View Full Version : Constipation from pro-biotic food

09-09-2022, 12:56 AM
I have had pretty bad constipation/bloating and gas for the last week after I started to eat 4-5 table spoons of sauerkraut/kimchi with breakfast every morning as a pro-biotic.
Is this a sign I am clearing stuff out or do I just not react to the food right?

09-09-2022, 03:51 AM
Try to increase the amount of fiber in your meals. More veggies, greens and fruits. Maybe that could help with the constipation. I never had an issue with constipation when I ate sauerkraut, more like the opposite.

09-09-2022, 05:31 AM
It probably just takes some time for your gut bacteria to adjust. What Readytonut said sounds right too.

09-14-2022, 09:39 PM
Hey man, I've been having similar problems the last 3 months. Constipation in general and digestion of things, I was feeling like my stomach was working only 50%.

Doctors are not a solution in our situation, our lifestyle and our protocol will make us better step by step. However, in this situation I went to gastroenterologist and they actually found h pylori bacteria that was causing gastritis.

I took a lot of search on this forum and I see a lot of guys tend to have h pylori when we crash because our immunity is on such a low level. Bacteria gets through our our defense mechanism and start living in our stomach. I was eating so clean, I was eating probiotics, I did three or four fasting sessions to make a g one but it didn't do the trick.

So my gastroenterologist gave me some antibiotics to treat h pylori, and I'm feeling like I'm back. I'm feeling 100% in the stomach, 100% in the bed. It's not an exaggeration, after 2 weeks now that the h. Pylori is gone, I've been feeling improvements all over the spectrum.

So biggest recommendation, is to give a visit to gastroenterologist and check for gastritis/h. Pylori

09-20-2022, 10:39 PM
Interesting! So do you think that this bacteria could have lived in me but just "shown its head" after I started pro biotics? I have actually gotten better from the constipation but my poop isnt 100% normal.
I might concider going in soon but I am very fearful of going to the doctors, a light ptsd from pfs lol

09-23-2022, 01:39 PM
Alright so this is very strange.. After starting pro-biotics like I said I started having stomach issues. Well to not get too gross or graphic here, I have confirmed I found dead parasites in my stool. I fell down the parasite rabbit whole and it appears like I could have contracted them because of my weak state in PFS. Getting rid of them will probably push me forward in my recovery because they consume and hold vital nutrients that would be helping me recovery. Has anyone dealt with this? I am going to continue pro-biotics and the protocol.