View Full Version : Input on Bulbine Natalensis, Safed Musli, etc...

05-23-2022, 05:35 PM
This question is largely directed at CD, but I hope anyone with experiences or advice regarding these herbs will share their thoughts as well.

Since his recovery, Maxout mentioned he was rotating a few herbs not specifically listed on TMO, including safed musli, fadogia agrestis, bulbine natalensis, and avena sativa, partially due to the fact that he wanted substitutes for a few of the TMO herbs he didnt tolerate well.

While I personally tolerate all TMO herbs well, and am about to have a full 21 day lineup, I am not averse to possibly adding in a few more if it will keep tolerance buildup even lower and possibly even address hormonal issues from slightly different angles.

What I am interested in from you, CD, is a vetting of these additional herbs, if possible. Is there one or more among those listed that you know to be safe to add to our rotation?

05-23-2022, 06:37 PM
...upon further digging, avena sativa is an oat derivative, and looks like it contains some compounds which could work as a 5ari. Let's say, excluding avena sativa, my query still stands

05-24-2022, 01:00 AM
This is something im also very interested in.
From my limited research ive done so far fadogia agrestis seem to work but there are some risks involved according to studies.
I found this youtube video where it is better explained.

I think i heard similar things about tongkat and tribulus but they seem to be more wide spread and tested. The risks of them are more predictable i guess.

I would say every herb can have side effects but as long as you dont overdo it you should be fine and of course you shouldn’t have any health problems in the first place

Fadogia Agrestis | The Toxic Testosterone Booster + Safe Alternatives - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3UVoCNpptc)

05-24-2022, 02:17 AM
I’ve taken avena sativa. No issues. A lot of Foods and other things slightly inhibit 5ar and you just can’t avoid them all. IMO, just avoid the big boys and don’t worry about the rest. Big boys being fin, dut, saw p, nizoral, minoxidil, nettle root, fenugreek, ru58841.

05-25-2022, 11:45 AM
This is something im also very interested in.
From my limited research ive done so far fadogia agrestis seem to work but there are some risks involved according to studies.
I found this youtube video where it is better explained.

I think i heard similar things about tongkat and tribulus but they seem to be more wide spread and tested. The risks of them are more predictable i guess.

I would say every herb can have side effects but as long as you dont overdo it you should be fine and of course you shouldn’t have any health problems in the first place

Fadogia Agrestis | The Toxic Testosterone Booster + Safe Alternatives - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3UVoCNpptc)

Interesting. I hadnt heard of fadogia's toxic side effects on liver.. truth be told this wasnt one I was heavily considering taking myself.

05-25-2022, 11:48 AM
I’ve taken avena sativa. No issues. A lot of Foods and other things slightly inhibit 5ar and you just can’t avoid them all. IMO, just avoid the big boys and don’t worry about the rest. Big boys being fin, dut, saw p, nizoral, minoxidil, nettle root, fenugreek, ru58841.

That's definitely true, and I still eat eggs, coconut oil, and bananas like crazy actually. I guess I was concerned that the 5ari properties in a supplement like avena sativa might be highly concentrated in an extract form, but it's good to know you had no issues with it.
I'm kinda narrowing down my personal interest here to 2 of those herbs mentioned: bulbine natalensis and safed musli.

05-25-2022, 02:41 PM
That's definitely true, and I still eat eggs, coconut oil, and bananas like crazy actually. I guess I was concerned that the 5ari properties in a supplement like avena sativa might be highly concentrated in an extract form, but it's good to know you had no issues with it.
I'm kinda narrowing down my personal interest here to 2 of those herbs mentioned: bulbine natalensis and safed musli.

I know looking for more herbs sounds fun but you should always be careful with herbs that are not commonly used and not researched enough. You only have one life and one liver. We are already fucked from pharmaceuticals and you shouldn't risk it with unknown/less known herbs.
I myself was interested in fadogia agrestis because it claimed that it can grow the balls which i desperately need, but risking serious health issues are just not worth it...
I am sick of being a guinea pig for this shitty world we live in. Non tested vaccines etc. Fuck all that.
(Sorry if I come a across emotional, im on my 4,5 day of waterfast :) )

06-01-2022, 01:56 PM
I know looking for more herbs sounds fun but you should always be careful with herbs that are not commonly used and not researched enough. You only have one life and one liver. We are already fucked from pharmaceuticals and you shouldn't risk it with unknown/less known herbs.
I myself was interested in fadogia agrestis because it claimed that it can grow the balls which i desperately need, but risking serious health issues are just not worth it...
I am sick of being a guinea pig for this shitty world we live in. Non tested vaccines etc. Fuck all that.
(Sorry if I come a across emotional, im on my 4,5 day of waterfast :) )

Seeing as TMO is simply one giant PCT, restart protocol, simply by running the protocol your boys will swell......

In regards to the other herbs, I'm not going to do the research for you. You guys have MORE then enough here to get well if you put in the work.

Any extra's, that's on you guys.