Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
I see what your getting at Entropy, logically - on finasteride, the absence of DHT and free T (given high E and SHBG concentrations) - receptors would have upregulated based on Jels comments. Upon cessation of the drug, the body is flooded with DHT and with heightened receptor sensitivity this would lead to the massive high and return of function which PFS guys speak of, which lasts just a day or 2, then they crash, which you would think would be the receptors burning out in some way.
Jel mentioned that GH can help upregulate receptors. That is good to hear because when i was tested my IGF/1 came back slightly high (just out of range) I guess that could explain why i am doing better than most maybe.

Would exercise, in particular HIIT and heavy weights + decent diet help increase receptor sensitivity? As recovery stories tend to include these things.

I get my bloods back today and will post later.
Exercise does increase receptor sensitvitiy, at least thats what some studies suggest.

Apart of receptors and hormones itself, another thing is signaling- and if signaling is not good than that would cause problems as well. But thats more scientific, and its bit out of my understanding, but I know that some of doctors say that if person is on cycle and shut for too long it leads to problems in signaling, and thats one of reasons why some doctors insist on maintaining hormonal pathways- for example when medicating thyroid they make sure that TSH is not zero.