I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't have frequent, nagging heartburn.

It started when I was a kid. I would have occasional bouts of it during my elementary school years. At the time, I followed the advice of my grandma and would reach for some milk. For many years, milk put out the fire.

But as time progressed, it became worse. Not only was it more intense, but the milk would provide only temporary relief before the calcium moved onto my bones and an even more raging fire came.

The doc tried H2 antagonists with me, like Zantac, Axid and Tagamet, and for a while things were really great. As long as I remembered to take them daily, I'd be in good shape. But about the time I hit 18, they lost their potency. They'd provide me relief for only half the day, and then I'd spend the second half on fire.

About the time I was 19, proton pump inhibitor drugs like Prevacid, Prilosec and Aciphex hit the market. I was lured in by the promise of these new drugs. The doc gave me samples and I was blown away by how well they worked. I could take these pills and eat anything I wanted. I'd drink Coca-cola like it was going out of style, splurge on pizza and whatever other bullshit I wanted.

That went on for about a year, or perhaps two. And then, like all my previous remedies, the pills lost their potency.

I would go on to cut out the junk like pizza, quit drinking soda pop except for special occasions and I eventually gave up smoking. I also started drinking water and exercising regularly. During these times I would switch back to H2 antagonists so that it would re-sensitize my system to the proton pump inhibitors.

I'd get back on Prilosec and it would work like new for a couple months, and then my body would essentially start ignoring its effects.

Regardless of the changes I had made to clean up my diet and exercise, I was still a prisoner to heartburn. The most frustrating thing was that none of the change I made provided even the slightest hint of progress.

Fast forward to 2013. These past few months I've been training here and there, but dietarily, I've lost my ability to give a shit. I've been splurging on pizza, soda, fast foods and all the things I'd broken free from. It's sad because I had taken on P90x to change things up and my stamina was through the roof. But the schedules of a busy adult, being a dad, a full-time court officer, a traveling musician and everything else had me beaten down.

Finally, after looking at a picture of my physique at this time last year and seeing abs, I looked at myself in the mirror and had an awakening. Although I have not necessarily gotten fat to the point that you would notice while I'm fully clothed, my abs are no longer visible and I have visible fat on my mid section. It has also grown a bit.

I decided that I would take a couple weeks and reprogram my body, and most of all, get this shit off my stomach. There's no better way to do this than to take two weeks away from wheat, sugars and any other reckless carbohydrates that generally send blood sugar levels soaring

To make things different than anything I've ever done before, I also realized that I've been consuming a shit ton of milk these days. ALL of my protein shakes have been made with whole milk. Realizing milk contains sugar and probably isn't the best choice right now, I bought unsweetened almond milk.

I started a diet of nuts, flax seeds, lean proteins and vegetables, with a few pre-digested whey protein shakes made in almond milk. I noticed the first night that my indigestion was slightly less than normal, but didn't think too much about it. By the second night, not only did I notice my indigestion was gone, but I also had no breakthrough heartburn.

By 6 p.m. every night, like clockwork, I can count on the Prilosec wearing off and there will be breakthrough heartburn that's so severe, it makes working out difficult.

Wednesday night was another comfortable night from the standpoint of digestion. No heartburn and no indigestion.

Monday I took the P90x chest and back routine into the gym and adapted different variations of it for free weights. With a very thorough warmup, I worked out for about an hour and 15 minutes and did 10 minutes of abs at the end.

Tuesday I did an hour of P90x plyometrics. Wednesday I did shoulders and arms. Wednesday I swam laps and today I'm doing a thorough leg routine with heavy farmer's walks at the end.

I have felt especially comfortable working out as well. The digestive ailments that I usually have to push through have been nonexistent.

I'm down three pounds this week and my stomach is flattening out and starting to cut up again. I can definitely feel the progress.

I thought I'd take the opportunity to share this experience with everyone, given what some folks' opinions are regarding wheat, specifically. Some say modern wheat is so refined that it's almost toxic to the system. And people make similar remarks about processed milk.

Let's hope that I've stumbled onto something that will last.