View Full Version : Meal ideas

03-25-2023, 03:19 PM
I was following a pretty regimented meal plan before deciding to hop on the protocol. It was already pretty healthy, but I have to give up/cut back on some foods.

I'd have oatmeal for breakfast a couple times a week, and I was eating a fair amount of carby fruits and veggies (apple, bananas, carrots, pineapple, potatos, raisins).

Now that I'm supposed to be Paleo and low-carb (except workout days), replacing these foods has been a bit of a challenge. I've looked up Paleo meal plans online but most aren't low-carb. And the few that are are unnecessarily complicated imo. I like cooking but I don't wanna have to cook for literally every single meal.

I'm reading through old forum posts for ideas, but ideas from current members are welcomed too. So what do your guys' meals look like? And I'd be happy to share some of my own planned meals if anyone's interested.

03-25-2023, 03:34 PM
Eggs, bacon, steak, roast chicken, roast lamb, chilli, GF lasagna, curry, tandoori. Cottage pie, salmon and steamed veg. Grilled fish and fresh salad. Caesar salad, paella, risotto, gf pasta. Gf pizza.
It’s pretty much endless!
Try some online recipes.

03-27-2023, 06:27 AM
I was following a pretty regimented meal plan before deciding to hop on the protocol. It was already pretty healthy, but I have to give up/cut back on some foods.

I'd have oatmeal for breakfast a couple times a week, and I was eating a fair amount of carby fruits and veggies (apple, bananas, carrots, pineapple, potatos, raisins).

Now that I'm supposed to be Paleo and low-carb (except workout days), replacing these foods has been a bit of a challenge. I've looked up Paleo meal plans online but most aren't low-carb. And the few that are are unnecessarily complicated imo. I like cooking but I don't wanna have to cook for literally every single meal.

I'm reading through old forum posts for ideas, but ideas from current members are welcomed too. So what do your guys' meals look like? And I'd be happy to share some of my own planned meals if anyone's interested.

Not sure where you're looking but Most ALL paleo meals are low, to no carbs. It's the nature of the diet.

- - - Updated - - -

Eggs, bacon, steak, roast chicken, roast lamb, chilli, GF lasagna, curry, tandoori. Cottage pie, salmon and steamed veg. Grilled fish and fresh salad. Caesar salad, paella, risotto, gf pasta. Gf pizza.
It’s pretty much endless!
Try some online recipes.

It really is.

03-27-2023, 10:39 AM
Apples, bananas, carrots, grapes, pineapple, potatos are all Paleo foods but they have fairly high carbs, or at least too many for my parents who do keto.
Are you saying that we shouldn't worry about the number of carbs in these foods?

03-28-2023, 09:28 AM
Apples, bananas, carrots, grapes, pineapple, potatos are all Paleo foods but they have fairly high carbs, or at least too many for my parents who do keto.
Are you saying that we shouldn't worry about the number of carbs in these foods?

Keto and paleo are alot different in their tolerance for carbs. I should've been a little more clear.....Paleo is basically almost free from COMPLEX carbs.....relatively. The simple sugars (simple-carbs) from fruits and veggies are not the same as processed, gluten laiden complex carbohydrates.

And yes, unless your sticking to a backloading schedule, you don't have to worry about simple carbs from the recommended foods. That's why they are on the list.

Paleo Diet - Total Male Optimization (https://www.totalmaleoptimization.com/diet/paleo-diet/)

03-28-2023, 11:45 AM
Keto and paleo are alot different in their tolerance for carbs. I should've been a little more clear.....Paleo is basically almost free from COMPLEX carbs.....relatively. The simple sugars (simple-carbs) from fruits and veggies are not the same as processed, gluten laiden complex carbohydrates.

And yes, unless your sticking to a backloading schedule, you don't have to worry about simple carbs from the recommended foods. That's why they are on the list.

Paleo Diet - Total Male Optimization (https://www.totalmaleoptimization.com/diet/paleo-diet/)

Thank you for your response. I am trying to backload, but can I eat apples and such on my rest days or should I abstain?

