So today I focused on Posterior Chains and leg work. Again, since I'm still trying to adapt to this new way of training, please let me know if I overdid something or missed something:

Warmed up with light leg extensions, 2 sets of 15 reps, nice and easy

Sumo squats
15 x 135
10 x 225
10 x 275

Smith Machine (on a mat on the floor) - Pushing all the way up ala leg raises (with great emphasis in the lower back and hams, not sure if there's a name for this movement)
15 x 70
10 x 140
10 x 140

15 x 135 deficits (really slow)
15 x 135
15 x 135

15 x bar
20 x bar
25 x bar

Seated Leg Curls
15 x 55
12 x 70
10 x 100
10 x 100

streteched post chains for awhile

Reverse crunch (back facing weights, and crunching down) supersetted with Pull Throughs
(could not see the weight, but did about 3 sets of the combo, nice and solid, not too heavy but still heavy, especially the last set)

So that was it, took me close to 90 minutes to get it all done, with a training partner that wanted to try it out also.

So, as I am trying to adapt, what did I overtrain or what should I have focused more on? Friday I will do Post Chains and leg work again, so please let me know what variations I could use, and if today was good or could've been better. My lower back Post chains are DAMN sore!!! But my lower back is not the SAME sore as when I failed the 500's on deadlifts....