Figured I would update the forum on my progress, a few guys have been asking what I have been up to.

After the beta tests I did, I kind of cruised in BBing mode...the last month I have been doing SUPER HEAVY lifting, reps of 5 and under more Strength based and Strongman based.

The EPI by PN really gave me a solid strength increase, all my number seem a bit better then previous.

Anyways yesterday I have to say I hit a huge PR. I train "cheat" curls with EZ mind you I am not rocking or bending way over, simply like in this video...some cheating, but nothing horrible. These help me with events like TIRE FLIPS or ATLAS STONES.

Wesley Inman Strongman Bodyweight CHEAT curls with 205lbs x reps. BW=205lbs. - YouTube

So I worked up to 215 for a set of felt light, so I said screw it.went to 235x1 that felt light..

So I went heavier then I ever have tried before. 35lb ez curl bar, 2 45lb plates per side, plus a 25lb weight per side

PR=265lbs. I hit this x 3 reps. Bodyweight is 208lbs currently...Huge Huge PR..I knew you guys would appreciate the significance of such a lift...

Anyways I let the weight down and I thought my hands were sweating. I looked down and I ripped both hands wide open, callouses that are dime sized bleeding everywhere.

So I am waiting for the skin to harden, it's too sensitive to cut off yet, but I am going to have 3-4 dime size holes in my hand for a while....

This is a pic of one hand, they both look virtually the same as far as damaged goes. They look sickening as the skin is dying and hardening it turns colors...the pic doesn't really do it justice these are literally "holes' in my hand.

BUT..I hit a PR..Super happy
