I figured this may be the best place for said discussion, please relocate if not.

Like many warm blooded Americans, I have ADHD. The difference between me and 80% of the other people diagnosed with it is that I actually have a physiological error that causes chemical imbalances resulting in the ADHD, which isn't the case with the 80% that needs a good ass kicking to stop being so lazy.

That being said, I've had it treated in the past with medication, but with medicine becoming so expensive and f*cking hard to get a steady supply from a doctor (you have to get new prescriptions for almost all meds, no refills), I just got off of medication years ago.

I've been pretty fine without it, but with an upcoming major job relocation into a larger facility with my division manager, I'm going to need a little boost that isn't simply caffeine.

I've thought about jumping back on Adderall, which worked wonders, but it is outside my budget right now. There are other medications, but nothing easier/cheaper than the Adderall option.

Which brings me to the point of this thread (thank you to those who haven't bailed already). Does anyone have experience dealing with ADHD without straight up medication? Are there certain vitamins/minerals that can help? What about supplements? I've been scouting through some supplement options, and a bottle (typically a month supply) of anything out there is cheaper than my co-pay to get a month of any ADHD meds.

Thanks for any input.