I won't be updating this very often, just if there are changes. Running letro, 1.25mg EOD and raloxifene, 60mg ED. i am thinking of splitting the letro and taking .625mg every day, would there be any advantage to that? maybe even out the peaks and valleys?

anyway i thought i would start this since 1 month of androhard reduced but did not eliminate gyno (although i think the 4 full months would have done the trick, but that was right when PP was raided).

if it makes a difference, i will be running this with a mild caloric deficit since others have reported chest fat loss on ralox. other than these no supps aside from creatine, multi, fish oil and some other bare necessities. I have been out of the gym for about 10 days now due to a bad cold so I am looking forward to seeing how this combo affects my workouts.

edit: obv title should read "ralox", leave to me to misspell the one thing I can't change