My doctor said to not even touch the gym until I see my ortho and they can better see the extent of the damage. I'm not in a cast, but the fingers are wrapped and I can't use them to type. The ends are still open wounds because the machine cut/ripped the flesh, so it isn't a simple matter of stitching them up. The ortho will end up having to amputate some of the finger to close it up.

It also crushed the bone at the top of the fingers, and they removed it at the ER, so the remaining flesh above the top knuckle has no structure (no bone or finger nail). The fingers will be usable once everything is operated on and closed up, but for now they are just a mess.

I'm thinking that I'm just going to suck it up and take some time off, maybe hit the legs once every 7-10 days just so I don't feel bad. I think my biggest fear is not getting back into it because I have no timeline for when I'll get fixed. My appointment for a consultation with the ortho is still 5 days away, making it a good 3 weeks after the initial injury. Years ago, I had really been into it, and just dropped off one day and didn't get back into it for a year. I really lost a lot of strength during that time and got fat. It just scares me that it could happen again.

Such is life though, just makes it more interesting I guess.