Also, do you have any thoughts on Primal Kitchen's mayo? One of the ingredients is rosemary extract, which is (supposedly) a DHT blocker.
I don't wanna overreact, and the consensus here seems to be that "DHT-blocking" foods aren't actually anything to worry about, but I want to double-check since it does contain an 'extract'. But then again, the extract is the last listed ingredient, so maybe there isn't enough to actually hurt anyone.

03-30-2023, 06:21 AM
Thank you for your response. I am trying to backload, but can I eat apples and such on my rest days or should I abstain?

Also, do you have any thoughts on Primal Kitchen's mayo? One of the ingredients is rosemary extract, which is (supposedly) a DHT blocker.
I don't wanna overreact, and the consensus here seems to be that "DHT-blocking" foods aren't actually anything to worry about, but I want to double-check since it does contain an 'extract'. But then again, the extract is the last listed ingredient, so maybe there isn't enough to actually hurt anyone.

For the full backloading experience, you should only be consuming 30g of carbs per day or less (on rest days) One apple has about 25g of carbs, so you have determine for yourself what you're going to put that 30g towards on your non-backloading days. Also, did you do the week long NO CARB (Basically Keto) before starting backloading as per the website? This sensitizes your body and primes it for getting the most out of backloading.

As per the general consensus here, food items are not a concern when it comes to DHT blocking as you would have to ingest WAY more then is possible to get any negative effects. But for your own mental health, do what makes you feel comfortable, within the guides of the protocol, of course.

03-31-2023, 02:24 AM
Thank you for your response. I am trying to backload, but can I eat apples and such on my rest days or should I abstain?

Also, do you have any thoughts on Primal Kitchen's mayo? One of the ingredients is rosemary extract, which is (supposedly) a DHT blocker.
I don't wanna overreact, and the consensus here seems to be that "DHT-blocking" foods aren't actually anything to worry about, but I want to double-check since it does contain an 'extract'. But then again, the extract is the last listed ingredient, so maybe there isn't enough to actually hurt anyone.
I've been using Primal Kitchen mayo, unflavored as well as chipotle flavored, to make my hardboiled eggs tastier. I take a nice scoop with each egg too, and I do this multiple days a week, sometimes for up to 6 eggs at a time. Been indulging in this for a year now, and am only getting better all the time. That little bit of rosemary at the end of the ingredients list ain't doing shit.

04-01-2023, 12:01 PM
I've been using Primal Kitchen mayo, unflavored as well as chipotle flavored, to make my hardboiled eggs tastier. I take a nice scoop with each egg too, and I do this multiple days a week, sometimes for up to 6 eggs at a time. Been indulging in this for a year now, and am only getting better all the time. That little bit of rosemary at the end of the ingredients list ain't doing shit.

Thank you, this has been very helpful.

04-12-2023, 04:35 PM
For the full backloading experience, you should only be consuming 30g of carbs per day or less (on rest days) One apple has about 25g of carbs, so you have determine for yourself what you're going to put that 30g towards on your non-backloading days. Also, did you do the week long NO CARB (Basically Keto) before starting backloading as per the website? This sensitizes your body and primes it for getting the most out of backloading.

As per the general consensus here, food items are not a concern when it comes to DHT blocking as you would have to ingest WAY more then is possible to get any negative effects. But for your own mental health, do what makes you feel comfortable, within the guides of the protocol, of course.

Are teas included in food items, or are they too concentrated or something?

04-13-2023, 07:03 PM
Are teas included in food items, or are they too concentrated or something?

Tea is fine.

04-14-2023, 09:44 AM
Good to know. Thanks again, man.

04-15-2023, 10:01 AM
Good to know. Thanks again, man.

No problem brother.

04-24-2023, 01:45 PM
What do you think about foods like almond butter, cottage cheese, cream cheese, and (most) protein powders?
They seem like they should be TMO-friendly but they are all have non-Paleo-friendly additives.