Quote Originally Posted by Scope75 View Post
Looking good bro...

Only thing that jumps out at me is low carb and low fat!!!!
If it was me I'd always keep fats to at least half your body weight per day or no less than 70g of you want to really go low fat.
Good advise. I'm going lower fat then before, but it's not thaaaat low. Your advise is GOOD to keep in mind and I will def up it a bit if I feel that I need to. I'm sure I get more fat than this, but here's my ''for sure'' fat sources on a typical day:
1.5 TBS CO first thing in the AM before cardio (21 grams of fat)
4 eggs cooked in 1/2 TBS CO (27 grams of fat)
3 of my meals cooked with 1/2 TBS in one setting (7 grams of fat)
1 TBSP of CO in my post workout (or on non-training days, basic whey) shake (14 grams of fat).
(might be a bit off, if anything let me know)

This added up is about 69 grams. I know I consume more fat from veggies (especially avocado), fish (like salmon), Peanut butter, almonds...

My fat intake was wayyyy higher before... I lowered it to where it is right now to see how it would further help me to drop off that STUBBORN bodyfat while I am aware of how important fat is for that fatburn as well. Just trying to find and keep that ''sweetspot''. And for now lower cals (including fat) is working.

Thanks for the tip bro and reminder, If I see that I start losing muscle definition, strength or start losing progress in fat burn I might play with the fat intake especially in the AM a bit!!!