Hello all,
I've used fin for 1 month 2years back. Crashed after that. Did a water fast for 5 days, felt great and sexual dreams returned as soon as I ended the fast. But soon results faded as I returned to normal diet. Also did gut protocol(probiotics, avoided carbs, supplements) for 3 weeks but not much gained. It was a pleasure discovering this forum of people with positive mindsets after such long time of despair. I want to get rid of this shit at any cost and I'm game for anything (enough is enough). I'm starting CD's protocol from JAN 1 week. Ordered tribulus, maca, aswagandha, pine pollen, shilajit, tongat ali(waiting for all of them to be delivered).

Note: Used aswagandha for a week, felt good. Was able to develop some muscle with weights. It did something

My bloodwork results: 25 YEARS
S.TESTOSTERONE 880 ng/dl. [300 - 1080]
S.ESTRADIOL 43 pg/ml [10-50]
S.PROLACTIN 12.19 NG/ML [5-25]
S.TSH 1.7 uIU/ml. [0.5 - 5]

RAW DIET(only fruits and vegetables)
HERB rotation

Please suggest if I need to add anything. I guess my T/E ratio is fucked up.