View Full Version : Paleo diet vs. Animal based diet

04-22-2023, 01:36 AM
I might have found why was chronically dehydrated and malnourished for the last ómonths, I stopped including vegetables & greens in my diet.

Back months ago I watched a lot of carnivore videos and got inspired to eat only fruits and eggs, dairy and meat. I was loving that diet truly. However, over time started acquiring gut issues, mood issues, muscle cramps and muscle wasting. It has been two days I reintroduced veggies into my diet and feeling like am recovering again. I heard animal based diet works for a lot of people, maybe am not one of them.

Guys, don't be like me and stick to the protocol Paleo diet. Or if you do stray away, please play around with diet and really feel how your body feels after certain foods.

04-22-2023, 08:17 AM
I might have found why was chronically dehydrated and malnourished for the last ómonths, I stopped including vegetables & greens in my diet.

Back months ago I watched a lot of carnivore videos and got inspired to eat only fruits and eggs, dairy and meat. I was loving that diet truly. However, over time started acquiring gut issues, mood issues, muscle cramps and muscle wasting. It has been two days I reintroduced veggies into my diet and feeling like am recovering again. I heard animal based diet works for a lot of people, maybe am not one of them.

Guys, don't be like me and stick to the protocol Paleo diet. Or if you do stray away, please play around with diet and really feel how your body feels after certain foods.

Glad you’ve worked it out, but how many times do we need telling!
Keep going 👍