View Full Version : Food poisoning

03-14-2022, 05:38 PM
So I currently am experiencing a bout with what I believe is food poisoning. I’m not sure what I ate but last night I had these really annoying cramps and constipation feeling on my abdomen area that inferred with sleep. Fast forward to this morning I had some fruit and a little cheese and seemed to have me in the bathroom with mostly water diarrhea. Additionally I’ve been feeling drained and loss of appetite (luckily no vomiting)

I was hoping to stay away from over the counter meds like Pepto to calm it but what’s the best course of action in this situation , to just wait it out? Thanks guys.

03-15-2022, 12:24 PM
Update: feeling much better. Really weird considering I never had food poisoning before and not sure specially what I ate but in a much better state .

03-15-2022, 06:25 PM
Update: feeling much better. Really weird considering I never had food poisoning before and not sure specially what I ate but in a much better state .

Do you remember what you ate last night? Any uncooked meat or left over rice? Have you ever had issues with dairy before?

03-16-2022, 10:02 PM
Do you remember what you ate last night? Any uncooked meat or left over rice? Have you ever had issues with dairy before?

It was nothing out of the ordinary.. chicken , eggs, veggies. I also threw on some packaged spinach to my morning omlette without usually rinsing it in water but other than that normal was usual. Still have the runs and this whole ordeal has made my libido tank and part of my penis lose sensitivity (one of my very initial symptoms at start of crash ). Maybe it’s just a bad downswing I have no idea..