Quote Originally Posted by Freepressright View Post
Here's what I think...

I regard powdered gainers kind of like I regard prohormones. They're a tool that you use some of the time with a specific goal in mind. Obviously, sound nutrition and a good diet should be permanent cornerstones in your lifestyle, but if you want to throw on some extra mass, finding a good gainer to aid in that has a purpose.

There is no perfect product out there. You can find a fault in damn near any product if you look hard enough. A lot of mass gainers are loaded with sugar and I wouldn't touch them with a 10-foot pole.

I once bought a container of GNC Pro Performance 2,2000 gainer that was on clearance for like $10. I about shit when I got home and read the label to see how much sugar was in it. It also tasted horrendous and was so disgustingly thick I couldn't even finish a serving of it.

Most gainers are ridiculously expensive, too. But you find one that fits your budget and that produces results for you, that's great. I don't think the label looks all that bad on the product you posted, Markam, but the total calories don't seem like a whole lot for a gainer. Of course there are ways of enhancing that.

For me, ISO-Mass is wonderful. It aids in producing gains, it tastes good, I get a lot of servings per container and it eliminates the need for me to buy a lot of other supplements.

Rodja speculated about the quality of protein being poor, but I can tell you this much, cheap protein powders make me shit my guts out. Anyone who has ever read a log of mine knows how sensitive my lower GI is to poor quality stuff. I can tell you that even with two ISO-Mass shakes a day, I have absolutely no GI upset whatsoever.

I believe it to be a good, solid product and don't mind spending the money on it when I feel like throwing on some extra weight.
Basically the old saying,"One man's meat is another man's poison" sort of applies here. I'm not looking for that many calories because I also eat so damn much. LOL More just being able to grab something quick that's also low glycemic. I've heard a lot of negativity about maltodextrin, true or false, but I choose to steer clear of it. Having said that, we all have different needs, so it's not necessarily all that clear cut.