Fuck normal training. I was completely in the zone, amped up on clen, PH is fully flowing, and hemavol/noxygen had me BLOWN up.

Hit everything I wanted to today.

Incline barbell
135x20, 185x10, 185x10, 225x6. Shoulders felt a little tight, backed off.

Incline dumbell.
3x8 100lbs

Cable flies all angles
Didn't count anything.

Did some light shoulder pressing with dumbells standing

Decided I wanted to rack pull just to piss off a worker.
3x10 585 with straps, bouncing off the pins.

Some pullups with no pain at all

Rear delt flies

Some quality motivation walked in, holy gym sluts. Will pursue later and add to the kill count thread when someone makes it 2 for 1 maybe? Yes please.

Decided I wanted to get a bit of a pump without overdoing upper body...

Some curls
cable pushdowns with various grips

At this point, My arms were honestly the tightest they've ever been. Vascularity off the charts.

Grabbed some 100lb dumbells and did hammer curls. Fuck yeah. Cheated, but who cares. Felt badass. Sets of 5 reps.

