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  1. #20
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolazice View Post


    Any other supps with it like a stano or something?
    This was a while ago so forgive me if some info is a little off.

    Brand was Hardcore formulations i believe (local guy in CO i think). 10 mgs/day me thinks. Don't think I even ran cycle support with it, but I may have. Definitely had Liver Support, MAYBE TUDCA, not completely sure. if not, it was something like Liver Fix. again, not sure.

    PCT was OTC (Complete PCT i think) with bloods before and after and although i don't remember values, everything looking decent.

    Sides were incredibly hard muscles, good mood and raging boners LOL all kidding aside, there may have been some extra aggression at the gym.

    Now, like I said, at the time, i wasn't anywhere near the already limited knowledge I have today, so it wasn't the most calculated, educated cycle and I know what i'm describing doesn't sound anything like the usual SD run, so it still interests me to hear how potentially harmful this compound can be and how lucky (??) i was i guess.

    have some from some other brand stashed away with good dates still, but i dont think ill be doing anything other than AAS in the future, so they'll become gifts to friends in brazil , although i don't wanna pass it to some kid who (like me at the time) hasn't done his research on the necessary caution/potential threats of the compound.

    anyway, in the end, i can say i had a pretty good experience with SD, rivaled only by the almighty 1t-Tren.

    EDIT - just realized this might sound like i'm trying to sell SD here. sorry mods. fixed.
    Last edited by longBallLima; 02-25-2013 at 11:38 AM.

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