I'm going to do a 5 week recomp Epistane cycle beginning in August. Here's what I have in mind. Please let me know your thoughts; specifically if there is a better non-methyl PH to stack with Epi besides 1-Andro from AMS.

Cycle Length - 5 weeks
Epistane (probably Havoc but might try Epi-Strong) - 20, 30, 30, 40, 40
1-Andro (AMS) - 2 tablets per day
Dermacrine - 5 pumps per day

Support Supps: N2 Guard, R-ALA, Tumeric (take this throughout year), Fish Oil, Toco supp, Vitamin D (take this throughout year) and would like add a solo liver support supplement if someone can suggest one

PCT: 25mg HG Clomid, TCF-1, Forma-Stanzol, Toco supp

Any advice/help is appreciated. I'm 34 and have done a few PH cycles in the past. Some good and some not so good. This will probably be my last one using a methyl compound so I want to make it count and do it right.