View Full Version : The protocol is a ?pad of steaming shite why didn't I do trt

08-26-2023, 06:51 AM
I could have said goodbye to Thai sh it in 2013
Load up steroids not this cdnut s ducking white impressing a decent libido and no fog fatigue etc

08-26-2023, 03:03 PM
Trt wouldn't have made a difference, don't know why you're trying to convince your delusional self otherwise.

08-27-2023, 12:54 AM
Why wouldn't it have made a difference

Between 2913 and 2920 and a good libido and spontaneous erections dark dock reverted back to to normal

Lived life fine hardly thought about pfs week to week

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Brain fog had gone fatigue had gone depression had gone check road to recovery lost a

Yet for some reason I didn't see myself as cured

I still had skinnier legs but not that much and in 2020 out muscle I just from HIiIT exwrcises I was androgenjc

08-27-2023, 12:57 AM

08-27-2023, 01:01 AM
That is why I despise this suite

I should have tried try again it would have bulldozed me I had a normal life concerts city breaks even eating but Indidnt fuck but I Copenhagen done easily normal sensation normal.libido

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I ducking hate these cunts like English Ins and to batter that cunt into a coma ducking arrigantbengdkish cunt

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Trt wouldn't have made a difference, don't know why you're trying to convince your delusional self otherwise.
Look at a poster in the anabolic steroids section
He had pfs ans still had a libido and erections consented to try TR T

Not only that but this cunt doesn't a?low hcg in his dumb fuck protocol just herbs that he ends up hawking to you

I had recovered WITHOUT cdnut s but by myself On a similar plan to the hacktasos thing of minerals

08-27-2023, 01:04 AM
Trt wouldn't have made a difference, don't know why you're trying to convince your delusional self otherwise.

Listen pal ridership was in a far worse state than me and recovered to seventy five percent in tr T

When he was doing THis Morinh w
I was watching Wimbledon travelled down and back overnight not a care in the world
Watched the world.cup.could get drunk and Wan k all day the following day I didn't even havepfs

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Trt wouldn't have made a difference, don't know why you're trying to convince your delusional self otherwise.

The fucking protocol is a load of.Ducking white

I can't believe I was so.naive

It didn't crash me but it stopped me from claiming a full recovery

08-27-2023, 01:27 AM
Trt wouldn't have made a difference, don't know why you're trying to convince your delusional self otherwise.

I was fuc!ing recovered man

There lantern a checklist for recovery

I had libido energy erections normal.dock and balls etc

08-27-2023, 02:00 AM
By cdnut s definition of eighty percent in the first page I was recovered

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I just didn't do his fucking shite

08-27-2023, 02:06 AM
I hate everyone and everything about Yorkshire

I was recovered by 2013 and too stupid to realise it though I lived my life ok.

But I should have ducked a hooked at least

Beard growth was back !uscle.came.back toma.large degree fatigued fog gone

Now I have all that shut to the tenthndegrre

08-27-2023, 02:12 AM
Not Yorkshire lol propecianhell

Or rather pfs

08-27-2023, 02:22 AM
Not Yorkshire lol propecianhell

Or rather pfs

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Three a guy who got treated by Dr shippen and CURED in 2014 and he asked be for the went any questions and some fucking eunuch diabetes does he accept cash or cheque Hashanah even I laughed and ignored the rest of the thread and then he comes.back cured and he was FAR worse than me

08-27-2023, 05:44 AM
The only thing I got from.cdnut s was a fast maybe helped.my guy a little bit aside Ltd.that fucka.ok

Juice feasting helped my skin

He actually raged at me for taking ZMA and he it was a cornerstone both in my initials recovery and the near one hundred percent boost I had in lockdown one.I

I got a much from Mark.Wilson and his emails.like taking goji berries

But yeah taking another pharmaceutical drug especially a strong one like seroquel ducked me even fucking ohenergan here and there would have worked better.

08-28-2023, 02:31 AM
Trt wouldn't have made a difference, don't know why you're trying to convince your delusional self otherwise.

Yeah tr T wouldn't have made any difference but when I had A libido and normalmgenutals A random ducking boost your low testosterone herbs and exercise problem would have sure thing cunt

08-28-2023, 11:40 PM
Trt wouldn't have made a difference, don't know why you're trying to convince your delusional self otherwise.

Listen you thick cunt I'll tell you why tr t would have made a difference

In was the mildest case on propecianhell probably. When tidgershull went on this mornin g i was like thank fuck that's behind me.now. I had libudomerectionsnbrain fuck connection everything