, my mind is absolutely fcked up. Right now pills wise I'm just taking vitamin D3 regularly, haven't had herbal AIs or cialis in ages. I'm thinking of starting my androhard cycle this week. Idk if this has been just a horrible physical reaction to drinking or if that has just bought a lot of emotional baggage up

I can’t comment on how you reacted to the alcohol, but regarding the use of porn, porn-induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing and it sounds like this is an issue for you. I understand and sympathise with the temptation to use porn just to remind yourself that everything is working down there, but I’d encourage you to look up no-fap on reddit - plenty of dudes on there with the exact same sexual issues who’ve never taken any drugs like we have, and it can take a surprisingly long time for your brain to readjust. I’ve personally found that I only get nocturnal/morning erections when I’ve gone without masturbating (even without porn) for several days, and after several months I’ve experienced wet dreams - something I’d previously thought was a myth. It’s messed up to realise that until this recent finasteride fiasco, I hadn’t gone without porn for longer than a month (and most of the time, much less than that) for the last 15 or so years, and 99.9% of the sexual contact I experienced was with just myself. This is not at all how human sexuality is supposed to be, so it shouldn’t be surprising that it can cause issues with the healthy function arousal and attraction.

11-11-2019, 07:56 AM
I can’t comment on how you reacted to the alcohol, but regarding the use of porn, porn-induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing and it sounds like this is an issue for you. I understand and sympathise with the temptation to use porn just to remind yourself that everything is working down there, but I’d encourage you to look up no-fap on reddit - plenty of dudes on there with the exact same sexual issues who’ve never taken any drugs like we have, and it can take a surprisingly long time for your brain to readjust. I’ve personally found that I only get nocturnal/morning erections when I’ve gone without masturbating (even without porn) for several days, and after several months I’ve experienced wet dreams - something I’d previously thought was a myth. It’s messed up to realise that until this recent finasteride fiasco, I hadn’t gone without porn for longer than a month (and most of the time, much less than that) for the last 15 or so years, and 99.9% of the sexual contact I experienced was with just myself. This is not at all how human sexuality is supposed to be, so it shouldn’t be surprising that it can cause issues with the healthy function arousal and attraction.

Hey man

Yeah I'm familiar with the no fap/no nut november stuff. I did nofap for about a year before I even touched dut or fin. I also got wet dreams after a few months in on it but can't remember if it helped outside of that. I'm conflicted on how much damage porn can actually do, back when I was in the 14-19 age range it was porn every day and can't remember having this same anxiety then. It seems rare to find anyone on nofap spaces that have experience of taking fin or dut in addition though.

I will definitely keep trying the nofap stuff but it's horrible when you're about a week in and really start feeling the need to test your boners. Maybe I could do it and start another round of cialis to put my mind at ease. Non fin users get the flatline too but it's amped up to 11 when you have the worry of finasteride added on. I would go and see a DR about this anxiety spell but I know all they can offer is SSRIs so I guess I've just got to smash the exercise, herbs, prohormones and mindfulness exercises

11-14-2019, 04:19 AM
Hi guys

Last 2 days have sucked. Still getting anxiety and the sinking feeling in my stomach when I think about taking these pills. Sometimes actually feel like crying but never do, usually just daydream about having a time machine and going back and stopping myself from taking them.

I'm tempted to seek out some kind of counsellor or therapist to be honest. Anyone ever tried this?

Also been back to obsessively researching PFS - I wish there was a way to 100% say for sure if someone has it or not. I also started taking cialis/tadalafil again just to try and take my mind of it. It's so weird, I feel amazing after I take a tadalafil pill, it can last a long time. It's only supposed to have an "up to 36 hours" effect but I can get benefits for longer. I get the same good effect whether I cut it into a 2.5mg dose or a 20, doesn't seem to make a different. I just feel great on it - can masturbate 3+ times a day with no fear of if I'm going to start panicking after I get an erection. Does anyone else take this and have the same reaction? Is cialis supposed to work at all for PFS people?

Changes I need to make and what's next: STOP researching pfs all the time, I spend hours a day on it. It's emotionally taxing. Started re-introducing some fish into my diet after 2 years of vegetarianism, going to add some organic meats too. Androhard transdermal on the way, as well as some liquid ashwagandha. Going to take a 24hr cortisol saliva test to see if my anxiety is being caused by high cortisol, if so I am going to my doctor.

I want to do the juice feast but it's a bit difficult at the minute. I want to try and get on this next month. But sugar is almost completely gone from my diet now.