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Thread: PCT Calculator

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  1. #1
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Lightbulb PCT Calculator

    Here is the link to site where you can use this tool to get rough idea when to start PCT, also you can use it to plan your cycle, to help you decide wheter to bridge, How to close gap between long-estered compounds and PCT by using either different compound.

    PCT Calculator | Post Cycle Therapy Calculator

    Steroidplot - Plot your cycle

    Steroid Calculator

    Esters & Substance Half Life (days)
    Formate 1.5
    Acetate 3
    Phenylpropionate 4.5
    Propionate 4.5
    Benzoate 6
    Valerate 7.5
    Isohexanoate 9
    Isocaproate 9
    Hexanoate 9
    Caproate 9
    Heptylate 10
    Heptanoate 10.5
    Enanthate 10.5
    Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 12
    Heksiloksifenilpropionat 12
    Octanoate 12
    Cypionate 12
    Undecylenate 13
    Nonanoate 13.5
    Decanoate 15
    Undecanoate 16.5
    Laurate 17
    Methandienone 0.2
    Methyltestosterone 4
    Stanozolol injectible 1
    Oxandrolone 0.38
    Stanozolol tablets 0.38
    Oxymetholone 0.38
    Aminoglutethimide 0.25

    Clomiphene citrate 5
    Last edited by Jelisej; 08-16-2015 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #2
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Formula for calculating eliminating time:
    1/1 100
    1 1/2 50
    2 1/4 25
    3 1/8 12 .5
    4 1/16 6 .25
    5 1/32 3 .125
    6 1/64 1 .563
    7 1/128 0 .781

    So here we can calculate that different amount of same compound will result in different clearance time, to clear 600 mg of test e will take lot longer than to clear 400 mg of test e.

    And on top of that there are some other circumstances that can affect elimination time- for example elimination time for one patient using xanax- half life was 15 hours but total elimination time was around 7 days- and he was unaware of that (and his doctor as well who prescribed some other meds), which resulted in overdose and other problem because of the drug interactions. - In most people after 24 hours there would be no significant "action" as mostly there are left inactive metabolites- but under some circumstances it can stay active for much longer time as it was in his case.

    Another interesting case is with T3 (thyroid supplementation) as we know cortisol is needed to make use of T3 if there is no sufficient cortisol it will just "pool" in the blood- however if we introduce cortisol all "unused" T3 will became active and cortisol will picki it upa and push it inot cells, and if there is too much unused T3 then patient usually ends up in ER because of "thyroid storm"-
    now T3 has a half life of 2.5 days yet people had "thyroid storm" sometimes almost two weeks after stopping T3, which proves that "stuff" can accumulate and stay in blood lot longer than people would think. or basically that clearance can take longer than assumed.
    Last edited by Jelisej; 05-25-2014 at 06:50 PM.

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