View Full Version : Damn...Just Checking In

03-13-2022, 10:07 AM
Hey gents, thought I would stop by for a quick check-in. Been a minute since I was last here. Always fucking fantastic to see new activity on the recoveries page! I see some new names here too…you guys are definitely in the right place. Will hang around for a few days so feel free to hit me up…I know how encouraging it can be when you’re in the shit.

03-13-2022, 03:41 PM
Thanks Damn. You keep checking in periodically despite being recovered, I respect that man

03-13-2022, 08:06 PM
Aye, I appreciate you stopping by. I just familiarized myself with much of your story, and it's interesting to see some correlations with my own. Aside from my aldo being a bit older than many guys here (I'm 35), you will see on my recovery log that I just updated last night that, similar to yourself, my libido had not been as dramatically impacted as many (most?) on here. Like you, erection quality has taken the hit, with libido oddly enough more or less intact. Anyway, just a few similarities I saw between our stories I thought worth mentioning.
Do you continue to see improvements in your physical health? Are you still on any sort of health promoting protocol/TMO?

03-14-2022, 07:45 AM
Thanks Damn. You keep checking in periodically despite being recovered, I respect that man

Absolutely. It was a simple check-in post from a guy on PH I was lucky enough to stumble upon very early on that gave me the confidence to know I could and would beat this.

03-14-2022, 08:21 AM
Aye, I appreciate you stopping by. I just familiarized myself with much of your story, and it's interesting to see some correlations with my own. Aside from my aldo being a bit older than many guys here (I'm 35), you will see on my recovery log that I just updated last night that, similar to yourself, my libido had not been as dramatically impacted as many (most?) on here. Like you, erection quality has taken the hit, with libido oddly enough more or less intact. Anyway, just a few similarities I saw between our stories I thought worth mentioning.
Do you continue to see improvements in your physical health? Are you still on any sort of health promoting protocol/TMO?

I have been 100% recovered (and much healthier than pre-Fin) for around three years now. Yeah, I do still live a very healthy lifestyle. Solid diet - shit ton of veggies, no booze. Lift, HIIT, sauna, cold shower every day - better than crack :). Plenty of sleep. My gut is rock solid now so I have cut out most supplements and just get nutrients from food. Still take ashwagandha, quercetin and collagen in my protein shakes. Lots of sun, enjoy life, don't stress much and laugh a lot (especially at myself).

03-14-2022, 11:28 AM
Absolutely. It was a simple check-in post from a guy on PH I was lucky enough to stumble upon very early on that gave me the confidence to know I could and would beat this.
As Jimmy Jonas here used to say, that's like a wounded soldier going back to the jungle to save his mates.

I sent you a message on your profile, I don't know if it went through!

03-14-2022, 03:44 PM
I have been 100% recovered (and much healthier than pre-Fin) for around three years now. Yeah, I do still live a very healthy lifestyle. Solid diet - shit ton of veggies, no booze. Lift, HIIT, sauna, cold shower every day - better than crack :). Plenty of sleep. My gut is rock solid now so I have cut out most supplements and just get nutrients from food. Still take ashwagandha, quercetin and collagen in my protein shakes. Lots of sun, enjoy life, don't stress much and laugh a lot (especially at myself).
Great to hear, thanks for your insights. I may write you a few questions via private message if you dont mind.

03-14-2022, 07:29 PM
Great to hear, thanks for your insights. I may write you a few questions via private message if you dont mind.

Sure thing.

- - - Updated - - -

As Jimmy Jonas here used to say, that's like a wounded soldier going back to the jungle to save his mates.

I sent you a message on your profile, I don't know if it went through!

Didn't see a DM from you. Feel free to resend.

03-15-2022, 12:57 AM
Sure thing.

- - - Updated - - -

Didn't see a DM from you. Feel free to resend.

Hey buddy, just sent you a message after thinking carefully about how to craft it specifically. I also accidentally sent it twice, so please ignore one. They are the same.

03-15-2022, 05:36 PM
Learned a lot of great tips from your recovery journey, specifically going grain free, switching from cow to goat dairy, and utilizing the sauna 2-3 times a week. Great to hear from you again!

03-15-2022, 07:59 PM
Learned a lot of great tips from your recovery journey, specifically going grain free, switching from cow to goat dairy, and utilizing the sauna 2-3 times a week. Great to hear from you again!
How do you access a saune 2-3x/week? I'd love that

03-16-2022, 09:23 AM
lastnoirking87 , Don't know what happened but this site seems to be corrupted. The last two days I keep getting redirected to scam sites. I have tried it on several different computers...WTF? I am having to post this from my phone. Don't want to leave you hanging so feel free to contact me directly with your question at daley.mark@ymail.com. Goes for anyone else who has a quick question or needs a little encouragement over the next few days. Mention Swole Source in the title so I don't ignore it as spam.

03-16-2022, 02:26 PM
lastnoirking87 , Don't know what happened but this site seems to be corrupted. The last two days I keep getting redirected to scam sites. I have tried it on several different computers...WTF? I am having to post this from my phone. Don't want to leave you hanging so feel free to contact me directly with your question at daley.mark@ymail.com. Goes for anyone else who has a quick question or needs a little encouragement over the next few days. Mention Swole Source in the title so I don't ignore it as spam.

Interesting, I was starting to think it might just be on my end. The constant spam redirects are really odd. I don't know what is going on lol

03-16-2022, 04:51 PM
lastnoirking87 , Don't know what happened but this site seems to be corrupted. The last two days I keep getting redirected to scam sites. I have tried it on several different computers...WTF? I am having to post this from my phone. Don't want to leave you hanging so feel free to contact me directly with your question at daley.mark@ymail.com. Goes for anyone else who has a quick question or needs a little encouragement over the next few days. Mention Swole Source in the title so I don't ignore it as spam.

I see the problem too. Hopefully they get this fixed...sent you an email. Thanks

03-16-2022, 07:24 PM
How do you access a saune 2-3x/week? I'd love that

My gym has a steam room and a sauna. I prefer the sauna, but will typically use whichever one is least crowded. I think their benefits are basically identical.

And yep, I'm also getting these spam pop ups!

04-23-2022, 08:29 AM
I think the problem is that the experienced and veterans all left. Alot of newbies around.

04-23-2022, 09:25 AM
I think the problem is that the experienced and veterans all left. Alot of newbies around.

Well they didn’t exactly leave the newbies empty handed and when you start getting better you start hanging around any pfs site less and less. Not every single thought and feeling when dealing with pfs needs to be posted here. Some people just gotta get to it, not every post recently is exactly answerable other than encouragement and something that can be derived from previous answers.

05-02-2022, 02:53 AM
lastnoirking87 , Don't know what happened but this site seems to be corrupted. The last two days I keep getting redirected to scam sites. I have tried it on several different computers...WTF? I am having to post this from my phone. Don't want to leave you hanging so feel free to contact me directly with your question at daley.mark@ymail.com. Goes for anyone else who has a quick question or needs a little encouragement over the next few days. Mention Swole Source in the title so I don't ignore it as spam.

Thank you.