View Full Version : Tongkat tolerance

09-24-2022, 08:33 AM
Hey guys, hope you’re all doing well.

It’s been over a year since I felt fully recovered from PFS. I slowly slipped back into a shitty diet, alcohol, all that stuff in the beginning of this year. Then said fuck it and got fully back on the regimen a couple of months ago and feel amazing again. Hair started shedding again though... not that I give a shit anymore.

So I’m currently only taking 7 herbs in rotation along with Lion’s Mane daily in my morning coffee. I also take Tongkat Ali 4 days on, 3 days off. I started doing the Tongkat thing to recover faster from my long summer cycle of Ultra Hard and Alpha Four which did suppress me a bit.

The forum’s more quiet these days, but I’m looking for CD’s opinion on my Tongkat dosing, mainly whether I’m better off taking it this way or should I just add it to my rotation as my eighth herb? I do still feel its effects this way, but can’t help but wonder if I’m slowly building a tolerance to it and wasting the stuff.

Other things I’m doing:

Paleo + backloading, green smoothies daily (was doing keto for a while but eventually got tired of it)
Fish oil
Ginger root extract
Did oregano oil for a week or so + probiotics for gut health
S. Boulardii
Daily supps of TMO like Vit D, chlorella and spirulina

I’m looking to increase my herbs to 21 again in the future as well, as funds become available. I do feel results from 7, but nowhere near as good as from a larger rotation. Money’s a bit tight right now due to not being able to work for the first year of PFS, buying high quality supps during PFS and paying for international shipping, and having to replace a lot of my stuff due to toxic mold last year. Luckily my job pays relatively well so hopefully I’ll be able to get more herbs soon. Tubzy is gonna start selling a new DHT prohormone too apparently so super pumped to try it out for a winter cycle.

Was thinking of doing a 21 day water fast within the next couple years as well as I’ve had plenty of toxic and chemical exposures pre fin, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals as a kid, you name it. So I might still be somewhat toxic. But whether I’ll truly go for another fast is up in the air as I’d have to take time off work again, travel overseas to a clinic etc. But we’ll see. I’ve done a 14 dayer at home but I understand it’s much safer at a clinic.

Anyways, I’m rambling a bit - happy continued healing to all of you and if anyone has questions about the whole recovery process please feel free to DM me.

09-24-2022, 01:11 PM
Hey guys, hope you’re all doing well.

It’s been over a year since I felt fully recovered from PFS. I slowly slipped back into a shitty diet, alcohol, all that stuff in the beginning of this year. Then said fuck it and got fully back on the regimen a couple of months ago and feel amazing again. Hair started shedding again though... not that I give a shit anymore.

So I’m currently only taking 7 herbs in rotation along with Lion’s Mane daily in my morning coffee. I also take Tongkat Ali 4 days on, 3 days off. I started doing the Tongkat thing to recover faster from my long summer cycle of Ultra Hard and Alpha Four which did suppress me a bit.

The forum’s more quiet these days, but I’m looking for CD’s opinion on my Tongkat dosing, mainly whether I’m better off taking it this way or should I just add it to my rotation as my eighth herb? I do still feel its effects this way, but can’t help but wonder if I’m slowly building a tolerance to it and wasting the stuff.

Other things I’m doing:

Paleo + backloading, green smoothies daily (was doing keto for a while but eventually got tired of it)
Fish oil
Ginger root extract
Did oregano oil for a week or so + probiotics for gut health
S. Boulardii
Daily supps of TMO like Vit D, chlorella and spirulina

I’m looking to increase my herbs to 21 again in the future as well, as funds become available. I do feel results from 7, but nowhere near as good as from a larger rotation. Money’s a bit tight right now due to not being able to work for the first year of PFS, buying high quality supps during PFS and paying for international shipping, and having to replace a lot of my stuff due to toxic mold last year. Luckily my job pays relatively well so hopefully I’ll be able to get more herbs soon. Tubzy is gonna start selling a new DHT prohormone too apparently so super pumped to try it out for a winter cycle.

Was thinking of doing a 21 day water fast within the next couple years as well as I’ve had plenty of toxic and chemical exposures pre fin, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals as a kid, you name it. So I might still be somewhat toxic. But whether I’ll truly go for another fast is up in the air as I’d have to take time off work again, travel overseas to a clinic etc. But we’ll see. I’ve done a 14 dayer at home but I understand it’s much safer at a clinic.

Anyways, I’m rambling a bit - happy continued healing to all of you and if anyone has questions about the whole recovery process please feel free to DM me.

Little off topic, but since you mentioned it...
Like most guys here, I'm also beyond caring about what my hair is looking like, BUT I have come to find it very interesting how it responds to the PFS/protocol with some of us...both you and Damn have mentioned that your hair stopped shedding post-recovery, and Im just curious to know when precisely did your hair begin to shed again exactly? Was it just in the last few months of taking the protocol back up?
Im currently seeing mine slowly begin to shed more again (taking it as a good sign), though maybe not like it used to, but it had latgely stopped for the better part of a year.
It's funny how this shit rewired your brain. Two years ago seeing clumps of hair in the shower used to make me panic, and I am now hoping to see large clumps there 😄

09-24-2022, 01:29 PM
Little off topic, but since you mentioned it...
Like most guys here, I'm also beyond caring about what my hair is looking like, BUT I have come to find it very interesting how it responds to the PFS/protocol with some of us...both you and Damn have mentioned that your hair stopped shedding post-recovery, and Im just curious to know when precisely did your hair begin to shed again exactly? Was it just in the last few months of taking the protocol back up?
Im currently seeing mine slowly begin to shed more again (taking it as a good sign), though maybe not like it used to, but it had latgely stopped for the better part of a year.
It's funny how this shit rewired your brain. Two years ago seeing clumps of hair in the shower used to make me panic, and I am now hoping to see large clumps there 😄
I’d say it started to shed again after I really got back into the regimen a few months ago. Before that I spent a good nine months or so eating sugar, chocolate, drinking alcohol and not really exercising. So my T and DHT were probably far from optimal. It certainly felt that way as far as mood, attitude, outlook on life etc - felt like my androgens weren’t optimal. So not surprising that I wasn’t shedding.

My hair loss is back in full force now and I’m literally scratching my itchy scalp right now, lol. Don’t give a fuck.

And yeah, once you completely lose your health like we did, you look at things in a whole different way.

10-10-2022, 05:12 AM
So I took a few weeks off Tongkat and took it again yesterday and had raging hard ons all day.

Seems like it works better as part of the rotation.

Also, I love how much better I feel the herbs after my 14-day fast last year. Took Ashwagandha a few hours ago and already feeling alpha.