Quote Originally Posted by K8668B View Post
Awesome man!

For me personally, and knowing how i am, i literally feel like the herb cycling and dht based prohormones are going to be the two main things that do it for me. Like that gut feeling. Well, those are simply two things ive never done. I say this because ive been athletic my whole life, and have always had a fairly good diet. Minus gluten and few other things. I've always cheated from time to time too. Everything shall work in conjuction though. I mean there are also alot of things ive never done before this, like cold showers, and some other things. By the way, i love the adrenaline rush from the cold showers!!!
The herb rotation is going to take you to another level in regards to hormones.

So will the DHT prohormones.

It's ADDICTING!!! Little by little, cycle after cycle, you will gain more and more benefits and your baseline will increase.

Depending how bad you are, this may take months, or years, but it WILL happen. You WILL be cured. And then, the best part, IMO.....keep DOING IT. You'll go further and further ...more then you thought possible. You will end up feeling absolutely unbelievable.