Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
Because of my herb cycling my body is in a high androgen state year round, 24/7. I don't know if I would stack it with R andro because that shit really makes my joints too dry. If what I'm reading is correct, this would increase those same symptoms.

In regards to the mental benefits, would you say they are much greater then the mental benefits from the R andro?

I'm just going to replace the R andro with the 5a-DHP and see what happens for the last half of this cycle. I"m guessing it would stack well with the super 4 andro.
OK, nice.

5a-DHP much much greater than R andro in terms of mental benefits. Androsterone can also cause some mild irritability at least for me, 5a-DHP does not, actually cause the opposite.

You can check the log on the orginal thread on Ray Peat, people have been trialing it and great feedback is coming in.