For the interested, I will be updating this log during my next cycle which will start around the second or third week of May (once exams are done). I'm basically looking for as much advice and feedback as I can get. I will accept criticism and whatever constructive comments you will have!

Special thanks to DJM who helped me plan this cycle

Current stats: 5'11 @ 210 pounds. BF stands between 11-15% (you will be the judge)



Bench: 280
Squat: 405
Deadlift: 405

i will post more on my training later...

Cycle History: It's been 5 months since the end of pct from a 13 week TEST E cycle at 500mg/week (was my only cycle)

First cycle: Honnestly, I was getting paranoid about all the possible sides I could get, but it was as smooth as it could be. Oily skin and acne in the back (last 3 weeks) were the only sides I got from the cycle. Other than that, I realized that Test made me retain water alot. I was on a high calorie diet (around 3500) which didn't help (good to know for next cycle). started at 200pounds up to 223 and dropped about 7-8 pounds during pct. Feel free to ask anything about the run!

Finally! the cycle:

250 test/week
350 trene/week
2.5 letro/week
500iu hcg/week

Also have caber and aromasin on hand (just for info)

PCT for now will be clomid for 4-5 weeks starting at 100 and going down

for a 12 week cycle... I will be running the test 2-3 weeks past the tren.

I know tren is considered an advanced drug and understand why.
I am not interested in taking any orals (maybe var someday). My objective during this cycle will be a lean body mass increase (lol... of course). I have been cutting down for 2 months and am looking forward to stay as lean as possible and limit water retention as much as possible during the cycle (explains the choice of tren with low dose of test). As DJ told me, low dose tren goes far. I would also like to limit side effects explaining the lower dose (I am aware and willing to experience them acne, hairloss, agression, prostate, sweats etc.) although I am a very calm person to start out.

This will be all for now, I will add additional info soon. Again, I encourage feedback and comments. Will be posting pictures too,

thanks for reading!