I'm 25, I've had naturally occurred pubertal gyno for more than 5 years. Last year I decided to get rid of it. I hit it with Letrozole first and I've been on it for 12 weeks. I slowly tappered it on and off, but the highest dosage was 2.5 mg and it didn't do anything to gyno (but gave me painful knees). Then I decided to give Nolvadex a try for 12 weeks (20 mg ED) + Clomid (25 mg EOD) but there were no noticeable effects.

Desperate because non of these worked, I just had to give Raloxifene a chance and I've been on it for 14 weeks (still counting). So far, nothing. I just don't know what else to do, maybe a combination with aromasin would do the trick?

Before I started to treat myself, I visited endo and got these blood work done by him (more than a year ago):
S-PTH 22 ng/L
s-testosterone 10,8 nmol/L (about 317 ng/dL)
s-lh 1,5 UI/L
s-fsh 2,2 IU/L
s-tsh 2,77 mU/L
s-ft3 5,2 pmol/L
s-ft4 13,6 pmol/L
prolactin (POOL and PEG) 8,5 ug/L
IGF-1 292 ug/l.
MRI of pituitary gland - everything within normal range
Ultrasound of gyno - confirmed that it exist

They didn't check other hormones. Also, reference ranges were not provided so they should be compared to these: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_ranges_for_blood_tests

I did however retest s-testosterone on my own while I was taking nolvadex and it really increased dramatically - 10.4 ng/ml (reference range 2.8 - 8.0), so about 3x higher in comparison to first result, but of course that was months ago, I'm not on nolva anymore. I did another test few weeks ago, but this time estradiol, here are the results: 29.65 ng/L (reference: 7.61 - 43.11)

What do you think guys?