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  1. #11
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0 Jelisej's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodja View Post
    The way you word your statement implies that the suppression will be the same between the doses. I'm merely clarifying that statement.
    Personally, I dont even think there is a way to tell exact level of supression, LH is just one factor and LH test is not fullproof, it just gives you an idea If you do test every 15 mins every different result would most likely be different. On top of that if one has higher LH level it does not neccessary mean his recovery will be better or faster, and lastly- and there is difference in LH level of 0.5 mlU/ml and 1 mlU/ml, but practically? difference is petty- IMO.
    Last edited by Jelisej; 06-23-2014 at 05:30 PM.

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