So I got my topical epiandro from socal. Holy crap does it blow andro300 out of the water. It absorbs SO easy. The dropper makes dosing immensely accurate. No crystals in it whatsoever and after a few minutes....completely dry. Slightly greasey at first and then goes away. Very very minimal smell but it's not bad smelling at all. Gonna use it at slightly under 300mgs for 5 days then doing slightly under 200 for the duration to see how I like it. Either way tho. The application ease alone is so much better than andro300 it's not even funny. I suspect my
Muscles will be quite hardened in these next xouple days and when I go to a rave in Frisco on Friday....imma hella be looking on point haha.

Anyway. Thanks again Rob. Will give u guys an update friday or saturday.