Ok so I am going to turn to my SS family to get a solid REP for the community.

I will post up all the qualifications I would be looking for, but this would be ideal for someone who is a personal trainer, or very very much involved in the community forums, etc..

Someone looking to make some side $$$$.

Will start out commission based, but someone serious...and you can make some extra $$ on the side this way as well as get product discounts of your own...and this is only as a start..Someone who performs well, will of course have additional options eventually..But this is a starting place. ZERO startup money.

I actually just got hired by IRON MAG LABS..so I am going to be working for them as well. Prescription Nutrition is still my #1 company that I work for and always will be, but honestly I have to admit that this was a no-brainer for me..I have always believed in there products 100%... So I stand by the two companies I now work with and for.. What would be awesome one day is if IML carried PN protein..that would be very cool...

Prescription Nutrition and Iron Mag Labs.

I also will be repping for Iron Mag Research, so I will have a discount code to be used for anyone in need of research products, though I don't want to post this info without being approved from Admin first. I am going to message him now.

If anyone thinks they might be interested, and are 1000% serious and have the ability to work side by side with me and believe in these companies, please let me know..I will def be looking for probably only 1 person who fits the criteria well..If anyone is interested, please PM me and we can talk the details.

But if any forum I want to approach first, it would be here. So here it is...ZERO pressure...if no one here has the time or option to REP I do have some personal friends I an approach...but I want to give someone here a potential option to work with me, PN , IML and a bunch of other awesome people, forums, etc...

THANX SS!!!!!!!