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    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    My Chlomid Results so Far

    52 yr old male 5'08" 162 lbs - reasonable shape - about 12 % BF
    Been struggling with low testosterone for several years trying to get the numbers higher. Tried many of the herbal approaches (longjack, maca powder, HCGenerate, PhytoTest, Sustain Alpha, etc). Nothing seemed to help much - in fact my SHBG went way up during this time outside of reference range. Before going on testosterone supplementation, I decided I wanted to try Chlomid to see if I could get the numbers to a better range without any more shutdown of the boys. Test results in three columns (in Canada so units are weird for those in the US), the last column is after six weeks or so of 25 mg Chlomid every other day.


    My thoughts on results

    1) Pituitary seems to be working as the chlomid drove up LH and FH
    2) Balls seem to be working as Testosterone and Free Testosterone went up 70 %
    3) Estrogen getting pretty high
    4) Thyroid is OK - actually getting better as tests proceed (added iodized salt back into diet and taking thyroid glandular)
    5) Sudden sharp drop in AM cortisol is disconcerting - wonder if it was side effect of chlomid.

    Next Steps (my plan so far)

    1) Increase chlomid to 25 mg for three days - then one day off (works out to 37.5 mg EOD)
    2) Go back to eating a lot of raw cruciferous veggies and take Dyindol Methane twice per day (reduce estrogen) (NOTE - this is what I was doing when my estrogen was 20 - it usually ran about 100 before that - at 20 I had morning wood issues )
    3) Taking a stinging nettle / oat straw supplement to hopefully reduce SHBG

    Note I could increase Chlomid more - but I want to take the minimum dose that gets me to where I would like the numbers to be.

    Any thoughts / suggestions ?
    Last edited by Haritec; 03-04-2013 at 03:57 PM.

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