Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
Listen....if it helps people great. I was, and always have been documenting my past struggles just to make a record of it and so that others could benefit from what I learned. It was also therapeutic for me to journal everything in that point in my life. It helped me and I know now, after the fact, that it continues to help others. That site helped me in the beginning and I just wanted to give back, and give those guys hope to let them know that it's not a permanent thing that they are going through. Unfortunately for some reason people saw the need to attack what I was doing.....for what reason, I still don't know. I would have loved to have someone do the same for me when I was at my lowest. I would have never saw the need to attack them though.

The way you went about it just came across kind of sneaky to me. You never mentioned that you were going back and forth posting in that thread. There is no need for you to delete anything now. What's done is done and it may very well have helped a couple people. It just seemed like you were acting as the front man for that thread and some of the stuff you were posting isn't actually 100% what I was saying at all. That's what I didn't like.

No hard feelings.
Thanks for being cool about this. Moving forward I'll be more careful with what I post over their.

I'm curious to know how the Randro compares overal to your best run on Andro hard?