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    Super Moderator Feedback Score 0 burlyman30's Avatar
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    anadrol... then and now.

    Anadrol... the name conjures up thoughts like mass, strength, liver toxicity, etc. When I was first told about the drug, it was considered so toxic that its usage should be no more than 4 weeks. However, if you actually read about the medical usage of Anadrol (yes, it has legitimate medical use), then you will find that not only is it used for semi-regular usage, but also that the doses given for medical purposes may actually exceed how the BBing community generally doses it.

    Anadrol is compared often to Dbol. Both are bulkers, but that is really where the similarities end. They are very different drugs. Dbol is testosterone based. Anadrol is DHT based. Dbol aromatizes estrogen. Anadrol does not. Both increase strength and size. Mg for mg, Dbol is stronger than Anadrol, as it takes 2-3x the dosage of anadrol to match strength and size gains of Dbol at the lesser amount. However, once the proper dosage is reached, there are few compounds that match its ability to put on size and increase strength.

    I had the chance to use anadrol 25 years ago during my very first cycle (along with test). I ate for maximum gains in strength and size during that cycle and gained 30 lbs, 20 of which I was able to maintain. I used it for about 8 weeks altogether and started the dosage at 50mg/day and worked my way up to 100/day and eventually 150/day. 150mg was too much for me and I only tolerated it a few days. The headaches were excruciating and I was getting nosebleeds regularly. 100mg seemed to be the sweet spot. While, 50mg was effective, 100mg really was about doubly effective. More is not always better, but in this case it seems true. Most of the weeks of my cycle were at 100mg/day.

    That cycle saw me reach many of my strength PRs. Every week I was advancing in strength and growing rapidly.

    Ever since that first cycle, I have had a bit of a love affair with the compound and never had the opportunity to use it again until just recently.

    It just so happened that I was "gifted" some Anadrol recently. These days my goals are not about maximum bulking. I am on a lifelong recomp nowadays. But having the compound just staring at me proved to be too much and my curiosity got the best of me.

    I used it much differently this time. 50mg/day for 3 weeks. Calories were maintenance or below. Because of this, I found myself leaning out while growing-- a nice effect. Strength shot up quickly-- everything I wanted to push went up and felt good. I only put on a few lbs of muscle and actual bodyweight only went up a few lbs, but being leaner afterward was a welcome surprise (still have a ways to go though).

    One notable thing that occurred for me was appetite suppression. This happened 25 years ago, but I force-fed through that.

    This time I chose to let my appetite be my guide. I often skipped breakfast and wasn't always hungry for lunch either. I would sometimes just eat a protein bar instead of lunch. In the evening, appetite picked up and I could eat normal portions.

    I'm sure I left out something, so feel free to ask questions about my cycles or anadrol.
    Last edited by burlyman30; 09-24-2013 at 11:00 AM.
    All advice given is for entertainment value only. And it's free. Take it for what it's worth.

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