You have that level of body fat with no cardio and that diet. Ok I hate you know! Just kidding but man you are lucky. Still at the risk of showing my age, enjoy it while you can coz when you hit 30 you'll put fat on by just looking at a cheeseburger! I don't eat takeaway (well maybe once a month as a treat) and eat clean all the time with little or no alcohol and cardio 2-3 times a week and my body fat isn't as low as yours at the moment.

Seriously though that is good going so all credit to you. I'm only jealous because keeping body fat down is my regular fight.

I can see what you mean about using them young but I wouldn't recommend it due to the risk to messing up a growing endocrine system. The results are likely to be better though as everything is still working well!

I think my other main thought about young users is that as you get older you look back at your routine and diet when you were younger and realise how wrong it all was. If I'd have used gear in my 20s I know I'd have felt I wasted them looking back now. But I am a big believer in personal choice combined with personal responsibility so you live your life as you want my friend and enjoy it - try to always keep perspective about your use though. It's easy to get addicted mentally to gear but not realise it or admit it.