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    Established Member Feedback Score 0 K8668B's Avatar
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    How to take the herbs and dosing?

    I really apologize for asking too many damn questions, and this may be a dumb question too. I hope i didnt waste a thread with this either.

    For the ones in powder form- Should you just do the recommended dosage, and once a day, or twice a day?? And would you just mix these in a tiny amount of water and swallow? I want to get the best results possible. But also i want to take advantage of having these herbs last for a very long time, since you'll be doing a new herb each day. I got 5 different herbs at the moment, and 3 of them are in powder form, and two of them are liquid tinctures. I'm pissed about the cordyceps, because they barely put any powder in it. LOL! This was one of the ones with the old superman herbs logo on it. The other two powders i got were under the lost empire herbs brand, and they packed the shit out of those ones, which is the way it should be!

    For the ones in liquid form- Would you just put the recommended number of drops, say in a cup and drink it? And once a day or twice a day?

    I see some people use coffee/caffeine with these herbs too, for a greater effect.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question lol
    Last edited by K8668B; 03-16-2017 at 05:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K8668B View Post
    I really apologize for asking too many damn questions, and this may be a dumb question too. I hope i didnt waste a thread with this either.

    For the ones in powder form- Should you just do the recommended dosage, and once a day, or twice a day?? And would you just mix these in a tiny amount of water and swallow? I want to get the best results possible. But also i want to take advantage of having these herbs last for a very long time, since you'll be doing a new herb each day. I got 5 different herbs at the moment, and 3 of them are in powder form, and two of them are liquid tinctures. I'm pissed about the cordyceps, because they barely put any powder in it. LOL! This was one of the ones with the old superman herbs logo on it. The other two powders i got were under the lost empire herbs brand, and they packed the shit out of those ones, which is the way it should be!

    For the ones in liquid form- Would you just put the recommended number of drops, say in a cup and drink it? And once a day or twice a day?

    I see some people use coffee/caffeine with these herbs too, for a greater effect.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question lol
    Follow the dosing directions on the package. If it says one teaspoon twice a day, then that's what you'll do. Once in the morning on an empty stomach followe by caffeine, and the other one in the mid afternoon, same thing if you can tolerate the caffeine that late in the day. If not, no biggie. You don't want to fuck up your sleep.

    To dose the herbs:

    Put some water in your mouth...

    Tilt your head back and dump the powder full (whatever the dose is...teaspoon, half teaspoon, etc)...

    Then swish the herb and water mixture around in your mouth and then swallow. Follow it up with another swig or two of water...

    You're done.

    Concerning the cordyceps....regardless of what label the bag says, it should still be the same amount of product....100 grams or so.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  3. #3
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Hulk Smash's Avatar
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    I've heard of certain herbs being heated up in water and served as a tea or in a soup.

    Do you know if we could use these methods of intake?

    Are the herbs activated in a different way when heated?

    Or does the heat ruin it?

  4. #4
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hulk Smash View Post

    I've heard of certain herbs being heated up in water and served as a tea or in a soup.

    Do you know if we could use these methods of intake?

    Are the herbs activated in a different way when heated?

    Or does the heat ruin it?
    Certain ones like Lions mane are actually best when added to hot water like a tea, and then drank. You drink all of the powder as well though, unlike a tea where you would strain out the solids. This reminds me that I have to reup on my lions mane. I take it in the morning like this and add some honey to it.

    Other then that particular herb, the rest are usually the result of some type of water extraction, so it wouldn't be of any benefit to add them to hot water as they are reduced already and ready to be taken as is.

    Perhaps the ashwaganda root powder could be added to some hot water, but damn that would be a foul mixture.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  5. #5
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    How to take the herbs and dosing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Certain ones like Lions mane are actually best when added to hot water like a tea, and then drank. You drink all of the powder as well though, unlike a tea where you would strain out the solids. This reminds me that I have to reup on my lions mane. I take it in the morning like this and add some honey to it.

    Other then that particular herb, the rest are usually the result of some type of water extraction, so it wouldn't be of any benefit to add them to hot water as they are reduced already and ready to be taken as is.

    Perhaps the ashwaganda root powder could be added to some hot water, but damn that would be a foul mixture.
    Can confirm. Been taking Ashwagandha and the Suma root powder mixed in with water, I find it easier to take but its not great tastewise.

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  6. #6
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coppersocks View Post
    Can confirm. Been taking Ashwagandha and the Suma root powder mixed in with water, I find it easier to take but its not great tastewise.

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    How often are you dosing?
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  7. #7
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    I have 14 herbs so dosage of each is two weeks apart. Taken the Ashwagandha twice now and Suma only once

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  8. #8
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    But now I think of it u take any of the powdered herbs in a small glass of water to get it down ie cordyceps, pine pollen. I simmer the catuaba bark in water for 25 mins and then drink that like a tea. Generally chew down and eat what's left in the pan also

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  9. #9
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 TubZy's Avatar
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    I add all my herbs to a mug of hot water I get from my keurig and just sip it. One in the morning and one preworkout. The only one I don't add right away and let the water cool down more is the pine pollen since it is much more sensitive according the Lost Empire Herbs- I'm assuming cause of the hormones.

  10. #10
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by TubZy View Post
    I add all my herbs to a mug of hot water I get from my keurig and just sip it. One in the morning and one preworkout. The only one I don't add right away and let the water cool down more is the pine pollen since it is much more sensitive according the Lost Empire Herbs- I'm assuming cause of the hormones.
    Thx for tjhe info. I like to add the herbs to hot water too. Sometimes I will put in a tea bag too to improve taste. I don't drink much coffee(prefer caffeine pills) but you can add them to coffee too.

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