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    Administrator Feedback Score 1 (100%) SoCal-Nutrition's Avatar
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    New Conqu3r PreWorkout By Olympus Labs

    Check out the new Preworkout by Olympus labs - Conqu3r


    No BS prop blends, and I love the profile:

    3.2g of CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine

    - During a four week clinical study It was shown that when amateur boxers used 6g of beta-alanine per day, their punch force increased by an amazing 20 times!

    - Recent research shows that when cyclists consumed 2-4g beta-alanine per day for 8 weeks their peak power output increased by an average of 11.4% whereas mean power output increased by 5.0% which means beta-alanine plays a major role in enhancing both the endurance and performance of cyclists and endurance athletes.

    -Beta-alanine increases muscle carnosine content which better outputs performance in exercises that range between 1-2 minutes. Beta-alanine has the capacity for users to push that extra rep or two and increase both your peak and mean power output tremendously, whether you’re a bodybuilder or an endurance athlete.

    -Research shows that during high intensity interval training Beta-Alanine increases strength, power, endurance, speed, and also reduces neuromuscular fatigue which enhances the users ability to recover. Beta-Alanine has also been shown to increase lean muscle mass.

    1.5g of Agmatine Sulfate

    -Agmatine ((4-aminobutyl)guanidine) is known as the ultimate nitric oxide enhancing ingredient. It is a byproduct of Arginine produced through a process called decarboxylation. Agmatine is similar to Arginine but with the carboxylic acid end removed.

    -Agmatine consumption increases Nitric Oxide leading to a better pump; period.

    -Agmatine consumption builds a leaner and harder body through its unique characteristic of enhancing insulin production and enhancing insulin response.

    -Agmatine helps increase levels of luteinizing hormone and growth hormone which help with recovery, endurance, and even building lean muscle.

    6g of Citrulline Malate

    -Citrulline converts to arginine and then to Nitric Oxide. Citrulline is more effective at enhancing nitric oxide than just taking arginine itself, since arginine is broken down and its effects on enhancing nitric oxide are greatly reduced opposed to using citrulline which isn’t affected and what you take is what you get, meaning users experience a more superior pump.

    -In a recent study it was shown that Citrulline Malate significantly enhanced the ability of men to bench press more and also recover faster. 41 Men performed two training sessions which consisted solely of bench pressing a total of 16 sets, one in which no citrulline malate was taken, and one in which men took 8g of citrulline malate prior to working out. When 8g of citrulline malate was taken prior to working out the 41 men showed an average of 52.92% more repetitions per set and a 100% response in the last set. In correlation, there was a 40% decrease in muscle soreness after both 24 and 48 hours.

    -Citrulline Malate increases athletic performance in high intensity training sessions which incorporate short intervals of rest. Citrulline Malate has been shown to increase energy. In a recent study that administered the effects of citrulline on fatigue, eighteen men were chosen who all experienced fatigue but had no existing diseases. After taking 6g of citrulline malate for a period of 15 days these men showed a 34% increase in ATP production during exercise and a 20% increase in phosphocreatine recovery after exercise.

    5g of Creapure® Creatine Monohydrate

    -Taking Creatine Monohydrate on a chronic basis has shown to increase intramuscular creatine, phosphocreatine, skeletal and lean body mass, and muscle fiber size. Muscular strength and power will also both increase tremendously by taking creatine monohydrate.

    -Taking Creatine Monohydrate Pre-Workout is far more effective than taking creatine monohydrate at periods further away from working out . In 2006, there was a study conducted to test whether the results of taking supplements were greater in periods closer to working out or periods further away from working out. Strength, muscle-fiber hypertrophy and body composition were all tested during a 10 week program. The Pre-Post group exhibited greater increases in lean body mass and a greater 1 rep max in two of three exercises, ultimately leading researchers to conclude that creatine timing indeed matters and is most beneficial pre and post-workout. .

    Huperzine A 1% 10.5mg

    -Huperzine A is extracted from Chinese club moss. Huperzine A increases mental alertness, energy, memory, and also enhances mood to a positive state.

