View Full Version : Natural Antibiotics Question

08-21-2020, 05:20 AM
So I had a stubborn eye infection which the doctor suggested antibiotics for. I didn't want to take them so I took natural antibiotics instead. Oregano oil, coconut oil and grapefruit seed extract.

I took all those and the infection seems to have gone away. However I've felt like shit the last couple of days. Fatigue, weakness, headaches etc. I'm assuming these are die off symptoms from the bacteria dying? I'm trying not to worry although it kinda freaks me out to feel so bad all of a sudden when I was doing so well before.

I also read that even natural antibiotics, particularly oregano oil can kill good gut bacteria as well. So I'm wondering if I should buy a good probiotic and take it for some time. Though I do drink kombucha five days a week so maybe that could be enough? I drink a bottle per night on workout days.

Anyone have insight here? Although I feel better than i did at first, I still feel weak and have pretty low energy.

EDIT: I already feel much better a few hours after making this post lol. Seems like this was just a hiccup. I'm gonna run a probiotic supp for 1-2 weeks just in case though.

Also, off topic but I tried the caffeine/theanine stack today for the first time and I love it! Never tried it before but the theanine was on sale at the local health shop so had to give it a shot.

Master Mal
08-21-2020, 08:35 AM
I wouldn't worry about it, dude. I had to take antibiotics a while ago and I had the same symptoms. It'll take a few days, at most a week or two, but you'll bounce back. It didn't effect any PFS stuff.

08-21-2020, 08:39 AM
I wouldn't worry about it, dude. I had to take antibiotics a while ago and I had the same symptoms. It'll take a few days, at most a week or two, but you'll bounce back. It didn't effect any PFS stuff.

Thanks man! Yeah, my libido and cognitive function aren't affected at all but the fatigue/weakness caught me by surprise. Good to hear it went away for you fairly quickly.

08-21-2020, 08:57 AM
Yeah probably a die-off, herxheimer style reaction. Common - you probably have a Candida or other overgrowth common to PFS sufferers. Anytime you attack these and their biofilms directly with such oils, you’ll experience some die off reactions that are toxins leaving the body. Activated Charcoal (I’ve used bulletproof brand in the past) always helps with this to bind those toxins and eliminate them from getting back in the blood stream.

08-21-2020, 09:07 AM
Yeah probably a die-off, herxheimer style reaction. Common - you probably have a Candida or other overgrowth common to PFS sufferers. Anytime you attack these and their biofilms directly with such oils, you’ll experience some die off reactions that are toxins leaving the body. Activated Charcoal (I’ve used bulletproof brand in the past) always helps with this to bind those toxins and eliminate them from getting back in the blood stream.

Yeah that was my first thought too after reading on the other PFS forums. Feeling much better today thankfully. Yesterday my body just felt like laying on the couch all day and got exhausted after just two sets of bicep curls. Yet despite this, still had a raging libido and couldn't stop thinking about sex. Weird feeling combination for sure, lol. I feel as if I'm finally starting to get my high libido back so this freaked me out that I somehow crashed myself. I do think it's primarily the oregano oil causing this as I've taken the GSE and coconut oil before and they've never caused this.

08-31-2020, 04:29 AM
Update to this: it's been almost two weeks, and I'm back to baseline. Thanks guys. To anyone who wants to experiment with oregano oil in the future, start slowly. I took two softgels (the maximum daily dose) on the first day and it made me feel like a walking corpse for over a week.

The candida thing does make sense as I do seem to have some of the symptoms, although only mildly and intermittently. I do think maybe this would fix itself in time on the protocol, but I'm also gonna look into natural things that help with the gut. I'm also not opposed to doing another fast or feast down the line.

Mentally I'm good, sexually good (though it fluctuates), but my gut isn't what it used to be. English was of the opinion that PFS is caused by a fucked up mind chemistry, hormonal balance and GI tract - so it seems like the gut is the final thing that needs work for me.