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  1. #11
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 K8668B's Avatar
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    Feb 2017
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    Thanks man I appreciate that! But I made it!! =)

    So today, just now, i broke my fast!! I must say this has been an intense but awesome experience.

    I'm just glad it's over. I do feel really refreshed now actually. But at the same time, I hate fasting, and i prefer to be in the gym, and on my diet, and getting my calories/macros in. I've never been a huge fasting enthusiast, lol. Just by looking at myself in the mirror, i mustve lost about 10lbs. I don't even want to weigh myself right now lol. I'm a naturally pale white guy, so i hate my classic "pale/skinny" look. its just getting in my head. Time to gain my weight back!

    I can however, see the point in fasting though. - Cleanse/refresh/reboot, etc.

    On day 1 1/2- or day 2, i seemed to have a decent spike in testosterone, and that felt awesome. Cock was hanging lower than usual that day. Ill admit i kinda got too horny and whacked myself off twice during that day. Couldnt help myself lol. (I gotta get back on a noFAP rhythm. I went 23 days without a few months ago, thinking it was the be all end all cure. While i DID get some good results for that, i got frustrated at the time because it wasnt the "entire" cure. But it did give me some good results though.) But thats what ive naturally learned recently, that the cure is everything all tied in at once. Not a pharma drug (magic pill), or just doing one part of the program. It's everything in conjunction. Makes sense too.

    After that spike in testosterone, i noticed the detox symptoms around the next day. I had the runs a few times, and felt sick/light headed. But it passed, and my cravings and hunger werent as bad. But my cock was looking like a noodle, for alot of it, (after the spike). And maybe cause i whacked myself off after it. But thats understandable because thats how it usually is for me... when my body is not getting its normal needed nutrients, and im not hitting the gym, its always done that. Less blood flow.

    But i feel good as fuck right now, and im glad its over!!
    Last edited by K8668B; 03-15-2017 at 04:33 AM.

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