    -Huperzine A increases levels of acetylcholine which is one of the chemicals our nerves use to communicate with our brain and muscles.

    -Huperzine A is not the only ingredient in CONQU3R which increases levels of acetylcholine; alpha-gpc also increases levels of acetylcholine giving users an even more enhanced drive, focus, and mental alertness in the gym.

    Caffeine Anhydrous USP 300mg

    -Caffeine increases focus, mental alertness, exercise performance, and reduces symptoms of fatigue due to its ability of producing higher dopamine levels in areas of the brain that are linked to “attention.” Research shows that taking caffeine pre-workout helps users bench press more and obtain more peak power.

    -Caffeine enhances physical performance, stamina, and recovery in exercises that range from 60 to 180 seconds making it extremely useful in speed endurance exercises.

    Alpha-Glyceryl phosphoryl choline (Alpha-GPC) 150mg

    -Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline (Alpha-GPC) has been shown to increase growth hormone in healthy males. Alpha-GPC used pre-workout on an empty stomach has been shown to increase growth hormone levels by approximately 210%.

    -Alpha-GPC has been shown to help burn fat when taken as a pre-workout supplement on a chronic basis. Alpha-GPC helps increase both liver fat oxidation and lipolysis.

    -Alpha-GPC increases levels of acetylcholine which help give an increased focus during a workout. Combined with Huperzine A, L-Tyrosine, Caffeine, and AMP Citrate® (all found in CONQU3R), users will experience unparalleled mental stimulation with NO crash.


    -L-Tyrosine has been shown to improve alertness, focus, and increase mood. Combined with other ingredients found in CONQU3R users are bound to experience maximum mental stimulation.

    -L-Tyrosine is a precursor to a neurotransmitter known as dopamine, which helps to give users that euphoric feeling during their workout. L-Tyrosine has the unique ability to stimulate brain to muscle nerve transmission activating more motor units, leading to increases in strength and giving users that“light weight” feeling.

    TAURINE 1g

    -Taurine when combined with caffeine helps improve mental alertness and enhances focus.

    -Taurine is abundant in health benefits; Taurine helps the cardiovascular system, has been shown to provide an improved lipid profile, and have antioxidant effects.

    -It’s important to supplement taurine pre-workout since exercise uses up natural levels of taurine produced by the body.


    -Chronic use of Betaine dosed at 2.5g per day has been shown to decrease cortisol, increase squat force and increase both growth hormone and IGF-1 levels. Betaine increases both force production and muscular endurance in healthy young males.

    -Recent research shows that healthy young males gained 4 pounds of lean muscle mass, increased arm size by 10 percent, and decreased body fat by 7 percent when taking 2.5g of betaine per day for only 6 weeks! CONQU3R includes the FULL clinical dose.

    AMP Citrate® (4-Amino-2-Methylpentane Citrate) 350mg

    -AMP Citrate® has been dubbed the new DMAA, providing unparalleled energy, focus, euphoria, and endless energy; unlike the crash users experienced from DMAA.

    -AMP Citrate® combined with caffeine (found in CONQU3R) will provide a synergistic effect and give users the best energy and focus that they’ve ever had in the gym, PERIOD.


    -Research shows that when 5mg of Bioperine is taken nutrient and ingredient absorption in supplements is increased by at least 30 to 2,000% percent.
    Use Coupon code SWOLE5 to save 5% on all orders
    Prescription Nutrition Now Available!

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    profile is serious

  3. #3
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Hank!'s Avatar
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    That looks pretty legit, any one have experience with that Amp/ Caffeine mixture?

  4. #4
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    Re: New Conqu3r PreWorkout By Olympus Labs

    Quote Originally Posted by Hank! View Post
    That looks pretty legit, any one have experience with that Amp/ Caffeine mixture?
    Yeah man! Amp citrate is awesome with caffeine. 350mg is a good single dose. But 700mg imo is a lot better and a lot more like DMAA than 350mg.
    Test E 125mg/ 2X week

  5. #5
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    Damn that's a sweet profile now that I look. Do kind of wish they did 500mg amp citrate at least but will still give amazing pumps!!!
    Test E 125mg/ 2X week

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